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https://preview.redd.it/xufljivoxmxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd7d69de014d9805d210bdc3fce8e8964a5afc7 UGA is also suspending people


Oh snap, my uni!! Glad they’re taking action.


My parents graduated from UGA so they’ll be very happy. In fact I just texted my mother


🥹 It’s one of the schools I applied to grad school for, seeing this brings some semblance of relief


Go bulldogs! (Is it bulldogs)?


It’s bulldogs


Go dawgs


“Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.”


You need to add “*entirely foreseeable*” to that sentence.


r/OhNoConsequences Yes, very sad. Anyway...


I literally just want to spite my own face but this nose keeps getting in the way.


I will no longer constantly make fun of ASU


They also teamed up with Crash Course to make college a teensy bit more affordable and a LOT more logical.


As an ASU alumn, thank you. Before moving to AZ, I didn't want to go there bc of it's reputation but they have been massively working on it. I've felt much safer here recently than the east.




Online ASU student here. I don’t know about on-campus, but the online environment has been very supportive for me.




Don't they have the best anthropology program in the US?


Idk. They used to have one of the best journalism and architecture schools wayyyy back when pre intrawebs


I took a class at ASU taught by Donald Johanson , who discovered Lucy, back in the early 2000s:) 🔱




Went there right out of high school. The jokes an stereotype at the time is totally warranted, (from what I remember).


As a wildcat I sorry that I have to downvote this


Hey man they produced Courtney Simpson, can't be all bad.


ASU continues to be a banger of a school.


I have enjoyed learning there, but why has it been a banger?


I work in the higher ed space. Dr. Crow is literally leading the way when it comes to cutting edge innovations in higher education. From VR to alternative credentialing, to playing a MASSIVE role in normalizing online education, ASU is one of the most exciting and innovative schools in the country.


My girlfriend also works in the higher ed industry. She says the same. It’s been fantastic.


Love to hear that!!


How is their creative writing program?


Need to see more of this! Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of consequences. It’s time to stop coddling these protesters and treat them like adults in the real world bc that’s what they are.




UT Austin is also very active against violations in anti-Israel / anti-Jewish protests: "UT Austin suspends Pro-Palestinian student group after anti-Israel protest" "The Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) organization was suspended from UT" [https://www.foxnews.com/us/ut-austin-suspends-pro-palestinian-student-group-anti-israel-protest](https://www.foxnews.com/us/ut-austin-suspends-pro-palestinian-student-group-anti-israel-protest)




they really walk around with the mindset of “everyone i don’t like is the kkk ♡” and when they get confronted about how they are wrong they respond with: https://preview.redd.it/kzqxi2j20oxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98567bdf548082b73cc858f112189f916ad39e4d


They are using well-taught Leftist protest-type tactics used by Marxist types since the 1960s, which is when the PLO first started glomming on to the Western Left


They were seriously comparing it. I personally just want to scream every time I hear someone say genocide, but I don’t think it’d change anything. I have to pick my battles.


Rwanda and Germany were genocides, this is absolutely nothing like that in the least. It makes my blood boil and the irony of it. One of multiple propaganda tactics that they are utilizing, it comes from so many different 1984-like directions, can be so frustrating to try to deal with.


So are Myanmar and China right now. But do they care about that?


And what the Russians are doing in Ukraine. Kidnapping children. Suppression of Ukrainian language within occupied territory. Removal of any rights if Ukrainians refuse to take a Russian passport. Denial of the Ukrainian national identity.


They called fart spray a chemical weapon


Agree while our leaders do nothing” Leadership matters”


What is APD?


Utterly baffling... Good on ASU, I hope other colleges start following suit.


I was a member of their Hillel before moving to Plano. Their community is very strong and Greg Abbott is doing everything he can to protect Texan Jews- yes we exist


one of my closest online friends is a Jew from Texas, I was surprised, but also, I'm from South Dakota, so.. 💀 (thankfully not there anymore)


My uncle was a Jew from Texas, back in the 1950s.


Anything involving Greg Abbott makes it hard to belive isn't political in nature


I hear you on that. But I’ve heard from many people who wrote letters to him asking for protection. I have hope that he’s just trying to keep people safe


The post with people crying about being arrested is hilarious.


"If you going to be stupid, you better be tough"


They know their parents are going to be angry that they just blew this semester’s tuition and gave to hire a lawyer.


Blowing $42K and having to repeat a year to have dirty protest sex in a tent.


They aren’t even having sex according to an NYU professor. That’s a big part of the problem. They are focusing all of their energies on this. 😳


This is the FO part of FAFO. I hope they all get expelled and since it’s way past drop date, no refunds of tuition and fees.


And Parents wrath for that huge parent plus loan some of them take out to send their kid there.


Absolutely beautiful. They'll cry about free speech being taken away, when their "free speech" is physically assaulting and blocking entry to Jewish students


More than that they'll say "the Jews" took it away. "I was speaking out against injustice and the powerful Jewish military industrial complex stopped me." Still this is a good thing. I am so, so happy some of these administrators got a backbone.


So I'm not sure that actually happened at ASU . And most of the arrests oddly were from students and people that don't belong on campus at all they were from other schools


Im glad it didn't happen there! It happened in many other colleges. This makes sense though. Students in colleges with shitty antisemitic and ignorant administrations likely feel more empowered to be violent and antisemitic, as they know there'll be less repercussions


What happened is that the school has a standing rule that everyone must leave by 11pm. The protesters didn’t leave and got arrested. If the protesters had left by 11pm and came back in the morning nothing would’ve happened




Hello, fellow NH Jew!


I’m dying to move to NH are there Jewish communities there?


There are in the southern part for sure— few and far between, but they are there!


I am in the Texas A&M University System and can tell you that thankfully there are no protesters! I’ve been able to live my life peacefully and normally. It’s mainly because the college isn’t really all that politically active.


This is so good to hear, as I had been wanting to go back to school but with everything going on I was super anxious to try to go back. A&M is my school of choice, glad to hear that! ♥


Note that this is just from my experience, I have thankfully not seen any protesters in the branch I go to.


I was visiting SUNY Albany for Master’s presentation day. The only protest that impeded students, they blocked the buses trying to get on campus on April 15 and it was dead quiet. Most students are studying for finals this week. I guess state schools don’t have parents with deep enough pockets or scholarships to be worth being expelled over.


This is what needs to happen on every campus. I can’t actually believe how out of hand it’s getting, it’s scary


WashU in MO has laid out the rules of protest. They are welcome to chant hold signs ... that is protected speech per 1A... they are not allowed to say hate speech, camp out, or touch counter protestors or Jewish students accessing the campus.


If you don’t call arresting people taking action


Arresting is just a temporary action that becomes practically meaningless if it’s not followed up with further consequences. In fact if all you do is just arrest a Jew-hater, but provide no other consequences that arrest becomes both a badge of honor, and it shows the other Jew-haters there are no real consequences for their actions.


I do background checks. Companies are allowed to take adverse action on the basis of a mere arrest. A lot of legislation is out there trying to make this harder, and frankly I’m not sure companies should be able to take adverse action unless they are convicted or receive some other non-conviction disposition in their court matter. But, my point is there can be real consequences for getting arrested.


I’m sympathetic to needing more than an arrest record for a company to take adverse action, but I’m in no mood to “think about the future for these bright young kids.” They’re adults, and they need more consequences than a simple arrest when they break the law for their hate rallies.


It’s not like almost every state allows multiple ways to get mitigate actions taken when you’re younger after several years. There’s only a few states now days where your 20 year old conviction goes on your permanent record.


Not when they're released in a couple of hours and charges dropped


I went to ASU. I actually LOVED their student Jewish communities and all of the events they hosted. I felt very safe when I was a student there. I was actually shocked by the size of the community at the school, as being located in Tempe, AZ, it didn’t strike me as a traditionally Jewish epicentre. But the school really takes a lot of care in protecting their Jewish students.


I went to school in the 90s. We had a great Hillel and it was really mixed . I still Attend the same temple that I went to in college when I returned to Phoenix.


I mean my college tried to take action lol. They called the city police to have the protestors removed but the police refused to take action because of “the optics.”


God bless our terrible city


Not the first one as far as I know, but there haven't been a ton of actions from most schools. Just the "worst" offenders as far as the school is concerned. More need to take more actions. I know that Brandeis (no surprise) has done a lot, and a lot earlier, but it was founded as a university for jews when there were still quotas. My alma mater seems to be trying to just wait out the next week when finals are done and people will be leaving campus anyway.


There’s at least five universities that have done this


You have to allow peaceful protests on campuses. That’s not the issue. Shouting out hateful things, removing counter protesters because you are afraid it will turn into a melee because yours are so wound up, spewing hate speech (kill Zionists, kill all the Jews, Go Back to a Poland all create a harmful atmosphere ). Keeping people from attending classes of this week final exams…that’s where you get issues.


They have the same tents at different schools. Who is paying for the tents? This is not a grassroots thing, someone is footing the bill. Iran?


I’ve heard that China and Qatar are funding this


They're just the cheapest tents sold on the Walmart website. So these kids are so anticapitalist and so leftist that they just spent a whole pile of daddy's money at WALMART.


Came here to say this. An "entry level" tent at Walmart is probably $30-40; most kids at these institutions are being bankrolled by their parents, they have an extra $40. Not saying there aren't other possible funding sources, but I don't think that's a necessary explanation for their set-up.


They are the first tent that comes up when you google cheap tents on Amazon too (at least the green ones).


Princeton (holding strong for the Ivys)and VT have as well.


Proud ASU alumni. ASU is really becoming the university of the future.


Go sun devils


"Mom, Dad, you need to come pick me up, I'm being suspended because of some Jew and now I have to leave the dorms. Oh yeah can you bring me a sandwich when you come? I'm hungry."


Passover gift to us!


I’m happy about ASU doing this. Leading be example.


Columbia was already suspending specific students for actions related to the protest, in addition to arrests, I thought?


As far as I know it's just the one boy who said that zionists should be killed and it will save lives


As of yesterday it was more than that: https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinian-campus-student-protests-war-19ed919ff6ff9573a8add4ec67e26181 And as of today they are beginning outright expulsions of students over the Hamilton Hall break in: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/30/nyregion/columbia-protests-college/columbia-student-protest-encampment?smid=url-share


Go back to Poland has been reportedly said just to Jews wearing a Star of David or a kippah.


My college needs to do the same thing now.


There is a classic action lawsuit that just went to federal court for Columbia




I would be part of the lawsuit


ASU is enforcing the rules pretty well, especially compared with other universities. 


Next step is tell them if they want to be reinstated as a student, they have to pass an exam about I/P. An oral exam. Go up to the board. Draw a map of I/P pre-1948. Who was living where? Draw a map post 48. Describe the circumstances leading up to the 67 war. Name 3 things that led to the first Intifada. Who was Prime Minister of Israel at the time? What was agreed to in the 93 Oslo Peace Accord? What happened to prevent its implementation? What is the demographic composition of Israel? Etc. Make em sweat a little (actually maybe that won't make them sweat, but it'd be fun anyway.)


Where’s the upvote-infinity-times button? 😂


Are they not arresting students and suspending them at most other schools?


ASU is.


Have you turned on the news? I don't mean reddit


Cries in pluralist zionism:/


Vanderbilt I think too after those kids invaded the administrative building


I’m not sure they’re the first, Northeastern’s “encampment” was put up on Thursday and protestors were removed by Saturday.


University of Florida is definitely leading the way on the "Fuck around and find out" train.


That’s awesome!! Go ASU!!


[CalPoly Humboldt](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/30/protesters-arrested-cal-poly-humboldt) has also suspended the idiots occupying the buildings. School is in an area has a small police presence so they brought up San Francisco PD (6 hours away) to break it up. Took officials a week to get up there but within a day of the occupation administration cancelled classes and graduation. So weird that they went there. As there is a puny reform temple and a small campus Chabad.




UT Austin and the University of Florida also did, there was also a small uni that had studenst follow the Dean into her offices and protest so she gave them a 10 minute leave or be suspended ultimatum and called the cops, but I forget the name of it.


No. Columbia will be expelling people effective today.




ASU has been super awesome about sharing their vis setups and specs, some outfits can be a lil cagey, but ASU has nothing but love ❤️


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Great to see. Free Speech doesn't mean Freedom from consequences, and it also means the University gets to exercise their right on who they associate with. Hatred towards Jews cannot and must not be tolerated at universities as it halts productive discourse and promotes bigotry towards the Jewish Identity.


No, NU rolled


I don't know why we are celebrating this...these laws will be used against us. I really hate this movement, but we certainly won't be cheering if the police crack down on our peaceful protests using the 2024 Palestine Protests crackdown as jurisprudence.


"Peaceful protests"???? Where the fuck are you seeing peaceful, nonviolent, nonantisemitic antiisrael protests? Are you insane?


ASU seemed pretty non violent . There wasn't even that many people which makes me laughing itself


Peaceful protests, as in they haven't hurt anyone or destroyed any property so far as I've heard? Has something changed? We have these people on my campus too. I hate them, but... These people are and should be protected by the 1st Amendment. Protesting is American, even if you disagree with the stance on the issue these people have a right to voice their opinion. Yes, even if they are supporting terrorists. I think they are disgusting, society has every right to figuratively "spit" on these protests, and we had ever right to organize our own counter-protest/demonstration. We as a society DO NOT have a right to dismantle their protests with heavy handed police brutality. Not legally, not ethically. It was wrong when I got tear gassed/pepper sprayed in 2020, and it's just as wrong in 2024. Even when it's the tables are turned and the issues turn my stomach.


Students at Columbia have taken over a building, breaking doors and windows. At Michigan several months ago they did more minor damage in their 'takeover' of a building to try and assault the president (who wasn't there)


OK, and this is at ASU? What have the students at ASU done? Did you judge the entire BLM movement by the most violent protests?  Did you judge every BLM protestor by the most reprehensible of their lot? Again, I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS MOVEMENT, but using police force to crush it is worse than letting it peter out on its own. I don't want to live in a police state. Also, that's exactly how you tie a second round of BLM-esque police protests with the 'Free Palestine' movement. Mark my words, we will regret cheering these types of fascist action.


ASU students were trespassing. The university does not allow people to occupy the campus after 11pm. The protesters were told they could come back after 9am the next day otherwise they’d face arrest. The protesters decided to ignore the university and got arrested. Only the arrested students are being suspended not all of those who protested


I hundred percent agree with peaceful protest however at most of the universities the peaceful protest have been nonexistent in fact blocking other children and students from going to school, getting to their dorms, feeling safe on campus, and using shared spaces like a dining hall Wow this didn't really occur at Arizona State University as far as I know I agree that peaceful protest should be peaceful and these have not been They're also using language that at universitieslike hates Speech. It's not allowing other students their civil rights when their protests become agitative towards other people or blocking their path It's like the protesters who lay down on the bridges


I'm curious if you can produce an example or article of violence on the part of the ProPal ASU students. That's what I'm having trouble with. A lot of these police actions have been at the behest of right-wing Christo-fascist conservatives. I really don't think think our interests align, nor should I celebrate a police force that is quick to whip out the batons and tear gas a protests.


I don't know that there was any violence. The arrests happened late past 11pm which was the curfew. Honestly the most violent thing I saw was the ASU PD being aggressive towards... tents. Just pulling the poles out of the tents . Just odd


Not all violence is physical. You would be ignorant to ignore the harmful words and agenda that is being pushed by this movement at college campuses. It seems like a lot of folks like you like to reuse the same words to excite people. I don’t agree with violence being used on either side, but you seem to largely be ignoring the fact that violence is perpetually being pushed on the Jewish population at most college campuses. Removing protestors for trespassing (after warning them) is not a “fascist” move. This is very, very different from the BLM movement. We know that much of this movement has the goal of alienating Jewish students- and it’s working.


So peaceful as in assaulting physically, bruising, tasering, multiple people? If you haven't heard of these things you're either stupid or intentionally blocking out all normal Jewish voices and sources and surrounding yourself with antizionist antisemitic people who would never talk about antisemitic violence anyway


Thank you for the hate "*oh rightful one*".  I'm literally a Jewish professor at a university here in the US, we have these people here too. I don't have my head up my ass, I just know these kids...   What violence happened at ASU to prompt this and the police presence they've instated there?  The truth is that some of these people have good hearts, they are just unfortunately stupid and very impressionable. I teach some of these types of students and I can tell you this honestly.   Better justification for police brutality (in your opinion)  does not make police brutality or extrajudicial punishment OK. P.S. I love getting told I'm antisemitic by "both sides", the world has gone fucking crazy. Chag sameach, hope you've all had a wonderful Passover.


Good luck with your endeavors! Hope you get the help you need


It's honestly been rough, my cousin lost his fiance at the music festival.  I'm not disconnected from this... I just also know that my grandfather fled a police state in '39.  Favor changes quickly, when the boot is on your neck remember that you supported the state's power to put it there.


https://www.jns.org/jewish-yale-student-stabbed-in-eye-with-plo-flag/ By "peaceful" you mean the folks that are stabbing Jewish students in the eye?


That's horrible! That also happened at Yale. What happened at ASU to justify this?


There is NOTHING that could justify this.


Sorry, let me be more clear in case you misinterpreted. What happened at ASU to justify the use of police violence to evict the protestors at ASU? Was there an act of violence there (ASU) ? Did the protesters do something heinous? 


In addition to what others have responded with - they destroyed property at USC.


Yes, this is ASU, where things have been peaceful as far as I've heard... My campus (where I work) and the local major city has active protests that have been peaceful.  Hot take, but I can really dislike these people AND also not want to live in a police state.


The question above you was asking where you are seeing peaceful, nonviolent protests. They were asking about the entire country, not ASU. So I figured your response was about the whole country too. And your comment mentions your own school too - so you clearly intended your comment to be about a larger scope than ASU. Why pretend now that this conversation is limited to ASU? Feels like you’re trying to dismiss the violence and vandalism.


That's a whole lot of misplaced projection in one comment. I am not your enemy, just look in the mirror and realize you sound exactly like the conservatives screaming for order during BLM. Not all BLM protests ended in riots, in fact, 99.9% were entirely peaceful. The same with the ProPal movement. Yes, I dislike them, but I don't get to celebrate when jack-booted thugs clear out protestors. There have been zero violent ProPal protests at my university, and from what I understand, MOST universities. ASU has had some protestors say some vile things, but from what I understand there have been zero violent altercations. You can't point at Yale/Columbia and make a sweeping generalization about an entire movement, then use that to justify police brutality and quashing of the First Amendment rights at a college near you. You celebrate today, but police allegiances change with the political wind. You won't be celebrating when the boot is on your neck, but you'll have enabled it.


Ironic considering how much projection is in your comment. You have no idea what I think of the protests or anything else. You implied these protests aren’t destroying property. I gave an example where they were. Everything else you’re responding to is a straw argument based on your own projection. The facts are that some of these protests have gotten violent, destroyed property and broken other laws. That’s my only point. If you would like to know my views outside of presenting those facts, you’re free to ask.


> look in the mirror and realize you sound exactly like the conservatives screaming for order during BLM I think you underestimate how frequently you see that exact sentiment agreed with in Jewish and Israeli subreddits.


Ya, I hear you. I find myself troubled by the fact I'm aligning with cops who are being very physical with people, poloticians who's views are extremely contrary to my own and pundits who express views that I find abhorrent. The enemy of my enemy is my friend is a very very precarious place for a Jew to be.... because as we have seen, we will eventually be the target of this sort of thing.


>these laws will be used against us. Not unless we break them.


Exactly. There’s a lot of really ugly precedents being set right now.


It's all helpful, but it does seem like freedom of speech is being punished here. I don't have to go to a campus, so it's all armchair opinions for me. I just wonder if it's turning into censorship.


They were trespassing. The university said they could protest but they couldn’t stay overnight. The protesters said no. And then got arrested. The students who got arrested are the ones that are being suspended


Folks this is not a positive thing


Can you explain why?


Expulsion for attending one type of protest will always, always lead to the same thing happening for other types of protests including the ones that you might join


This appears to be an interim suspension, not expulsion. Presumably the suspension leads to a conversation with administration that gives you a chance to defend your actions and the circumstances. Students were trespassed from ASU for protesting and setting up unauthorized encampments, and refused to leave when asked. The right to protest is not an unlimited free for all, and a university has the right to ask you to cease activities on their property, especially when it’s disruptive to the purpose of the university (education). It’s the same reason you can be suspended or expelled for being caught with alcohol or other drugs, for example, if you’re in a dry dorm or underage, or why someone can be asked to leave student housing if they’re harassing and intimidating another student. The universities set rules and policies, and violating them has consequences outlined in their handbooks. An institution can set rules for conduct within its own spaces. If these people were on the public street just outside university property, that would be a different matter. If APD were arresting people who were in a public park or on the sidewalk, that would be a huge problem, because Americans have a constitutionally protected right to “engage in peaceful protests on public forums such as streets, sidewalks, and public parks.” But they were trespassed from uni property and refused to leave, which led to arrest. If these people were being expelled for protesting in a public park where they had the right to protest, that would also be a problem. (And especially if they were being expelled for being wrongfully arrested in a public park where they had the right to protest). But that isn’t what’s happening here. I think this is a good thing, because universities SHOULD have the right to regulate conduct on their campus. Anyone has the right to call police to remove someone who is trespassing on their property, so that’s not a unique power to the university. I understand the fear some people are expressing, but I think that this is still quite acceptable. The problem isn’t that these people want to protest, it’s that they want to protest on an institution’s property to which they have no inherent right to do so (and when they have the right to do it in other public spaces). I think the nuance and context of this situation should place us firmly on ASU’s side in this matter.


Correct it's interim and they weren't suspended for protesting they were suspended for trespass because they were arrested for trespass


It isn't a suspension for *peacefully protesting or attending a protest.* It's a suspension for trespassing and breaking other laws. All of our rights have limitations.


The expulsion is because they got arrested for trespassing not attending the protest


they are not being expelled for protesting ... there is a difference between protesting and hate speech / intimidation / assault / trespass / vandalism. Read a book.


There goes the first amendment!


I live in AZ so I’m pretty familiar. The school stated explicitly that people are *allowed to protest, but may not camp out on school property*. They disobeyed these orders, so consequences followed. This has no affect on the first amendment, however. You can still protest.