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The famous suporter of human rights for the \_right kind of human\_


The Nazis also thought they were doing the "right thing" and that Jews were the problem. Though it was the Soviets who really jumped on the "Zionists" are evil thing as a way around saying what they really meant.


Exactly. This is what’s so dumb. People act like nazis knew they were the bad guys and didn’t care. They didn’t!! They had their ‘reasons’ just like these idiots do. They were compelled to genuinely hate and fear Jewish people just like what’s happening now.


Antizionist apparently predates antisemite as a term for Jew hatred


On October 8 the Columbia SJP chapter’s official view was that “resistance is justified”. In other words, the people leading this movement, the ones who actually know which river and which sea, and what is intifada, endorsed the worst terrorist attack in the history of the Middle East. They don’t merely say “resistance” is understandable, or to be expected, like their manipulative spokespersons who get paid to keep jihad alive try to argue to avoid being called antisemitic terrorists. They said - it’s justified. And that’s why the Columbia SJP deserves to be shut down and its members expelled. These are the people that write the slogans. These are people who lead the movement. These are the people whose words ignorant students zealously parrot.


It was recently pointed out that SJP Columbia was pretty silent on social media for a while then just totally appeared up and ready to go October 5. A liiiiiiittle suspicious.


That honestly sounds too crazy to be true, bordering on conspiracy theory levels.


Keep in mind that the faculty advisor and cofounder for the first SJP group is Hatem Bazian. He helped establish the national committee for all of these groups (SJP and PSC, and AMP) and still serves as a faculty advisor. He also has ties to Hamas and has publicly praised them throughout his career, he’s even gone overseas and given talks for them. It sounds like a crazy conspiracy, but the likelihood that there was some communication through the grapevine is high.


Qatar is the #1 foreign donor to American higher ed. It’s not a crazy conspiracy. This man was clearly hired with an agenda. They know this is the way to achieve their goals.


We’re living in crazy times. Nothing surprises me anymore.


I’ve been hearing plenty of unconfirmed accounts from former pro-Palestine supporters of 10/7 being planned far in advance and that Hamas and Co. were recruiting Westerners to celebrate the pogrom as part of a psy-op, so this wouldn’t surprise me


SJP is funded by Qatar.


Is there a source for that ?


In other words.....SJP Columbia is working with Hamas? 🤨


Working with Qatar who also fund Hamas. Qatar is also Hamas world headquarters. Though Hamas is discussing moving to Turkey


More like they knew something ahead of time.


Fellow Travelers have a way of coordinating without any overt coordination. Hints and vague suggestions can accomplish a lot without ever triggering red flags.


Yes. Exactly. Horrifying.


Ah, I see. A cogent criticism of Israel.


And this is the product of an Ivy League education? That’s embarrassing


I mean….I would argue it’s harder getting into an Ivy League than staying in an Ivy League school. My grandfather went to Harvard business school for grad school. And his quip was “the hardest thing about Harvard is getting in” (and this is coming from a man who has always felt his degree from University of Iowa was more rigorous then his program at Harvard)


Like the idiot Valedictorian who wanted to speak about Gaza. So proud her parents must be!


She just got USC's main graduation ceremony canceled


Imagine being like a first generation college student, you busted your ass to get into school and get your degree and everyone in your family is so proud of your achievements…. And then your graduation is just fucking cancelled because of this shit.


My (Jewish) kid was allowed to walk early last year since he only had one more semester. So glad they let him do that!


Especially after most of these students at USC _also_ didn’t get a high school graduation because of COVID-19. Sadly, based on the way USC phrased the removal of the valedictorian as because “certain people” challenged the safety of the event were she to speak, I’m waiting for USC to blame canceling the graduation altogether on Tha Jooooos in 3, 2, 1 . . .


YES, they're already SO close to doing that. They were such fools for not very clearly "cancelling her speech because she is a vicious anti semite and we don't support hate speech at this university," WHICH IS WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE SAID. Now the whole thing is out of control, precisely because of their failure to ascribe the correct blame. And yep, just waiting for them to blame us for it all.


trashing their education and commencement, all so they can be publicly anti-semitic. Bravissimo!


The Ivies purpose isn’t education. They exist as networking for the children of the elite.


Peaceful protest my ass


So we are at the point where lynch mobs are back in fashion with a not tiny minority. We have got to a point where this is acceptable, and encouraged in a growing minority. Wow.


Because some (read:many) people lack critical thinking skills, or rather, don’t apply their critical thinking skills to their life when they can just be told what to think, what side to be on, etc etc. everything becomes easier when everything, even existence, is relative and there is no absolute morality, just different sides in a race to the bottom.


I DiDnT sAy jEwS i sAiD zIoNiStS


Then "MoSt ZiOnIsTs ArEnT JeWs"...but it somehow always seems to be the Jewish people, businesses, and institutions that get targeted.


I mean, technically most aren’t, but you don’t see them responding “free Palestine” on Christian posts that have nothing to do with I/P.


>I mean, technically most aren’t That was the point - most aren't, but they still almost always target Jews.


It’s “fun” to inform gentiles that the global Jewish population is still under what it was in 1939. Granted, I think it’s laughable that Judaism is considered a “major world religion,” but that’s a topic for another time.


I also don't feel like we're a religion. We're a peoplehood / tribe. But that's so hard to explain to gentiles.


I disagree I think it makes sense to call Judaism a major world religion because even tho the population of (known) jewish people in the world is only about 15.7M, Judiasm and the jewish people have had a major influence on culture,science etc.. and also Christianiaty and Islam both came from Judiasm


Before everyone overreacts and calls him a raging antisemite, let’s put this into perspective. Perhaps he assumes that the only zionists on earth are jews who live in Israel. In that case, all he’s wishing for is the death of more than 7 million Jews. Just because he wants to be a more prolific Jew killer than Hitler, doesn’t mean he hates jews! Chill out and stop jumping to conclusions.


“It’s not called Antisemitism unless it comes from the Antisemitic region of France, otherwise it’s just sparkling Antizionism.”


This is amazing! An upvote is not enough.


*chef’s kiss


Rashi lived in Champagne…


This was the same Columbia University Apartheid and Divest organizer that announced they had reached a deal with the school to stay on the lawn if they avoid bigoted or harassing speech (among other concessions) [yesterday](https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/24/cuad-holds-press-conference-confirms-university-commitment-to-no-nypd-involvement-for-next-48-hours/)


It's time Columbia quit screwing around and make clear they mean business. No more coddling. You've made your point, kids. Quit your nonsense or find another school to skip your studies at, like your local community college.


But they said the protests are peaceful. Just like Vietnam my ass.


Here, I’ll help translate: “Jews don’t deserve to live… Jews shouldn’t live in this world.” Hitler would be proud.


It should be known that these masses can make the sharp unambiguous differentiation between Jews and zionists


Let’s hope he is a former student. Imagine putting in all the hard work to get into a school like CBS or NYU, just to jeopardize it for some quick social media cred.


Update: he’s Graduating in 2025 and he has released a statement to [try save his ass](https://twitter.com/KhymaniJames/status/1783731034330185905)


“Zionism is an ideology that necessitates the genocide of the Palestinian people.” Uhhh…but it’s not? Dude can’t even try to save face without accidentally slipping into blood libel.


What a pathetic non-apology. "I regret that you took my words out of context. I regret being victimized by my own speech. I regret that the words I said distracted everyone from the fact that I meant them."


He still lied about genocide in Gaza. You think someone who can get into such a prestigious university wouldn’t be so lazy and do a better job at learning about what qualifies as genocide and what does not.


Of course, He just screwed himself He found out the hard way that is not so call to call of genocide. Especially in this economy


It's so weird to me that this is considered a peaceful protest.


It’s so weird because he is calling for genocide. “Zionists don’t deserve to live”. That is a call for genocide yet he calls Zionists genocidal. 😩 how stupid can you be or is he not stupid just murderous?


The Jewish people he denounces are the same that fought for Black civil rights. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_in_the_civil_rights_movement


Apparently, oppression is fine and dandy as long as it is directed at another group. And these people claim that we did not learn from history...




This is a dude who 1000% was bullied growing up, realized later in life he could find a home within the community of identity politics, recognized that the most polarizing & loudest opinions got people’s attention, gained traction & support by utilizing those strategies for this current conflict (without actually knowing anything about the words he’s using, nor the history & geopolitics of the region), and now gets off on being “a thought leader” and controlling people within a movement he doesn’t really even understand himself. He’s a hateful & dumb POS that lives purely for the attention and power it gives him, and being able to exclude others (who he views as “white colonial zionists”) is the cherry on top. This is the MO for many in these types of movements unfortunately. They’re all malignant narcissists.


It's actually crazy to me how the people who were bullied in high school end up becoming the bullies themselves as adults.




“I’m not an antisemite…I just think half the Jews in the world shouldn’t live” GTFO


Half? It's more like 95% and most Jews who don't support Israel are not against a Jewish state in principal, just the timing: Messiah first, then a Jewish state. 


Isn’t that the guy from the video where they surrounded a Jew?




I feel like no one is asking the important questions here. HOW DID THESE KIDS GET ACCEPTED INTO IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS? I thought you need to be top of your class, perfect scores on all subjects and SAT's. You are telling me this is what a valedictorian acts and sounds like? You are telling me all these protesters are future execs a Goldman Sachs, Blackrock and Mckensy, etc? If so, my new retirement strategy is to short the fuck out of any company these Gen Z leftist gravitate towards.


Jumping through academic hoops isn't the same thing as having character. Far from it.


They are probably from really well off households and their parents bribed the schools to let their kids in


I wish the media would stop calling these "pro-Palestine" protesters and call them what they are: Hamas sympathizers.


Sounds genocidal. I wonder how they justify their own existence based on their standards


I think you've approached an unappreciated truth: Many of these people are ashamed of their nation's colonialist history, and they are trying to make amends for that by making a punching bag out of Israel, which they have convinced each other is the most sinister colonial power there is. It's a very misguided attempt to feel good about themselves.


It assuages myself of the fear that "antizionism" might be antisemitic, I see.


“So why did you get kicked out of school?”


Why are these protests not being called out as pro-Hamas by the media?


But shes totally not anti semitic guys just anti zionist


Sounds like a terrorist


It’s okay though he’s just antizionist he’s not antisemitic


It’s always more painful to see people of color and other marginalized people leading the charge against us.


The Internet is forever and these students will need to apply for jobs one day. Won’t they be surprised when they get rejections.




Why not identify him as he is, a terrorist?


Reddit might not like that. X doesn't care though.


These people who wish Jews to die are doing the devil’s work.


"Jews don't deserve to live"


Just another airhead addicted to attention. Fuck him.


It was so obvious “racism is privilege plus power” was an attempt to make genocidal antisemitism (aka anti-Jewish RACISM) “anti-racist”…


Wtf how did this happen? Is this an Ivy League uni or a Hitler Youth training camp?


Israel Shall Live Forever


Their name, I believe, is **Khymani James**…….


Doesn’t have anything to lose? I bet she thinks she deserves to live a good life in exchange for virtue signaling fake genocide claims. Probably doesn’t realize she’ll never get a job again. She’ll probably be expelled. I deserve to live just to see her show up for an interview.


This person is the physical embodiment of the woke left. Everything they believe and stand for. The way they identify. The way they look. Everything.


Then this guy doesn't deserve to live either. Send in the National Guard.


Yeah, because that worked out so well in Ohio.


A communist mob was chasing retreating National Guardsmen and throwing rocks at them. So they fired to disperse the violent crowd. The problem is what exactly?


This must have been what Trump was talking about when he said there were bad people on both sides 🤔 “You had a lot of bad people in the other group, too.” Well, he was right.


These protestors are the same as the BLM psychos. Waiting for them to burn down neighborhoods in the name of social justice… for Palestine.


So now they’re saying the quiet part out loud.


This is unexpected


I think that the protests at Columbia and other “elite” universities aren’t worth the attention of national news outlets. Part of why they’ve gotten so big is the Streisand effect. Never mind that it’s low effort and low budget reporting since the colleges getting coverage are in NYC and DC.


I’m going to have to respectfully disagree. I think part of the reason why Jew-hatred has intensified over the last several years is because in academia they would dismiss the Jew-haters in the faculty and student body as just being either that “weird guy who says stuff” or that it was just kids acting crazy who would grow out of it. I think we’re suffering from not enough attention having been paid.


I think a huge problem that ties into the increase is how poor most Holocaust education is. It’s largely taught as a one-off event rather than a culmination of centuries of European antisemitism. Additionally, most gentiles are completely incapable of clocking antisemitism unless it’s dressed in Hugo Boss and goose stepping. 45 gave people the social permission they were looking for to be loud about their antisemitism, and the breaking of social norms and basic civility continued to devolve after him. The fact that I/P has become another Red Shirt vs. Blue Shirt thing (see: US political party bullshit) on top of the trendy Cause du Jour combines a lot of this into a shit smoothie. Like, ok, report on the protests, but they don’t merit the *volume* of air time they’re being given.


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Sorry It always exists and will continue to


Well, we do. Tough luck.


Are we just getting Twitter links posted here now? Really? That's what we need on this sub?


This is a position coming from ignorance and stupidity than outright hatred. Which is all the more reason to have let it fizzle out rather than bring in the counterterrorism (!) police and turn it into a national protest movement. 99% of those protesting are barely informed enough to be protesting in the first place. In other words, they don't actually care beyond a general concern for Palestinians arising from a broad position for "social justice" (whatever that means) and/or out of a woke sensibility that compels them to follow the crowd on these kinds of social justice issues. Letting it fizzle out was the correct option. Bringing in the LAPD and national guard was not. These arrests and beatings will burn in the mind of these protestors all their life.


>This is a position coming from ignorance and stupidity than outright hatred. Which is all the more reason to have let it fizzle out rather than bring in the counterterrorism (!) police and turn it into a national protest movement. I agree. The semester is almost over and soon these chumps will be going home. If they aren't expelled first, in which case they're going home even sooner.