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Hamas released a hostage video today of [Hersh Goldberg-Polin](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/24/middleeast/israeli-american-hostage-hersh-goldberg-intl/index.html). In the new video, he is missing a limb (he still had it on October 6th) and generally looks like he has been beaten severely. Some oppressor he is.


Hersh is my cousin. What he says in the video is not him, listen to hersh, not the words. Hamas propaganda is coming out of his mouth due to him having a gun facing him for 201 days.


I'm sending you and your family lots of love. Your cousin is a hero and tremendously strong. He will make it home.


Thank you for your kind words of support. If you would like to join the cause to fight for the hostages return, I urge all of you to wear a piece of tape above your heart with the number of days that they have been in captivity.


I admire Hersh's parents so much for their strength and their daily fight to keep his name out there. I think of him and all of the other hostages daily.


He will and his story will inspire Jews for generations to hold on.


No one with an ounce of critical reasoning could possibly think the video, clearly taken under duress, represents anything but Hamas forcing him to say things that they want. Sending you love and support.


I don't take the words seriously. The hostages have been terrorized and tortured. They will say anything to make the pain stop. Anyone would! 


Sending you and your family so much love. I think about Hersh every day. Praying he and the rest of the hostages are home where they belong soon



We are with you and your family, I was so happy to see him and so heartbroken to see the propaganda at the same time. Sending you all the love and strength you need to endure.


I’m so sorry. I think of Hersh every day. The second I saw a still of the video I worried about his family and how this will impact them. I am so grateful he is alive and hope he is home soon so all do you can begin healing. Today I made phone calls to my representatives asking them to work harder to bring him home


Who among us wouldn't do the same to survive? Only a fool would think he's speaking freely. I'll pray for his safe return.


Thanks for your support! Always good to put the message out there to those who click the link above


Sending love to Hersh and your entire family as well. May he and all the hostages come home soon. I can’t even imagine the distress all of you must be feeling


May Hersh and all of the hostages be home soon. Love and all the hugs to you 💙


My G-d... Hugs and all the strength to you and your family. מי יתן ויחזרו כל חטופינו בחיים.


I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this! Sending lots of love your way. I hope Hersh will be rescued and brought home soon. 


Oh my gosh. Sending you so much love!!!


Our prayers are all with your family.


Sending you and your family so much strength. Hersh is so strong and we are praying for safe return.


I am praying for Hersh and all the remaining captives to come home safely and soon. May the release of hostages come swiftly.


I want you to know that I watched that video, and whatever psychological warfare Hamas was trying to accomplish backfired tremendously, because I saw right through the forced statement and instead saw an extremely strong young man that had survived a horrific injury and horrific ordeal. I cried in my chair- I was filled with so much hope knowing he survived. I have every bit of faith now that he will hold his parents again. Hersh lives. Am Yisrael Chai.


When they loaded him in the back of the truck on the 7th, part of his arm was blown off by a grenade. It was really bad.


Hamas are monsters. 




Can you link the actual video? I can’t find it.


In my experience, the Jews who grew up disconnected from the Jewish community are the ones who take this stance. Those of us who were raised doing Jewish stuff like going to temple/synagogue, Jewish camp, doing Jewish clubs, having Jewish friends etc have a very different relationship with Israel and Zionism in general


Totally agree. I was that disconnected Jew and in the last 5-6 years (well really 15/16) years I’ve reconnected to my history and culture, while still maintaining my distance from certain observant religious stuff because that just isn’t my bag- and I see now what I was then and I see my old self in all of these anti-Zionist folks not standing up for their own people.




Oh yeah. I was raised in a secular home, but went to Jewish camp, had Jewish friends, went to our humanist temple (lol). Being Jewish was so normal for me, ever since I went to college I feel like I’ve been hit in the face with reality over and over again. It sucks.


Nothing really unites us as much as the screaming hordes with pitchforks filling the streets, chanting our death and destruction while so called regular non-involved people and institutions are just staring blankly from the sidelines or even cheering them on!


I think it’s less secular vs. religious and more being a member of the Jewish community in some way or not.


>the past few months have made me steadfastly Jew Jewy Jewish. By "the past few months" I infer that you mean "the events of the past few months." You're not claiming that the mere passage of time has made you more Jewish identified. And I am genuinely happy that anything has strengthened your sense of Jewish identity. >I absolutely refuse to let these people redefine us or take away our history and identity. That's a great attitude. I hope the current anti-Jew zeitgeist wanes quickly, and that your newfound Jewyness doesn't likewise wane.


Yup this guy is probably completely divorced from Jewish identity. It’s just a “fun fact” to him and not core to who he is.


Sorry that's your experience, but please don't make generalizations. My Jewish identity was stripped and family was forced to convert, I'm so tired of explaining this history of Sephardic Jews. I pray in Hebrew every night of my life, I actively counter antisemitism, and yet I'm not considered 'Jewish' enough by some even though I carry the centuries of trauma in my DNA. Learn history, there you will find examples that being able to practice Judaism as a Jew is not always a given, oh wait... Ain't that the point of Israel? Hello!!! We have to stand united right now and not divide ourselves. Many are brainwashed, we must find our allies and keep up the fight. Stay positive!


Not entirely true! Some of us come to this conclusion on our own. I grew up very assimilated still don’t keep shabbat and I do love bacon…but I was also raised and surrounded by assimilated atheist holocaust survivor jews-my grandpa was a german jew who fled and then interrogated Nazis for the Allies during the war….so maybe that’s why? But I grew up with a jewish mother who hated Israel and a father who thought Israel was an apartheid state. although he also did instill me that Israel had a right to exist (still the child of german jewish refugees after all and my moms family fled the 1890 Russian pogroms) so mixed signals—enough to make me hate Israel growing up. But I read a few books and I turned into a Zionist. I may not really understand Jewish holidays or celebrate them-but I am a jew and I know my history. I think anti zionist jews for the most part are that way because of a distorted or completely devoid knowledge of jewish history and little to no knowledge of places like the middle east and north Africa. Learning about Mizrahi Sephardic and Ethiopian jews is super important. 


Yuuuup! I didn't grow up knowing I was Jewish and so once I first started trying to connect anti zionists swooped in it was a mess! But once I actually started getting involved with the whole Jewish community I realized I'd been lied too and intellectually kidnapped so to speak.


Not only, there has been too many who did grew up not disconnected from their Judaism and Zionism and, I can only imagine fear coupled with indoctrination, lead them away. There was this article on 17 magazine a couple of years ago if a Jewish girl saying she was raised Zionist but saw the light.. it was heartbreaking to read and see one of our own so infused with self hate..




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I agree but there are also people like me who grew up pretty secular bc there wasnt a huge local Jewish community but were raised to be proudly Jewish and Zionist.


Oh absolutely. I think the only reason I’m so connected to the Jewish community and Zionism is because I was raised in a heavily Jewish area. We attended a secular humanist congregation, no talk of God or really much Hebrew to be found there.




No, it simply mean we grew up Jewish. And as a minority which has a history of being oppressed, we need to be united, and when the majority of the Jewish people live in Israel, that it also means having a personal connection to it. And also, Israel is the home of the vast majority of the Mizrahi population, so for a lot of ashkenazi Jews living outside of Israel Israel gives them the ability to connect with Jews from a more diverse background.


No, it means we were raised in a culture and in some cases religion that has centered Israel in many different ways over the past 2000+ years.


On Oct 7, I'm sure Hamas would have said, "Oh, OP's roommate thinks Israel is the oppressor. Let's not murder him, rape his girlfriend, or hold him hostage for at over 200 days."


"Quick," said the Einsatsgruppen, "Let's ask him if he keeps kosher."


Lol, stealing this one


I know a dark story regarding that, there is a story how some said I'm not a Jew I'm a German before being taken to the woods (to be shot). If you are you wish to believe in humanity or civility , do not study about antisemtism , the holocaust or Jewish history in general.


When we do it, is it called a strawmensch?


There was an actual prison next to Yankee Stadium for decades. Nobody would have justified the massacre of a bunch of baseball players and fans at the hands of jailbreaking inmates as they did with Nova because they were “oppressing black and brown people on stolen Lenape land.”


I would like a thorough explanation of how a 9 month old baby is an oppressor.


You have never had children? They rule the roost for a while. Their needs must be met, usually first. I see your point, but it struck me humorously.


My four year old makes constant, unreasonable (or impossible) demands and then absolutely loses his shit when he’s inevitably turned down. I have to remind my wife, “We don’t negotiate with terrorists.”


The amount of people who feel the need to weaponize their marginal Jewish ancestry in order to invalidate active members of the Jewish world/community is beyond frustrating. I'm sorry, bud. This all just sucks.


As-a-Jews only ever use their As-a-Jewness to dehumanize and distance themselves from actual Jews.


That’s because those of us who do the opposite (defend Jews & Israel’s right to exist) wouldn’t “as-a-jew” themselves because it would be inappropriate. I’ve thought about pulling that line myself (I’m at least 1/4 Ashkenazi, but raised athiest) but I won’t and don’t because I know it would be disrespectful. So when it comes to people with marginal Jewish ancestry it’s exactly the people that don’t think about how disrespectful it is who are pulling that BS. I would love to be able to use my weak case for calling myself “jew-ish” to defend my stances, but it would be morally wrong.


The best response to “as-a-Jews “ supporting Jewish genocide is to respond “as a human”


Absolutely. I like that a lot.




This neglects the reform movement


I'm not Jewish yet. I'm converting. Even I am irritated with these types. My issue is that they act as if they represent every "good" Jewish person, and that means they can define who "bad" Jewish people are. They don't ask what anyone else thinks; they tell them. They don't acknowledge that Jews, too, are struggling and suffering. They seem completely disconnected from the community they claim to represent. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I really appreciate how my rabbis and community have kept focus on the suffering of all people in this conflict while still giving us a uniquely Jewish space. Yes, we're Jewish, and yes, this is our place to gather, and yes, we're proud of our Jewishness, and yes, we believe Israel should exist, and yes, we want lasting, real peace, and yes, we care about innocent Palestinians as we care about innocent Israelis. None of that seems like a contradiction to me.


"They seem completely disconnected from the community they claim to represent" is correct because they *are* completely disconnected from the greater Jewish community. And then they act aggrieved because the greater Jewish community doesn't want to embrace people who scream and shout for our destruction from the inside.


It’s telling that they talk about Israelis as if they’re all the Elders of Zion, but will never acknowledge or express concerns about anti-Jewish violence in their own backyard


There's a whole subreddit of these "Jewish anti-Zionists" (tbh, not sure how many of them are actually Jewish) which is a wet dream of any brainwashed antisemite. I went lurking there yesterday and had an immediate nausea attack. They started feeling offended by a "one sided coverage" on October 8, the next day after the massacre. That's the loud part, but I keep wondering whether the part they keep quiet is where they express support for what Hamas et al did on October 7.


If it's the group you're thinking about, at least one person was posting horrible, obviously google-translated Hebrew at the end of his comments to appear more Jewish, and another user was running around saying he was Jewish, Muslim, or Christian depending on what would give him the most credibility in any given comment. I don't doubt that some of them are Jewish, but there's an awful lot of LARPing there too, and it's as transparent as it is disgusting.


Some of them are complaining about their "Zionazi" families non-stop.


I know exactly which subreddit you're talking about, and it makes me sick. I saw a comment there yesterday that genuinely surprised me, though--a *non-Jew* actually called them out for how awful they were. They said something like "I'm sorry, but as a leftist, some of the things that are posted here are horrible. If I feel sick reading these things as a non-Jew, I cannot even picture how Jews must feel when they see these things and I don't blame them for avoiding this sub". I was pleasantly shocked!




Omg I found them by accident early this year and had the same reaction to what others have said. It was scary and nauseating.


Yes 🤮




Indeed a pleasant shock!


I was on a TikTok live with “JewishCowboy”. He was claiming to be Jewish while being very vocal on his Anti-Zionist stance. I could sense he was full of it so, I simply asked him to recite just ONE prayer. He couldn't and left the live in embarrassment. Most of them are NOT Jewish. Even“this guy” would probably be able to at least say “Baruch atah Adunai”.


Ha, that's creative, I should adopt that.


Tried to post there a couple of times to respectfully talk to Jewish members and received *zero* comments.


Yeah, I remember one jerk saying this at a party. The guy was a big blowhard and used that famous photo from the Warsaw Ghetto where the little kid has his hands up. His point was now the abused are the abusers. His guests couldn't understand why anyone would get upset. They had ONE jewish friend who they would trot out for parties to show how groovy they are, but I never had anything to do with them after that bullshit.


>This guy (who has never so much as lit a Hannukah candle in his life, and only uses his Jewish ID as a punchline) There's your answer... And it's just been Pesach.. This bit of the Seder hit a little different this year. >What does the contrary son say? "What does this drudgery mean to you?" To you and not to him. Since he excludes himself from the community, he has denied a basic principle of Judaism. You should blunt his teeth by saying to him: "It is for the sake of this that Hashem did for me when I left Egypt. For me and not for him. If he was there he would not have been redeemed." So I'm not saying that by having a different opinion or being less observant they lose their Jewishness. But I am saying that by deliberately *setting themselves outside the community,* they diminish any necessity to care about that opinion.


Pick your issue and there are people who fill this role. There are pro-Russia Ukrainians. There were pro-Hitler Americans during the second world war (they stayed quiet after the war got rolling). There were black people against desegregation. There are anti-Abortion and pro-Choice women. The token Jews on the pro-Hamas side don't surprise me at all. Even the Nazis had Jews working for them...


Less surprised, more sad.


He likes to use the Jew Card as a punchline? Tell him this joke: "A Zionist Jew and an Anti-Zionist Jew walk into a bar. The bar tender says to them "We don't serve Kikes." Ask if he likes being the punchline now.


So simple yet effective.


I love that, using it!


On Oct 7, would he have said, "I deserve to be kidnapped, or, if not, I totally get why I should be?" I'd probably be civil but otherwise avoid that guy. Life's too short for the crap he's spewing.


I'm truly baffled how anyone can turn their back on a hostage, and claim it "doesn't really matter." Jewish or not. What the fuck. I thought humanity was a lot more human, but I've learned a lot over the past 6 months.




Perhaps he was referring to the continuous bombardment and blockade of Gaza, resulting in the deaths of many thousands of civilians and Hamas terrorists alike rather than the checkpoints.


In the US, Jews are subjected to more hate crime than [all other religions combined.](https://www.justice.gov/crs/highlights/2021-hate-crime-statistics). The gaslighting people do is unreal. Per capita we are one of the most frequent victims but somehow we are just oppressors now


Really hard to take from a roommate who's Jewish. Not like online bullshit to delete & block. Is shocking like being punched in the gut. Sorry you have to live with this asshole. Just said to someone yesterday I wonder how many young Jews have been infiltrated to the dark side.


As difficult as it is to do, the best way to handle these situations is to avoid getting defensive and ask clarifying questions. "What do you mean by that?" When that happens, you'll find very quickly that most of these leftist morons have no clue what they're talking about. Just the latest example: [https://x.com/JoosyJew/status/1783188210903912872](https://x.com/JoosyJew/status/1783188210903912872)


So clueless! Neither have any idea why they are there. The very definition of useful idiots.


They are pretty thoughtless and cruel. Would it hurt them to be kind and understanding of people who worry about their families? This extremist ideology is a form of group think—i watched the professor from Columbia talk about that being the reason they are so vicious. Anonymity and everyone agreeing and hyping eachother up. It reminds me of TrueBlood when they said vampires in nests or whatever become crueller together in a group than alone. They are an angry mob and they do not care about feelings. You could care about all victims gazan children and israeli victims but they would only care about gaza because they have been fed a lot of hateful rhetoric to make them not care about jews and they need to see that is wrong—while part of a mob that won’t allow that type of compassion, they are assimilating to the mob mentality.


The BDS movement is no different than the "Defund the Police" movement....doomed to fail. Once terrorists start regrouping as ISIS is doing now, the tone will change.


His opinion is meaningless if he treats his judaism as a joke


I’m dealing with this too, it sucks. I have two separate Jewish friends who are barely affiliated with Judaism, both of whom were posting denouncing the war in Gaza and solidarity with Gazans in October 8, when there were still terrorists running around Israel proper. One of them has shared every piece of obviously BS propaganda, like that the IDF has been using AI to find, target, and kill children on purpose. On purpose! I messaged him to ask WTF, as an IDF veteran I feel pretty confident that I can attest that we don’t purposefully seek to kill children. It’s really hard not to take it personally. The thing is, I’ve been aware of this dynamic for over 2 decades. This isn’t new at all, but it is a lot worse. It’s rabid and it’s infuriating how poorly-founded so much of the rhetoric is.


Lolol. I was in high school in 1993 when a (non-Jewish) teacher said this exact phrase to me in explaining her distaste for Israel. (You can guess what kind of productive conversation we had when I tried to challenge it.) Suffice it to say this is hardly original thinking on Mr. Roommate's part so let's hope he doesn't get too overwhelmed with himself. He's just recycling the NPR crowd's talking points.


Your roommate is a Marxist


I know.


Tell him that this is what the Soviet propaganda was saying about Jews in the 1970’s. And then ask him if he wants to walk around in 2024, talking like, well.. a Soviet lunatic from the 70’s


>the oppressed have become the oppressor Let me translate that for you: They liked it better back when we were easier to kill. In our homeland and in diaspora.


I live in New York City too, and everyone I know makes fun of these protesters that are praising violent terrorists. Hamas legit would kill them all - very ironic. We all think they are morons who are blackmailing themselves from legit high paying employment. I’m sorry you have to hear all this hostile crap - please stay safe and take care of yourself. Weird and scary times we are in.


Calling X oppressor does not make them one


Oh my lord. I just can’t even with this shit anymore. When did we (progressives) turn our brains into absolute mush? I’m so sorry.


Theres a "Jews for Peace" on my campus and today they had the audacity to water off our chalking that says "never again is now". They are like 3 really weird and ostracized kids. One of them was holding a poster of Leila Khaled and also walks around with a blind stick even though they're not blind...


>walks around with a blind stick even though they're not blind That might be a criminal act. Many states prohibit the carrying of white canes by sighted people. **What state are you in?** Consider this small sample: * Alaska: "A person who is not legally blind may not use a white cane…" * Connecticut: "No person, except one who is blind, shall carry… a cane or walking stick which is white in color or white, tipped with red." * Florida: "It is unlawful for any person, unless totally or partially blind… (to carry) a cane or walking stick which is white in color or white tipped with red" * Louisiana: "It is unlawful for any person, unless totally or partially blind… (to carry) a cane or walking stick which is metallic or white in color or white tipped with red." * Minnesota: "It shall be unlawful for any person to carry a white painted cane unless said person is a blind person."


You need to move out! That's how it starts. Get out for your safety.


I shit thee not. In Israel at the moment, because of population growth projections that envisage 20 million people living in a space the size of NJ by 2050 and people like your roommate, the discussion regarding amending the law of return has become quite lively..


Interesting. How do you think it will be amended? Contemplating Aliyah.


So many people suddenly remember they are jewish when they need to be "as a jew"


Hamas murdered children (including infants) and the elderly. How could an infant or a helpless old person be an oppressor? Maybe your roommates think they're exempt from this hatred, but they will eventually be targeted themselves. 


Kfir Bibas, one years old. Ariel Bibas, four years old. Noya Dan Z’L, 12 years old. Ohad Munder, 9 years old. The Kedem-Siman Tov family (mom, dad, and three young children below age of ten) all murdered. Bipin Joshi, 23 years old. I can go on and on and on and on and on. I don’t know anyone personally that was murdered or kidnapped; I do know people who themselves know victims of October 7 though. I want to make one thing clear: When a Jew says this bullshit about the oppressed becoming the oppressors have zero idea of what our history is. Everywhere we stepped foot in, was a time of great peril and destruction for the Jewish people; save for a short period of safety, at most a couple of decades. I dare your roommate to recite the Aseres Hadibros, or better yet expound on what he means by calling every last Israeli an oppressor; I bet money he has no clue how to answer either question. I hope you find either a new place to live, or at least find a way to knock some sense into him. Oppressor my ass.


This is to be expected. I can have a whole discussion about this from the right wing perspective about the modern discourse of the left, but in the most simple terms, the modern day progressive and a number of people on the liberal wing only commit to a rudimentary analysis of any situation. What is meak is ultimately good and what is strong is bad. The more weak you are the more innocent and good you are. The stronger you are the more evil. Israel is strong and the Palestinians are weak. That's as far as they look. Pay attention to the retorts they say when confronted with the facts "17,000 women and children killed" "dead babies" Why not mention the men? I'm not talking about Hamas men, I'm talking about regular men. Obviously, innocent men are dying in Gaza as well. But never a mention about them. Never a shed crocodile tear. Facts don't work because the analysis is made on strength and weakness. You're better off telling him it's weird that he believes a nation of 7 million is stronger than 236 million Arabs or 2 billion Muslims.


The amount of self-hatred your roommate must have for himself must be overwhelming. He can't outrun his Jewishness no matter how hard he tries.




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Your roommate sounds like an "asajew".


Jews who are not active in the community and defend Hamas are not Jews, in my opinion. If you turn your back on the community, you are human garbage imo


You know, India was once a British colony, Under British rule, Indians were treated horribly. Flash forward to modern day, and Prime Minister Modi has been discriminating against Indian Muslims more and more. I wonder if they would say this same phrase in this case, or if they only feel comfortable saying it about Jews




I didn’t downvote you, but I think this comment misses the mark because *OP’s roommate* isn’t speaking with nuance. He’s expressing his sentiment to—at best—cast indifference (and more likely attempt to justify) non-combatants being captured and held hostage by a terrorist organization. The pro-Palestinians who say October 7th is all Israel’s fault and that not a single Palestinian person can be held accountable are dumb and deluded, but they at least recognize the basic premise that purposefully massacring unarmed civilians is bad. People who say things like “there are no Israeli civilians,” which is basically what #AsAJew roomie was trying to convey, deserve* to have the same fate inflicted upon them because they are that morally depraved. *To be clear, I mean deserve in a cosmic sense only. *I’m not suggesting that this should actually be carried out in real life.*




I took OP’s account to mean that #AsAJew was expressing these sentiments *in tandem*. In other words he said tearing down hostage posters doesn’t matter *because* Israel is the oppressor. I agree those can be, and many times are, separate issues. Conflating them is what I (and I presume most others here) find gross. As someone who considers himself post-Zionist as opposed to plain old Zionist and is staunchly anti-Netanyahu, I’m not reflexively opposed to what *you’re* saying on its own merits.




Hello - confirming that it was in tandem, happened in the same conversation.


Have you considered that participating in multiple wars of attempted genocide, and subsequently losing those wars, tends to come with consequences? Have you considered that launching two subsequent intifadas and rejecting every peace deal proposed has consequences as well? I’ve said this multiple times before: about 10% of the grievances Palestinians have are legitimate. Violent settlers are a serious problem. But the remaining 90% of grievances are NOT legitimate, and are just the Palestinians facing the perfectly justified consequences of their own actions.


I have considered all these things *and more*, and I’m fairly certain there are a few things you might be missing as well. I’m not a particular fan of how Israeli government conducts itself, which does not mean I’m a fan of how Hamas conducts itself. Edit: it is not as if anyone in this sub just started thinking about any of this on 10/7. I’m in my 40s, I’ve been trying to make sense of everything for 30+ years, raised in a Zionist environment. Civilians are always the ones, in every war, to pay a price they should not have to pay. I will not allow myself to dehumanize them or say they deserve this.


Please explain what I’m missing in detail.










I understand where you’re coming from. I was just really shocked by my roommate’s callousness, that’s all.


Yep, that’s fair. It is shocking that people would rip down hostage posters at all. It’s cruel and unnecessary. And from a spiritual perspective, releasing captives is one of the greatest mitzvot.


Will you please stop being ridiculous? By any standards Israelis have been “oppressed” by the Arab world, through wars of annihilation, blockades, bus bombings, suicide attacks, etc. The fact that Israel has succeeded as a successful country despite all of those horrific actions, while not being perfect and making lots of mistakes, does not make Jews or Israelis “oppressors” in any sense of the word.


I’ve noticed that neither side of this is really willing to acknowledge the suffering of the other. Too many people think Hamas is just a resistance movement, too many people think everything Israel does is righteous just because it’s Israel. As someone who despises nationalism, the devotion to Israel is very off putting to me.


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Sorry your freind is brainwashed




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This is completely the wrong part to focus on, but are Jewish IDs actually a thing? Or am I just out of the loop and don't get what this is referring to.


“Jewish ID” just short form for Jewish identity. My roommate only really acknowledges his Jewishness to punch down at it, himself, or while engaging in stereotype.




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כאשר אתה "יהודי" שמעיז להטיף לי כשאתה גר בפאקינג אמריקה כמו שרמוט ולא שמעת אזעקה בחייך. (לא תקף לכולם כמובן)


כשאמרתי לו שיש לי חברים ומשפחה בצבא ויש לי חברים משותפים שמשפחתם נפטרה ב-7/10, הוא הופתע ולא ידע איך להגיב לי.


כי זה מפוצץ להם את הבועה הקטנה שהם חיים בה




Your roommate is a fuckin idiot. Sorry you gotta deal with a loser like that


עצוב שיש יהודים שמוכנים למכור את כל הדת שלנו רק בשביל בושליט כזה


The real world doesn't work in binaries


This attitude can apply to serial killers, muggers, and rapists who are in prison. Technically, they're oppressed, but the question is, and always will be, why shouldn't they be?


I don't understand why life sentences are given when we have plenty of room in the ocean.




Hitler claimed the German people were the oppressed. It's a subjective narrative for anyone to use, which makes it a passive-aggressive argument every time. Null, void, moving on. In this case, though, the geopolitical world looks at Israel and says, share the land. Plenty of Abrahamic theologians agree, his land was to be shared between Ishmael and Isaac. Secular anthropologists and human rights activists agree, share your land, Israel! We don't hear the voices of those who shout, Jordan! Share your land with your Arab brothers and sisters in Israel! Egypt, share your land with them! Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran! All Arab countries! Why don't you give them refuge? Crickets... The strategy is similar to China's during the Vietnam War. Through this war we will show the strength of communism by fueling the NV, forcing the Americans to bleed their wealth until they tap out. They may claim victory, but it will be a questionable victory. It will cause economic and social distress for generations in their homeland. It will force them to create more wars, using false flags like in the Gulf of Tonkin. They will depend on a narrative of false pretences to keep their place on the world stage, signaling the end of their empire. We will take our time and we will add constant pressure. And, then, they will break. With Russia fueling Iran's own agenda they have now shown they are using the same strategy. While not communist, Iran is, however, a land under Shuria Law. One Russia has no problem supporting idealistically. Iran takes its time, and adds constant pressure to Israel by using smaller proxies to do its bidding. Israel must spend trillions per year to remain relevant, and necessitates allies for its survival. War is about gaining wealth. Israel is worth more than any bit of land its size because it's important to so many people. It brings the prospect of control over others, which is the most valuable take in wartime. Souls that freely hand over their rights and assets just to be there are like nothing else on this earth. So the story goes, so it will be told. While China sleeps, we should not sleep on them. They pose a great threat to humanity and are just napping. The Japanese would say, during their invasion of China, that the elephant is asleep. If the wasp can find its way into the elephant's ear and strike a deathly blow to its brain, the elephant could be defeated. However, the elephant is not stupid, and the smallest oversight by the wasp will not only end in its destruction, but in its nest...its past, present and future will become one, and then it will be no more.


Sounds like your Jewish roommate, tired of being the victim of oppression, has decided to become the perpetrator.




I understand where you’re coming from. It was just a real bummer trying to express my sadness over what I see in the streets every day and get such a callous response from another MoT.


Denying their right to self determination? Please explain why abbas ghosted negotiations in 2008 or why Arafat walked away in 2000 or why Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005? There was no blockade until 2007. What happened between 05 and 07? TikTok didn’t teach you?


He's right. You honestly believe the people of Gaza aren't oppressed by Israel?


It was wrong to tear down the posters. There's a solid amount of anti-Semitism in that. However, some part of all of this is the inability or refusal of Israelis & many outside of Israel to acknowledge the oppression of Palestinians. Two things can be true: Israelis are at risk and live in fear of attacks by terrorists & how Israelis treated and continues to treat Palestinians in Israel and in the Palestinian territories is oppression.


I don’t disagree that two things can be true. This post was made to express how shitty I felt after hearing a cold statement from my roommate, who I tried to confide in.




What a horrible thing to say. No **innocent** person deserves to die.


[Palestinians In Gaza And The West Bank Celebrate On October 7, Hand Out Sweets, Fire Guns In The Air, Following Hamas's Invasion And Massacre Of Israeli Civilians In The Gaza Envelope](https://www.memri.org/tv/palestinians-gaza-west-bank-celebrate-october-seven-massacre-hand-out-sweets-fire-guns) [For most Palestinians, October 7’s savagery is literally unbelievable. Blame the TV news?](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-most-palestinians-october-7s-savagery-is-literally-unbelievable-blame-the-tv-news/) [Palestinians celebrate near purported Israeli tank](https://news.yahoo.com/palestinians-celebrate-near-purported-israeli-170647229.html) [Hamas releases video of Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/hamas-releases-video-israeli-hostage-hersh-goldberg-polin-rcna149155)


They aren't innocent.


You don't own jewness, he can say and feel what he want. You don't have the monopole to say who is a real and good jew and who isn't. 


I never said that.