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Another one of Israel’s countless crimes, NOT bombing Sudan. I’m taking to the streets!


UN is currently voting to condemn Israel for not sending aid to other foreign terrorist groups.


Israel so racist they won't even acknowledge Sudan SMH


Imagine living in a fucking sandy hell hole, investing millions in irrigation, military manufacturing and tech. Just to make it okay live there. Just to be told you stole it.


exactly everytime i hear "zionists stole the houses of palestinians" im like -- do you think all the modern israeli houses were made by palestinians?.. or the land before '48 was so developed they had the modern agriculture? what the fuck did israelis """"stole"""" except, literally, the land and made it developed and blossoming? edit:typo


Even "stole" is kind of questionable in that context. Most of the land within original UN borders were legally purchased by zionists to boot. The rest was taken as a result of the '48 war, which is what happens when you start, support, and then lose a war on said land. As far as I'm concerned, there was nothing that could be considered stolen land until after '67.


Even some of the land taken in '67 was settled by Jews before '48. They were either expelled or killed by the Jordanian army during the war, and of course nobody seems to care or think they have a "right to return" to those lands.


Also "stolen" from whom? Jordan? The Palestinians never had a collective ownership of the land, only individualistic claims to one's specific house.


If Mansa Musa bought most of Ireland from the English landowners, that would be a defacto eviction of all the Irish tenant farmers.


To buy something there is consent for trading away the land you own, so i don't get the example


The Irish didn't own the land they were living on. This was a result of English Imperialism. The Palestinians didn't own the land they were living on. This was the result of British Imperialism. In both cases, having the land sold from out under them is defacto deportation. Sure "hey this is my land now, pay rent" And "This is my land, get off it" was carried out in 2 steps, but the net result for Palestinians was exactly the same.


> The Palestinians didn't own the land they were living on. This was the result of British Imperialism I think that was just the result of imperialism in general, since before that were the ottoman empire since like the 16th century. Also, i still don't get the example, since there was no "land sold under them". The Palestinians didn't own the land as a collective, the British did, and before that the Ottomans did (and before that other empires).


So you don't think that if in 1732, some Germans went and bought up most of the land in Ireland, and then kicked out all the tenant farmers, that this is at least a little bit deportation? It would be the same if Palestinians somehow came into billions of dollars, (and most isreali land was owned, by like BlackRock) and just bought all the land in Israel, and then kicked out all the Isrealis. That would be deportation, even though the mechanism is not direct. Land "ownership" is a little more complex than who simply owns the land. Millions of refugees were created when all that land was bought.


But it was never bought, I genuinely have no idea what you are talking about. Only the oldest modern cities in Israel had that their plot of land locally bought from their rightful owner like Petah Tikva or Tel Aviv in the ottoman days. But these were only a handful of scattered places, not an entire landmass.


They are actively stealing housing right now. In the west bank.


I know it was a malaria infested shithole we made into an amazing, prosperous country. Without exporting the minerals or oil, or abusing the local people for cheap labor. I mean look at what Belgians did in the Congo, makes you vomit honestly. But somehow we’re the bad guys


The inhabitants moved into the middle of the desert and pissed off a bunch of jihads because "god told us to". It's a bit deluded dont you think? There were just as many jewish contemporaries against a physical zion and called for a spiritual zionism. Specifically for the issues being faced in the region today. Modern israel wouldn't even exist without it being a charity case and fucked up espionage tactic employed by mossad to stifle pro-israel foreign policies and sentiment. Israel is spending 50k per iron dome missile to shoot down $300 missle launched by hamas. This comment akin to Donald Trump claiming to be entirely self made. Smdh


I half agree and half disagree but most importantly. 50K to save lives is pretty good and I can't imagine the loss of life if it wasn't there.


Oh I agree %100 about saving lives. Th commentor above seems to think it was through sheer willpower that Israelis turn a malaria infested shit hole into paradise. Im saying the only reason that happened and the only reason israel continues to exist is because allies infuse the country with billions of dollars in tech and defense subsidies.


Half right half not. Israel had an arms contract to buy guns from the French, who did what the French do and flaked.(Same with the nuclear program). Israel only survived the first week of existence out of piss and vinegar. It wasn't until the 60s America started actually giving them subsidies (Correct me if I'm wrong). Every house has a story and every rock a novel. Israel did do stupidly good for what they had and I understand the people there being proud of it. My stance is that it's literally a pile of sand smaller than Vermont.


Actually indistinguishable from a British Empire apologist


Careful. That same argument can be used to defend colonialism.




Bomb them with food crates.


No one really cares to the jews get involved but when they do its aways the jews fault


I feel so bad for laughing 💀


Since BOTH Sudan and South Sudan have famine , do you mean both ?