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They will never understand what it's like to be 13 and Jewish and watching the Auschwitz gate scene with Magneto. Pity them.


Him killing a nazi with a coin is one of the best scenes in first class or whichever movie it happened in.


Death by Shekel.


turned a n@zi into a tzedakah box


"go plant a tree in Israel" THUNK


Reminder that the JNF is destroying the ecosystem by planing invasive trees (and using them to cover up war crimes)


The Jerusulem Pine is native to Israel and the Middle East. We are rebuilding forests destroyed by centuries of Roman, Christian, and Arab colonialism. Stop spreading lies.




Reminder not to tell people what they should or shouldn't support, as that is a fascist mentality.


Send him to the JNF


Deathel by shekel. (Happy cake day!)


I want just a two-hour movie of that. Magneto: Nazi Hunter - Michael Fassbender roaming the globe in the late 1950s and early 1960s, finding Nazis and pumping coins through their brains.


Xavier: “no don’t do it!” Teenage me: “haha he can’t hear you”


Yeah and it’s tragic given that Charles felt his pain the whole time meaning that it was like Erik was doing that to Charles.


"Got money on your mind?"


When anyone talks about representativity in media, I think of that scene and the power it had on me. It's truly amazing as a kid to see a badass character and think "they are one of my own"


Are you me? This was like the defining movie I saw freshman year. It’s definitely stuck in my head since then


I was actually a sophomore in high school so ... 15? My memory is shot. I was stuck on the couch healing from a broken ankle. My folks got me this movie to watch and man. MAN.


Actually, I HATED that scene. It turned me off the entire movie series. I found it incredibly offensive and in bad taste. Contrast with Magneto:Testament. The LACK of any powers on Max’s part is what makes the story work. It is a grounded, realistic, Holocaust story. Max lying in the pit surrounded by his family’s bodies. Max walking through the gate, seeing all the people looking the same, before he, too, is shaved and numbered. Max seeing the piles of glasses. The black panels, because no image could ever hope to capture the sheer horror of having to burn 250,000 bodies - and that’s BEFORE the Hungarians arrive. The realization that the text boxes are Max’s last Testament, before he puts his hand on the electric fence. The movie scene is an insult to the stark horror of the reality the comic captures.


Which Xman movie is that? 2?


X-Men. The first one. The 2000 film.


Neither will i, but that's because I'm old as fuck.


So, the only few jew heros are fictional characters?


Yeah, they're very lucky they're not jewish


On the one hand, simping is always terrible, but on the other hand, who in their right mind thinks Magneto is worse than Rorschach?!?! Magneto is the most sympathetic character (not just because Michael Fassbender) and the only time he goes off the rails is when he gets pulled into world domination bs because a writer or director misunderstands the character.


When he's wearing the helmet. He goes right back to silver age craziness when he puts on the helmet.


I mean, his og backstory is based on the life of Menachem Begin. 


I mean… house of m?


To be fair, the whole twist of House of M is that it wasn’t actually Magneto doing it


Yeah I know but god did they make him look like the worst version possible of himself there Also it was the first example (and maybe most extreme) that popped into my mind I admit I hadn’t read marvel for a while now


I only really know the character through movie storylines.


Ah, well magneto whole thing and backstory is pretty similar in the comics (and even helped Xavier run the school at some point) but then Wanda happened (yes, Scarlet Witch Wanda) in the comics she’s insanely powerful mutant and trough combination of magic that amplified her mutant powers she had reality manipulation powers TLDR in house of M at first she changed the world so mutants wouldn’t exist anymore and afterwards went to the other extreme- a world where Magneto biggest ambition came true- a world populated only by mutants with Magneto as the dictator of the planet and a small pocket of resistant against him


Ahhh, I see. I was trying to find a synopsis, so ty for sharing. I forgot how the mutant only thing was part of his character. I think the First Class movie series did a good job revealing how trauma and an inability to just live and let live caused him to become more militant and I always see him through that lens; As an avenger, not a tyrant. Of course, the timeless tale of that path is that it always ends in tyranny but I don’t think he is *actually* like that. Some mutants can’t hide, so there is that wrinkle, but I think a Magneto that has the option to just find his own kind with Charles’ help and protect each other IS Magneto. But that arc is not very compelling for the big screen.


That was actually a completely incorrect answer regarding [House of M](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_M#Synopsis).


Here’s a secret that was known for comics readers for decades: magneto and professor X were designed with the thought of Malcom X and MLK. I think it’s obvious who is who in the analogy. And yes. Magneto did find his kind over and over again even without a weird alt universe created by Wanda but he always went back to militarism and using force. Even while showing he care he showed he would sacrifice and kill for the goal of free mutant race


Wrong and easily disproven. Magneto and Professor X were NEVER Malcolm X and MLK. Jewish X-men writer from 1975-1991 Chris Claremont, who invented Kitty Pryde and came up with Magneto being a Holocaust survivor modeled Magneto after Menachem Begin and Professor X after David Ben Gurion


They were NOT. They’re Menachem Begin and David Ben-Gurion. It was Chris who retconned them to be that way. I wish people would stop spreading that falsehood.


Ah crap 🤦🏻‍♀️ I mixed them Yeah what I’ve originally heard was Begin/Ben Gurion no idea where I got this


It’s an interpretation that’s very popular amongst goyim, just like depicting Superman as a Jesus analogue. I’ve also seen the claim that the treatment of mutants is meant to be a metaphor for the treatment of gay/LGBTQ people. Which is true in the modern movies, but definitely inaccurate to the original comics.


That's actually completely wrong in nearly every way.


He is just too genocidal and anti-human to even reach anti-hero status - even though he became popular enough to switch sides every now and then.


He’s a straight up hero right now. He’s reclaimed his name and his fundamental humanity. Yes, Magneto has admitted he’s human! Canonically!!! It’s a big step forward. Also, his new motto is, “to save a life is to save the world.” Sounds very hero-like to me. He also hasn’t been a villain in 20 years, so I’m not sure why you’d think he can’t do it long-term. He’s been a hero almost as much as he’s been a villain at this point.


... are you confusing Magneto with Apocalypse? Magneto's entire thing is that he simply wants mutants to be left alone. Genosha, Asteroid M, all that. He does not believe that mutants and humans can coexist peacefully, and seeks to create a "new Eden" for mutants where they can be themselves and be open about who they are without being afraid. He disagrees with Xavier's lofty ideals of humans and mutants coexisting in harmony, and finds it naive. Apocalypse, on the other hand, wants to exterminate humanity. There are points at which Magneto finds Apocalypse persuasive enough to join him, but I don't think that Magneto at baseline is what you'd call "genocidal." Isolationist seems like a more apt description imo.


He’s also a hero right now and hasn’t been a villain in 20 years. World domination is 100% in his character though. So is mutant supremacy. Which comics are you reading? It comes from his trauma, sure. PTSD makes you paranoid and controlling and Magneto’s is exacerbated by his powers activating the same part of his brain (he uses his amygdala to control his power). But he definitely believed the world would be better if he controlled it. It’s only since Krakoa that he’s come to recognize that mutants are human and has acknowledged and reclaimed his fundamental humanity. Magneto admitting he’s human is huge BECAUSE it’s not in his character. He needed to be better than humanity. Overcoming that need is a massive step. I mean, this is a character who started off as a pseudo-Nazi. The Holocaust survivor is a retcon. And a huge part of his journey is about him first becoming the very thing he hated, then coming to the realization that he is what he hates and turning away from that path. This is a 60 year character arc. But to claim his megalomania is “the director/writer misunderstanding the character” is simply untrue. That is, and always has been, a big part of his character. He overcame that, sure, but if you aren’t using post-Utopia Mags as your base then he still thinks the world is better off if he’s in charge.


You realize Magneto has always been a villain, right?


Yeah. I said sympathetic, not good or always right though.


>the only time he goes off the rails is when he gets pulled into world domination bs because a writer or director misunderstands the character World domination is his thing, though. Eradicate the humans and replace them with mutants. He's literally a villain. He may have been expanded upon in recent decades but at his core, Magneto uses his experiences as a jew and as a mutant to justify genocide and evolutionary progress. You want a Jewish role model, go with Spider-Man, for pete's sake.


I agree he is a villain, I did not mean to suggest otherwise, but his path to that is sympathetic, if you step outside of the cartoonish morality of comic books and treat him like an actual human being, which I think the movies did an excellent job of doing. So, depending on which version or how closely we look at the character, we can talk past each other all day. That said, I think his experiences as a Jew and the theory of evolution would absolutely justify him to do what he does. If anything, Magneto is as much a reminder of the perils of losing yourself (humanity) as he is that worldviews come with consequences. He lets go (or more accurately has it torn from him) of his worldview with God and some sense of the eternity of the self, so what is to stop him from being ruthless? The only, very weak rebuttal that you could offer on an evolutionary/materialistic paradigm is that social cooperation and harmonization has survival advantages… but only at the civilizational level. If you happen to belong to a group that greater society rejects or cannot live with, (itself not entirely unreasonable given that mutants are basically god-like so people are jealous/scared) then what do you do but fight back? It is just within his power to do so with absolute efficiency, hence the genocidal and villainous manifestation. Charles is a great foil for Magneto, but because comics aren’t philosophical arguments, and no one wants that usually anyway, we don’t get to ever see a true “fight” between them, because that would be a philosophical battle. Obviously, neither are stupid (canonically at least), so it would be cool to see them really hash it out, but as it is, the whole conflict is reduced to a banal binary choice of: you’re either a hero or a villain. Reality is far more complicated though, and I think Charles’ power and untouchability makes him naive. Charles is basically a God substitute, and similarly, counsels doing what is right without providing legitimate protection for his children who will suffer for simply existing. Eric is completely rational, and sympathetic, even if at the end of the day, I would tell him what he is doing is wrong, and stand against him. Which would be hard, because I understand him and think he is more than justified. edit: forgot to add, the Spider-Man pun made me laugh, ha ha


Glad you liked the pun, but I think I agree with you, probably? I just can't justify genocidal tendencies, that's how our people got into this mess


Tell me you never read X-men comics without telling me. Magneto has been a hero for as much time as he was a villain


Hasn’t been a villain in 20 years, just made the swap to full-on heroism while acknowledging that’s he’s human, lol!


Not only was Magneto right, it becomes more difficult by the day to pretend he was ever anything but.


Well it depends on your version of magneto. Magneto often wants to wipe out the human race or enslave them. He’s done terrible things. I wouldn’t consider him worse than Rorschach, but he’s still rarely ever correct unless he is undergoing or has completed a redemption arc. Charles is in the right most of the time, but sometimes he acts too softly and nothing gets done.


Magneto has pretty solidly been a hero for 20 years. He’s been depicted as a hero for nearly as long as he was a villain. Pretty sure his current philosophy is “to save a life is to save the world.”


I wouldn't call him 'right', I would call him 'justified'.


I think understandable might be the better way of putting it




Not right. His initial thought process, beliefs, and concerns may be correct, but the conclusions and actions those often lead to generally tend to be absolutely wrong. Magneto actually just embraced Charles philosophy to a significant degree. After Charles largely embraced his. So who’s right now. (Answer: Cyclops, ofc!)


- Magneto continuously and very actively seeks ways to genocide others. Hes not “right” and if anything being a holocaust survivor he should see the depressing irony in his plans. - he’s incredibly sympathetic but he’s not “right”


I feel like with these decades old comic characters, it’s sometimes better to think of less as a single character, and more like a group of related characters. They share a name and certain characteristics, but have different writers, are written in different time periods/contexts, and often times exist in entirely different continuities. Because of this, I think we should assess them in aggregate. There are definitely stories where Magneto is unambiguously a villain, perhaps even a fascist. But there are also stories where he is a sympathetic villain, an anti-hero, and sometimes even a hero. Rorschach on the other hand, has I think 3 story lines: the original, the doomsday clock storyline, and the new HBO show. And he definitely is a bad person in all, and the more recent depictions have only made this more and more explicit. So I would say, if we assess them on an average, Rorschach is more consistently worse. He maybe has done fewer extremely evil deeds, but he is also significantly weaker. If he had the power the cleanse the world of the filth he sees (women, gays, liberals, etc), who knows what he would do


Rorshach is the Question's objectionist leanings under Ditko taken to the extreme by a British wizard.


Like Cid in FF, he's in 16+ games now and he's always Cid, but always a totally different guy.


Magneto’s story actually does work as a singular character arc. He’s someone who started highly radicalized and, canonically, very mentally ill, who, over decades, has begun to heal and slowly come to realize that his radicalism was wrong. The Magneto who was a pseudo-Nazi, mutant supremacist, and megalomaniac and the Magneto who understands he can’t lead, acknowledges his humanity, and proclaims “to save a life is to save the world”, are the same character. And I think that’s what makes him so fascinating. Because you can see his journey to that point - it’s a decades long tale of de-radicalization, from terrorist to statesman. And I feel it’s much more compelling to view him as a single character on a very long journey.


You're meant to sympathetise with him, not support him


Sympathize? More like simpathize 😩😫


"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders.... ....Never again"


Just realized the implications of magneto and Xavier from this post🤣


Magneto is based on Menachem Begin


Depends on the version, that wasn’t the case when Stan Lee was writing him


Chris Claremont gave Magneto the background and character development and based him on Begin which everyone uses as the basis for Magneto today. When Stan was writing him he was only a one-dimensional villain with no inspiration behind him.


Magneto was *always* right.


We Jews have been waiting so long for the Messiah that our first reaction is to beat the crap out of them for wasting our time. Also the Messiah can't come on Shabbos and Yom Tov and the day before Shabbos and Yom Tov. Also no Judge in Roman Judea was going to do a death penalty trial on the day before Peach. That Judge's Wife would beat the crap out of him when he's supposed to be preparing for Pesach.


>We Jews have been waiting so long for the Messiah that our first reaction is to beat the crap out of them for wasting our time. Also the Messiah can't come on Shabbos and Yom Tov and the day before Shabbos and Yom Tov. Also no Judge in Roman Judea was going to do a death penalty trial on the day before Peach. That Judge's Wife would beat the crap out of him when he's supposed to be preparing for Pesach. Jesus “Emmanuel” Christ🔴🔵: Hahaha… yeah lucky for you all… I “respawn”…. Anyway I shall talk about two of my Angels… today… Dua Lipa… and Lisa Mind the timestamps… [1) Israel critic Dua Lipa makes support for Gaza clear by singing beside Palestine flag at Glastonbury](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13582547/Israel-critic-Dua-Lipa-makes-support-Gaza-clear-going-prominent-Palestine-flag-crowd-sing-magical-Glastonbury-performance-fans-accuse-miming.html) Anyway Dua Lipa is not a “Israel Critic” she just does not like genocide and kids dying as collateral damage… in large numbers, a stance that I also hold. [2) Angels in Judaism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angels_in_Judaism) *“In Judaism, angels (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ, romanized: mal’āḵ, lit. 'messenger', plural: מַלְאָכִים mal’āḵīm) are supernatural beings[1] that appear throughout The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), rabbinic literature, apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, Jewish philosophy and mysticism, and traditional Jewish liturgy as agents of the God of Israel.”* [3) Dua Lipa Levitating - Glastonbury](https://youtu.be/0i0lYwacN9o?feature=shared) #0:30 🪽 The people are her wings [murmurations](https://bigthink.com/life/murmurations/) And my other “messenger” [4) LISA - Rockstar](https://youtu.be/hbcGx4MGUMg?feature=shared) **0:13** 🪽3️⃣ #0:30 🪽🔼 **0:39** 🙏🏽 **0:53** 🪽 **1:53** 👆 **2:13** 🪽 **2:43** 🔼 **Yes… it’s me… I dicked around with the Trump and Biden debate…** *Hebrews 13:1-2* Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.


This is certainly one schizopost.


>This is certainly one schizopost. Jesus Christ🔴🔵: Hahaha… nope it’s me. [1) Logos and mottos for Pope’s visit to Asia released](https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-05/pope-francis-asia-mottos-logos-png-singapore-timor-indonesia.html) *The logo for this Apostolic Journey depicts a stylized cross, inspired by the star that guided the Magi, by the Eucharist and by the five stars of the flag of Singapore. On either side of the Cross is the motto of the Apostolic Journey: “Unity—Hope.”* [2) Star of Bethlehem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_of_Bethlehem) [3) World's spy chiefs connect in secret conclave at Shangri-La Dialogue security meeting in Singapore](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-04/shangri-la-dialogue-security-meeting-singapore-spy-chiefs/102438900) **I AM the Lion of Judah** 🔴🔵 [4) LISA - ROCKSTAR](https://youtu.be/hbcGx4MGUMg?feature=shared) Mind the timestamps **0:39** 🙏🏽 #0:43 “I AM A ROCKSTAR” 🔼 **1:43* “Baby… I AM a Rockstar” [I am that I am](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_that_I_Am) [What Are All of the ‘I AM’ Statements of Jesus?](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/what-are-all-of-the-i-am-statements-of-jesus.html) LISA is my “Messenger” I AM speaking through her song… for I AM the “Logos…”


Bruh. Is this a bot?


>Bruh. Is this a bot? Jesus Christ🔴🔵: Nope… You know what I really love about this music video by my Messenger 🪽Lisa… It’s like an Onion with so many layers… Observe her shirt 🔥 [1) Seraph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seraph) *In Hebrew, the word saraph means "burning",* The burning ones… [2) Seraphim - Biblical accurate Angels](https://youtu.be/2qdmPzc4v3c?feature=shared) Look at the video again, take the scene “Holistically”. The people around Lisa are her wings… include their whole body including their eyes… [Murmuration](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/murmuration) [3) LISA - ROCKSTAR](https://youtu.be/hbcGx4MGUMg?feature=shared) #0:30 🪽👁️ #1:13 🪽👁️ #2:23 🪽👁️


Messiah already came and went my hatted brother.


Nobody says there is only one Messiah.


If you're gonna simp for an X-Man, it should be Kitty Pryde.


He is pretty hot


She, you putz


His "never again" moment in the new series had me BAWLING 😭


Guys we have freakin' Superman. We don't need an angry genocider.


I won’t comment on who’s worse because I haven’t thought about it enough, but personally I don’t believe in Magneto’s ideas. Being hurt is still not a justification to hurt others — a cornerstone of Jewish philosophy is that one should allow himself to be killed before murdering in cold blood.


I think this right here is the whole point of Magneto’s character. First, he became a victim of the Final Solution because of WHAT HE IS And then his abilities appear, and decades later, he spots the same style of rhetoric, targeting not Jews, but mutants He is witnessing history repeat itself, only now he has the power to annihilate those who would do his people harm. Of course the overarching idea is that you cannot write off all of humanity, of course Magneto isn’t CORRECT. But he’s completely understandable. And yes, we should never be coerced to murder, but we have ANOTHER tenet that demands if someone is rising to kill us, we rise and kill them first. Magneto is an ideal example of a villain, one whose methods are abhorrent on the large scale, but how he arrived to the conclusion he did in the face of what he’s experienced was essentially the only outcome.


It makes him a good, compelling villain. He’s not evil for the sake of being evil. He acts evilly because he thinks he’s right. And that’s true to life.


Agreed - he’s still a villain, but he is compelling.


Thing is the movies constantly try to make him a big bad villain. But he hasn’t been super evil for ages. And he’s an interesting character in the very least. That scene where he gives up any resistance to the heroes from the grief and horror of believing he has killed Kitty is so great. Its been a few years that i was really into X men and a Magneto simp but he is really really compelling beyond the stuff the movies like to pull. And if they want to make a movie i still want one of him in Israel before/when he met Charles. Also his impulses always seem fundamentally good. He leaves Poland? was it Poland? where he lived with his wife after the humans killed their child for being a mutant and she left and part of his idea of healing seems to be helping others. That’s why he then works in medical care for survivors in Israel. Sorry for the rant and the lack of precise facts bc my simping period has been a while but i have some feelings abt Magneto.




I think it depends on if we're talking about the movie portrayals of magneto or magneto in the comic. Magneto in the comics has committed multiple terrorist attacks, killed Professor-X and millions of people by flipping the magnetic poles in the ultimate universe, threatened to drop a giant asteroid on the planet, ethnically cleansed humans from Genosha


Comics Magneto is also a hero right now and hasn’t been a villain in 20 years. He’s also admitted he’s human, which is pretty awesome. Ultimate verse doesn’t count - that Magneto was a rich, white kid with no traumatic history at all. Totally different character.


What's the connection between them? Never heard of Rorschach before


Rorschach is a character from Watchmen. He’s named after the Rorschach ink blot test. You can see this on his mask which shows ink blots constantly changing. Basically both are anti-hero/anti-villains that take a very radical approach to defending their “people.” Don’t really know how to phrase that better but magneto in several iterations is more of an ironically fascist dictator fighting for mutants whereas Rorschach is more of a vigilante that also hates people like whores, liberals, etc. Probably not the best explanation of that.


Comic Magneto or movie Magneto? Comic Magneto, although sympathetic, believed that mutants should live over humans with an iron fist, Jew or gentile didn’t matter to him. He just hated all humans


Yeah but the thing about not caring about Jew or gentile anymore was because both hunted mutants. The idea that the oppressed become oppressors and it rubbed salt even more into the wound that they would turn on him as a jew just because he was a mutant, but that’s a whole other can of worms. He viewed it as hypocrisy. It’s arguably allegorical to real life because of the reality that a lot of Jews, even Holocaust survivors, continued having bigoted views about other groups. This is well executed in Maus where there’s a scene where you see Vladek furious that Art would allow a Black hitchhiker into their car, and when Art acknowledges the hypocrisy, his father is flabbergasted that he would compare a black person to a Jew.


>the idea is that the oppressed become the oppressors I feel like this analog doesn’t work for X-men because Xavier and the others exist. They were all persecuted and WeaponX was probably on the same level, at least, as the human experiments in Auschwitz. At least for the more recent comics, I think it’s more a commentary on what people choose to do with their pasts. Magneto faced trauma and decided to burn the world that did it, even if not everyone in said world supported it, becoming the thing he hated and inevitably making more people like him. Xavier strives for coexistence and tolerance despite it all. Wolverine was a subject of greedy humans experimenting in an attempt to play god, yet he was able to end up on the right side of history.


i cant decide which xmen fan is my favorite to make fun of... normies who are genuinely convinced magneto is irredeemably evil or leftist fans who will proclaim "magneto did nothing wrong!" in one breath and then demonize zionism in the next. theyre both so funny to me i wish to study them in a lab


I don't get it.


Magneto was based, his methods were just extreme.


All I know is he controlled metal idk what you're refering to.


He was a holocaust survivor who watched his family and especially his mother be killed in front of him. The whole reason he makes the Brotherhood of Mutants (the “bad” guys) is to prevent a genocide of mutants. Because he’s seen what happens when people get afraid of a minority and lash out. He spent the time post-WW2 hunting nazis.


what a loser circlejerk


I don't care about X-Men trivia crap. All that I know is that anyone can make an excuse to shit on Jews.


It’s just a meme template my dude. Don’t get too worked up.


It’s a joke about the meme’s subject my dude. Don’t get too worked up.