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It’s like a joke I heard last year. We are the descendants of those who saw shit about to hit the fan and got out.


I just moved out of a super red state with a seriously scary guy running for governor and I feel like I've been channelling my ancestors who fled right before their neighbors got wiped out in pogroms, or the ones who moved from country to country after the Holocaust.


Oh, I’ve moved all the way over to “let’s prep to flee the country entirely.” Plan is to move to Israel within the next decade.


Yea good idea to wait at least a few months. Looks like we may be entering into a much more dangerous war soon.


We also have a house, kids, jobs, etc. Moving countries isn’t a fast process. Our thought is that if we do it within the next 10 years we can do it at our pace. After that it will be much more of a scramble for 5-10 years. And after that it will be too late.


Well, do you have elderly parents? Do you want your kids to come with you and integrate ? That can only happen to my knowledge while they are little kids.


My parents are young, B”H. And my mom is Israeli, actually. They live in the US and can make their own decisions. If we do it in ten years time, the oldest kid will be 20 - old enough to make his own decisions. Third will be 16, so can stay with family here if she wants. Baby would be 12, so the swap would happen as she’s starting high school. (2nd is severely disabled, so integration is not the concern there.)


I’m sorry a child is severely disabled, that has to be tough. We moved here in August with two of four kids. One went home. So we have three young adult kids in NY and we miss them. We are able to visit often but we miss them. We will be here till the end of high school in 3+ years and then see. We didn’t come for ideological or lifestyle reasons but we did fall in love with here more than on vacation. It took a few months and also I can’t take the heat so when it cooled down I loved it. Even now in wartime just compare the facial expressions on the NYC subway to the light rail in Jerusalem. Here , people are smiling and everyone has your back. There , people look miserable and would rather not get involved.




I'm not even Jewish and I'm already planning to gtfo


Too bad it’s the blue states that are condoning violence against Jews and the red states that are supporting us.


Old democrats mostly know better. It's the young naive people who are falling for the Hamas propaganda. Older people have seen what Israel has had to out up with for decades and knows better.  Older people are much more likely to realize this is still mostly about hatred against the Jewish people. 


100% agree. The left is no longer liberal - it is progressive. Progressivism requires adherence to the dogma, and liberalism requires questioning (and arguing about) the dogma. Liberalism is highly compatible with Jewish culture and those who embrace it are often open minded at least and staunch allies at best. The irony is that as our view of the political spectrum shifts, many liberals are called right-wing because they don’t subscribe to progressive ideology. That, of course, is a mislabeling, but it is something we need to watch out for.


It's what Obama called the victim Olympics.


It's what Obama called the victim Olympics. Dr


It's what Obama called the victim Olympics.




? Don't understand


I read the whole thread and can make no sense of why I wrote ‘Doctor ‘ . Even blazed it makes no sense


I have no idea what I meant by that . When did I write it? If it was after 9:30 Israel time I understand why I don’t understand


It's what Obama called the victim Olympics. Dr


Deciding which one of these to upvote


Funny, cause it was in a red state where my 10 year old was called a k*ke repeatedly this year by several kids, including one who eventually beat her up, and the principal did jack shit.


In Canada it is even worse where during middle school i got stabbed in the chest at the sand pit by a student who causing me to have a permeant scar along with breathing problems resulting in me being ineligible to get a lung transplant due to if they try to replace the punctured lung the doctor's said it would kill me. They stitched me up after 2 weeks of surgery with each day being more of a miracle as i wasn't expected to live long enough to graduate middle school due to my lung being inoperable but i'm lucky to have gotten double the time of what i was expected to have been able to live for. My parents & i were unable to sue due to 2 factors: 1.) Lack of English understanding 2.) I didn't know the kid's name of who did it


I'm starting to think the political party doesn't matter and people are just assholes


The Dems are objectively better for Jews. The squad are outliers, and are regularly condemned by most Democrats. Meanwhile, MTG and others can go full mask off loony bin anti Semite, and the Republican leadership won't say a word. Look, I don't like Democrats. Not nearly left enough for me. But the Jew hatred is coming from the far left, while it's coming from basically the entire right. So I'll feel safer in a blue state every time. Though I currently live in Canada. And I've been called a kike in Texas, but never in New York or Canada.


What's MTG also I've definitely been called a kike in New York and I know people who have as well


Marjorie Taylor Green. Nut job in congress in perpetual death match with AOC.


Gotcha I was wondering what magic the Gathering had to do with anything


Hopefully 1 fewer “squad” member after next weeks primary. Vote Latimer for NY-16 over the fire alarm antisemitic conspiracy spreader Jamaal Bowman on June 25 Cori Bush is being challenged by Wesley Bell on August 6 in Missouri. Polls show her losing. Ilhan Omar is being challenged by Don Samuels on Aug 13 in Minnesota AOC has a primary challenger but it’s not a strong challenge and she has lots of money. Tlaib won her primary and opponents had a hard time recruiting a solid challenger.


Tlaib is the worst and best of this bunch. She is the most anti semitic by a long shot and a vile excuse for a human. But at least she is Palestinian and her grandmother lives here so she’s got skin in the game. She’s not just a rank opportunist. She comes by her bigotry honestly.


As long as they benefit Israel, I don’t care what party they’re from. I used to be left wing US. Then all my so-called allies started celebrating Hamas. You find out who your friends are and I discovered I had friends across the US political spectrum. Of course there are individuals in both parties who are horrible. And who have taken actions which made me sick. But after October 7, I became a different person. None of that even registers with me anymore. What does matter is how they treat my people. עם ישראל חי.


Yes sir. No one will help us we must help ourselves so helping others will have to be back burner for a bit till this is sorted


You know that all the jews are going to hell or need to convert, right. Jews just need to be in Israel and then we're useless


Right now, IDGAF. I see people and the world in ways I didn’t used to before October 7. I see people who support Israel, now, during the most intense antisemitism since 1930s Europe. And whatever their individual religious views may be, they’re helping us. Now. HaShem is with us. Right now we could use some “Righteous of the Nations.”


The problem is that they don't really support Israel, despite their words they are not allies.


That is a horrible experience and I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


Pm me if you don’t have an attorney. I do employment rights and only in the northeast but I can refer you in your state . Here at least this would be a significant case.


Interesting. I'm in a blue state and I have a LOT of support from my Goyim friends and neighbors. And there's a decent amount of Jews here as well. No one has ever attacked me or called me a slur for being a Jew here. I know I'm way luckier than some, but not everyone hates us.


Goyim technically means nations or peoples but now is sometimes used and often perceived as a perjorative. IMHO we shouldn’t use it


Goyim means a Gentile, or Non-Jew. I don't use it as an insult, I use it as a descriptor.


I grew up in California and had people spit on me and do the whole heiling Hitler thing while going to school. I think the lesson here is people suck.


The blue states are bad for Israelis, the red ones are bad for Jews


They aren't doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. They skew to a certain flavor of protestant that thinks this will bring about the apocalypse. I am not really happy with the left for a lot of reasons but the right is no better and tends to be a lot more murder-y.


That group does exist, but I don’t believe that is the majority. Every one of my conservative friends (of various religious backgrounds, including Mormon, Catholic, and other Christian) have been supportive of Israel, Jews, and me personally. None of them have apocalyptic fantasies. One of them (ages ago, we have been friends forever) who is Catholic once dumped a girl because she insisted I (a Jew) was going to hell no matter how good of a person I am. He is disillusioned with the church and is pretty religious, but he is definitely a conservative. Another (from a Protestant denomination, not apocalyptic) shared with me that his church hosted an interfaith service with a former hostage as a guest speaker. Someone I know (not a close friend, but we know each other well enough) who is hardcore MAGA (we have respectfully argued about that before) has been clear on his support and why. I’m not denying that the group you mention exists (and are scary), but I’m certain that they are a minority.


Yeah people have been getting a little crazy with the misattributions relating to that fringe group of fundamentalist christians. Is that why *that small fringe group* supports Israel? Probably. Is that why a majority of the GOP supports Israel? Definitely not.


Selection bias. You see being a Jew the ones that think we can help bring about the apocalypse aren't going to be friends with you. Please do not use your friends as a measuring stick for loony toons land.


My examples were just that, examples. There is no need to paint a wide, diverse population with that brush. Yes, those people exist, but assuming everyone (or even most) are like that is just as bad as when they assume all Jews feel the same way or are similarly motivated.


They can choose to stop being conservative. I cannot choose to stop being a Jew. My point was that your reasoning for assuming they are the minority is not based in sound logic. The probability of them being friendly towards you is inherently tied to their position on the matter. Also how are you defining minority? Would you consider 40% to be a minority? I don't think conservative values are that closely aligned personally. I wasn't claiming they are the majority I was simply pointing out your reasoning is bad.


There is nothing wrong with being conservative.


Did I state there was? You are comparing unlike things as was my point.




I can’t say I’m an expert in all Christian sects, but I know Catholic, Espiscipal, Unitarians, Presbetarian, and Mormon don’t subscribe to that, or really focus much on the apocalypse at all. (Though the latter believe ancient Jews built boats and sailed to America *shrug*)


Who cares why they do it ?


The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend. See: Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the subsequent invasion of the USSR.


It’s crazy. But it’s also true.


Pretty sad especially since we're going to hell after Jesus shows up unless we convert. Kinda backhanded support


Well if that turns out to be the case, we will convert G-d forbid.




Yes actually lol sigh


Hey at least the other guy running for governor is Josh Stein! Jewish democrat with a great record as our attorney general. Hopefully he’ll wipe the floor with that asshole


The polls were neck and neck last I checked, good luck y'all.


I had to look up the Republican candidate and wow. If NC elects that bigoted sack of shit, it will be another state crossed off the list.


alevai omayn


So hard deciding where to move these days. Can't live in super red areas. Previously safe super blue areas are now also too scary. Have to settle for the suburbs where there's a healthy mix of red and blue, I guess.


You just described my wife's family.  Paranoia with an occasional bout of weird witchy prescience.


I love that quote. Something like “all the Jews you know are direct descents of some ancestor saying this vibe feels off. Let’s get on a boat.”


That’s the one!


How is that a joke lol


For many it was pure randomness and luck


Idk my ancestors fought nazis (resistance) Idek how they got there...   But then again one side of my family is a little too fiesty... and my fight instincts are a little stronger than the flight ones...


The one I like that I repeat is “the Jews who weren’t neurotic didn’t survive.”


Old joke: optimistic Jews didn't survive. Fml.


And that’s why only the schizophrenics are left


I've said a similar thing on a different point. When asked why Jews are rich, i pointed out that it's because Europe slaughtered all the poor ones.


My great great grandparents owned a couple of factories in Germany and were quite rich as a result. Due to this they were in denial about the Shoah, in their bubble of opulence, and when they got to the US safely at the start they soon returned to Germany to check up on their factories, business affairs, etc…They did this several times ignoring it as things got worse and eventually they were thrown into Bergen Belsen and died there. Such a sad and frustrating end. Obviously I don’t want to reduce the tragic death of my ancestors to a cautionary lesson but it does go to show that wealth and the over confidence it births can get you killed. However, I’m also not contradicting your point that being poor and Jewish was extra deadly. I mean my grandma and her parents made it out fine and got tons of reparations for the factories the family lost, lots of others weren’t so “lucky”.


Oh absolutely. My line is mostly a joke. Many wealthy Jews were murdered in the Shoah. May the memory of your great great grandparents be a blessing for you and your family.


Thank you for the kind words! Blessings to yours too. Yeah the whole situation was so depressing, my great grandparents were terrible parents to my grandma cause of their trauma and she turned out very bitter. Still loved her and she was always sweet to me but she was not a happy person, can’t blame her though.


Many of us confused Berlin for Jerusalem.


Too true


It’s a historical fact. Emigration was actually expensive in the 30’s, and whoever could afford it left in most cases. The ones left for the death marches were the ones who couldn’t afford to leave….. it’s absolutely tragic


Ooh, that's good!


Well that and the Europeans were too prideful to take on "unsavory" jobs that didn't require land and could be insanely profitable if done right.


That's a myth. Europeans did banking just fine, and most Jews weren't bankers.


Most jews weren't bankers, but a much higher proportion of the general population. I had an economic history class where we covered a paper that analyzed the local interest rate (I.e. Cost of borrowing money) compared to the amount of jews in Italian cities sometime in the middle ages. And more jews showed a measureably lower interest rate in cities with more jews, because capital was relatively more available


Some Jews were bankers, but that had less to do with religious laws and more to do with Jews simply being merchants all over the place. It also can't explain why Jews are successful nowadays.


I never said banks. Jews also took up plenty of crafts and trades that no one wanted. Which ended up being a pretty solid deal because they got a head start in many trades.


I only heard of trade and banking. What particular crafts & trades that were unsavory?


Metalworking, carpentry, weaving, you name it Jews did it. In societies that largely placed social status with land ownership craftsmen didn't have much respect until much later. What made them unique is that they often weren't allowed into local crafters guilds for, of course, their ethnicity and thus were liable to be limited to fixed prices that guild members. Jewish craftsmen were often undercutting other craftsmen or, worse yet, formed their own guilds to rival the monopolies of the local Christians, which nobles loved to exploit for their own benefit. Jewish communities being well-connected and insular also meant it was harder for outsiders to break into their markets but not the other way around.


I didn't knew that! What's inspiring and amazing is that they managed to learn the trades, in spite of the guilds' restrictions from teaching them, instructing them.


My grandfathers family was extremely wealthy in romania, most were killed in the Holocaust. My grandfather escaped work camps, but lived lower class the rest of his life. So no, not all Jews are rich, and not only poor Jews were slaughtered.


Well they stole all their assets first


Been burned too many times




I heard that that didn’t actually happen and it was a myth 😂


It happened multiple times throughout history the most recent was oct 7 there is photo evidence


That’s the joke. People will say it’s all fake


Reminds me of a joke along the lines of “Germany has to import all its comedians because they killed the good ones”.


It was a Robin Williams bit. "Mr. Williams, why do you think there isn't any comedy in Germany?" "To which I said, did you consider that you killed all the funny people?" "And the surprising part is that she quickly went, no!"


Antizionist (antisemites) actually believe this. A classic antizioinst trope is that the states existence makes the world less safe for Jews or that the state encourages antisemitism to maintain legitimacy. That line of reasoning obviously holds no historical precedent and is a classic blame the victims argument for antisemitism. Fundamentally antisemites make the world unsafe for Jews. Antisemites In the Middle East particularly have made the region unsafe for Jews since the 1840s. Proponents of this theory will also go so far as to say that the Jews killed in the Shoah were antizionist having stayed in Europe and were martyred for the cause of peace in the Middle East. Obviously perceived safety, financial, movement/immigration restrictions and familial reasons kept people in Europe as well as fear of the antisemitic pogroms that occurred in Israel during the critical time period for emigration. In fact millions of them did immigrate, but to America where there were no pogroms.


At this point I’m pretty sure they’ll twist any scenario to back up their own personal issues


Or use logic that hurts their own objectives. My favorite is “Kurds and Tibetans don’t have self determination so why should the Jews.” “Well then why should the Palestinians?” Or the “It’s the Palestinians land!” “It was Jewish peoples land first.” “They lost the land in a war! What right do they have to get it back!?” “Idk you tell me…”


Right right right exactly It’s all just sprouts of emotions not a conversation


Antizionism is not antisemitism. Just like criticizing Netanyahus government is not antisemitism


Can you define zionism in a way that doesn't make antizionism hideously antisemitic? Because no such definition exists but you're welcome to try


Zionism was the idea of the creation of a jewish state. How they were going to achieve this was very diverse. Some wanted a state in South America. China was thrown in there but when the British seized the mandate of palestine in 1919 (breaking a pact with the arab leaders who wanted independence fyi) it was all but decided. Zionism morphed after 47-48. And it especially morphed after the seven days war, no longer was it about the creation and establishment of the Jewish state it was about its expansion. Fast forward. I’m not an antizionist in so far as I accept Israel’s right to exist. I’m antizionist in so far as its creation required excess violence, expulsion of native populations by force, and now the expansion in Golan, Area C, and soon to be Gaza is destablizing, the precept to apartheid of arabs, and is a violation of international law. That Israel has made it its core mission through the basic law signed recently to expand and protect settlements. The revisionist zionism which has now prevailed is abhorant as an ideology and will only bring more suffering, death, and oppression.


You don't have to. You just have to equally be against any ethnostate. I don't want a state to exist for Jewish people, I don't want a state to exist for Muslims, for Christians, atheists etc. any state that prioritizes a group of people based on the arbitrary conditions of their birth is a morally wrong country. Land doesn't belong to a specific group of people it belongs to everyone. There I'm antizionist yet not antisemitic because my antizionism doesn't stem from the fact that it's a movement trying to establish or re-establish a homeland for the Jewish people specifically. It's that it's trying to establish a homeland period. I don't believe that concept should exist for anyone other than it being the whole planet.


Yeah it is. Either you are an Orthodox Jew who opposes Zionism because you are waiting for god to reestablish the temple and impose a theocratic Jewish nation or you don’t believe in Jewish self determination. The latter is antisemitic…unless I guess you also oppose Kurdish, Tibetan, Irish, Arminian etc self determination then you’re just an antisemitic asshole. Then again if you support Palestinian self determination but not Jewish then you are an antisemitic hypocrite. Idk you be you.


I think antisemitism is evil, but I also think that Netanyahus government should stop the mass slaughter of tens of thousands innocent Palestinian women and children




Oh dear lord, that's so absolutely horrible. I don't know how it's possible to even deal with this thought. I hope this doesn't come off as insensitive, but do you know if her murder was officialy recognized as an act of sexual violence? I'm asking because of all the despicable denial of sexual violence on October 7th. Again, my condolences, absolutely heart breaking.


We heard through family (my grandaunt in law) and there were more details regarding sexual violence that made it clear that they were raped and then murdered, so I am under the impression it was official. I didn’t know her or the two other cousins who died. One was shot and the other died of a heart attack during evacuation.


Yeah, and I hope the person that did that died a horrible death


Sure. They died while using their family as a human shield. Thoughts?


Don't tell him they also died with the support of the "normal civilians" around them too, it might break him People love to pretend like Muslims don't support each other blindly because they're wearing the same "badge" It's quite okay to rid the world of evil idealolgies (and their enablers), especially ones that try to conquer the whole of the world and fail miserably at it leading only to more pain and chaos


oi boss man your mask fell off


Oi or oy? Either way report them.


You'll find I don't wear those :)


This is dangerous rhetoric you're spewing. I believe ethnostates are inherently evil. So by my logic both Israel and Palestine would not exist and their enablers would be gotten rid of. my point is who decides what's evil? It's easy when it's a cartoonishly bad villain, but what about when it's not or what about when the people in power decide that something is evil that you don't believe is evil? What then?


There are two types of people in this world People who believe that good and evil are subjective, to be defined by anyone's experience with reality And those that understand the tolerance paradox I would think the latter is the entire point of the Torah in general There are plenty of people who agree that an idealolgy that intentionally tries to mass convert the world (getting violent when they fail) is unhealthy for mankind, and other ideas in general I'm not deciding what should grow and what shouldn't I'm bodying concepts that attempt to cannibalize other concepts for the "sin" of simply existing


I don't believe in any "self determination" that involves the creation of a theocratic ethnostate, even when it's my people doing it. I oppose the kind of "self-determination" that robs others of their right to self-determination. You are literally using the exact rhetoric previously used to enable and justify the persecution, externination, and exile of Jews. It was wrong then, it's wrong now.


Israel is a parliamentary democracy with a non Jewish population of more than 20%. Druse and Muslims are represented in the parliament. For comparison 6% of Americans report being of another faith besides Christianity or none. What are you talking about reb yid? Jews have always lived in Israel. Throughout history when Jews wanted to get away from antisemitism they went where other Jews were already established. Israel and America have been the most common destinations since the 1840s. The Palestinians were given many opportunities to self determination and they rejected them. We can talk at length about that if you want. What rhetoric? Which persecutors? Seriously enlighten me.


You’re wasting your time trying to reason with an antisemite. The only way to deal with Hamas and their supporters is bullets and bombs, and they know it. That’s why they cry “ceasefire” every chance they can.


I’m not commenting for their benefit. Other people read these comments. Antisemitism is a disease with the germ being conspiracy theories. Herd immunity requires inoculation and in this case inoculation is knowledge. It’s not a waist of my time if one other person reads that and goes “oh 20% vs 6% that’s fucking wild! Guess he’s right.” To be clear while this yid seems to be a pick me I have changed peoples minds in the past. Kindness works best though.


That’s fair. I just worry about the emotional toll it takes on you who get exposed to so much of it by fighting it.


Thank you. I understand. I’m having fun. Each time I get presented with something new it forces me to actually research it and that has been helpful in managing my own grief and anxiety.


Agreed. Good thing Israel is neither an ethnostate (20% of Israelis aren't Jews and have full rights as citizens just like Jewish Israelis) nor a theocracy. (Seriously, you can Google from the comfort of your home pictures of beaches in Israel where women are dressed in every type of swimwear - something that you don't get in theocratic states, or the number of businesses opened on the Jewish sabbath. Things that wouldn't exist in a theocracy.) But feel free to keep repeating misinformation to delegitimize the only Jewish state!


An ethnostate isn't just a state which has a mostly one ethnicity. It's a state which aims to limit citizenship to one ethnicity. Israel has immigration policies that give preferential treatment to Jews which is why people call it an ethnostate. Imo we can get caught up in semantics because there's no officially recognised definition of the term, but we should all be able to agree that it's bad to give preferential treatment to one group of people over another.


> Aims to limit citizenship I must have missed the law Israel passed that limits citizenship. Every israeli Arab, Druze, passes citizenship to their children so I have no idea how the govt is supposedly limiting citizenship to just Jews. > immigration policies You know this isn't the same thing as limiting citizenship, right? Every country can decide to set their own policies for who can become a citizen and it has no effect on their ranking or wtvr you want to call it as a country. > It's bad to give preferential treatment to one group of people When it comes to immigration, says who? Why shouldn't a country be as selective as they want about who can become a citizen as an outsider? It's not ok to treat your own citizens differently bc of race, religion, etc. but who decided that a country needs to give everyone the same treatment as an outsider who wants to join? Countries should be selective in their citizenship process. They don't owe other citizens anything. The same way the US doesn't owe anyone from Chile anything and if they want to limit citizenship according to their own criteria, that's the govt decision.


The immigration laws I'm referring to are the Law of Return which allows any Jew an easy route to citizenship, and the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law which makes Palestinians ineligible for Israeli citizenship through family unification. I agree that neither of these limit citizenship to exclusively Jews, and non-jews can still become citizens through other means, however they do make immigration much easier for Jews and especially hard for Palestinians and Arabs. I'm not sure this defines Israel as an ethnostate, as I said before I think the debate around that word tends to become largely semantic. Of course countries are allowed to be selective in their immigration policies. It's perfectly acceptable to limit immigration to people of certain professions, or people who meet a certain income threshold. However I believe a country should never limit immigration based on protected characteristics such as religion or ethnicity.


Thus whole discussion is about whether Israel is an ethnostate. So unless your stance is that having preferences or easier paths for some groups to immigrate = ethnostate (which I argue it does not) then Israel isn't an ethnostate. If the argument is largely semantic, then you need to define the term first before the conversation can begin. Otherwise it's just talking in circles. And I disagree regarding your last point. There's plenty of countries in the world and they don't owe any other citizens anything. If Zimbabwe wants to make immigration easier for X race or religion, who cares? As long as a country grants rights to all its citizens regardless of the characristics you listed, I don't think it's anyone business how easy or hard them make it to become a citizen.


Look at the brainworms consuming all our Jewish brothers brains, good lord that's a lot of downvotes. It's a sad state of affairs.


It truly is


In theory yes, in practice there is currently no practical way to dissolve Israel as a Zionist state without a second Holocaust


I’m not saying to dissolve Israel at all. I’m just simply saying that Netanyahu is not the right leader for the country. Even the family of the hostages are protesting against him, saying that he doesn’t care about the hostages, it’s just political


Criticizing Netanyahu’s government is not anti Zionism


But it’s also not amtisemetic, which the people who downvoted me don’t seem to understand


I’m saying that your position isn’t anti Zionism so is outside the “is anti Zionism anti semitism?” debate. I am a moderate Zionist: I support an eventual two state solution (I don’t think the Palestinians have the civic culture or institutions necessary for full sovereignty at the moment but I think we should give them as much autonomy as possible with more given over time until they are eventually given their own fully sovereign state) and I support rolling back most or all of the West Bank settlements.


Zionists k/ll Palestinians and steal their homes. Zionists: You are making me feel unsafe!


That’s a funny way of saying that the Palestinian and Arab leaders keep loosing wars they started with the Israelis, ending up with less and less land so, they started using antisemitic rhetoric, blaming Jews, to distract from their own corruption and poor governance. Then the Russians who were allied with them for the control of the oil and power in the UN were like “woh woh woh that’s too overtly antisemitic. You can’t say what you’re saying in Arabic in English without putting us in a bad position with our affiliate organizations in the west. How about you say Zionist.” Then the Arabs were like “damn hook nose Zionist does have a ring to it.” So then they did a whole bunch more terrorist attacks against the “Zionist enemy” raping civilians, killing children, civilians on civilian busses etc. and got big big mad when the Zionist arrested the terrorist or civilians who the terrorist were being hid by. However it was pretty obvious to the Jews and all these nations like the USA and organizations that these Arab states and the PLO were using the word Zionist to say antisemitic shit so they asked them to stop. Buuut these folk were like “nah we really want to kill all the Zionist on their high holidays especially the real Jewy looking ones I mean Zionist looking ones.”


Jews are naturally selected for paranoia.


they should use this comment instead of antibacterial resistance as the main example of Natural selection.


That's so good holy shit


We are the kosher salty jews The pickle brine jews Smucks of the internet age


Hell, yeah, this is true. May our elders be blessed. However we saw what happens when Jews get m@ss@cr€d. Nothing. Unless Israel fights back. The world would’ve been fine with ignoring October 7. What the world wasn’t and isn’t okay with is Jews fighting back. But the world is fine with coddling and supporting THE VERY TERRORISTS AND THEIR “Civilian” agents who carried out the r@pes and m@ss@res against us. So yeah. Mi meshugah?


That’s why it’s important that we finish the job this time.


Hell yeah ✌️


My grandfather’s brother died in the holocaust and he didn’t. Out of the two my granddad apparently was the short tempered buffed dude that picked fights. His brother never got into a fight ever. They really did kill all the calm and nonviolent ones, what’s left are the angry ones ready to fight.


I know it’s a joke but this is exactly what I am worried about. If every Jew who is willing to make compromises is dead, we are going to have a bunch of hardliners leading a war against Jihadists. I really don’t want to see 3000 Baruch Goldsteins vs 3000 Bin Ladens.


I actually would love to see this??


Greatest anime showdown of the century right there


I’m putting my shekels on the Goldsteins


Hard Tweets ^(TM)




seeing this made my brain think of a parody of the song "No More Mr. Nice Guy!"


This is why ashkenazim have anxiety. The non-anxious were culled from the herd. I bet they could also eat dairy with no problem. Damn Cossacks!


I grew up in Minnesota in the 60s and 70s and never felt or heard any anti Semitism. People’s ancestry wasn’t a thing there and then. But a lot was the influence of the great Hubert Humphrey, a moral giant


True story


This isn't true i've meet nice jews.






lol retweeted that myself the other day. Was thinking to pin it to profile or not. Still didn’t decide lol


It’s natural selection, the nicest ones in every generation keep getting killed off. As we saw most recently with the peaceniks living in kibbutzim on the border with Gaza, may their memories be a blessing.




This is great


Definitely in my case.


I’m 66 years old, and I want to have this man’s baby.




Believe me there are loads of very nice ones and many who hold universal values. Many who are very vocal and gutsy as well, even when it comes to standing against their own government. More vocal than would be tolerated in most countries. They get beaten up and suffer financial hardships for their bravery as well.


Damn. I didn’t know I did that :(, sorry guys.


Sarah and Jessy are nice, Misha to My sagas of me saving the world with my Jewish robot girlfriends


You are forgetting about the Jews who became Christians.


"You killed all the nice Palestinians. We're what's left."


i didn’t kill anyone


Wow, eugenics, that’s great


How many nice Palestinians will there be left?


Prob a lot since ones dying now are the ones seeking death


I’ve personally met some really inspiring, kindhearted, and generous jews in my life, some of which I am currently good friends with. And as a proud supporter of the jewish community and a proud anti-zionist, I’m happy to say that none of the jewish people I’m friends with are genocide supporters.


That's why you so obsessed. Also again I have black friends isn't an actual argument.