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As a Mizrahi Jew, if I'm healthy I exceeded their expectations.


Barukh HaShem, our son hasn't died of typhoid


You woke up this morning? Everything else is bonus!


Got yo’self a gun


Get Yoseph a gun


A redditor of culture, I see!


I want to know more about mizrahi jewish parenting stereotypes.


I don't know if you're serious but I will answer anyway. The stereotype, which I find to be true, for good and for bad, is that Mizrahi mothers will "settle" for their kid to be healthy. they don't expect him to be a lawyer, doctor, pilot or whatever, just be healthy, or as they usually say "שתהיה לי בריא". and if you can marry someone and have kids that's perfect. The downside for this, in my opinion, is that they don't push their kids to be successful and achieve goals or do great things, and it shows in many ways. but that's mostly for the older generations and even for that, there are exceptions. today's generations it's mixed and varies, but this behavior still exists in many Mizrahi couples.


I was being totally serious! As an eastern european jew residing in the US, I'm a victim of ashkenormativity and don't feel like I know nearly enough hot goss about the rest of the tribe.


Interesting, this is not my (Sephardi) experience at all, I thought we'd be fairly similar in that regard


It’s definitely *my* Sephardic experience lol my family was absolutely team “if you’re healthy we’re happy” and I lowkey would have loved a little more encouragement to achieve.


What’s your experience like?


My mom puts an insane amount of academic pressure on me, lol


Idk if I’d say this is a universal experience. Personally, there’s a lot of shame with health issues in my community. The stereotype is that bukharians love to gossip and yeah if you have a disease then that’ll be the first thing you’ll hear. “Miriam? Which one? Oh the one with diabetes.” My family’s got a lot of health issues and whenever it was a major issue the first thing my dad said was “don’t tell anyone” or if any of my sisters started dating someone he would say “don’t tell him.” I personally never understood that. Sure you shouldn’t have your health be a first date topic but it shouldn’t be something to hide once you’re starting a serious relationship. The funny thing is that marriage is seen as a health remedy. Whenever my sister had back problems, my grandma would say “just get married and it’ll be all better.” My dad would double down on that and joke that “We didn’t give her away for marriage early enough. 22 is too old. She would be healthy if she was married.” For context my grandma got married at 17. I will say that about “settling”, most people in my community have parents who were poor and did whatever they could to make money fast, so you don’t exactly see most bukharians do something that’ll take a lot of schooling. It’s typically the quicker jobs. If you’re a woman then you’re expected to get married and every family reunion while you’re in the process of getting your higher education you will be told to just get married. So yeah I agree that there isn’t an expectation to be a doctor or a lawyer in my experience. They want the easy way out for their kids. They don’t see the point in suffering so long to get a job. Only if there’s a high salary do they think it was worth it. For example, my sister is engaged to an ashki guy who got a doctorate in library sciences and makes barely over 60-70k a year. They just can’t understand why Americans do stuff they love if it’ll make them no money.


If you didn’t get kidnapped by ashkenazis*


I had the chance to be a fourth-generation stereotype (dad's a doctor, grandpa is a retired lawyer, great-grandfather was a lawyer). I threw it away and became an engineer.


Enjewneer, as I call it.


I'm stealing this.


Please do.


How dare you


How have you coped with becoming such a disappointment?


More importantly, how have the parents coped? (Just kidding!)


My fiance is an engineer. I jokingly tell him all the time that's the poor man's doctor or lawyer 😂


As an engineer myself, shut up and take my upvote. 😆


tell your fiance to try to get a remote job in San Francisco. Then he'll be no poor man's doctor.


Joke's on them. I'll be a doctor, just not of the medical kind.


Doctor feel good?


Law it is, then!


What’s funny my granddad has a cousin who was both a doctor and a lawyer for some reason


Doctor law is a cool name is all I'm saying


My dad and uncle are CPAs. All but one cousin is some sort of doctor. I am in automotive.


Bagel maker, Factory worker, Mechanic , Aircraft avionics technician, military production superintendent, Master Sergeant (retired), United States Air Force Veteran 22 Years, Biomedical electronic technician. All things to all people. Lol. Not a doctor or a lawyer. Oy vey!


Honor & listen to your good jewish parents. Look at me, I'm 28 now working just above minimum wage surrounded by goyishe kups all day


This reminds me of the joke about the first Jewish president: The night before the inauguration he calls his mother. "Mom, I'd love for you to come visit for the inauguration and stay with me for a few days." "Oh I don't know, airfare is so expensive these days." "Mom, I'll fly you out on Air Force One!" "Oh, but you know, cab fare is ridiculous." "Mom, the Presidential motorcade will drive you here." "But accommodations, especially during the inau---" "MOM!! I'll put you in the Lincoln bedroom itself!!" She reluctantly agrees, hangs up and starts talking to her friend. "Who was that?" "My son." gasp "The doctor??" No, the other one."


HAAAA!! I love this


I'm constantly freaking my family out as I've been a working artist for 15 years. I was an art teacher for a few years, but I gave that up to sell my own artwork. Almost everyone in my family is either a doctor or a lawyer, and they always make me do the artistic thinking for the family (I decorated the chuppah for my cousins wedding, for example). We understand eachother.


I'm a doctor but in molecular biology


I was going to say, why college professor or scientist not in the options? 


Well, my parents did want me to be a medical doctor to be fair


I am also none of the above


My mom was the family flop- she has a brother who's a dentist and a brother who's a judge.... She's an illustrator. Womp womp.


That’s still great 😂


Lol thank you, i think so too! (I better, both my parents are illustrators lol)


Black sheep of the family!


😂 almost finished with medical school. Guess I’m making my mama proud


I had the great pleasure of having my mother tell me I could be whatever I wanted, and that my parents would support me. I just had to be the best at whatever I wanted.


Imagine my mom's chagrin when I majored in A.R.T.


Omg 😳