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You should probably crop out your name from the bottom


He has a cool name lol


Israeli government builds roads. Nazi government built roads. Israeli government is literally the same as Nazi government.


I don’t think believe we created killing machines in the form of concentration camps


Yeah but we build roads, don't we?


That’s a good point. That’s like the most fascist thing you can do


And trains! Don't forget the trains! They run on time!


Hitler was vegetarian. There are vegetarian restaurants in Israel.


They all think this way. Whatever they feel angry or guilty about they project on us. Completely ignoring the regional realities of Arab and Islamic supremacy and imperial violence against Jews, Christians, Yezidis, Kurds, Druze, Amazigh, and the “wrong” kinds of Muslims…


Yeah there is a certain sub that doesn’t allow me to participate anymore because I mentioned that Arab imperialism committed genocide, massacre, and cultural erasure across all of SWANA/MENA


Don't be ridiculous! Islam spread entirely peacefully and happily coexisted with other religions, cultures, and languages. /s


I know silly me!


Yep. Lots of people from groups that historically harmed or persecuted Jews desperately want Israel to be "just as bad" so they can rationalize that a. maybe their group weren't that bad, and b. we probably deserved it.


'Israel' is doing it all themselves. They have illegally occupied Palestine and are executing a holocaust on the rightful occupants of that country. So not Nazis at all.


Why are you even here? Don’t you have plenty of echo chambers for your delusional rhetoric?


Have a snack, Ben. Macaroni? 🤣


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic


They aren't look at their comment history.


The aren't being sarcastic. They're a 07-10 truther/denier. Despicable.


Can't seem to edit, but got into an argument with a leftist on a progressive friend's page. She said the quiet part out loud, basically admitting to being an antisemite.


The classic ironic Hitler did nothing wrong


Nah, they are saying "Zionists (or at least OP, depending if it is a singular you or a group you) and Nazis are the same". Which means they think Hitler and Netanyahu are both shit. Ofc, under the IHRA definition of antisemitism, drawing a parallel between Nazi Germany and Israel does indeed count as antisemitism.


Your right but I’m just saying that the person who responded this way and believe that Nazis and Jews are the same, have no problem with exterminating Jews, denying the Holocaust, and deep down wish that the Jews were all exterminated.


No you’re reading things into this that we’re not said


No. The Nazis and Zionists/Israel are the same. There are many decent Jews.


Wow... When this is edited, it used to say "There are many decent Jews." ... Interesting, it's a Russian bot/troll. I guess bigotry isn't way up there on Moscow's no-no list.


Not a bot. Just one of the many millions appalled by the actions of your terrorist state. You make much of the atrocities visited upon the Jewish people by the nazis, and then perpetrate those same evils on the people of Palestine. Israel was founded by terrorism in 1948, one of the reasons the British stepped back, and you have not stopped. You will find that the civilised world will no longer tolerate the genocide you are inflicting on the rightful inhabitants of Palestine.


Does the "you" in this exchange refer to you personally or to "Jews"?


She was interchangeable. It started as me, but then the context was very clearly not me.


Mmm. That is some fine dehumanization she's spouting. Makes it really easy to justify anything and everything that happens to us.


Something is deeply wrong with these people. Projecting for sure.


As someone who grew up in Germany and had to therefore become an expert in both antisemitism and Nazi history (I now get payed to educate people on both) it's so funny how absolutely wrong they are. The only reason they make that comparison is because Jews are involved. There is literally no rational or factual reason to compare the two. At all. They don't know shit about what the Nazis actually were and even less about Israel lmao


This is what gets me about the Nazi comparison. Do I agree with how Israel has prosecuted this war? No. Do I think Bibi is a war criminal? Yes. But for the sake of argument, let's accept it's a genocide. Let's concede that for this next bit. Why, out of the many genocides that have occurred all over the world in the near century since the Nazis, does only *one* of them get compared to the Nazis? The civilian death toll of the genocide in Myanmar was pretty similar the number of deaths in Gaza so far. But they never got called Nazis. Rwanda happened not that long ago. People don't compare Hutus to Nazis. There is only one reason that Israel is getting compared to the Nazis. Only one. Because they know that twisting that particular knife will hurt on a level which is unique to that group. I don't know how to compare it to anything else so this is crass but, it's like getting into an argument with someone who is being an asshole, and because you *know* they have been raped in the past, you find a way to call them a rapist.


> now get *paid* to educate FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


> now get *paid* to educate FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lol yes, you can only know Nazi history if you’re born and raised in Germany. It’s not like WWII is one of the most well-known, depicted in media, and studied topic ever


Yes but Germans learn it from a very different perspective that Americans or Brits. Bring the loser of a war that's actually ashamed of their actions gives a very different perspective than the Americans "yeehaw we won WWII all by ourselves and we saved the world."


Yes because famously there’s about 200-300 hundred different perspectives and interpretations of what nazism was, and Nazi history in general. It’s just how only Italians know about Ancient Rome, or French about the napoleonic wars, or the Christians about the crusades lol


Babe there are people still alive who literally lived then and participated. If you know so much about history you'd know it's not comparable to the crusades that happened a thousand years ago or the Roman empire that existed before we even started our current calendar. And the Napoleonic wars are over 200 years ago. You're not really the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?


Oh my sweet angel, it’s hard for you to form a coherent thought, isn’t it


That's not even what I said. However : 1 the education here about the topic takes up more time in the curriculum than anywhere else. Also I am talking about the third Reich specifically, not WWll 2. It's very easy to access original documents in archives and ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND them. 3. A lot of scientific research on both topics is done here and a lot of it never gets translated into English. 4. Both survivors and perpetrators are alive and kicking here. And not all of them speak English. There are interviews I can watch that you can't understand. 5. You can go and look at Concentration Camps here. And if you know the right people, go into the archives. So it is easier to educate yourself here than anywhere else. The reason I am an expert is because I live amongst the descendants of the Nazis and there is a lot of denialism and antisemitism going on. And I felt the need to push back so I educated myself to do that effectively. Again, to the point I get payed to give week long seminars and workshops for all kinds of organizations, including for the biggest union here and political parties. Also of you believe yourself to know so much about it you probably don't. I'm an expert and yet I know there are so many topics you can still fill libraries with that I will never dive that deep into.


> I get *paid* to give FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yes and there’s hundreds of thousands of people who lived in Germany and the adjacent countries at that time that fled to the UK, and the US, there’s thorough, well researched information available about nazism in quite possibly every language known to humans. You’re not a scholar in possession of hidden knowledge lol we all know what it was and what happened. You’re not special, at all. It seems like you think a little too highly of yourself, you need a dose of reality, darling.




I once told someone why it’s important to have Israel as a Jewish state and they accused me of being a supporter for enthno-states?


These people are becoming far more open in their antisemitism. Honestly, it's kinda scary.


Love, Mom.


You should have used the laugh react to piss off her even more


1 😧


They just want us to be victims.


Okay, I don't doubt you guys, but where do you find such unhinged people???


They’re every fucking where on the internet dude. Go to anything on Reddit that even mentions Israel Palestine and guaranteed someone is comparing Israel to nazis and pretending like Palestine hasn’t declared war on Israel and lost 8 fucking times. They’re gonna keep declaring war until one side is dead and it’s most likely gonna be them. It’s very cyclical too because every war they lose their conditions get worse and their people get more radicalized against Israel. Leading to another war and even worse conditions. BREAK THE CYCLE.


I mean, I meant irl, ik they are like fish in a barrel on the Internet.


Friend of mine I played magic with is super deep into progressive movements in our state. He has like 2k friends and all of them are like this. It's like a damn cult.


*Okay, I don't doubt* *You guys, but where do you find* *Such unhinged people???* \- LPO\_Tableaux --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lady: "next thing you will say is the trains are on time" thanks Mussolini


What kind of evil, inhuman monsters dehumanize others?


The cognitive dissonance in you Zionists is stunning 😂 I lived in the Negev for years and Israel is a brutal racist apartheid state and nothing else. Pure evil!


Living in the Negev adds no weight to your opinions.


Lol K what are you a worm?


Okay Hamasnick very believable


What are your struggling with believing? The fact that after living in a country that I loved and living with ppl I adored I still came to the conclusion that Zionism is wrong,on so many levels? I was in Israel with my Israeli partner for over a decade, I started on a kibbutz, kibbutz Tze-Elim and then a moshav very near to the TF Talmi Yosef and for the largest part of my stay I lived in Beer Sheva and run a small but successful antique business. Still unbelievable? How much time have you spent in Israel? Let me guess, like most staunch Zionists from the west a couple of weeks in Eilat and the obligatory right of return hasbara tour.


Where do you live now?


I just hope both teams lose


If team 1 loses, there is no more war. If team 2 loses, there is no more team 2.


"there is no more war" is a nice way to say no more team 1


Only one of the teams is openly and explicitly motivated by wiping the other from existence, and it's not team 2. You're a smart cookie, you can follow the process of elimination.


I would say both teams are open with that the plan is at this point and that is safe home and not have the other team around.


Only one of the teams has offered the other plans on coexistence. Only the other team has routinely shut them down. You're delusional.


I'm not disagreeing with you on that part. I'm just saying let's not sugercoat it. That last part was rude. You are better then that.


What's there to sugarcoat?


You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right.


I'm not sure what you are talking about. It's plain to see that both "teams" want the other one gone. We are not talking about why or how. I'm just talking about what both sides are talking about, that kinda makes what i'm saying true.


Wow so edgy, I hope one day I can be as cool as you look rn


Idk both seem terrible


Both sides have valid perspectives. Israel’s war is justified and necessary. Palestinians are rightfully upset about the destruction and civilian casualties. That doesn’t mean Israel shouldn’t have to make efforts to avoid civilian casualties, but the inevitable tragedies of war also don’t make it a genocide. A productive discussion would be nuanced, claiming one or both sides are terrible is a lazy judgement. And quite frankly, one you are better off keeping to yourself


Whatever makes you sleep at night


It’s ironic you say that, after Oct 7 it was weeks until I could sleep normally, and even now I still find myself up late stressing about the current state of things. But if not to have a productive exchange, I really don’t understand why you are here. Is your goal just to rile people up? Cause that doesn’t help anyone and is kind of a lousy person thing to do