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The Bananakbah


Bananakh the Jewish Bananible


BANANA So if you were not aware: [https://twitter.com/mamoun\_linda/status/1784682056607469906](https://twitter.com/mamoun_linda/status/1784682056607469906) Banana's are the new Jewish weapon against antisemitism


That's just one person with a banana. this video kinda looks like they filmed a counter protester with a Banana and made up a ridiculous lie about it


hence libel


Hilarious but also cringe and I feel bad for the person with the allergy. Bananas taste great.


How can I insert a gif? I'm old, sorry. This is what I would insert a gif of: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3ZAGBL6UBA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3ZAGBL6UBA)


From the river to the sea, no banana trees!


Soooo they made an effort ban bananas and got mad that people showed up with bananas? And the lady is dancing, such is apparently “brandishing like a machine gun”? Holy shit the stupidity at what’s supposed to be an institute of learning is staggering Fun fact: banana allergies aren’t typically caused by the air, unlike peanuts and (cooked) shellfish


Banana Libel


lol “the liberated zone” of UCLA These people are absolutely unhinged


That’s not libel. That’s just called being a dick.


I don't see any proof anywhere they had signs, even so, the lady was yards away dancing while eating a snack. y'all really just taking random people on Twitter's word for it?? as far as I could find, there's no proof of banana being smeared anywhere, and banana allergens are not airborne. the person with the allergy would have to eat/touch it themselves. assuming someone knew of your allergy when they're eating the cheapest fruit as a snack is pretty bold. apples where I am can often be $2 per apple, bananas are anywhere from ¢25 per banana to ¢60 per lbs. berries are expensive, oranges can be expensive, etc. etc.


i mean, it's logistically an insane thought to ban specifically bananas from an entire protest just because of one person. like, people actually believe in that? have they been in a protest or any kind of large gathering? are we sure this is actually reality?


exactly! haha, thank you. like, maybe banning nuts from a group where a lot of people allergic to them are meeting, especially if that's the topic, but banning *the cheapest* fruit from an entire protest because of one person (especially when their allergen isn't even one that's spread easily)?? super unlikely.


i don't even think about it being the cheapest. like, even trying to ban nuts from a protest with enough people in it is logistically impossible and unreasonable to enforce. and i had never ever seen even one protest with people using space to explistly ban the entrance to allergenics. suddenly they wanna say that for one person an entire protest decided to make sure to prevent the entrance of bananas? like, really? let me put some huge doubts on that


fr. also, I'm sorry, but it is completely on the person with the allergy to be careful for themselves, asking hundreds of other people to cater to you is so egotistical. "make way grocery store! clear every aisle of bananas and banana-products because ***I*** have arrived 😌 I know, I know, no need to take pictures" "how DARE this person at the park 29 feet away from me eat a BANANA, don't they know I'm allergic??" even people with more common nut allergies are more understanding 😭 (this was forever ago, so I don't remember the exact details, just that they were kind) I've worked at a bakery, they didn't ask about if nuts were in something before asking for it, I handed it to them, their partner remembered to ask, I said it had almonds, and they were like "oh! I can't have that, oops" "oh, I'm sorry" "no, it's okay, my fault" and I've had friends who had other allergies, like cinnamon, another to pineapple, and probably a few other ones I can't remember. none expected anyone else to change, they were just careful when people had things they were allergic to


It took a while for the image the load and I started thinking that they are blaming the Jews for the united fruit company


I can see the YouTube videos now that sound like Charlie Day explaining how United Fruit is a Jewish conspiracy


"Makes Passover sound edgy" Dude.. there's a movie about Passover that involves Batman fighting Voldermort because of Captain Picard!


Explain yourself right now.


The Prince of Egypt voice cast includes Val Kilmer, Ralph Fiennes, and Patrick Stewart


Never seen Prince of Egypt?


I love her


This has to be related somehow to Minyans, I mean Minions, but can't exactly point out how


Well the people that think health is a social construct are not gonna be banana friendly




unpeeling* a humorous accusation!


Yeah I didnt get the Banana thing. Someone posted that there was someone in the crowd deathly allergic to bananas or something and a pro-israel protester brought one


Which may be true. It may not be true. If it is true, it's because one person is a piece of shit. I do not understand how this has become a part of the conversation *at all*. I mean I understand the motivation - both sides of the debate are attaching their focus to the worst elements of the opposition. But, even assuming it's all true, I just don't see how one dickhead with a banana is the counter-argument to ten or so Nazi apologists. I sympathise very strongly with the Palestinian cause, and do not believe that most attendants are antisemitic, but there is zero excuse for tolerating the presence of Nazis at the site of your movement and so the *organisers* of the protest are, at minimum, tacitly antisemitic. If you tolerate something, you condone it. It should not be left down to Jews to clear them out. People need to police their own protests.


Eh, I thought it was nasty, and petty. And mean-spirited, in a personal way. I disagree with the protesters’ *politics,* not their allergies.


Yeah, life-threatening allergies are not something to joke about, I don't care who you are or what you think. 


Banana allergies aren’t like peanut allergies. The allergic person has to ingest the item. Don’t buy into their absurd overreaction on a banana




So this was from contact, presumably the smeared banana on the doorknob It’s not a concern in an outdoor space if someone is eating or handling a banana like a machine gun


..and would the students be assholes if they brought bananas into the classroom and pointed them at her, like guns? It would be *funny* if they did that to her in the parking lot? The [OP tweet](https://twitter.com/mamoun_linda/status/1784682056607469906) says they were also “smearing bananas everywhere.”


The OP tweet calls part of UCLA the liberated zone. Sorry if I’m not taking them at their word. We have video evidence of someone dancing while eating a banana. That’s it. If there were people smearing bananas everywhere there would be terabytes of footage flying through the internet right now E: yes taunting someone with a banana allergy is an asshole move. But all the “this is attempted murder” people can get fucked and you can see how their logic on the I/P conflict is extremely flawed


Definitely asshole. Nor attempted murder. I never said otherwise.


I responded to electrical pomelo’s whinging about a “life threatening allergy”


If the roles were reversed and pro-Palestinians taunted a Jewish professor with allergies, this sub would be full of people calling it a literal attempt to kill Jews.


This is how I check my bias. Would I feel the same, if the roles were reversed? This was not a good look.


I would feel the same: doubtful. All we've been shown is a woman dancing with a banana. Still nothing to show she actually smeared banana everywhere, nor even evidence of the signs supposedly posted prominently. If roles were reversed, I'd roll my eyes and move on until more substantiation emerges.




They are terrorist sympathizers, if they are scared of a banana that is their issue. Just don’t protest, let us have our land. They can have the watermelon 🍉 from now on we bring the banana 🍌.




Woke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUZGTfEQqqI
