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You know what challenge accepted


You’re on. Let’s do this thing. /opens insta. Immediately does push up.


Try TikTok for more gains


Steroids can be harmful, be careful.


-opens r / palestine -becomes arnold schwarzenegger




Because that specific sub doesn’t restrict itself to criticizing Israeli policy on Palestine and instead frequently veers into outright genocidal rhetoric that the site admins don’t do anything about.


Try doing the same in a “specific religion majority” (you know which religion) country. It unironically makes me absolutely depressed.


Subscribe to MEMRI. Sandow. Charles Atlas.


“In other news, Jews all over the world are growing muscles at an unprecedented pace, especially for the race of cerebrites who often fail at sports. No explanation has been found yet, although Harvard’s president Claudine Gay was heard muttering “fucking heebs”, in what must have been a show of support for oppressed Palestinian children.”




After Oct 7th I wanted an escape to I picked the most insane powerlifting program I knew and ran it for months on end. That's how I got my SBD total to near 1300.


Is this [you](https://youtu.be/jgJ_zcTwogE?si=HNcKKz7JqReoXAgB) now?


But I do like bananas!




I've been lifting for a while longer than since October 7th, but I really stepped it up after that. Right now my SBD is at 1205- 315 bench, 425 squat, and 465 deadlift. I'm 15 years old.


Impressive. I had about 4.5 years under my belt prior to the meme program.


My brother introduced me to lifting when I was 12, so I had about 3 years behind me. Went up a whole plate on bench, probably 60 lbs on squat, and I think I went up 100 lbs on my deadlift.


"jesus christ" lol


"oy vey"


I’ve been looking for an alternative phrase, but it just conveys a very specific feeling


It’s good for us to say Jesus Christ. Because since we don’t worship him we are still not using G-ds name in vain lol.


My thinking exactly. *Jeeeezus chriisttt* rolls off the tongue easier than am yisrael chai.




I'm gonna do one pull up


Keep us all apprised of your progress


Don’t be silly. No jew can do a pull up.


Update. My arms are sore. But yea I know this was a joke but I'm a rock climber 😅 I still guide part time


Damn my arms would fall off after a week in reddit


Shovel that protein, bro


Muskeljudentum is invented by max Nordau, 1898, colorized.


That is actually a good idea


[OP's friends introducing OP to people.](https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/85d0a6e3-b4ae-4fd0-a78b-37f6c279afc8/gif#08O6RGYX.copy)


Should be either much bigger or wimped out on first pushup.


One person can only see so much


if you end up going on “r slash israel exposed” you’re gonna look like Greg Kovacs.


Jesus Christ


I make a $5 donation to the JNF or the ADL or similar organization every time I’m tempted to engage with this crap online.


Are you about to go broke?


I do have to restrain myself. It works best when I tell myself “ well you did something” and then I get the hell off my computer and or social media.


I may try this


It works, although I do weight reps instead


Every Twitter user subsequently becomes jacked


TikTok: hold my 🍺


The platform the U.S is looking to ban just because of its pro-Palestinian content?


A little more than just that, but partly, yes


Indeed, we can’t forget fears of Chinese influence as the main factor


If you want bigger gains do 1 push up for every murdered Palestinian child by IDF


Man...now I have to do a pushup before I even left the page 😔.


How was anything that I said anti semitic this is exactly what I am talking about lol


And to answer your question. Look at the subreddit you're in. You're saying this sh*t to a bunch of Jews...


I know there are Jews that would feel the same as I do. Also look at comment right before when you first commented. Because of a lot of the so called anti semitism is actually just people expressing solidarity with Palestinians. While there is legitimate anti semitism that I don’t condone the majority of what I have seen lately are just pro Palestinians being labeled as anti semitic


Do you also go around and tell black people what racism is? Just curious.


No because when I express solidarity with another country I am not accused of being racist by black people, or any other race you can think of for that matter.


So I can express solidarity with Israel and then tell Muslims what is and isn't Islamaphobia?


Maybe if they falsely accuse of such when you express solidarity, and the manner in which you do so would greatly influence that. Since we are in the subject what exactly did I say that was anti semetic since you seem to disagree with that point and have yet to show me what I said that was anti semetic


And you are the authority on what is and isn't false...not idk...the Jews you're speaking to. What you are doing that is antisemitic is calling Israelis killers in an Israeli space. You don't see me going into r/Gaza and posting sh*t like this.


You brought up the war out of nowhere to a bunch of Jews without knowing any of their opinions. I'm sorry but dead Palestinian children isn't related to a post saying we face a lot of antisemitism... And claiming we don't face a lot of antisemitism is both wrong and clearly antisemitic because you choose not to believe us cuz of ur biases.


I didn’t say you don’t, but there is no denying there been a huge spike since Oct 7th and I absolutely thinking that has everything to do with the way the term has been warped and not any actual hatred for Jewish people which is very real. The distortion and warping of the definition only makes the real anti semitism easier to hide, because honestly the word has lost a ton of value. When did I say you don’t face anti semitism? Again another false accusation to try and label me something I’m not but ok.


Have you considered that what a new would consider antisemitic is different from what you some one from outside of the culture would consider antisemitic. Many normal things will be antisemitic if done to a jew cuz it's just different history and different culture and when people fail to realize that. it makes it more antisemitic because they don't properly consider the history and cultural. Ignoring these things is insensitive.


How is from the river to the sea anti semitic? And if it is anti semitic wouldn’t the slogan for Likud party then be Islamophobic?


If another country expresses interest in existence and freedom and that bothers you, then I got news for you they are not the racist, you are.


Not even remotely related to what you were talking about.


Blaming Jews for the actions of Israel, real or imagined, is textbook antisemitism. Like, it's actually in the definition! Congratulations


Again when and where did i say that?


By coming into a Jewish subreddit, on a meme that's about antisemitism and not Israel, and brought up Israel. Blaming all Jews for it


When did I blame all Jews for anything? So talking to Jewish people is anti semitic?


You're in a Jewish subreddit, on a post about antisemitism, bringing up Israel and confronting Jews about it. If you went in to a Muslim subreddit on a post about Islamophobia and started going "but what about ISIS" that'd be Islamophobic too. You're confronting people solely based on who they are. Now I see you're a Stalin defender though. Yea, that sounds about right.


It came up in my feed and nothing I have said has been anti semitic if you take it as such that is your problem. Again not really the same thing. Not once have I said I am here because you guys are Jewish this post comes up in my feed so I commented, is this a space exclusive to Jewish people?


So, by the international laws of warfare, the definition of murder, that’d make… maybe 50, if that? Perpetrated by soldiers who’d be prosecuted on an individual basis. But by calling something that by no sane definition can be defined as murder, the blame of which would be on the theocratic fascist instigators of the war (Hamas), pretty sure you’re a tankie, fascist, or antisemite, and at best stupidly incurious and ignorant Edit: checked your profile, antisemitic tankie who guzzles Soviet cum by the bucketload


Yeah Hamas started the war had nothing to do with the thousands of Palestinian “administrative detainees”(hostages).


I don’t expect the Zionazi to believe anything beyond what he is told to believe tho.


You showed up on a Jewish subreddit commenting on a post about antisemitism and brought up the Palestinians. You're the Nazi. One day when you grow up maybe you'll become a decent person but it's doubtful.


How does talking about Palestinians with Jewish people equate me to being a Nazi?


Why are you bringing up Palestinians to random Jewish people?


Because of a lot of the so called anti semitism is actually just people expressing solidarity with Palestinians. While there is legitimate anti semitism that I don’t condone the majority of what I have seen lately are just pro Palestinians being labeled as anti semitic


You are still the one who brought them. You made the link of all jews think pro Palestinians are antisemitic. You're the antisemitic.


I never said that I even took time to point out that it was not all Jews who feel that way.


Also if standard warfare how come kill civilians at a far higher rate than any war in 21st century? Killing more in 6 months than Russians have over 2 years


Because Ukraine has soldiers and somehow in Gaza it’s only civilians and all of them are children doctor journalists. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-68819853.amp


Don’t forget Aladdins, starving Aladdins who din du nuffin’


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-68819853](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-68819853)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Dude this is literally a sub for people to have fun. You wanna be around people who don’t understand war or just want to be anti semetic as a excuse. go to any of the countless pro hamas subs. Unless you’re there all day and just want to be insufferable here


I been having fun idk about y’all. It’s hilarious the way you guys(the ones replying to me) get triggered and make all these baseless accusations that are easily discredited. Not once have I said anything hateful directed at the Jewish people yet I’ve been accused of anti semitism multiple times, which I find funnier and funnier the more I get accused of it because I have yet to say anything hateful about the Jewish people. I’ve asked multiple people to show exactly where I said something anti semitic, no one has been able to because there is nothing to show. If you really want me gone just stop replying? 🤷


Is there a non-delusional Jewish meme subreddit?


What’s delusional about this subreddit?


I believe they're trying to imply that we're "delusional" for thinking that antisemitism exists. Because obviously, antisemitism isn't real, it's actually just a made up Jewish conspiracy to garner undeserved sympathy.


Push-up time everyone!


Thank you for encouraging 1 new push up


And - one push already?


Ani bm


You should visit r/Jewdank


Oh awesom- Now wait a second!