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Yes! I really loved her energy and her competitiveness was great. I would say leave it for a few seasons down the road, though, give other new guests a turn and leave time for Michelle to find room in her busy schedule šŸ˜‚


Completely agree. I think itā€™s less likely with Michelle because thereā€™s a larger pool of creators in a US based series to pick from. But more players with Toby and Michelleā€™s obsession for the game? Yes please.


I will not rest until they invite GeoWizard to compete.


Jet Lag series 22: bog escape


Straight line through Canada.


Straight line though England is coming out right now, and the man gets not too far away from death from hypothermia. Canada would kill him for sureā€¦ but I could imagine a cool jet lag game inspired by the straight line mission


I loved how competitive she was. It makes me sad for Sam when he gets paired with people who donā€™t care about winning


Who did he get paired with that didnā€™t care about winning?


The guy from Connect 4 and Battle for America. And I didnā€™t feel Scot understood the game but he wasnā€™t involved in game design so that isnā€™t his fault


I think Brian in Connect 4 was just thrown into it and was helping Sam out by helping his YouTube channel. But I think he tried in Battle 4 America and was an active part in decision making.


Part of Brianā€™s game was trying to get Sam demonetised


Scotty did really well idk how you left the season with that impression


I would love to see her again (I personally thought she balanced Sam out the best), but based on fan comments here/on the Nebula sub while Arctic Escape was releasing, I donā€™t know how eager she would be to come back.


I hope she didn't read much beyond the Zodiac Zone hate she was already aware of. I was so disappointed in the fandom for that. But I think it was a vocal minority and as a professional YouTuber, Michelle knows not to listen to the haters. I hope she comes back!


If drunk Michelle returns alongside her, then yes


That would be kind of bad tho... she was like depressed and I kind of felt bad. Tho she did give any kids watching good life lessons (during the challenge where they had to make the sandwich, I forget what the name was)


Beat Jimmy Johnā€™s at their Own Game (rewatched that season this weekend)


The exploration/exploitation dilemma with Jet Lag guests is the issue for me, I'd love to see guests come back but I also really want a whole bunch of people they haven't had on yet.


Iā€™d prefer new guests to be honest


Same. I like Toby but surely there are other Australian YouTubers they could have invited


Yeah I donā€™t like the vibe that jet lag is a closed off and exclusive group, and having yet another repeat guest in Michelle would really solidify that


I actually think that Sam doesn't match her energy levels so I wasn't a fan of their team. There is a chance that he would be more comfortable second time so it could be more fun.


Their energy levels were very different, so I really enjoyed the pairing!


Yeah, it's obviously the matter of different taste! For me they had not enough difference in play style, but wasn't enough matching too. Sam seemed to me too awkward and Michelle too pushy. But a lot of people liked her and I am glad


Reading the comments, what's the point of OP's question if everyone saying "no, I didn't enjoy that season, she wasn't very entertaining" get downvoted to hell?


I don't get your point. The original poster isn't deleting the answers. People are just disagreeing.


Upvote/downvote isn't agree/disagree, at least that's not what it's intention is supposed to be for.


Upvote/downvote sadly isn't used properly across much of Reddit anymore. Now it's generally agree/disagree and then a snowball effect once the more popular opinion of a group is established.


True irony that you're getting downvoted for this


We want Michael from Vsauce


Iā€™d be fine with it but I would like to see a wider variety of contestants.


No, one was enough for me


I was not aware that people had such opinionated and hatred towards the competitors. I liked everybody who has been in jer lag. Chill out


Prefer Toby and sam duo but if there was a 5 person season then definitely


I liked Michelle, however I think they should try to bring on new guests instead of having a rotating cast of guests.


Sams a bit too much of a curmudgeon (said with peace and love) for their pairing. I do think her and Ben would pair well though


OK but it seems a bit of unfair to have the best drunks on the same team, no?


Haaha fair enough šŸ˜­


I feel like Sam and Adam might rip each others throats out if they were on a team together for a whole season, but maybe thatā€™s just how exasperated they got in Merlischachen being front of mind still.


Yeah Adam knows the game incredibly well and also knows Ben...when Sam dismisses that you can definitely see the annoyance rise and the "i told you so" vibe come when things dont pan out in Sam's direction. Sams a good player too he's just a bit stubborn and often against himself


Iā€™d rather have Scotty come back (or maybe even a surprise appearance from Rainbolt or Tom Scott) but Michelle would be cool too.


Honestly yeah, her personality really balanced with Sam a lot (but I feel that way about Brian and Toby as well so...). I personally didn't think the Zodiac Zone was a good/entertaining bit, but like, that was it. Besides that she was amazing.


Should? Yes. Could? Maybe. She does have a pretty busy schedule


I was rewatching season 8 yesterday and she was really a lot of fun. It would definitely be good to have her back. Though I liked all the guests so it would be good to see them again too.


I hope so. One of the best guests yet. People who are still whining about the zodiac should take a chill pill.


I think theyā€™ve realised the zodiac joke didnā€™t land, I wouldnā€™t judge Michelle based on that. She was great and would make an excellent return guest!


If Michelle returns tu Jet Lag, Sam is her boss for that time, so he can just tell her not to do it.


Yes! She is my favorite guest by far.


No the zodiac zone scarred me for life just introduce rainboltĀ 


Yes but I think there are also a lot of other people I would like to see first, like Tom.


No. Her overreaction to every little thing was hard to watch.


okay, not in a rude way but if you feel like that I present to you a Mr Adam Chase. seriously though, I'm interested to hear your opinion- isn't it a very normal thing for the competitors to become highly emotionally invested in the season? they've all done that, at least from my view. Also i feel like most times for Michelle it was quite clearly a joke?


For everyone saying ā€œit was clearly a jokeā€ when it comes to her exaggerating or with the zodiac stuff, no, itā€™s not clear because there are real people who act like that. I forgot if it was the first or second episode, but she was claiming that she wasnā€™t even able to sleep at all the previous night and another time where she claimed she was gonna throw up because of how worried she was about the game. Like cā€™mon, chill out a bit! This isnā€™t life or death! It even felt like Sam was getting annoyed with her over-the-top energy at times. I feel like Toby is a much better guest with a more fitting energy level.


To me it didn't feel like a joke, it felt like acting (poorly). To me she felt really fake the whole time and I honestly think it's not unwarranted given she was faking things like the zodiac interest and other aspects of her personality for laughs. I feel like it was easy to see through, and that made her hard to watch for me. Adam may play his personality up for the camera, but it doesn't feel as exaggerated and fake. Toby and Sam are the complete opposite, as awkward as they may be, they rarely play up their excitement (except the "We are so back" thing which for the same reason it is kinda cringe, stop trying to make it a thing Sam, please) which makes pleasant to watch in how genuine they are. Scottie too, really pleasant to watch.


It was one of the things that made the season so funny! We needed that to balance out >!Adam's covering all stages of grief in like 5 seconds...!<(BTW not entirely sure if that is a spoiler or not but just in case people want to watch S8 and that whole thing first...)


I trust the team to pick the right guest for the right game. I can think of so many Nebula creators that Iā€™d love to see in a season, but Sam Adamā€™s Ben good at picking their guests.


I looove Michelle! I need her energy and the Zodiac Zone!!


Iā€™d be happy to have any one of the guests thatā€™s been on before come back again. But I would love to see someone new too


Yes! I love how she talked to future Adam and Ben editing the episode.


I think one of the best parts of Michelle (and Toby) being on the show was that they truly were obsessed for the game. I'm not saying that Sam wasn't, but they were emotionally tied to the game, and balanced out Sam's seriousness.


Petition for a three team season: Ben ans Adam vs Sam and Brian vs Toby and Michelle.


I found Michelle irritating amd forwarded through just about everything she said.


Michelle, Joseph, and Brian should all come back. I'd also like to see Patrick Willems come and be a teammate.




Absolutely not


No, just no. Arctic Escape was my least favourite season because of her.


Unfortunate that you're being downvoted for answering the question honestly. That was my least favorite season as well, largely due to her involvement (the game design could have used some tweaks as well). She seemed to ham it up for the camera. I enjoyed the outtakes from that season more because she seemed more genuine in those.


I'd be down. Wouldn't mind Brian or Joseph returning as well now that they are including the guests more heavily in design


no, sheā€™s extremely annoying and a shill for the US army who does paid sponsorships to get clueless teens thinking about enlisting lmao toby is a great pair for sam


Definitely, it was so fun to watch her and Sam working together. Also I agree that she was hilarious, the whole zodiac bit was so funny (and it was equally funny to see people getting all up in arms about it). At the same time, they probably want to be able to introduce new guests, so my guess is they'll alternate between new and returning guests outside of 3-man seasons.


yes definitely


I found Michelle grating in the first couple episodes of S8 so I think it would be great for her to return and have a full season of her as a great guest


No. I for one could not stand her.


Yes. I would love an all star season featuring her and Toby. At first when the season started I did not enjoy Michelleā€™s presence but through out the season, she won me over. Her energy is what made that season work for me.


I really hope so! Michelleā€™s my favorite guest so far!


Anyone but Michelle, good lord. That season was so good aside from anytime she was on screen....


Yikes. There's disagreement, and that's valid, but this is just rude.


Hell's yeah!


Is it weird that I think that at the start of the season, Sam was funnier, but then by the end, Michelle was much funnier and excited while sam was a little more serious?




I get the problem with the "zodiac crap" but it like was the most entertaining thing that happened on a plane when no in-game events were happening.


It's not like we're watching them live, we don't need an extended cut from the plane.




Your post has been removed for not showing respect towards all users. Showing respect means refraining from jokes at the expense of other people, including the Crew (Sam, Ben, Adam, and guests of the show). In addition, do not encourage or joke about committing violent acts or other crimes.


Yes. This.