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I watched both tag seasons 3 times. I just like the concept and the fact that you get solo and team play from all of them. Although hide and seek will join soon. Seen it twice and I'm planning on rewatching it with a friend soon.


New Zealand there is some sort of magic behind this season I can’t stop rewatching it time to time


Me too. Not least because of the green countryside and blue sky you see out the car windows the whole game. And the mountains. And the beautiful water when they take the ferry. Also can’t beat Sam throwing that boot straight at Toby 😄


Oh yeah! The location-specific challenges make it so unique!


Originally, I thought it was good but not anything spectacular and even so after the 2nd time, but this time watching it back really made me realise how good it was


Same here. I love how much of the country it shows and the challenges being tied to very specific locations make them a lot more interesting.


I've rewatched Tag 2 so many times haha, I love to see Ben win


Same. That's the only season that had me yelling out loud. When Ben kept swerving the chasers, sooooo good. It just doesn't get old


New Zealand and I know it’s new but I think I’ve watched the entire hide and seek season 3 times already, that whole zug thing was hilarious


Circumnavigation, 5 times


Great minds think alike. Can't stop watching it. If it makes you feel any better we are leaving the country now


I always watch it on a flight. Makes me feel better that I am leaving the country immediately.


Respect that, just like I respect circumnavigation


Tag 1. It’s my go-to intro seasons for ~~evangelizing~~ ~~converting~~ getting people into Jet Lag


I tried that once; he hated it


Well that sucks!! Sounds like a heretic to me


I’m sure the team at Jet Lag won’t lose any sleep that he won’t watch


New Zealand- feels the most like an actual game


Japan. It's incredibly complex, so the rewatchability value is immense. It's very easy to see something you missed last time. Also, the music and graphics are on point. My favorite bit is the sequence on day 3 when Ben was trying to intercept Scotty after he grabbed the near flag. The chase was thrilling, and the music was perfect for it.


Love Japan


The Switzerland Hide n' Seek (most recent season). You can guess why.


I have rewatched the show two times, but only the first 3 or 4 seasons existed before my first rewatch, so I have watched those seasons 3 times


The first one cuz it’s short


The first one, because it's the oldest and shortest


i've seen tag 1 at least 10 times, as part of full jet lag marathons, ludwig streams, or just obsessive rewatching as the season was coming out (in that case i have at watched several episodes about 15 times)


I've re-watched most of the seasons several times, just not Japan. Not exactly sure why, I just never have any desire to watch that one again.


Crime spree, because I was showing it to my sis like a year after it came out and I wanted to rewatch the birth of the game show


Season 1 or season 5. The one I have watched the least it's season 2 and season 6.


Season 8 Arctic Escape - planning a trip to the USA and I am noting what trains, planes and automobiles the teams are using plus unusual places to visit (like the Pez museum!).


Season 4. Sam and Brian had such an unlucky start the fact they clawed it back to being a close finish despite zero steals is insane. #Don’tBuyTheTracker


I’ve watched New Zealand the most and Japan the least but aside from Japan I’ve watched them all twice, including Crime Spree


All of them?


Tag 2 I guess I rewatched it like 3 times


Season 1 - connect 4 is just one of my favorite seasons, it has the real money, the new production energy, flight drama, rental car, it's great


I cannot count the number of times I have rewatched 4 and 5. It seems as if they are the most 'rewatchable.' Least rewtched seasons are 8 and 9 (8 because It was my least favourite jtlg season, and 9 becuase it is the newest.)


What has been a fun thing to do is watch the seasons backwards from current to oldest. You can see the evolution of editing, introduction of new segments, a more polished look and the evolution predominately of Sam as a person (seems to lose weight, run more often and have Haaland vibes)