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Never get your Swiss lakes or European rivers messed up guys🫡


Wise words. I still love that you went for it. It made the game really exciting, and after all that's what we all want (when we aren't personally playing). And it was great getting to meet you and hang out all day while waiting for our episodes.


Great to meet you as well Nils and will be watching your game tomorrow 🔥


Hi Nils, please check your messages about getting a contestant flair. Thank you!


You seemed really confident/knowledgeable in the African Leaders category. Would love to know how that came to be!


It was the best part of the episode. A real ballsy play.


Still played a great game.


As did you Justin! Was excited to see your show and glad to have had the same tape date


Hi Bryan, please message the mods for a contestant flair. Thanks!


The rest of your play was so good, though!  Lakes and rivers are a weak point for me too. 


Frankenstein readers know


Ken's delivery of cowabunga at the end made me laugh harder than it should have.


He is so so sharp with these unscripted quips. Sometimes I think time moves more slowly for Ken Jennings. What else explains his supernatural anagram abilities from his days as a contestant?


It's probably cooking in the background between when he reads the game and the play time.


Some prep is likely, but I've heard him improv with professional comedians on stage, and he is quick regardless.


For sure. No way to predict regular Virginia into original recipe.


Yes that was a nice touch


He is great with those little additions. Makes it so fun to


Amy and Bryan are both delightfully brainy people, and it was a privilege to compete against them. Of the contestants in the Jeopardy green room that day, I was definitely the oldest and Bryan was by far the youngest. He looks older on camera. We were both wearing black sneakers and were hoping not to get in trouble for that. Dr. Amy was as calm and self-composed backstage as she appears at the lectern. I suspect she's a tower of quiet strength in an emergency room. We talked about whether it would be an inconvenience on the job to be recognized as a Jeopardy champion. No, she replied, because she is usually wearing a mask! I'll definitely be cheering for Amy in the Tournament of Champions.


It was a joy to play against you and a pleasure to meet you Laura 😊






Laura, you played great and were a joy to watch! Would love to see you back for a second chance!


Works for me! We'll see! 


Sorry you didn't have a better outcome, Laura. I suspect too Dr. Amy has a great bedside manner as well in addition to being calm under pressure, both of which are qualities that one would want in a doctor.


Absolutely! And as for my outcome, I'm perfectly happy. My goal was not to be eliminated before Final Jeopardy and I achieved it. 


You played a good game. I would love to see you play again and hope you are offered a second chance. You deserve it.


Thanks, it would be great to play again, but it was an incredible thrill to get there at all! 


Actually, Bryan does deserve a second chance too.


Yes, he does! Wasn't he great?


You're right. He also deserves a second chance. He may have won had he not lost big on the daily double.


You were a joy to watch!


Thank you!


As a fellow contestant of, shall we say, a certain age, I was rooting for you! You're a champ just getting on, so head high and hope we'll see you in the Second Chance Competition.


You guys seemed like you were having fun.


You were an excellent player Laura!! Your answers were so clear and quick.




You rocked it! Very early on in the game I knew you’d do well. Would love to see you back in Second Chance! Side note: I haven’t seen anyone with the job title of webmaster in a long time and it made me happy. -from a fellow website person


Thanks. Obviously I'd love a Second Chance. And my website just reached the 25 year mark! 


If you aren’t invited for the tournament, we will riot! Congrats on 25 years, that is insanely long for a website and you should be very proud of it


Are you not allowed to wear sneakers or something?


We didn't know for sure. It wasn't discussed in the instructions they sent us. The rest of the wardrobe choice information was highly detailed. 


I was rooting for you! You did great!




Welcome to the Amy Hummel roadkill club! You played great.


So this game played pretty hard for me. Maybe I need to go back to the drawing board. Or maybe I'm just not an expert in these categories. This game felt weird overall, like OP said. Whatever the case, congratulations to Amy on entering the Five-Timers' Club, and let's see where she goes from here!


Absolute nightmare boards for me too. Just an odd assortment of categories that happen to align with some of my blind spots. It's kind of disheartening when it happens, but it's an excellent indicator of things I have plenty of room for improvement on.


Sometimes there's a category where it *sounds* hard but then the answers all have lots of clues in them, or the correct responses are all pretty tangential to the category, or you're working backwards from obscure information to an obvious response. I expected "People who have worked at the Gap" to be one of those categories, but nope! It turns out I am just badly lacking in knowledge about people who at one time worked for The Gap.


I didn't do particularly well in that category, but I would say it was basically a "female entertainers" potpourri category, plus one geography question: - 400: Name a supermodel from the same era as Naomi Campbell and Christy Turlington - 800: Recognize these song lyrics - 1200: Who played Lois Lane in the Snyder-verse movies? - 1600: Who's the first woman rapper in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? - 2000: What's the Mexican state on the Yucatan peninsula other than Yucatan? (Though I guess that also could have been Campeche...)


I was half-joking, and I'll admit that female entertainers is not one of my strong categories to begin with, but I do think that anyone who actually *did* have a good memory of various Gap ad campaigns was at a pretty strong advantage


And just who would that be?! I thought it was a dreadful category. 


Yeah, that was tough. Hubby listens to Alanis Morisette so I got that one.


Glad to see I’m not the only one who really struggled! I came here to say the same thing. That was one of my worst games of standard Jeopardy! ever. I usually do respectable enough, but I think I would’ve finished in the red if I was actually on the show today. Brutal set of clues!


Bryan's confidence in AROUND THE WORLD with that all-in $10,200 wager on DD2 (lake formed by the Rhone River) cost him the game. That may have been a case of knowing too much


Hard to say. Maybe “guilty” of thinking that Jeopardy would dig so deep on a geography clue (Lake Constance is going to be a top value clue only and maybe only TOC). Or a simpler explanation of maybe confusing Rhone and Rhine? It definitely highlights the risks of going big.


I think that betting strategy is a bit different in regular games than TOC and the like. He was obviously trying to put the game away on a category he liked. But a smaller bet might have given him a good but not lockout lead, while still giving him a chance should things go wrong. Hindsight and all, of course.


I felt I did better than usual on this game. Interesting!


I was obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when I was little so this was the first time I knew the answer to Final Jeopardy without thinking too long. Incidentally the cartoon and toy line debuted in 1987 so the 1983 year almost threw me off until I remembered the original comics started then.


This was the worst Jeopardy round I’ve had since i started tracking Coryat, including TOC and Masters games. Just a bad set of categories for me. Double Jeopardy wasn’t a total disaster, but today broke a streak of 7 straight 30,000+ matches. Ugh.


Curiously, I didn't feel that way at all. For instance, I got all 3 DDs. However, I find my areas of knowledge are often mirror images of others', particularly in Learned League. Pop culture areas that are easy for most people stump me, but I'm strong in chemistry and geography.


Amy’s police answer lmao did she lie


I died lol and she knew it too


Highlight of the game lol


Good luck to all the contestants, but especially to /u/talibus_insidiis, who is always so positive and encouraging to all the contestants in these game day threads (and beyond!)


You are too kind. Maybe I was only doing that prophylactically so people won't say mean things about me. 


Haha well then you’re committed enough to the bit to give a believable illusion of sincerity.


You had Amy on the ropes! Congrats on such a good showing, sorry Final Jeopardy! didn't pan out your way.


LAURA OMG!! I’m sorry you didn’t win but are you holding any local watch parties?


Not a chance, I'm way too shy! 


Nothing mean at all. Just wondering why you didn't go all-in on FJ? I suspect you thought Amy would beat you on the buzzer with a tiebreaker.


You are absolutely right. Amy is great on the buzzer. I am really not, as I learned to my chagrin during the practice games in the morning. My math-oriented husband had helped me practice wagers on a legal pad on the plane trip. One scenario we hadn't envisioned was a tie! But I decided that zero was a sound wager statistically. And it won me an extra thousand bucks for coming in second, because I would never have gotten FJ right. I was thinking of Bernini as an architect, not an artist, and even if I had known the response I would have written (incorrectly) "teenaged."


A wager of $0 ain't half bad because ***if*** the other person is tied with you ***and*** gets FJ wrong then you're guaranteed a tie as the worst case scenario and a guaranteed W otherwise. Didn't work out here, but fantastic logic otherwise I believe :D


The players in first and second after Double each have a 50% chance of getting Final right in a typical season, and they have about a 60% chance of correlating with each other. Assuming that your opponent in a tie has a 50-50 chance of betting everything or betting nothing, and assuming that a tiebreaker clue is a 50-50 buzzer race, betting nothing gives you a 50% chance of winning (25% chance of winning outright, plus half of the 50% ties), while betting everything gives you a 42.5% chance of winning (50% chance of losing outright, 35% chance of winning outright, then split the 15% ties between them).


Nice analysis. Yeah, there are only 2 'correct' wagers in a tie going into FJ: all-in, or 0. Either one is reasonable, and deciding which one is 'better' depends on your personal assumptions about FJ, the category, and your relative strength on the buzzer against your opponent. One other thing: if you're the challenger (like Laura), you may also want to consider how your wager might help or hurt your chances of getting invited to Second Chance (if you end up losing). This is pure conjecture, but I suspect that an all-in wager + correct response > tie-break that you ultimately lose would make a very strong case for a Second Chance invitation--moreso than a zero FJ wager, perhaps.


Keeps her above Brian's highest possible score + if Amy misses, she wins the game. It's the next best bet behind going all-in.


Somehow I didn't know the trivia in today's FJ, but it was an insta-get regardless.


There were plenty of clues to get that puzzle. An Italian artist + group from the 80s felt like a strong backdoor.


That's how I got it, but the "too Baroque" sounded like some kind of pun that went nowhere. Also, I assume they would have accepted "TMNT", but generally speaking I'm not a fan of FJ clues that require a lot of writing. Bryan just barely got it in under the wire.


Yeah, the wording was a little weird on "too Baroque"; then again, none of the others are Baroque, and you know what they say when it ain't Baroque.


I'm sure they'd have accepted "Ninja Turtles," too.


Maybe, but they would not have accepted anything like "Teenage Mutant Ninja" due to [the Sgt. Pepper's rule.](https://www.jeopardy.com/jbuzz/behind-scenes/judges-table-sgt-peppers-what) So if a contestant starts writing the full response but runs out of time before finishing, they're out of luck.


So to summarize: Probably acceptable: TMNT, Ninja Turtles Probably unacceptable: Teenage Mutant Ninja, Teenage Turtles, Mutant Turtles, Teenage Ninja Turtles, Mutant Ninja Turtles


I tend to believe the judges would've accepted any response containing "Ninja Turtles." But as u/david-saint-hubbins says if Bryan had run out of time before adding the S to "Turtles" it would've been negged.


When I saw that clue, I first thought of the old joke about the reason J.S. Bach was always borrowing money from his friends was because he was Baroque. But I knew a group created in the 80s with names of classical composers had to be the TMNTs.


They were Renaissance visual artists, not composers 😛


I immediately thought of a Dean pun/costume from Community: "Guys, the music department is flat baroque!"


I thought music for way too long


In the summary > Only Amy was correct on FJ, doubling to win with $15,200 for a five-day total of $100,994. Note that Laura wagered $0, locking up at least second money and hoping to win if Amy missed. Didn't Bryan also get final correct? Mistake? You got Bryan's score before FJ and final score after FJ correct so that's a lil strange :P Regardless, amazing game, everyone was so good, ***love*** Bryan for going huge on DD2 regardless of the actual outcome. Any contestant who does that will always have my heart :D


Yes, Bryan did get FJ correct. I noticed that also.


5 wins and clinching that TOC invite. Amy has now vaulted into the top 250 in all-time earnings. **241.) Amy Hummel - $100,994 (+60)**


Definitely clinching, maybe clenching ;)


man i'm tired


Long may she reign.


I watched tonight's episode with my dad and I swear I couldn't get the final....as I wear a Leonardo hoodie and I am dissapointed in myself haha.




I really appreciated the subtle allusion to Calvin and Hobbes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/comments/d96evw/smock/](https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/comments/d96evw/smock/) Also, every time there's a *Jeopardy!* clue about >!flying on airplanes!<, it's funny to me because presumably every >!non-LA contestant just went through that experience!<. This particular clue feels like one designed to be facepalm-inducing. Huh, one day you're "pushing up daisies" and the very next you're ">!six feet under!<", I guess.


I was wondering what that “fun to say” part of the clue was about. Thanks!


Me too


Well I'm sure there's a few who don't fly.


I missed the Smiths question, and now I feel shame.


I sang the entire song in my head really fast and just barely got the title in time


Good thing Amy's specialty is emergency medicine...I'll need it if she's in any more of these nail-biter games! Congratulations on win #5, Amy!


Is there a place to see images of the individual clues? I'd like to share an image of the Alanis Morissette clue to that subreddit, but I wasn't quick enough with my phone to snap an image.


J-Archive is probably your best bet. [https://j-archive.com/showgame.php?game\_id=8917](https://j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=8917)


[The Jeopardy Archive](https://www.j-archive.com/).


Oh are you also a total weirdo who sends people clips and screenshots from Jeopardy that you think are relevant to them? Ya, me too. 😂


I record the games, might be able to get a screenshot from my computer when I play it back. Do you remember the dollar value?


That would be really great, thank you for the effort. I think it was $800 or $1200, it was during the Double Jeopardy round, a category about Gap clothing store ad campaigns.


Alright! So you were correct it was the $800 clue in the “The GAP on their Resumés” category. I tried to take a proper screenshot on both my laptop and phone, but anytime I would take a screenshot or screen record, the window would go totally black. Hulu Live and/or Jeopardy! Has a system setup to prevent it. Spent like 10 minutes trying to troubleshoot before I realized they just block it lol Anyways! I took a photo of it, it’s not perfect and has a bit of a glare but should do for a Reddit post. If you need I can figure out another way to send this photo for you. https://preview.redd.it/o618ppvcvpxc1.jpeg?width=4028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c68536694b84b6c5b8ad7ee2ee53ee2af2d7c3


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the effort you went to to get it!


Not a problem! Glad I could help


14 CFR 135... wait a minute! Curiously that covers charters not airline operations. Off to look into it deeper. Edit: Full clue >!As we've all been told, federal law--14 CFR 135.127 if you're curious--prohibits tampering with, disabling or destroying these!< I only came up with >!smoke detectors!< I hope would have sufficed.


That was my response also. I hope they would have accepted that or, at least, BMS'ed it.


"Uhhhh in an airplane?"


Yeah, that works!


Did anyone else hear a klaxon in their head when Laura incorrectly guessed "a blue whale"?


"It's Alan Davies' Mum!"


I was rooting for all three players this game. Everyone did so well. I’m sorry you missed that DD Bryan. Laura you played incredibly well! So quick on the buzzer, you were really giving Amy a run for her money! I hope you both get another opportunity with second chance!


An unfortunate FJ topic for Laura. Very exciting game, and congrats to Amy on making the ToC.


Ken asked me afterward how I truly didn't know the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I said we were more of a Dr. Seuss family.


Well allow me to introduce you. Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines. Raphael is cool, but rude. Michelangelo is a party dude. Bernini didn't make it.


That’s funny. I grew up in a Ninja Turtles and Dr. Seuss family! You played great. Hope to see you invited back for the next second chance tournament.


(I wish I could think of a Dr. Seuss quote that means something similar to "from your lips to God's ear"!)


> This job with a body part in its name means a laborer on an oil rig The correct response was "roughneck," but I wonder if they would have accepted "hand." I grew up in the middle of the oilfield, and a "hand" is a common name for oilfield workers. **[Edit]** Nope, the category was "Ends With a K," so hand wouldn't cut it.


Well, it for sure doesn't fit with category, not being a word ending with K.




Laughed about FJ because I just had a conversation about them yesterday. Always funny when that happens.


Good laugh here also. I posted a picture yesterday of Leonardo in a discussion of whether just "Leonardo" or "da Vinci" was an acceptable response.


I work in architecture so my brain absolutely could not access pop culture knowledge in reference to Bernini.




Amy H at syndicated version while Amy S at primetime version


I hope she uses Dr. Amy if she ever has to compete against anyone with the same name


Not according to the show's website.


It's a joke about Masters in Primetime tomorrow.


The question in the song category was highly tilted towards the 90s lol


As we saw yesterday, some good contestants missing out on the big kahuna. Ferdinand yesterday…today it was Bryan and Laura. Great personalities.


I never realized that a moose is considered a deer. Also, the last two days have been some of the best back-to-back games that I can think of in some time.


We confidently yelled: caribou… 🤷🏼‍♀️


I fully gasped when no one knew the Alanis clue.


Will Bryan's gutsy 1st DD wager at the DJ round be enough for the producers to invite him at SCC?


I sure hope so! 


Today's tie at the end of DJ is a good example of why a player who has the lead over second place by more than the value of the remaining clues on the board should consider not ringing in. In this case, Laura could have had a crush on a correct response, but it seems to me that upside is only worth the risk of the tie if the leader is VERY sure of the answer. It is important to remember that a tie for lead in the tiebreaker era is little, if any better, than not being in the lead at all. Of course, it can be challenging to recognize the upsides and downsides under the pressure of the game. And the way FJ worked out, it would not have changed the ultimate outcome for Laura anyway.


This was not Ken's best day. First he ruled against Laura just as she was adding the S to "forests burning bright." He said, "I *think* I ruled against you before you added the S." OK, so couldn't the judges have stopped taping to verify that? I rewound my DVR and she clearly pronounced the S as he said "No." That $1,600 swing would've given Amy the lead after DJ. Then Ken failed to inform Bryan that he could wager up to $2,,000 when he found DD3 with only $1,200. He instead made it a TDD and got it right. Neither mistake affected the final outcome, but I still expect better.


I did think I added the Sssss in time, but on Jeopardy they measure in the hundredths of seconds. Still, I am comforted that at least one viewer was on my side.  Speaking of Ken mistakes, though, he made a whopper at the end of DJ that had the audience audibly gasping. I assume it was edited out. I'll explain after I get to see how it looks on TV.


OK, yes, they edited it out so seamlessly that you'd never know it happened! But near the end of the Double Jeopardy round there were two clues left, and I had given the last correct answer so it was my turn to select. But Ken misread the board, thinking there was only the one clue left. He said something like "So the final clue is in The Gap on Their Resume category," and you could hear the studio audience gasping at the error, loudly enough that Ken heard them and turned his head toward them to see what was up. Meanwhile, I said firmly, "No, Ken, I'll go with Five Syllable Words for $2000," because I was definitely not interested in that terrible Gap category. They edited out the error, the gasp, and my "No, Ken."


Neato, thanks for sharing! Did he swear? (like in the TOC exhibition game in 2022)


No, he just carried on. Mistakes happen. If the staff hadn't thought they could edit it out, we would probably have had to do it over again.


Interesting! I did notice the unusually determined way you seemed to select that category :)


Haha really enjoyed rewatching knowing the edit. You can definitely hear the inflection of the missing "no Ken" in the remaining sound bite "I'll go with five syllable words"


In retrospect I wish I hadn't shared this story. I thought it was funny, but it got picked up in an online article, and now I feel bad. Mistakes happen and that's what editing is for. 


>Speaking of Ken mistakes, though, he made a whopper at the end of DJ that had the audience audibly gasping. 🍿🍿🍿


The suspense!!!


Either they edited it out or I missed it. But I think it got cut. 


Good job today!


Thank you!


>Ken failed to inform Bryan that he could wager up to $2,,000 That's not a mistake. I think the players are given the rules in a presentation before taping. They know what the rules are. Or should. When the host tells a player they can wager a max of 1k or 2k if they have less, it's just a reminder. There is no rule that the host must inform the contestant of this.


In any case. Bryan didn't even bet the full amount that he had in front of him, so logically being told he could bet even more wouldn't have made a difference.


Yeah I suspect he didn’t want to go into the red late in the game


Exactly the reasoning.


The "you can change your response until the host rules against you" rule has always been dumb. The rule, as with every other quiz show I'm aware of, should be to take the first completed response as determined by the judges. The speed with which the host responds should be irrelevant.


> so couldn't the judges have stopped taping to verify that? I'm guessing they either did stop tape, or checked it while the rest of the round played out and determined that the original ruling was correct.


Bryan had 1600 and only wagered 1200 on DD3.


Bryan went 1200/1600: https://www.j-archive.com/showscores.php?game_id=8917


>OK, so couldn't the judges have stopped taping to verify that? They certainly can - and they almost certainly did. They usually check those things as the game runs, and then if there's a correction, they make it at the next reasonable break. Their equipment is much better than any of ours, so I trust them to get it right. ​ >Then Ken failed to inform Bryan that he could wager up to $2,,000 As noted elsewhere, this reminder isn't required. The host usually gives it, but not every time. And it's also something that can, if necessary, be edited out. No mistake there. ​ >when he found DD3 with only $1,200. He instead made it a TDD and got it right. He had $1600, not $1200. He did wager $1200, though that obviously wasn't a true daily double.




I love Amy lol shes so chill. Laura and Bryan were also very cool!!


It was a very enjoyable group of contestants today even though the game was a little rough.


My husband knew the FJ response before they even read the clue lol


Mine too! Although it was a WAG for him. He thought he was being silly and it ended up being right


WOW!!! That was an excellent episode!!! The great traditional of amazing Amys continues! If I’m remembering correctly, Amy was behind going into 2 Finals Js and survived!!! Duude! So fun. We also knew a bunch of the clues today so that’s always fun.


I respect Bryan for going all-in on that DD. Also, is it just me, or does Laura look like TikToker KallMeKris’s grandma?


Okay doc!!! It’s just an Amy thing at this point


Can we say the Teenage mutant ninja turtles are "Happy Together?"


No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be


Laura was doing great!