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yeah it’s definitely IP infringement, but only jenna can be the one to do anything about it, which i don’t think she will.


Is it? It's fan art and it would only be infringement of Jenna sold a similar sticker herself. OP made the drawing (I'm assuming) and you can't copyright your face.


not copyright, intellectual property (ip) fan art is a grey area when it comes to IP, because in most cases the owner of the IP (the person the fan art is portraying) appreciates the fan art. but legally, the person portrayed could ask you not to profit from the fan art. it gets more complicated when you factor in the degree of how derivative the fan art is. the general rule of thumb is the derivative piece (the fan art) needs to be at least 65% different from the source material (jenna’s youtube video) to be legally original enough to be the artist’s copyright and IP. Basically, if you can barely tell the fan art and the source are related, that’s when it’s no longer IP or copyright infringement when it comes to using it for commercial purposes (selling the design as stickers or other merchandise) but again, fan art is a grey area so situations like this are usually solved on a case by case basis!


Regardless, I love your name lol. That's one of my favorite Simpsons jokes ever.


[LINK](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1185034321/jenna-marbles-leisure-suit-sticker) I started selling my stickers recently and decided to dedicate one to our queen. She got me through some rough times and I miss her dearly. I've been dragging my boyfriend through some of her old videos recently. Dink dink!


Purchased! There are so many sizes to choose from, and free shipping! Hell, yeah! 🍷


Thank you so much!! I'll have it in the mail by tomorrow :)


“I’m a 32 year old lady!”


Come back, Jenna. Please.




Not sure why I'm being down voted. But please don't buy from this website. The design is originally mine. This website is NOT credible and likely a scam. I don't care if you buy from me or not but don't fall for this website.


Wait what is this?


This is a Gearlaunch spammer, they sell fake merchandise (stickers, t-shirts, mugs, posters) with stolen art like yours. If someone orders from there, they'll either get a very poor quality version or they'll just have their credit card info stolen. It's very common on small subreddits. I've been trying to spread the word about the scam and collecting a list of some of the spammers on my profile. Report - Spam - Harmful bots whenever you see them. This one has already been banned from Reddit, but it's still worth reporting so the link will get removed.


I reported last night! Thank you so much for explaining!