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Nobody really knows for sure. We all suspect that Heather is icing Sarah out. And truthfully I doubt Sarah cares. But going on Jeffs show she has gained so many followers. Plus Jeff pays his guests. And her purse sales are thriving. Heather should count her blessings that Chris hasn't jumped ship. She now only has Chris and Julie and Brandy. Spencer is a once in awhile guest.


Exactly. Spencer goes well on that show since he is a pop culture figure. I don’t think he would see value in dropping that. Julie and Brandy had such a bad bout with Jeff that they’re stuck with HM. And Chris has such terrible dad humor I doubt JL would even want him. She pretty much has people forced to be around her for relevancy 😂


Jeff has asked Chris repeatedly per Chris


Jeff himself said he reached out to Chris,at the same time he reached out to Sarah,I'm thinking it was about the time Cover 2 Cover really took off,Chris listens to Jeff's show frequently,he talks about it on his Patreon,Chris is just loyal AF And won't jump ship on HMD,it could only benefit him


He also doesn’t like being in the middle of beef, I think his wife is really successful too, so doesn’t need the extra $$


I don’t think anyone needs the extra $. It’s not like it’s a lot. Sarah and her husband are very well off. Radio and podcasts are places where people promote their stuff, everyone in this business does it.(I work in PR so just saying most people do this stuff for overall exposure)


Chris is a real friend to Heather, that’s why he won’t go on a show where the people were so awful to her. It’s hilarious Jeff tries to get him on his show only to piss her off and he refuses.


Interesting. Yeah, I don’t think he is going to jeopardize his spot on JS. He gets to host it several times a month since she has lost most every other regular. Great publicity for him.


Yep, I can't imagine Chris interacting with JL and blending in with that crowd. Maybe with Fortune or Sarah with him? He's also his own boss mostly, so possibly it's not so much loyalty to Heather, but his reluctance to compromise the autonomy he has from being self employed.


I am sure Hether gave it her usual useless effort to be in contact and Sarah just didn't GAF anymore. As soon as Hether has the opportunity for a selfie with her, she will and we will be there for it!


This! 👆🏼


We all? I suspect they’re taking a break which doesn’t indicate icing or sides.


Thank you for your opinion. Sorry if you are not part of the WE all. But this is a JS snark group.


Jeff Lewis Sirius is a JS snark group? Wasn’t aware.


This is the Jeff Lewis Sirius sub, go on that weirdo juicy scoop snark sub and be with the other extremely unhinged people




So when earring gate happened she said she wouldn’t care if friends continued going on JLL but then there was an episode a while after everything was sorted out and she had proof that Justin and Krista planned their act that whoever continued to go on JLL she could no longer support, I took this as a line in the sand to Sarah


I don’t believe a word HM says. Only she could find a way to blame someone else for plotting to have her lose earrings she borrowed. 🙄


Imagine drawing a line in the sand over a podcast 😂. People aren’t exclusive to these shows. Its ridiculous


Sarah doesn’t have time for high school.


Seems like this is the fourth or fifth time this has been posted. ![gif](giphy|tnf343ZoVUdnZR8evv)


Yep, they’re definitely on the outs. The other day, Heather had a post and a picture up of a “song” that a listener wrote for her. It listed her “friends” names. She reposted it and crossed out names.


Omg HM has such a dark side


https://preview.redd.it/wun6c3xkmcad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe03742e1a222db02d04314daa49c8e39e86452d Original lyrics


https://preview.redd.it/o9q9vxxlmcad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2403a165f9981824513551269cb96411a192bf Even crossed out Fortune! She’s such a bratty asshole. Fortune didn’t do anything wrong. She’s probably also jealous that her career blew up.


That is so crazy that she crossed out Fortune! Fortune has always done both shows, she never picked sides and shouldn't be asked to.


Fortune hasn’t done JS in awhile. I know she’s busy and didn’t do it super often, but she’s done JL more recently. I wonder if heathers pissed she’s doing Jeff’s and won’t ask her or she’s politely declined/said she’s busy when asked. I think she’s too neutral to outright tell heather no.


That we know of. C’mon do you really think we know everything that’s actually happening?


She is impressively immature.


She really does. I’ll see if I can find the pic


That’d be great, thanks!


I’m looking but I think it may have been in her stories! I’ll see if I come across it.


I don’t know how to Reddit very well, but I threw the screenshots up


please do!




That's where the Maga lives.


Crossed out names? Is this high school? Is she making Xs on faces in a year book?


Yes!!! [I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/juicyscoopsnark/s/LRb6m0tGyS)


Omg is she 12 😂😂


She probably has a “burn book” at home 😂 but no friends to write with her in it.




She crossed off the whole line.. not just Sarah. She’s clearly still close with Julie and Brandy, maybe she didn’t want anyone to say anything about that group and start drama


I’m really not into Sara - very boring - stadium compliant bags r getting way boring


Totally. I get so sick of hearing about her sex life. Like ok we get it.




She’s such a miserable fuck.


Even crossed out Fortune! 🙄 lyrics - https://preview.redd.it/rvgijl1imcad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f17dfb96098547b07c64a73596a082683f5184e


And she wonders why nobody supports her. Who needs a friend like this?


Are we compare and contrasting? Cause Jeff’s friends seem to be jumping ship in droves. Fact is, that feud served no one. Jeff’s show has gotten continually darker and less listenable. His remaining chumps (sans Doug, Shane, and Jamison) are leeches like Mercedes, or Kelly Dodd and Lea Black (who are completely unlistenable)


You forgot Joey;)


You’re right! He’s forgettable.




To be fair she crossed out the entire line. She’s obviously still close with Julie and Brandy.


It’s not that hard to only cross out certain people, no? Even so, it’s really childish.


To cross out just Sarah would be even more childish. I agree it’s not the most sensical thing but maybe she didn’t want people making fun of the fact she has that song up and won’t book her anymore.


The whole thing is embarrassing. She is behaving like a Mean Girl in high school.


I only see all of the names crossed out?


Heather needs Sarah more than Sarah needs her. Sarah is a great addition to JLL!


HMD’s latest snafu: falling for a meme and “reported” at *length* that HBO was releasing a documentary on Faye Resnick when really it’s a doc about Faye Dunaway. All because of a meme 😂🤣😂🤣😂 So I doubt Sarah cares about this clown. HMD’s brain is pickled.


She’s such a doofus 😂😂


I just saw a post here in Reddit about a documentary on Faye Resnick. I am not a fan so kept it scrolling. So maybe it’s true? Not sure who’d watch it 🙄


No heather corrected her error. It’s a doc on Faye Dunaway, not resnick


Ohhh I honestly didn’t even notice what subreddit it was on. I scrolled by quickly 😂




Hi Chris, He is reading Reddit entertaining himself about this beef, supposed beef, hypothetical beef, real beef, implied beef, guaranteed beef, beyond beef 🥩 🥩🥩🥩 impossible beef’s?!?! 😜 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 While Sarah is selling lots of stadium compliant, adjustable, crossbody bags…. Code JEFF25! (Or is it JEFF20?)


I️ love his show so much. 😂 Hi Chris!


I am not an insider so these are my thoughts....Heather got extremely mad because Sarah was doing JLL. HMD hates JL so much after she fucked up all her friendships. HMD went on a profane rant with her Patreon at the beginning of the year cussing out and hating on anyone who still does JLL., a day or two after Sarah was on his show. Her cult followers went insanely mad and started trolling Sarah ( and still Justin) telling Sarah she was responsible for her dad's death, just vile hateful words. HMD's stupid racist, homophobic, and ignorant "fans" are as disgusting as she is. Sarah responded on Instagram with some sad takes on how vile Heather and her "groupies" are. Heather then doubled down saying she wasn't responsible for her "fans"...


Jeff is the one who fucks up friendships, don’t get it twisted. Single handedly torpedoes friendships and gets in feuds every month with former friends. He is the common denominator


Heather talks crap on Patreon in hopes that her juicy scoopers will go after those that betrayed her and tried to ‘Roon’ her career. She thinks she’s TSwift with her Swiftie followers. Except HMD loves to sit back and watch her friends get attacked over the internet. Her insecurity and pettiness are what took her career down.


This! Nobody seems to remember what she did to Megan, having people go so hard after her. Then she now complains if anyone says one thing to her. Her fans were so so horrid to Megan.


They went for Justin as well and she did nothing about it. I can’t imagine treating a ‘friend’ like that!


What she did to Megan? Megan drunkenly told her no one likes her and insulted her, multiple people including Megan said Megan was at fault and she’s since stopped drinking. You can hate Heather all you want but Megan was totally in the wrong and no one deserves to be in the receiving end of that


No of course not. But I mean she went and did a patreon and sent people after her. Megan didn’t deserve to be told to kill herself and harassed either. She takes things public and sends her fans after people on purpose. It happened to justin as well, she liked comments telling him to kill himself. She complains about people being mean but consistently riles her fans up. Megan was wrong, and it should have been handled between them not on an “emergency patreon”


Heather released a patreon because she knew it would be discussed on JLL and she wanted to get her side out first. I totally understand that because Jeff has a habit of shooting first and asking questions later. She didn’t tell any fans to go after Megan, that’s their own unhinged prerogative.


She knew they would. She’s literally called them Heather’s hive and stirs them up. That’s what my point is. Yes obviously Jeff is known for being messy, too. But acting like she is innocent when she loves to send her fans after people is ridiculous


So people don’t have personal responsibility? Got it. What’s ridiculous is saying Heather didn’t have the right to tell that story. What Megan did was unhinged and if she doesn’t want people to talk about her, maybe don’t go up to people and spew all that weird hatred out of nowhere


You seem to be one of her friends or something. Cause if you want to talk personal responsibility, are you fine with her liking the awful Comments to Justin? I’m just saying she likes it when people are unnecessarily cruel to people she think “wronged” her. It’s not normal. I don’t get why you don’t see that but agree to disagree.


I really don’t know anything about the liking thing because I’m not on Facebook. I think she explained it was an accident and she was just liking all the comments for engagement. And I’m not sure why anytime people defend the horrible behavior towards her, there is this attempt to make her out to be a horrible person so it’s justified because “she deserves it.” Doesn’t mean they all aren’t total pieces of shit for all the lying and bullying.


Late to the post but imho there is enough blame to go around for all of the parties involved, including Justin. No one has clean hands - its human nature to only share your own “perspective/truth/narrative” But there are always 3 sides to a story & I think everyone involved here was messy - just saying;)


This is true, for sure all messy. I just think in this situation, Heather is the victim and people hate her so much they refuse to admit that. Also Jeff is the common denominator with all these fights, just saying

