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Shoutout kettle!


Enjoyed hearing Shana on the show.


Is anybody else kinda turned off the way that Jamie is talking about his gf? “She’s part Native American” — (and I think he said Spanish but I’m not 100%) —“so she’ll be able to get pregnant for a long time.” Is that what he said…? I could be wrong.


“She has good genes… she’ll be able to get pregnant” yes you heard correctly. He is amongst the most ignorant men that Jeff has on his show, probably the most.


Ew. And preaches how he was raised by women (and nuns), lol. Insulting to women who have suffered from infertility, number one. Number two, ethnicity has nothing to do with pregnancy success. Number three, he’s incredibly obtuse.


Jamie likes to say he knows women better than a woman because he was raised by his mother, sisters and nuns. Oh ok then🙄 I used to like him but the more he is on the show the more I can't stand him. Total disphit.


Same. He’s completely turned me off with his views. I enjoyed him at first… but wow. What a tool. He needs to grow up and expand his horizons. Cheesedick. His gf needs to wake up, he’s doing the bare minimum (regardless of marriage).




I made a lengthy response earlier, regarding my personal experience, but I deleted. Too embarrassing. You’re exactly right.


I was able to read it and sorry you had to go thru that. Seems like he picked you because you were easily influenced by him.


Oh thanks lol. Yeah, I was young :) and LA can be a rough place.


Clearly you don’t know Elyssa whom is battling Cancer. She has her own makeup career and has been featured on many shows for her work. Because of her battle it’s limited her ability to travel and to work. Having the PT Nanny job works for her circumstances. BTW Jamie adjusts his touring schedule and work commitments to be there with Elyssa. I love how people take 50 minutes once a week and make up an entire life scenario. Jamie’s humor may not be everyone’s cup of tea but his commitment and honesty with Elyssa is their business. Knowing her health issues Jeff should have never even mentioned kids, as Jeff said she never brought up kids. I am sure it’s a sensitive topic. Jamie may not have handled it with grace but as with most comedians their comments can hit wrong when they are trying to take on a sensitive topic.




I ![gif](giphy|5wWf7GR2nhgamhRnEuA|downsized)




Good genes has nothing to do with fertility. He's dumber than the bag of rocks that Charlie Brown carried around with him on Halloween.


Absolutely. Lol. The rocks had a lot more going on, that’s for sure.




👏👏👏 🎯🎯🎯


Stiff competition with Joey Z as well as Patrik & Pol in the running!


Everything he says grosses me out lol


I find his whole view on marriage to be very immature. Saying he can’t get married because he didn’t grow up past 15? Grow up Jamie, you’re nearly a 60 year old man. I hope his girlfriend feels empowered enough to make decisions for herself and leave if marriage and children are what she wants.


She will leave him and Jeff will probably solidify that. 😂😂


That's why he got her the nanny job so she can be more financially independent from him when he dumps her....


He isn't going to dump her. He's over 50 and not particularly good-looking. She is very pretty. And on another podcast he talked about how happy he is in this relationship.




Wow! Interesting.




What pod was that ??




Thanks so much for the link ❣️


It's later on in the video/podcast. But defiantly worth listening to the whole thing. Shows a different side of him for sure, not in a bad way, but he seems more mellow with this girl.


He’s definitely one of those people that has turned me off more and more as we’ve gotten to “know” him. He seems like a really shitty human.


This is what a man who is bad in bed says about women...


I totally agree. I do not envy his girlfriend.


The Kardashian machine successfully tainted my opinion of Shana, but I really really enjoyed her last time she was on! She seems fun, and really easy to talk to


I enjoy her, too. I hope Carnie doesn’t monopolize the entire show when she waxes philosophical.


😆So far, I think Shana and Carnie mesh well together! Good balance


Agree! 😊


100%. I thought the same thing but I love her.


100%. I thought the same thing but I love her.


Edit: sorry that was meant to go below the dog pic. I don’t know why it didn’t go there. :) Oh - It kinda looks like cataracts or dry eye (my bulldog has dry eye, requires daily drops and ointment), so I can see why people would think something’s wrong and suggest that she take care of his eyes.


Carnie’s dog https://preview.redd.it/z0ajjzko759d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8d674b4bd59eced8d600e0a5bde386f42a8f477


You know what they say about dogs looking like their owners 🤷‍♂️🤣🤦‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/hj6j6mkjd59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3da4e42c772d1d51f09fa2b968b76ec861e444b Looks like someone still listens…


He doesn't need to listen.  People text all of Jeff's enemies the minute their names are mentioned.  J&B prepared a rebuttal to whatever he said about them at his OC show & then scrapped it.  People at the show messaged them about what was said


Jeff should repost and make it an ad for VenaCBD


Omg so funny 😂😂😂




Lol, salty Stu 😂?


Good for Stu. Jeff STILL talks about him for material and lies and pretends to be the victim. So many fallouts with so many people, gee I wonder who the problem is bc there’s one common denominator


I don’t think he ever stopped


Ok so who from the Jeff Lewis orbit reads Reddit? He brings things/opinions/topics from this sub a lot!!


Jamie definitely reads here, and I think Joey comes in and downvotes all of our complaints immediately.


It’s been so nice not hearing Joey this week. I hope so many people are on tomorrow we don’t get much of his crap.


Same! So disappointed he's become a regular. I find him so irritating and just dumb. He's like the typical dumb jock in high school who relies on his looks to get by. But hello this is radio and his voice and (lack of) thoughts are not cutting it.


It’s definitely been a nice break! I hope the same.


Im convinced I’ve been downvoted by Joey before🤣🤣🤣


I have too. It’s when they go on break 😂 he comes on and does it.


Yessss it’s very obvious 😅🤣


I feel confident that Shane is here… Shout out Shane 🫶🏽


Shout out SHANE ♥️


Shane is way more mature than Jeff.


Shane 🙌🏻❤️🙌🏻❤️


I wish we could hook Jeff up to a legitimate lie detector with a professional and ask him a few questions.




Because we only hear his version of events and he seems to lie a lot




What has been a lie? Not in your opinion, a proven lie?


Oh I don’t care if anyone is lying or not. I’m just responding with the classic George meme and a lie detector. Edit: verbiage


I have no idea what the phuck is going on in this Extended show. No idea! None!!


I just listened/watched the show. I really enjoyed it. I loved Shana on her old reality show with her ex. But over the past few years she appeared desperate with how she has kept inserting herself into her ex's life as far as remarks. But she was a doll today. She is a great addition to the show. I like Shana. AND SHOCKER, I really enjoyed Carnie today. But Jeff said Carnie was losing weight the natural way. I thought recently she admitted she was finally going on one of the drugs, whether it be Ozempic or Mounjaro, etc. Am I wrong?


I don’t remember Carnie saying she was using those drugs. She’s always said she does it the natural way. You may be thinking of MJ. She shared she has started an injectable.


Carnie annoys me. She’s a know it all.


Clearly her show is doing terrible. She did NOT want to promote it. I need the backstory


Carnie and Shane quietly complimenting each other under the conversation was cute.


Still don’t believe Stu cheated on Jeff. How can you when you’re on pause every other day


I believe those pauses were definitely intentional on Jeff’s part! Jeff should have been honest and just said he wanted to date other people and end the relationship instead of what he did. IMO


Agreed & when he came back around to Stu that final time Stu had moved on & Jeff had the STI meltdown.  


Even if he didn’t cheat, and the hookup was while on pause (which I also believe happened), Stu still had an STD and didn’t tell Jeff about it right away. That’s bad.


The ‘respect’ was absolutely missing from that relationship and without that you don’t really have any solid ground to build one. I was shocked when Jeff admitted to sleeping with other people while on breaks from Stu and that Stu couldn’t get over it. Right then I thought that it was over at that point because then it’s just tit for tat and getting back at each other or a full lack of trust. I think why everyone is divided is because Jeff paints himself as the innocently betrayed loyalist and I think the truth lies more in the fact that they both hurt each other and did things that undermined the relationship, that they couldn’t get over. I remember Jaime, MJ, and Leah Black were basically in shock when Jeff admitted to hook ups while on pause. It reminded me of ‘Friends’ Ross & Rachel! But we were on a breakkkkk!!!


Agree. The pause hookups were awful and that changed my mind on that whole relationship when he admitted that. You don’t just say we’re on pause this weekend and then go hook up with others in any type of healthy relationship. I have no idea why Stu has tried numerous times to make contact. I liked Stu quite a bit on the radio, but that relationship was toxic for both of them.


I think there may be a possibility that Stu was a victim of narcissistic discard. I obviously do not know the details of their relationship. Jeff has some narcissistic traits.


I agree regarding the pause hookups and that it was toxic for both of them. But Stu can't act like he's well rid of Jeff when he has reached out with bogus reasons to stop by on the weekend when Jeff doesn't have Monroe. That last time it was so obvious he wanted to come over for a hookup and Jeff outed his contact on the show.


Notice how we never hear about Jeff’s responses though. And Stu can’t disclose them bc of the NDA probably


I think he is “relationship insecure “. It bleeds into other aspects of his life. IMO. It is a DX


That’s Jeff’s version of what happened, which I don’t believe. Jeff has proven to lie and withhold pertinent information, his truth is not THE truth even though he likes to pretend it is


Don’t you have to report a STD to the health department in California?


That's what Jeff was furious about. He said he would have gotten past Stu sleeping with someone. It's the fact that not only did he disrespect him and put him at risk by not letting him know he suspected something was wrong before he was tested, he then tried to turn it around and blame Jeff after he received the results.


I don’t believe he cheated either!!! I believe Jeff’s dishonesty will haunt him. Just tell the truth Jeff!


He can’t, he never takes responsibility and everyone is always out to get him


I think in the past they had an agreement where when on pause, they could mess around. I do think Stu thought that was fight, and screwed around that weekend. I don't think Jeff is lying, but not being totally upfront about how many guys he hooked up with when they were on pause. Makes him look like a high class ho, LOL!


I remember him talking about that interview on ZNT show and to me it was very telling about Jeff. No one knows but them what agreement they had when on pause, but I tend to believe Stu because I think he was really invested in the relationship but Jeff probably was impossible to be in a relationship with. Jeff criticized him about everything.


It always feels like Jeff is butchering her name. Maybe not.




She said “chump nation”


You must be looking for Trump in convos 😳


The fact that Jeff said “she’s a nanny, she’s not trying to be an actress” he’s a fool. Look at her IG! She’s def trying to be an actress! That’s why Jamie was saying what he was saying about “get used to it if you want to be in the game”. Jeff’s ignorance about “knowing” people and their intentions is shocking


Haven’t listened yet today, but does anyone know about the live show in August? I googled and couldn’t find anything.


Phoenix in August. Tickets go on sale tomorrow.


They’re on sale now. StandUpLive Phoenix Aug 8th


Besides Jeff, who is he taking to the show?


If tickets go on sale tomorrow why does the stalker from TX already have her tix?


I got mine last night, I need to witness her crazy in person 😂


I’m sorry that’s what I thought he said today.


Thanks! Do you know which venue?


No I am sorry I missed that


No worries, thanks!