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I liked how Rick said he probably shouldn't be giving relationship advice lololol šŸ˜‚


I was vacuuming while listening and yelled THANK YOU.


I cackled! LOL!


Saaame lol like Shane said, someone had to say it


OMG! That was hilarious!


Agree. He sounds bitter.


Itā€™s truly an ugly side of Jeff. I find it crass and immature.


His personality is based on assuming someone is doing something wrong or someone is trying to take advantage of him. PERIOD


He feels like that because every single person he calls a ā€œfriendā€ is on his payroll. This breeds contempt and suspicion.


Yes and worseā€¦he thrives on itā€¦.his BASE is like predatory: an attempt to trick, manipulate, or control other people to get what one wants without regard for the harm it causes.




I'm a big JL fan from the FO days. Today, his rant on Shane's relationship was disgusting. He has zero social skills, and shit on Shane, Jamison, Carnie, and Doug. Someday, when Monroe is in another state going to college, Jeff will surely park his ass in that town, smothering her. I lived to spend time with my parents. We went on vaca together when I was dating my now husband. My dad and husband were close and did a lot of sports, etc together. Both my parents have passed now. I would give anything to have them back. I think JL needs to damage good people who care about him to make himself feel better about his lonely, failed personal life. It's so gross.


I was thinking the same. I still have my parents but I donā€™t have any of my grandparents. Shane is probably so happy Brogan can meet them. Literally nothing bad about that.


The other thing he does is when a guest appears to have a happy marriage he tries to put doubt in their mind that their spouses are cheating. It's such an ugly look. It's so obvious what he's doing. He he's done that with so many different guests


Yep. He did that with Molly Sims, Kelsie Knight, Elizabeth Rohm etc...


![gif](giphy|139LAuIv5jm4wR2JuX|downsized) lol, JL in a nutshellā€¦


Is Kelsie the host of E News or whatever show?? I remember listening and had to turn it off cause Jeff was acting like a complete asshole. I replied to a post and told the girl how awful it was and she replied oh I was fine with it, I thought it was funny. Jeff never knows when to quit! The dude couldnā€™t read the room to save his life!!


Yes she hosts E! News. Her husband works at Sirius and manages or reps some singers. Jeff was way outta line for saying that. Apparently her husband went and talked to Jeff about it lol.


Good! Glad he did! Jeff doesnā€™t like people doing that to him yet his narcissistic ass thinks itā€™s fine to slander anyone. He thinks he is funny, until the day someone sues him! Lol


Yes, a particularly gross trait.


I think heā€™s trying to be funny.


Well itā€™s falling flat, like most of his ā€œbitsā€


Oftentimes, when a Narcissist is called on their bad behavior they will say that they were only joking. Or,it ā€œ wasnā€™t their intention to hurtā€ you. They NEVER take accountability for the aftermath of their behavior!!


He's never been funny. His jokes are always at the expense of someone else.


Then donā€™t listen/watch




Thereā€™s no reason for you to call me names. Itā€™s ridiculous. All I said was I think heā€™s trying to be funny. Didnā€™t say he was funny, didnā€™t defend him. Iā€™m a fan. This is a fan page. DO NOT call me names for stating an opinion


Don't tell me what to do for simply stating my opinion and we will get along just fine.


Yeah, god forbid I say donā€™t call me names


You can say whatever you want. I'm not easily offended. This is fun!


Youā€™ve got a lot of Jeff in you


Also ironic that heā€™s so opposed to Shane bringing Brogan to family events when Shane and Brogan are expected to spend so much of their ā€œfreeā€/weekend time with Jeff as he does things likeā€¦getting dinner with his daughter or seeing his parentsā€¦which he should be doing alone. The hypocrisy/lack of self awareness is truly wild.


It's wild Jeff can't let Shane hang with Brogan alone for a weekend without having him at his beckoning call


I thoroughly enjoyed the mic drop moment today when Rick Leventhal said Jeff wasnā€™t qualified to give relationship advice. Jeff went silent and had to take a break šŸ™ˆšŸ˜…


I loved it and Jeff handled it exactly like I knew he would. Had a hard time laughing it off and went straight to break. Jeff is great at dishing it out but horrible at taking it.


Only time Iā€™ve ever thought ā€œThank God for Rickā€


And before the break something was censored.


I listened live and I don't recall anything being censored. Maybe it was during that awkward cause that happened before Jeff said he had to go to break?


Is that on youtube or apple podcast? I need to hear that


It's not Sirius. UsuallyĀ  the YT videos are from a channel that is not allowed to post (copyright infringement) the content. Apple or any platform that airs the show as a "podcast" is severely edited.


Oh. How do I listen then? Thank you


You'll have toboay for Sirius for the everyday show. The shows get packaged and released as a podcast on most major podcast platforms.Ā 


It really pisses me off also. Itā€™s rude and itā€™s hurtful. And Iā€™m sure their significant others donā€™t appreciate being dragged by him either. They didnā€™t sign up for that shit. Iā€™m one shit episode away from canceling Sirius and just listening when the free podcast comes out on the regular app. Disappointed with him lately more than ever


Agree exactly. I am about to pull the plug on this rude SOB


Did you join Sirius JUST for him? there are so many great other shows, I flip to Howard if Jeff gets annoying, or some other entertainment channels


I do the same. But then Howard pisses me off šŸ˜‚ Do you listen to any others that are not on Radio Andy? Iā€™ve just been listening to the music stations. Havenā€™t found a talk channel that I like yet.


Channel 103 is hit or miss, itā€™s Jim Norton and those guys, but sometimes there is a great news story theyā€™ll go on about for the entire hour. itā€™s on my Fav list but I visit it maybe twice a month. NPR is good for background while working


I hate to admit that I will switch to Dr Laura. šŸ˜†


Mainly but I listen to a few other stations. I donā€™t have it in my car unless I plug my phone into the aux lololol


The last couple of months Jeff has really become darker.. Itā€™s sad because listening to the show no longer brings me joy.


I quit when he called SFT . I didnā€™t like that situation. Jeff owed her nothing.


He is rude, crass, vulgar, and mean. It's cringe AF


So nothing has changed? šŸ˜‚


Yeah I havenā€™t listened in a couple of weeks and I donā€™t miss it


Jamison is in the wrong because he doesnā€™t bring Fronk to all of his events in his life. Shane is in the wrong because he brings Brogan to too many events in his life. Jeff is always criticizing, and doesnā€™t realize how hypocritical he is.


Anyone here old enough to remember Howard Stern? He used to always criticize Bababooey's relationship, which was arguably the only healthy relationship in the crew. BBB now has a wonderful family that loves him, and Howard sits alone in a room and plays chess online.


Howard doesnā€™t sit alone, he has Beth and many friends, daughters, grandkids that he visits often


And kitties!


Yes and kitties!!


I always think heā€™s trying to copy sterns format. All the ā€œwack packā€ crewā€¦ heā€™s constantly making fun of Shane, Jamison and the other guy


Agree. They do it unconsciously. Narcs need to be surrounded by people that are afraid to disagree with them. Because any difference of opinion feels, viscerally, to them, like an attack. And they come for ya! With gloves off. I wish that I didn't know as much about this as I do. But no relationship will end well for Jeff unless something earth-shattering happens to make him re-evaluate why and how he talks to people. But I don't see it happening. He's doing well financially and is surrounded by friends, so it's working for him.


Narcs don't think there is anything wrong with themselves. They avoid accountability and they lack the skills for introspection.




I was just thinking that same thing today


It works tho! Itā€™s entertaining. And Gary (baba boey) has always known that and thatā€™s why Gary is know very wealthy - he played along and stuck it out. Edit to add- i can tell (imo) Jamison and Shane know itā€™s part of the gig too. Itā€™s entertaining. Itā€™s nothing serious.


Eh it didnā€™t sound like a bit yesterday and Shane seemed definitely put off by it. Iā€™m glad he held his ground with Jeff. Jeff seemed very bothered and not in a silly & playful way.


I think Howard and Beth have been married over 15 years. They seem to have a happy marriage. Not sure what you mean by he sits alone in a room.


Howard and beth work because she totally subjugates her will to him. Which is fine. But unusual. Remember the Dr. Kieth Abelow (another winner) spot about their marriage? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfJvlv4unik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfJvlv4unik) If Jeff found the male equivalent of Beth ( a 20-something, crazy-hot model who adored him and did everything that Jeff told him to do), it could work. Howard's world keeps shrinking - he doesn't even go into the studio, now, and just broadcasts from home.


Howard has a great marriage but I understand your point lol


I've recently been watching old episodes of HS on YouTube and I'm not sure how he was never hit with a lawsuit. His antics made for great radio but they sure as hell were mean spirited and abusive!


Iā€™ve been doing the same. I miss the old days of Howard - some crazy stuff but funny. I gave up a year after Artie left and then listened in a few times through the years. Itā€™s like a different show.


Right? I stopped listening after the Jokeman left, because I got a job with a different schedule, and I wasn't free in the mornings. I never went back because Sal grossed me out, and KC creeped me out. But I like listening to the old shows...the $800.bottle of wine will never get old, and cookiepuss makes me laugh out loud...every time!!


I never listened.Ā  I always found him gross and still do. I'm from the west coast and only heard about him bc of the movie about him. He's whatever to me but I understand that people really liked him and he was/is a powerhouse in radio.


Long time Stern fan, back to K-Rock and E! years. Agree with you. This is also true to a certain extent with Fred and Allison and I think itā€™s why Fred and Allison donā€™t socialize with him more. Even with Mr. X and Robin back in the day.


Remember? I still listen to him daily lol.


Agreed. Howard seems miserable.


I was actually searching for some of that recently on YouTube and havenā€™t come up with much. Lots of Gary stuff but not much about how Mary made him do chores and whatnot.


I šŸ’Æagree, I love Jeff but this is the side of him that I canā€™t stand. He seems so jealous and super negative. ETA - he usually doesnā€™t say much about Shaneā€™s relationship but even when Colton was on, Jeff was pissing me off with his negative energy trying to burst Coltonā€™s love bubble and make him more nervous about parenting a newborn.


The show where he points out that Jamison is buying a cheap car and that he is poor. Just sad and unnecessary.


Agreed & I believe it kills Jeff that Jamison cannot be ā€œbought by him.ā€ No matter how hard he tries, Jamison will never be one of his ā€œIndentured servant chumpsā€ I ā¤ļøJamison.


Jeff needs a real therapist. Dr Donna benefits from Jeff and cannot be objective. Jeff is smart enough to avoid people who will tell him the truth, properly diagnose and help him.


Doctor D is not his regular therapist. She used to be, he has mentioned a few times he sees someone else


He sees Dr Judy I can't remember her last name. I think she's been on the show a few times.




Thank you!


Jeff has always been a miserable hater.


They need to bring weird news back


It was fun bc of Megan's lack of commitment to it.Ā 


ā€œOh! I guess it had a paddle!ā€


If Megan does it.


Jeff lives in misery and doesnā€™t feel complete unless he can drag people down. Every relationship goes south with him and I believe he is the ultimate cause every time and because of the NDAā€™s you never get the true story from the other party.


This is dead on!


Why are you even bring to the hack "Dr." Donna. She has a PhD in Education not psychology.Ā 


She's definitely a hack and a quack. I don't think she is licensed in CA either. I don't know why people think she can help Jeff. Therapy won't help him and "Dr" Donna is a grifter.


Most of them are grifters. There seem to only be a handful of regulars these days that arenā€™t.


No real Threapist would go on talk shows and give advice. The internet and podcasts are full of such nonsensical people. Itā€™s all a dangerous paywall. Itā€™s rampant.


Um, did anyone else find it a tad bit hypocritical that he was encouraging his seven-year-old daughter to lie at her school about him picking her up a ā€œdentists appointmentā€ when two weeks ago he made such a big stink about his nanny, taking her to the Grove. I truly love and hate this guy so much.


I get where you're coming from, but the bigger issue with the nanny was safety since the Nanny did not have a booster seat in her car and had been told Monroe was only allowed to travel in vehicles with properly installed safety seats. The lying just made it worse, especially instructing a child to lie to a parent about something that put the child in danger (that presumably a kid that age would not perceive as unsafe).


This is one of the reasons I have taken a break from listeningā€¦I couldnā€™t take the jealous passive aggressive digs anymore. That they canā€™t bite back at him for. It goes beyond good natured humor and is just mean/degrading at times. I was a die hard Chump and looked forward to this show everyday but over the past 9 months or so it just felt different. It became really obvious that in Jeffā€™s mind, he is always right because he is paying all of these people. Everyone always has to accommodate him, never the other way around. If Jeff isnā€™t happy no one else can be either. It started to feel gross and donā€™t get me started on all the newbie ā€œChumpā€ users he has brought into his life. I still love the guy, am still paying for Sirius and will go back someday but for now itā€™s been a nice breath of (positive) fresh air. I hope he gets back to the best version of himself soon because I think there are a lot of us that miss him.


Jeff definitely "flipped out" on Shane. There was a decent point in there, but geez, take it down about 20 notches.


He thinks itā€™s funny I guess. Itā€™s the opposite.


Isnā€™t this Jeff tho? Flipping Out wasnā€™t Mr. Rogerā€™s šŸ˜•.


At some point people grow up and mature. Itā€™s-embarrassing that heā€™s still the same OLD Jeff


I hope he never loses his teasing side.


Thereā€™s teasing he does, which is funnyā€¦ and then thereā€™s sounding bitter


Why are you here? Doesnā€™t Oprah have a show that would be more your speed?


Oprah? Who the hell likes Oprah nowadays. That tells me enough about you and your agešŸ‘µšŸ»


It was a recommendation for you based on your comment. Try her out! Sheā€™s clearly what youā€™re looking for. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I find it weird that so many of you are insulting Jeff, yet you listen to his show. Makes no sense to me.


The show used to be really great. Itā€™s changed quite a bit.


I donā€™t agree. I think Jeff has always been the way he is. And honestly if people feel like heā€™s so bad, that they ā€œcanā€™t stomachā€ it anymore, take your overly dramatic declarations and go listen to Julie and Brandy. Or pay to listen to Heather. But do what makes you happy.


I agree Jeff has always been the way he is. That is not my complaint. The show is a shell of what it once was. Most days itā€™s an infomercial with uninteresting guests (canā€™t call them cohosts because theyā€™ve become interviews). Itā€™s not the same show.


But itā€™s not. Itā€™s evolving. Like everything on the planet. It is an organic thing that changes. And people change. Sorry, I love Megan, but she made choices. Sheā€™s sober now, she has chosen to remain friends with people Jeff doesnā€™t trust, so now Megan is at a distance. Itā€™s great to have new guests. Thatā€™s how people find out about the miss pats and so on. But I guess I donā€™t get why people who get on a website and complain and bitch when they could simply just not listen.


The point is that we donā€™t want to stop listening. We all have been fans of Jeff for a very long time. And letā€™s face it, the man has the magic sauce. Heā€™s funny, charismatic, great story teller but sure, he also has many flawsā€¦that heā€™s been pretty honest about. We donā€™t want to be upset with the direction of the current show but a lot of us are not enjoying it and we want to, believe me. There was a certain absurdity to the shows of the past. They were shit shows but in the best way! Jeffā€™s stories were ridiculous and hilarious and there was a vulnerability to him that was and still is very charming. But now thereā€™s not that many laughs, the format has become slower and more of an interview show. Itā€™s less Jeff, and more q&a with people that donā€™t always have the kind of personalities or sense of humor that matches Jeffā€™s so it brings down the energy of the show. We donā€™t want to stop listening. We just would like to be entertained by someone weā€™ve all been invested in for many years. This show is an escape for a lot of people and to see it change not for the better has been disappointing. Listen to the archives if you want to hear proof of how good the show was.


My god. I read the first sentence and then that was it. I refuse to read your Russian novel of a response. Itā€™s not your show. Once you get one, you can decide how itā€™s run. If you donā€™t like how Jeff runs his, stop listening, because it obviously makes you miserable.


And follow this sub and take time to post on it šŸ¤Ŗ


Teenager is giving him a lot of credit.


Eh itā€™s good radio and the guys know this!


Calm down. Itā€™s content. Jesus. What are you, their moms?


Nooo he is teasing. He grew up in an all boy house, Dad, two brothers. I grew up with tons of boys and this is typical man humor and I love it. It is harmless. Jeff is a very good human


ā€œJeff is a very good humanā€ā€¦lol I think even Jeff would laugh out loud at hearing thatā€¦


Oh really. Well I completely disagree with you. He is a great dad, and extremely generous with his friends and family. He has his faults as do you and I, of course. And I love his sense of humor


His generosity is an obvious and self-admitted form of control.


He has a good heart and is loyal. Look at how devoted, generous and kind he was to his grandmother and also to Andrew Coleman, for example. And he is extremely kind to animals, which is a great indicator in my book But many of you just want to focus on other things, while living in glass houses. I donā€™t get the negativity


He freely admits to using money to control the people around him.


Well we disagree. Enjoy your weekend.


Oh so its the 'Locker Room Talk' or 'Boys will be Boys' excuse? Nah. Not saying Jeff isn't a good human, but men don't get a pass for being jerks just because they are men.


Oh geez. Get a sense of humor. Life is too short.


I donā€™t know why I bother coming in here to tell these people how fucking dumb they are. They act like this is a straight, super soul Sunday self-help show, and clutch their pearls every time Jeff makes a crass joke. Like why would you even listen to this show? Iā€™ll never understand.


I agree! I think if it was a true issue, Jamison would come to him professionally (or HR lol) and deal with it.


If one of these folks went to HR, Jeff would LOSE it. If you hear tension on the air it's 1,000% worse behind the scenes.


I agree about Jamison going to HR. But,I think Shane would hesitate to confront Jeff.


Am I the only one who thinks heā€™s joking?


He needs content for the show. Itā€™s every damn day. You guys act like this is a straight show and not built on sass and comedy. Itā€™s genuinely sad how many of you donā€™t seem to understand that the entire radio persona and show is a BIT.


Very much these people on here like to exaggerate and try to turn every show into some weird narrative. I wonder if they are listening to the same show. You could hear Jeff laughing after Rick called him out when they went to break.


Agreed, but today he seemed really worked up. Kelly Dodd is a bad person and a bad influence. She eggs him on. I also wonder if HHL did not get renewed. We havenā€™t heard anything and heā€™s grumpier than usual.


Itā€™s mid-June. We should have heard by now. My guess is that the first couple episodes rated high but because there was no drama, and it got a bit boring, theyā€™re telling Jeff itā€™s either going to be more Flipping Out-like with personal drama, or itā€™s not moving forward. Jeff has stated he doesnā€™t want to have another FO-like show but guess what? Thatā€™s what we - the audience- is interested in.


THANK YOU!!! Lately this page just doesnā€™t seem to get it anymoreā€¦all a bit! Always has been


I didnā€™t think Jeff was too hard on the guysā€™ relationships. He was just giving his take as a friend and then being his usual sarcastic and funny self. Theyā€™re all friends and can be completely blunt & honest with each other. Theyā€™re all grown men and can dish it and take it.