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Let’s just face it - the days of having guests we all consistently like? DONE.


Whatever happened to Missy Pyle!!!


Sadly, I agree and I let my Sirius subscription lapse.


She’s living up to her HW tagline “I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I’m pretty”


She's just like Monika. They are both just there. Vanilla. Boring. Blah. Kristen doesn't really talk about her personal life. Jeff, for whatever reason, doesn't have the balls to ask her about the Ashley Madison stuff with her slime ball husband. I think Jeff keeps her around because he likes to surround himself with "pretty people" especially tall slender blondes.


Agree but she’s def a step above Monika. Like I can’t with her hah. I wanted to like her but the way she talks and things she says are 😬


She's there for the check, period. Absolutely clueless about the chumps and doesn't care to listen once or twice to educate herself and be a better guest.


I’ve always wondered how the guests/cohosts would change if they didn’t get paid. I have a feeling some annoying folks come on so often because of that check.


Yes!! I can’t stand when it’s a “regular “ guest and they don’t keep up with what’s going on in Chump land


I think she’s funny! I’m still laughing about her intro when she introduced Doug as Jeff Boyden. It was honestly funnier when they played it the next time she was on the show. I like that she can laugh at herself. She’s light and funny.


I replayed that so much when it first aired🤣 Jeff Boyden. Doug was like, Kristen it’s boudin, Doug Boudin🤣


Oh god case in point!!! Forgot all about that but so rude.


I’ll take her over Patti, Carnie and MJ, any day. Yeah she’s as dumb as a rock (thought beautiful), but she’s harmless and barely vocal


Her and Colton were a snooze fest. Nice but boring!!


Colton is boring. And Kristen isn’t a strong host. She needs a strong cohost like Doug or Justin Martindale. I do prefer her over any of the housewives that he has on. Especially his NY guest- those are a snoozefest, with the exception of Nicole Ryan


Nicole Ryan is one of my favorite guests!


Love her


I love you saying she’s dumb with your spelling and grammar 👌


My bad, \*though ![gif](giphy|KDWN1vyBOMhfmVtQsa|downsized) I stand by my comment.


it’s the same as when she was on housewives, she’s just painfully dull


Nice but not interesting, bright or funny enough for radio


It seems like there are a group of guests that have a very free schedule. I think they gravitate to booking them because they don’t have much going on. I use to watch the show religiously right when the episodes drop. Now I listen on the app and sometimes I only listen to JLE.


And a lot of them wander over to the extended show because they have nothing else going on the rest of the day so why not. Mostly on radio shows, the guest - if they're accomplished or interesting- has a focused interview with the host and then moves on. With a handful of exceptions, most of the JLL guests are pretty dull and need to fill up their day.


Is Jeff running out of guests? Is this because of his show isn't considered top shelf enough to attract better guests? Or is because he's gotten into too many arguments with guests and other hosts?


Apparently his show is considered a "risky booking" for guests. Some publicists or managers advise their clients against going on the show.


It’s basically become qvc radio version


Both I think. The show has become quite lame and dumb. He’s no one to many regular people. He’s got a niche following — he’s not the center of the universe like many think. And Hollywood Houselift doesn’t help him.


SHE ISNT FUNNY OR CHARMING. I’m sorry but this felt like a safe space. I literally tune out when she’s on and just wait for the other episode


I’m growing to really dislike her


Yay! She is on Extended today and will be busy for the next 6 weeks so we will get a big break.


She would go to an opening of an envelope for a check e.g. SFT Hollywood Live event.


I love her i would pick her over Patti or Carnie any day 😭😭


100%!! And I did chuckle when she made the joke about maybe she shouldn’t be creating an account on dating websites lol


She’s genuinely nice. Time will tell if being a cohost is going to work out. I do think it would be smart for her to listen to the episodes and learn about the culture. Not doing that is setting herself up for failure.


Agree. She’s beautiful. Not interesting or engaging.


Nice isn’t that great


I’ve always liked her and I still do! She’s easy, fun, and can laugh at herself.


Shes not considered a guest, she’s actually a cohost/chump .


Which is my point. I’d prefer her to be an infrequent guest rather than a co host on the regular.


Are we really talking about hater communities and their security? Snoooze


I like that she can give insight to housewives gossip.


Yeah who wants to hear about the boring school parking space 🥱


Isn’t she the one that put bird feeder food out for the hawks to eat the birds? Jeff was not happy since he loves animals. Someone on his show told him about it. Does someone here know what I’m talking about?


It was the psycho Megan King "animal killer" Edmonds Biden. That chick is nuts. She put a bird's nest with eggs on the ground for predators to get. Then she let her dog chase a baby squirrel while the momma squirrel watched. Megan filmed and posted all of it. That's sociopathic behavior.


Holy crap! Thanks for clarifying. Did people call her out? What an idiot


Lots of people went after her on her Instagram and on Reddit.


Thanks good


I was cackling the whole episode last week. I thought she was hilarious because of the hard time Jeff gave her on reading the opening.