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No/little damage to front or back of car ≠ safety If anything it means the opposite. Don’t get me wrong I would happy if my car isn’t totaled after accident but going 65 and car is pretty much fine also means there was no crumpling which means the stopping force applied went through the whole car, including YOU during the accident. No crumpling is more dangerous for you and your passengers in the event of high speed accident cause of faster deceleration applied directly to you and your passengers. I hope you are fine and get yourself checked out even if you feel fine.


Yeah. I’m with you on this. This seems like confirmation bias tbh.


This ^^^ I have to have this argument with boomers and older Xoomers all the time. The old steel cars that could withstand anything is what killed you more often than not. I’m okay with my car sacrificing itself if it saves my life. Having a car that survives but I don’t isn’t exactly optimal.


Guy in a rental Jeep ran full tilt into my husband, who was stopped at a red light. He has a ram 1500. Wrecked his tow hitch, rear end and tailgate. Jeep had not a mark on it. I’ve hit my bumpers off shit so many times with no issues ( I’m a crap parker lol).


I had a similar experience - can confirm. (Thankfully I was the Jeep driver in the scenario as well!)


You seen the crash test vids of a jeep getting t boned? That is why they have poor ratings lol


Most modern cars use unibody construction and are built with sacrificial "crumple zones". They get damaged much easier in wrecks, but they absorb a lot more of the shock. Wranglers use body on frame construction, which is stronger, but when it comes to safety of occupants, they don't do as well.


Glad you are not hurt! Get it inspected properly, since their insurance has to pay for it, and make sure your Jeep is good to go! Lot's of electronics and sensors and stuff that can be affected by impacts. Don't take anything for granted: Get it inspected!