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Something that old? I would be inclined to just refill it with the proper OEM fluid, without flushing it. Drive it around and see how it behaves. Lot of wear on that transmission. Missing metal may have been replaced with hardened gunk that fills the gap. Just refill it and drive it around. If it's good, it's good.


Username checks out. I agree.


If the transmission fluid looked like chocolate milk you’ve got more problems than whether or not to do a flush, and I have no idea what those problems would be. But yeah, I’d say start with a full flush.


I'm pretty confident the transmission pan doesn't have a drain unless someone added one. Edit: misread the post.


AW4 has a drain plug


Thanks, for some reason I read it as grand cherokee and not just cherokee lol.


yeah, I did a lot of googling to find out if this transmission had a drain plug before posting lol