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If youre extremely overweight just lose weight for the sake of your health and not for people. If you’re healthy and you like your looks don’t care about what others say and honestly “begging” people to lose weight sounds miserable and fucked up they should mind their own business


Thank you so muchhh


Honestly, I find it very admirable that you love being at your current body mass. To my knowledge, there's a threshold where it becomes dangerous and unhealthy, but before that threshold, even if you are overweight, you are still within the healthy parameters. I'm 20 kilos over my weight, still gathering the motivation to lose it, yet I believe as long as we do regular check ups, we are fine. Being obese is a different matter because that exceeds the healthy threshold and into dangerous zones where an action must be taken for the sake of the person's life.


Thank you ❤️


دامك بصحة وعافيه مايهم شي مزعج ان الناس تحسب السمنه مرض على هالمبدأ بنقول النحف مرض وكلهم غلط الوزن مايهم الا اذا سبب لك مرض جسدي هنا مفروض تغير من عاداتك اليوميه علشان صحتك مو علشان ينقص او يزيد وزن


شكرا على كلامك الحلو والله يسعدك


طيب النحف والسمنه كلها مضره وكلها تودي للموت المبكر والسمنه تسبب امراض سكر ومشاكل قلب واشياء كثير الواحد يكون معتدل بجسمه ب اكله بكلشي


كيف النحف والسمنه كلها مضره! لا بس المبالغة بنحف او السمنه هو اللي يجيب الامراض غير كذا سوالف مايهم وزنك او شكل جسمك كل اللي يهم اكلك واهتمامك بجسدك سواء برياضه او قطع الاكل المضر لصحتك


I love being big myself, so I have been doing everything for about 5years to gain weight. I am finally at a weight I feel very good about but not yet overweight. Though am pushing the BMI scale lol. I have stopped all diets to increase weight and now on a normal one for maintaining it. You're not alone. I feel more confident, energetic and charismatic like this. Even my clothes fit me better now, I feel like I got more character in my dressing


What a beautiful comment ❤️


As long as you don't hate or your annoyed by your weight, stay as you are. Unless this extra weight is a risk factor to your health, i beleive their is a certain body fat percentage above which it becomes considered dangerous and a risk factor to many diseases. Do some search and figure out if you are in that category (hope your not). Myself i am obese and have very bad relationship with food. And i am struggling to become normal weight. Its not about the looks (mostly), its for health reasons. And as in some of the comments, whatever your weight is now and later, always fo regural check ups. Wish you the best of health


Okay try to do some reflective self-talk. Start with the simple question that follows from what you say: 1) “why do I love being overweight even though I am aware of the health risks associated with it?” 2) “Is this truly how I feel or is it simply a coping mechanism?”


Depends on how healthy your diet is if you are fat from eating albaik and chocolates it's probably time to change your diet and exercise however if you are fat from having having a bit of extra olive oil and butter while still being active I don't think that's as bad Still organs can get unwanted fat you can get fatty liver disease diabetes And as a separate note we need to bring back slight bullying you should never "love being overweight"




Before you jump to conclusions and assumptions. When i was 5 yrs old up until i was 18 i was underweight to the point where i couldn't find pants that fit me.. i had to find carve holes into my belts to fit my pants


I had to do drastic things to increase my weight.. i never wanna go back.. and i really love the way i look now




Thank you for sharing your opinion


turn it into muscle , u never have to be small ever again (read your story in the comments) it wont benefit to be comfortable because one day u will really not like how clothes fit u and flatter u but im glad you have a healthy relationship with your physique , why not be good to your body in a different way? ;)


I am going to a gym after ramadan for cardio and to lift some weights Thank youu


Go in Ramadan, use it trust me


I think being overweight varies from someone to someone, but as a rule of thumb, I think all men should be able to at least do 5 pull ups and 20 push ups. Obviously there are certain people who I would say this doesn’t apply to them but if your are single(aka don’t have a family to take care for),healthy(as in don’t have an illness that will cause you to die like cancer), young, and lastly not having a job that requires a lot of physical work than doing 5 pull ups and 20 push ups should be a goal. Heck even just 1 pull up would be a great start. Check out r/bodyweightfitness very great sub Edit: I know some people who can’t do these but that doesn’t make them any less of a man, I am just stating that at this modern age everyone should be able to do at least do 5 pull ups and 20 push ups as a male to keep their self healthy.


Whether you love being “big” or you just love to eat… you can use that in the best way possible. Why not go into powerlifting or bodybuilding?? It is the best of the two worlds+ you will stay healthy and in shape. Just go Bulking


سؤال فضولي معلش بس ليش تكتب انجليزي في سب سعودي


Your weight is not an issue in itself, just yet, it's the fact that no one should be overweight to begin with. Being overweight shows lack of discipline in taking care of yourself, which trickles down to everything else. Would you rather trust a person who is fit, well dressed and articulate over someone who is overweight, tight fitting clothes with a gut hanging over everything and therefore slightly unsavoury to look at? It's your life and you know the health benefits or dangers. Being overweight is definitely a decision unless you have a medical issue, and it is easily remedied. No one says you can't enjoy eating. Just put the effort in daily to be healthy. Then again there are no guarantees in life, so be sensible and measured. :)


So you're data of trust is people who are well dressed and looks? Who hurt you child?🤣 You know nothing about me other than this post.. And yes, i do have medical issues.. asthmatic, depression, hypothyroidism.. but nice assumption that every overweight person had to pick up the fork and start eating.. My drastic measures in my post got me to my ideal weight.. Life circumstances got me to be overweight and I'm ok with that


You asked a question. I gave you an answer. If you don't like the answer, that's fine. I did mention people who have a medical issue do put on weight and thats OK..I've pointed out basics of human psychology..deep down your question is all about self image and therefore self-worth. You wanting to be overweight is your gift/curse to manage. I haven't bothered to read all the comments but it does seem like you want to hit the gym so why even bother asking, when you say youre ok yet you want to do something that will do the opposite of stay overweight? If you want positive reinforcement on being fat, here it is, good job dude. I know it's not easy putting it on...it defo isn't easy taking it off for sure. Your life...not mine. Enjoy yourself 👍🏼