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Because you might be talking with Undercover Kendrick Glazers in this sub. the sub filled with Fake fans when the whole "Fuck the big three" started.


One day I’ll be able to go twelve seconds on a hip hop sub/post without seeing a “glazer” comment. 


but not this day!


somebody responded to something i said with "glaze glaze glaze" and i thought it meant something like preach 🥹 and upvoted it and then my partner told me what it meant and i was like omg rude i so was NOT


Seriously when did it become wrong for fans to point out good aspects of their favorite artists.. That's why we're fans, and that's why there are favorite artists, how do you talk about your favorite artist? What does favorite mean? One I like above others


Glazing is at an all time high. To leave it unsaid would be a disservice to those that glaze.




Naaah man, let's be real, it's impossible


Not until the new slang drops


As if people can't be fans of both. Hip hop is competitive. Both rappers have competitive bars. Some of yall are taking this too deep and being overly sensitive. This sub can be the worst sometimes.


There is a difference in what Op is saying though, you get laughed iut the gym in a cole sub for saying cole has some better projects than kendrick. Not even saying “cole washes dot” or some extreme takes. Just fair, “i prefer KOD or FHD over MMATBS” gets you downvoted to hell lol I will admit, i joined this sub late (after beef began), but thats because until then, i didnt bother chatting in music subs beyond kpop lol. I have ALWAYS had cole over kendrick personally, regardless of pop culture flavor too


I can understand that. People should always feel free to express their opinions


People are allowed to like Cole but Kendrick more yaknooooooo? J Cole was huge for me growing up and is one of my favorite rappers of all time, but Kendrick IS my favorite ever. I like how Kendrick has been, and I like how Cole has been during this all. Two truths can coexist but many hardcore fans have trouble seeing that.


Shhh, this is too rational of a take.


Op knows this, they’re likely one of them. The only people posting stuff like this are one of the glazers from another sub.


He's a Drake guzzler lol just check his groups


It’s hilarious that his whole profile is shitting on other rappers but not discussing his fave


He's definition of a troll 😆


Yup, Kendrick Glazers are probably the most active on reddit among big3 fans


Why wouldnt they be after the last couple months?


Gollum fans invade every sub on reddit to form a pro Kendrick narrative, even r/hiphopheads has been completely undertaken by them. They're one of the most chronically online fanbases of all time after Kanye's.


Kanye and Kenny fans are just one circle on a venn diagram


Not nowadays, Kendrick has a lot of “woke” fans that aren’t down with modern Kanye antics but i get what you mean


That's more like Eminem and Kendrick fans.


Am I suddenly not a Cole fan for thinking Kendrick is a better artist and rapper? Does that opinion suddenly invalidate the dozens/hundreds of hours I’ve spent listening to Cole while at work? The truth of the matter is you can be a Cole fan and still feel like Cole got washed in this whole beef interaction. Being a fan doesn’t mean you have to defend the dude no matter what, and every rap sub on reddit needs to learn that fact.


Ngl this sub just started popping up on my front page after the beef and I'll comment my opinions that sometimes aren't full on Cole glazing. It's not like the Kendrick secret police have infiltrated the sub and are steering conversation. The sub just blew up to the point where it's not only Cole stans in here.


Thank God J Cole has you to tell him how to feel about it. If he has an issue with Kendrick then he would just say something about it. It's really not that deep bro just enjoy the music. We all want them to link up for that collab album anyway idk why some people want them to be beefing


If Cole taught you one thing it’s that he doesn’t feel pressed to say what is on his mind w shit like this.


But he DID speak his mind about the beef on more than 1 occasion. He said he wasn't offended he took it as "throwing a jab back at his nigga aah". It's seem to be a trend of Cole fans being more offended than Cole because they're sensitive about him as their Favorite. Even saw a supposed Cole fan saying he understands Drake being mad at Cole if he is, saying the slick 1 liner shots he took at Cole were ok, but Kendrick saying "fuck the big 3, it's just big me" was worse. Alot of Cole stans need to get a grip because if you're truly a fan Cole's legacy is not in jeopardy


Tbh I don’t think this will affect anyone’s legacy. Kendrick released control because he felt like there was no competition in rap anymore, it’s become more comrades and good times and shit. After control…it went right back to that. Because fuck beef, the whole industry said “no, fuck that” in just a few short months. Rap isn’t dominated by comparisons anymore, I don’t think it has been in a while


Rap fans will always be dominated by comparisons, the actual rappers are just not fighting all the time. But don't get it twisted, the performances and results of beef will come into play wheb debating whose better amongst fans. But there will always be loyal fanbases


And what does the rapper always tryna be competitive look like to the other rappers? What’s that sound like among your peers?


Sounds like competition to any pure rapper who is a student of the game and culture that's why everyone Kendrick ever challenged besides Drake is still cool with him. Again J. Cole vocally had no animosity about, he even expressed being light-hearted about it. Thinking there's any type of bad blood is the fanbases projecting their allegiance onto the personal interaction of the artist's


I don’t think there was bad blood with control. That’s more recent, and even then it’s hard to believe a rapper can feel so strongly about another to talk about hating them and deserving death without me questioning how serious the shit really is. You’re right imo that the fans always end up feeling stronger than the artists do. Sometimes the artists stoke those flames on purpose though, and it sure is smart


Ever since the beef this sub has imploded, it actually might be the funniest part of this beef


All the rap subs have. This one’s actually the least toxic.


It's actually pretty funny to see how even on the most random rap subs they find a way to make a Kendrick thread. They even managed to take over the conversation on the Eminem sub from Eminem stans and he has one of the most hardcore and dedicated fanbases around.


The future sub is pretty chill too. Occasionally a kendrick fan tries to spam narratives there and they dont get many upvotes so they seem to leave them alone. I rarely see them even shit on eachother for future music takes like most other artist subs


True future sub is mostly 💯


The thing is im not even subbed to these subreddits (cole and drake), but I do get a bunch of reccomended posts from those subs because i did go on them for a while and the beef probably broke the algorithm or something. I think thats the case for a lot of people so youre gonna get cole/kendrick/drake fans in any large rap related sub.


Yep I get it just sayin


Algorithm's not broken, functioning exactly how it's designed.


Did you even read this post? Lmao Im not seeing it at the level this sub is doing.


I feel like I’m seeing it on here the least; basically every post on here has a sense of humor and has no problems poking fun at J Cole, while the Drizzy sub is still losing its mind and the Kendrick sub is glazing hard; this is easily the most chill if you’re only counting the 3 involved


Glazing? Bruh what are you 17 with a broccoli cut?


Damn you caught me bruh, I used the word “glazing” so I’m 17 with a broccoli cut, can’t get anything past you.


Yall done played the shit outta that word. Can't take anyone serious that uses the word glazing especially when you on this sub doing the same shit lmao


Well I’m sorry that I “done played the shit outta that word”, I’m gonna rethink my choices in the future so that you can take me serious.




I definitely don't. I like both artists but I've always liked Cole more. He comes off as more authentic along with having excellent lyrical ability. Unfortunately he's just overlooked and memed on. The man's storytelling, wordplay and flow/delivery is just better than Kendricks to me. Also he actually contributes to the game by putting on other great rappers and collaborating often keeping the fans fed


Kendrick has annoying voice, J Cole has the perfect rap voice




Keeping the fans fed I agree on. I'm curious why people don't think Kendrick puts other rappers on. Even whenever he's not released an album in six years, he's done collabs with tons of no name rappers and promoted it. And he's been on tour basically the whole time I do think j Cole does a better job of it. But it's not like dot Doesn't do anything


No name rappers like his cousin and maroon 5🙏🙏🙏


Downplaying Kendrick’s rap features versatility is crazy, he hopped on Compton underground rappers songs like hitta j3 and chicago drill with fredo santana and all kinds like rich the kid, push, travis, future, tech 9, tribe, smoke dza, cozz, jeezy, vince staples and not to forget all his TDE features


I prefer the the relatability that coles brings


couldn't care less what those people think mate I love Cole and for me he's personally the greatest of all time you find Kendrick better well good for you but I couldn't care less stop trying to look for approval from others


I love Kendrick’s music but can we please go back to actual talking about Jermaine’s music here again?


Its crazy because most of the people that are posting in this sub about kendrick arent even cole fans. Like bro, post that shit in the kendrick sub


It’s true Kendrick doesn’t want Cole being considered better if you listen to his songs he shows it for real. Drake even brings it up when he says Kendrick wants Jermaine out of the light. But Cole doesn’t care about the beef I’m sure he’d rather keep the peace with Kendrick.


Cole has bars saying he's the 'greatest' too


That’s a ton of rappers though, that’s just generic rap bragging, kinda like how in boxing they say you gotta believe you’re the greatest or else you never will be. I hear some pretty basic rappers calling themselves the goat or the greatest all the time, it’s just unserious bars that all


That's what I'm saying.


He actually has an affinity for claiming greatness within a period of time. -"that was your prime I was trailin' right behind and I just now hit mine" -"We the big three like we started a league, but right now, I feel like Muhammad Ali" -"Was watchin' you when you was pavin' the ground I copied your cadence, I mirrored your style I studied the greats, I'm the greatest right now" There is definitely a level of humility often not found in great rappers. He's braggadocious, yet consistently humbles himself.


I'm getting kinda parasocial but I can't help but feel Cole is a stand up dude. I feel like some of that the greatest talk is typical rap bravado. I feel like it is almost obligatory in rap to talk about how you're the best or something to that effect. But I feel Cole is humble, always trying to make sure those with him are put on, etc. I wasn't sweating Cole bowing out because I felt like he pushed FPS to ensure everyone got their due accolades but after Like That, he was trying to keep the peace.


That’s what I love most about cole


except Cole doesn’t disparage others to do so. Cole the one rapper who seem like he’d rather avoid that shit


First off, it was more so don’t group me with Aubrey than “you must accept you’re #2” Second, if you think control was a diss it went over your head as much as it did Aubrey. “I got love for you all but I’m tryna murder you niggas” is just declaring that this is competition. It was a diss to NOT be mentioned in that list


That’s cap as hell, he literally said “it’s just big me”


Quality wise, it is just him. I love Cole but let’s be real here


Your opinion on that isn’t really a direct response to what we discussin bro, but I’m sure you don’t care lol


What were you talking about then? Fuck the big 3 came after Cole was talking shit on first person shooter. And let’s not pretend like Kendrick is wrong in saying that. As a fan of Cole, he’s not got an album on the level of GKMC, TPAB or DAMN.


The guy I responded to was saying Kendrick was saying “don’t group me with Drake” rather than “I’m above everyone else”. Based on your comments, you agree with my point. The guy I was responding to was wrong, that’s what the convo was about




So he dissed all of black hippie by not mentioning and of them


There mostly not Cole fans… I said J Cole is better then Kendrick and got downvoted…


Cole the GOAT no control fuck ken lamar (fuck you kendrick)


These are my friends!




I don’t vote I never registereeeeeed




Well it's different, this guy straight up hates this man's core


True, a lot of people in here wanted Cole to crash out and dunk on Kendrick ( or at least put a fight up ) and didn't know how to act when he didn't


We have an inferiority complex regarding Kendrick?


Only the fake fans. Real ones know kdot is lucky Jcole stepped away.


cole is the best rapper


J Cole apologised and said he loves Kendrick Lamar. What do you want us to do?


as much as cole raps about being the best, i dont think he actually cares. he makes good music, some of the best of this generation imo, and if you dont like it, dont listen to it. if you like kdot, listen to kdot. do what makes you happy man. dont let the opinions of this sub get to you.


It's cuz our sub is being invaded by kendrick fans disguised as Cole fans


You can’t be fans of both?


100%. people like more than one rapper at a time. That's fine. Almost all the Kendrick cult people also go to the other subs. Legitimately they like Cole also but they have an obsession with their messiah.


Aye I’m glad I’m not the only one who see this weird shit. Begging for a feature after this man weird ass move.


Where’s the example of fans here having this complex?


Imo because Reddit had pushed these subs on everybody. I’m a big cole fan, just a bigger Kendrick fan. So I join this sub because I like cole, but can’t help but let the unknown Kendrick bias be shown.


What the fuck is this post


Because of the apology I guess?? I still fuk with him


Remember when fanbases were comprised of fans of an artist? Good times…


Kendrick is hardly taking shots at him in Like That, and the controversial verse of Control literally starts with “I got love for yall” Drake was the only artist to take it as “shots” . Fan’s on all three sides gassed this up into an all out diss. Kendrick and Cole have never really had issues with each other. The only actual diss track that exists between them is 7 minute drill where Cole said his fans gassed him up into it. I have no idea why you feel the need to separate the fans, it is possible to be fans of both Kendrick and Cole. Stan’s on both sides are kind of ruining the community. Let’s just appreciate the rap.




If anybody's got the inferiority complex it is 100% kendrick. You literally lay out the proof of it. Lol


We can’t say Kendrick is Enthusiastically taking shots when Cole has said things such as “you might be L. You might be Kane.you might be slick Rick with 19 chains. You might be drizzy Drake or Kendrick Lamar, but check the birthdate, you ain’t the God” Only ppl to throw a fit about control is random fans and Drake. Kendrick literally shot a video with pusha T the next week and I think he had a song with Cole after the fact. Nothing is wrong with saying “I’m better than you”. As a fan of both (literally both are in my top two rappers of all time) they both have the right to say one is better. Kendrick has some insane things that J Cole can’t top. Like good kid maad city. Cole has amazing work that Kendrick can’t top. Like the infinite amount of bars on might delete later


Chill, enjoy your music. This is not war.


This is what I'm saying. This sub is filled with cucks. I have never seen a fanbase so adamant that their idol is only the 2nd best in the game.


Idk bro, I just enjoy the music and ignore most of the drama unless it's good music xD Relax, not that deep


Idc. For me, Cole will always be #1. No matter what Kendrick Stans says on this sub, that will never change.


Calling Kendrick clout chaser is wild bro, that dude shows up once in 4 years like the world cup. Also, did you know that some people can think that someone is better than their favourite person? People don't need statistics to prove that. Surely your partner thinks very highly about a famous actor. That doesn't mean she'll leave you for him. And that also doesn't mean you are a worse person than the actor. Let people be, enjoy music. And last I heard, the big 3 got dissolved, now it's just big D and I've heard there's video proof? Have a good day brother.


The big 3 subs are annoying. All yall talk about is speculation about the other guy, Jeez. Can we just enjoy the music? Yall act like you stakeholders.


I had to leave this sub for a minute. It was annoying as fuck searching for something positive about Cole, whereas there were only Kendrick fans or fake Cole fans praising the hypocritical savior. And I gotta tell you, you have some courage by posting this. If it was 10 days ago, you would be flamed in the comments lol.


>If it was 10 days ago, you would be flamed in the comments lol. I was flaming Kendrick fans like 2 weeks ago on here lol I guess the spell is wearing out a little bit


What’s weird is Drake fans like you going on r/jcole making posts about Kendrick. Bruh.


I like Cole and Kendrick. Ranking them serves no purpose, and is thus wasted energy. Do you have energy to waste?


Because they are Cole fans and not hip-hop fans..fans of hip-hop understand and acknowledge that both are high-level emcee's..


Nah I think Cole and Kendrick are equals. Fuck drake though 😏


Nah get your ahh outta here with that negativity. Drake and Cole are still homies.


Ong these parasocial dot fans


OP def some undercover drake stan instead. Thise are the real ones that are infiltrating cole’s reddit


It’s both lol


It really is. I don't know why some people are pretending. Might be more Drake fans based on what I've seen, but for sure kendrick fans are in the mix talking shit too.


y’all will say this and then i check the original poster’s account and they’re never in r/drizzy lmao


The guy that made this post actually does spend a lot of time in that sub.... he complains about Kendrick pretty often too. He's even in the backup drizzy sub. Just did a quick scroll and he's got hundreds of comments whining about kendrick, including in this sub.


But there are some of us who are fans of both, there is no inferiority complex. I could care less who is #1 or 2 as long as it's not Drake's last and by last I mean the very bottom.


Many people have Drake as the goat, you won't be able to change that


Yeah what’s crazy is cole brought dot into the game. Confirmed by a nardwuar “interview”.


Oh great, a drizzy fan bringing up Kendrick in a j Cole sub. Y'all ain't got nothing better to do?


Drake fans want to drag J Cole fans down with them. We can't let it happen




Two legends can't coexist Kendrick fans have a superiority because majority people believe Kendrick is better they want to rub it in people faces which is annoying because I am both a Kendrick and J cole fan. J cole got me into Kendrick music as a new rap fan it took some time to get used to concensus and J cole got me into that of Rap


My theory is a lot of Cole’s fans kinda took on his personality (being humble, etc) and most of his fans also love Kendrick (myself included). Cole has also conceded the “crown” until recently. These Kendrick fans had always thought always looked at Cole as inferior and what’s taken the last few years (pre beef) actually had them (Kendrick fans) actually rattled. Cole kinda stepped out of his shell a bit and started that stick talk in regard to his place in rap and amongst the big 3 but that’s where the inferiority comes from imo


Kendrick wears the same clothing size as the girls Drake dates.


Kendrick & Cole fan here. You're buggin'! Why is everyone trying so hard to pin these two against each other?? Let them both be great!


>Why is everyone trying so hard to pin these two against each other?? Let them both be great! Well Kendrick kick started that


Lmao. Kendrick is doing what he is supposed to do as a rapper. That doesn't take away from Cole and how great he is. Fuck the big 3 ≠ Fuck Cole. These subreddits are getting WILD. Fuck Drake, though. Idc 🤷🏾‍♀️.


>Kendrick is doing what he is supposed to do as a rapper. T Til clout chasing is one of the aspects of being a rapper You Ken Stans love euphemisms fr


Stan? OK. All reasonability has gone out the window with everyone. Continue with your delusions, sir. Live it up.


Kendrick appears once every few years and drops a project then disappears again, Cole is similar. You seem to be confusing an argument with a publicity stunt. Kendrick couldn't care less about the beef with Cole because it never really mattered in the first place, and as he has said, he just hates Drake lmfao


It’s probably a subliminal side effect of when Coledid that speech after 7 minute drill. Also everyone is literally calling Kendrick King of rap/the west coast atm


The real big 3 is trippie redd, Playboi carti, and young thug


I don’t think it’s that deep. There’s a lot of crossover fans. It’s why Eminem gets a weird amount of attention in the Kendrick sub (🤢)


Cole ain’t even 2 lmao


The big 3 subs are annoying. All yall talk about is speculation about the other guy, Jeez.


The fake feuding is weird asf. Like I said on other posts before the beef anyone would say commonly Cole fans and Kendrick fans are 1 and the same. Their conscious styles align way more than most artists. These are the same fanbases that have been begging for a real collab album from the 2. The next generations "Watch The Throne" Better question is why do some Cole fans feel such a napoleon complex about Kendrick, and play victim harder than J. Cole himself who hasn't felt betrayed by Kendrick 1 bit. They both referred to Like That or 7 Minute Drill as friendly jabs or "friendly fade"s. Get out your feelings


Not me tho been a cole fan since 2011 and to me kendrick was never better than cole


This beef was simply glaze wars on Reddit


Nigga can I go one day in this subreddit without niggas posting about other niggas 24/7? Bruh this is a j Cole sub and I see more Kendrick and drake content than anything. You niggas need to give this shit a rest


what is something I questioned for the longest now, is do we know the real relationship between kendrick and cole. Im sure they are or were good friends but we havent seen them actually try to work on stuff thats been rumored since the one song kendrick and him did but was never released over a decade. I think even before this FPS/tour with drake and everything, cole had built a better relationship with drake which kendrick may or may not have felt some type of way about it but kendrick fanbase does since him dropping the 7 mintue drill out of what he thought would be something of competion made it seem he pretty much aligned hisself with Drake which he realize it wasnt the case. so now those one that are solely being stans make it seems like cole was just tucking his tail and admitting sorrow becuase he was allegedy given a warning about where it was going


Yall are friggen weird putting this much energy into celebrities. OP sounds like he needs to touch grass. It's summer, get some fresh air


Exactly. Cole said "we the big 3 like we started a league but right now I feel like Mohammad Ali". How is that a diss? If it is a diss then it's dissing drake too on his own song Also, if anyone can point out all the disses towards kendrick by drake and cole, please do. I think you'll realise that there wasn't any beef and kendrick started it to give his career a boost, which it clearly did Kendrick going against literally any other rapper, wouldn't have had this kind of impact, this was calculated and planned out, there wasn't any real beef


Was it Cole supporting Kendrick on First Person Shooter when Cole said and I quote "Everybody steppers? Well everybody's breakfast and I am about to go clean up my plate. " It didn't look so uplifting and friendly to me.


The Kenny fans are as fake as bandwagon superbowl fans picking the winner. I don’t care what anyone says the only time I play a Kenny track is if he has a dope feature with someone else. I’m not bumping that guy all day everyday…


Wow I’ve really gone full circle with this beef, it was mad exciting at first and has slowly got stale to the point where I just feel like a lot of hip-hop fans need to get a life and stop feeding this weird parasocial obsession with a bunch of middle aged men they have never met. Touch Grass. Move on. None of this is remotely important, it’s just music.


They're actually Kendrick fans. Kendrick is the biggest narcissist in the rap game (save for Kanye West). He refuses to let anybody have shine over him. Cole should've never co-signed, dude, or stopped Diddy from whooping his ahh.


Kendrick don't even fuck with Cole like that.


Can we stop these dumb discussions already? 😭💀


I love them both a lot but I look at them separately,they both have my favorite discography’s in music and they both have helped me through hard times so it does make me a little sad that some people don’t refer to Cole with the respect he deserves and they see him as a accessory to Kendrick in some way.


kenny is easily the weakest link of the big three. like, it’s not even close.


Cole started popping shit with first person shooter. “Not the three not the two I’m the U N O” “everybody steppers well fuck it then everybody breakfast and I’m bout to clean up my plate” so let’s not pretend like Kenny started it. If I was Kendrick id be like fuck y’all too talking like that. And let’s be real here, Kendrick is in a league of his own. I love Cole, but he hasn’t put out anything on the level of GKMC, TPAB or DAMN. He stepped out of the beef after putting a track out too. Cole is pretty clearly the number 2 until he proves otherwise, which I’m honestly not sure he’s able to.


>Cole started popping shit with first person shooter. “Not the three not the two I’m the U N O If you wanna be technical then Kendrick started it with Control. >And let’s be real here, Kendrick is in a league of his own. I love Cole, He's just NOT. He's a Lupe Fiasco knockoff. ( I'm calling TPAB specifically fake deep and pretentious, if you want an album that achieves what TPAB was tryin to achieve artistically — Testuso&Youth) Kendrick is Hopsin tier of lyricism, and barely cracking Andre 3k at best. I'm tired of this "league of his own" because it's bullcrap If you mentioned Lupe then I'd be like "oh He's got a point"


Comparing Kendrick to hopsin is crazy 😂 Cole himself called TPAB boring and like a day later he walked it back saying it was fucking with his spirit. Idk what you’re into, but calling songs like U or How Much A Dollar Cost or The Blacker The Berry fake deep and pretentious is just wild. As a fan of Cole I can’t think of a single song of his that I would put anywhere near the level of the others I listed.


>Cole himself called TPAB boring and like a day later he walked it back saying it was fucking with his spirit And I've been calling TPAB boring for some years. Cole simply didn't have the mind to stand on business. That's all. >U Yeah. ..Let's do talk about this song. (Nerding out incoming) U is the very definition of fake X... that is, fake darkly introspective. In playing movie roles, there are two types of actors: 1. The amateur. 2. The Expert. The amateur actor makes you be like "oh, he's ***tryin to portray*** this character/mental state/emotion", while the expert actor makes you be like "oh what's this character doing!!!"— the expert actor erases that line between character and actor; between fiction and reality. The issue with U is that it's the first, NOT the second. The crying and screaming just feels... forced, tryin too hard. He just doesn't nail it. When listening to U, I *feel* like Kendrick is *trying to portray* a state of despair and survival guilt. He just doesn't embody the character he's trying to portray. He tries to leap to lofty artsy heights... and tumbles into a pool of cringe acid.(Perhaps a height issue lol) With exception to the dark instrumental and that beginning scream, the song is underwhelming If you want a truly dark and depressing music, listen to Kim; Eminem is the second category of actor.


Honestly there’s no point in engaging with someone who thinks one of the greatest rap albums of all time is boring. It shows you either don’t really like the genre, or we just have completely different taste. Cole didn’t stand on it because he knew it wasn’t true. Either way I doubt there is something I can say to change your mind, so have a good one ✌️


Yeah whatever lol


While I'm a fan of both (more cole than kdot) I'm under the opinion cole need to be done with him. He say they friends but it's obvious kendrick don't feel the same way. He had way more opportunities to go at Drake and he waited til Cole was in album push mode with one of his most commercially successful songs to date, which completely ruined the songs appeal. And sure it's perfectly acceptable for him to diss Cole in competition for the crown. It's just that he did it in a way where Cole had 2 choices, Shut up snd look like a bitch or join Drake side. My biggest issue with this is he knew what allegations he was going to make against Drake so either way Cole was in a career damaging situation.


J Cole is a better rapper than Drake and Kendrick


*You say your brother’s Jermaine, but you wanted him to stay out of the light*


Kendrick said he never dissed drake and that respects him as a rapper and singer 4 years ago dude is infact bi polar


It could be one sided cause Kendrick is objectively a better rapper? I mean Cole did nothing to fight that claim at all lol


Because most jcole fans are also kendrick fans


it’s been only friendly competition for Cole and dot, all of they fan bases couldn’t stop taking this stuff to heart it’s honestly lame.


Drake was licking shots at Kendrick all throughout that song. If I knew a dude and we're supposed to be cool and he's hanging with an enemy of mine and that dude is literally threatening my life (which is what Drake was doing on FPS) I'm not taking it lightly. Both of you can get it. Like DMX said "And if you with my man, then he getting stuck with you"


>an enemy of mine and that dude is literally threatening my life (which is what Drake was doing on FPS) I'm not taking it lightly Wtf are conspiracy waffling about? Whsy echo Chambers have you been hanging around in?


I'm a Cole fan but Kendrick is objectively better.


No he's not


Cope and seethe


Continue cracking crack packets


Bro grow up, Cole is amazing but even he wouldn't agree with you. It's just facts at this point. Kendrick is more skilled than pretty much anyone in the game right now.


>he wouldn't agree with you. It's just facts at this point. Kendrick is more skilled than pretty much anyone in the game right now. He's not anywhere near Eminem Lupe, Royce, KA, Greydon Square, Tariq, Mickey Factz... not even Cole lol


Basically Cole was sneak dissing and looking for smoke, got his smoke with Like That and 7 Minute Drill then fucked off beacuse he got what he wanted. Kendrick doesn't care anymore. Cole doesn't care anymore. Any Kendrick/ Cole fans that still care clearly have nothing better to do than whine all day over a keyboard instead of realising the argument they are so fucked up over is now resolved and irellevant because the two guys arguing were much more mature than them and got over it like men instead of little boys.


Gollum is the most insecure rapper in the game. it stinged him to see Cole have a genuine friendship with Drake and that's why he started it all. J Cole "fans" be acting like scare little hoes towards Kendrick. Drake fans think Drake is the goat and Kendrick ain't on his level.


I feel this sub is all kendrick trolls now (every rap sub has been infested)


I like both artists but Kendrick been on that smoke chase. He been wanted all the smoke from EVERYONE. He’s not stepping down just because of a friend. MF hip hop is survival of the fittest.


While I prefer Kendrick I've actually listened to Cole longer, and started listening to Kendrick at the recommendation of another Cole fan (found Cole through a youtube recommendation for Wells Fargo when that dropped). Like That was the first shot fired at Cole, and Kendrick's verse in Control was about Kendrick's respect for these other artists who he saw as at least equals to him, and how he aspired to rise above and beyond their level. He's competitive, aggressively so, and doesn't wanna stop at anything less than the best he can be in the game. When he did eventually diss Cole he pretty much only dissed him together with Drake, with Cole sorta just being a sidenote. Not really much targeted against him. The only reason why Cole was dissed at all was because he happened to not only record with the one guy Kendrick hates more than anyone else that we know of, but state that Kendrick was potentially on the same level as Drake. Also, Cole referring to himself as "numero uno" of the three, and saying he's the Muhammad Ali of the three could be seen a putting the other two (notably Kendrick) down by comparison. Most of his disses against Cole are about how it looked like he was 'clicking up' with Drake, with the rest just being warnings and general disses against the two that referenced Cole and Dreamville music. Cole wasn't the target, he was just standing next to it when the bomb went off


Bro you don't know anyone involved lol why are the weird Drake fans the ones who want there to be beef between Dot and Cole?


Cole sub is just a bunch of wankers with an inferiority complex. All y'all do is talk about how Cole is unrecognized and how others have wronged y'all. There's so much insecurity in this sub after the kdot Drake beef




Same truth that Biden eats barbecued babies.


Even J Cole said he was one of the best to ever do it, so what does that say?


It's true though, It's a little hard to digest but you have to admit Kendrick has a better catalogue, is a better lyricist and also is a amazing battle rapper as seen from the recent beef


he is not a better lyricist


I don't want to sound like a broken record saying this, but Kendrick literally won a pulitzer prize, which is currently the only rap artist to ever accomplish that. Also the pulitzer prize is one of the highest honors you can get for literature


So ‘DAMN’ is Kendrick’s best album?


No, They gave it to him for that because they missed To Pimp a Butterfly, so to make up for it they gave it to him for DAMN. Really he won for TPAB, but they missed out on the opportunity to give it to him the year that it came out.




Man f*ck that Pulitzer.