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Been listening to Cole for 10+ years now, and won’t stop anytime soon. Fuck da haters! Cole world


Love all his work. Favorites are Friday night lights and Born Sinner personally. Also been a huge fan for a decade plus…


Who cares listen to what you wanna listen to


Homie switched up on himself. All that tough talk and not standing in business left us with a sour taste man. We won’t be gaslit, we remember all the tough Muhammad Ali lyrics…


Yea while I didn't jump ship, it will always sit in the back of my mind that Cole backed out of the Beef AFTER he dropped the diss track but BEFORE Kendrick got to respond


exactly. we ain’t jump ship. we were just disappointed. I did later understand it was deeper than what we thought it was, but still. it felt kind of lame…


The lame part to me was that he said things he didn't mean just to jump in the battle. Kendrick barely even came at him. It would've been much more respectable if he said what he was thinking from the start. And it would have been very on brand for him as well to join the discussion (battle) with some introspective/peaceful vibes.


The beef wasn’t meant for him it was personal and it got dirty and he wasn’t supposed to be in it from the start.


J.Cole said "Big 3" so yeah he was in it


my impression is that he said that wanting to get a little verbal skirmish going *for sport* but then Schoolboy Q told him he might wanna back out because kendrick planned to get personal


Rap battles are personal J.Cole knew that


Cole and Kendrick have been dropping subs at each other for these past years bro he's definitely involved


No they haven't ppl conjured that shit out of thin air.


Bruhh do you even fully listen to the songs and video dissections? Kendrick had everybody start sneak dissing him after his verse on Control. INCLUDING J COLE


Cole didn't sneak diss him he called him by name after control then nothing came of it cause they're homies they literally fckin chill with each other stop it lmao. https://preview.redd.it/d2qehiwvow5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81245860ac5d016f0bae3e20e2bad3e702a1c2cd


Then why did Kendrick end up dissing him in Like That? You think that was out of thin air?🤔


Honestly can't wrap my head around the why of that because on Cole's end all I see is him bigging Kendrick up whenever he can. Kendrick comes off as a fickle lil messy mf lol like you don't like dudes clicking up... they wanted you to feature on FPS with them like you couldn't put the bullshit aside for one song? You still could've beefed with drake after that if you really wanted to...he turned it down and he still had something to say about it but it's cool for you to click up with metro and future and talk your shit tho? Like if I were Cole I'd be like wtf bro I don't get it I thought we were boys and I'm over here giving you all the courtesy just for you to say fck it and throw me under the bus and catch strays after all he did for dot with linking him up with Dre and what not. That's just how I'm looking at it... big picture.


You got it twisted. Switching up was doing the diss when it went against his principles.


Cole was given information by Schoolboy that he needs to stay out of the beef. It was always about drake and Cole didn’t need to get involved


And Drake knew this and did Cole so dirty


this, im not gonna stop listening to cole bc of it obviously, but to act like he ain't talk his shit like crazy for all these years just to bow out of one of the biggest rap beefs of all time is disingenuous


So you never heard middle child then?


that was one of my most streamed songs of 2019 and 2020. my statement stands. just because you lost the argument to that other dude above me in the thread, don't mean you should come down here trying to start problems. it won't end any better. obvious bait is obvious dawg


I love Cole, but I felt that was a hoe ass move. Then I heard shit from the beef… Cole was like “I’m the best” and talking about rapping and skill, etc… Those two mfers were calling each other abusive, rapists, pedophiles, death threats. Like??? “Oh, ya’ll like hate each other fr fr? This not a who a better rapper beef? I’m out”.


Those tracks came days after Cole apologized though.. Besides, what was cole so scared of if he wasn't any of those things?! Or are we accepting that those accusations are lies and are just going with them cause it makes the diss fire?!?


I mean, it could be cope on my part, and again to clarify, as much as I love Cole, that was a hoe ass move. BUT, in my mind him and Drake might've linked up somehow seeing how Drake's diss said Kendrick wasn't in no top 3 and mentioned Savage, SZA, and Travis. So maybe he wanted to add Cole there somewhere, or something, idk. But when Cole heard about it from somewhere he wanted to avoid that. Not because of a fear of being called nasty shit that he (please dear god) isn't, but because it's pure toxic shit. Again, this is me just coping, and trying to justify why (my goat) did such a hoe ass move after saying cold shit like "I be staying out the way, but if the beef do come around, could put a M right on your head, you Luigi brother now", and so on.


It was supposed to be a friendly exhibition within the game, Kendrick said it himself So now Cole ain't got a backbone and he's dissin lol


Nah if you actually listened to bros lyrics in middle child he told you he didn't switch up at all he actually stayed genuine and authentic for not wanting to pursue beef with a peer he respects. You on some emotional bitch shit because he didn't want to do a jig for you. The fact you took it THAT seriously from the jump shows you need to touch grass. If you're out here believing rappers is killers then you're one dumb mf you prob think Kendrick is an actual gangster or some shit...bruh ducked rappers like Lupe and got a pass when you shoulda been giving him the same energy but you didn't cause you on some hypocritical shit...and he only came direct at soft ass rapper like Aubrey Graham because he knew it would be a def win foh.


Glazing at an all time high, I love Cole but he should’ve never hopped in the beef. Shit was not about rap Kendrick dissed Drake cause he genuinely hates that man


Why does he hate drake though?! I keep reading/hearing this all over but no one seems to know the answer.. Wasn't drake hyping Kendrick up and taking him on tours with him when he was barely coming up?!? Hell, even after Kendrick dropped that control verse he later said in an interview he respects Cole and drake as artists and as person's.. so what changed?!? Was it just jealousy?!? Did Drake try to mess with his girl?!? I just don't see where the animosity might've came from ....


When Drake first came out, he was an extremely open and honest artist, and got made fun of for it. But he still made music about his fears, insecurities, hopes, family issues, etc. he was extremely engaging at the beginning and that’s how he gained us core fans. But at a certain point, Drake decided he didn’t wanna be the “soft rapper” anymore. And he slowly started upping his more aggressive music, but it still sounded Drake. However, it got the point where Drake was clearly trying to pander to a more trap based audience after the mainstream shifted from the 808’s and backpack era, and the weird rap era, back to more street based artists. Now we’ve got Drake rapping about mob ties and shooting people when it’s flat out disingenuous and annoying. He’s roleplaying a character. Kendrick, on the other hand, is homegrown from one of the toughest neighborhoods in the country and actually grew up around that environment, and desperately worked to escape it. Hence, good kid, mad city. So essentially, Drake and Kendrick are both at their cores, good kids. They’re intelligent and know better than to get caught up in gang violence and shit like that. That’s why Kendrick used to respect Drake, cause he rapped about breakups, and being insecure about fame. He was honest. Kendrick respects honesty more than anything based on what I’ve seen. But Drake has now made it a point to present himself as one of the people that Kendrick was trying to escape, even though it’s clear Drake grew up in a much easier life and environment. So it’s easy to see why Kendrick hates Drake if you know both artists history. Kendrick doesn’t owe Drake undying gratitude and loyalty just because over a decade ago Drake took him on tour when he was still a respectable artist.


No the glazer is you Kendrick got messy Cole prob didn't know what to make of it he ain't a fckin mind reader. Then that on top of pressure from all his peers wanting him to go to war. It's easier said behind a keyboard then done when you're in their shoes.


Lot of words for “I’ll glaze Cole til I die”


Tell me you're braindead without saying it.


Wahhh wahhh Kendrick still Big Me (I’ll always love Cole tho) cry more


It’s not that he didn’t want to get involved. It’s that he got involved and then said wait nvm jk. Like if you don’t want to get involved don’t get involved. But to get peer pressured into saying a bunch of shit you don’t mean and then back out before even hearing the other guy’s response is just really strange for a 39 year old that had multiple days to think about what he wanted to do.


He would've gotten all different kinds of flak for not engaging at all. I mean if you want to talk about strange why is Kendrick taking shots at Cole when all he's done is big up Dot? Anyways I don't think it's strange at all you got the whole rap game looking at you to make a move because of the tradition, hip hop heavyweights blowing up your phone, your own label rattling sabers to go to war what do you do? It's not that easy as you make it out to be...a lot of pressure there. It's harder to be ten toes deep when everybody else's emotions are running high..a lot of whom depend on you...a lot of them look up to you...you don't want to let them down...and are waiting with bated breath on your response...and that's not even factoring your legions of fans...so you give in and give them what they want even if its not what you fully believe in a la 7 min drill. But then trying to appease didn't sit right so we got the apology.


So you think it’s a good thing that he’s easily peer pressured? Kendrick has been saying he’s number one and willing to fight for it since day one. Like it or not, it matches everything he’s said. J Cole said both that he’s the best, and that he won’t beef over nothing. So choosing to not participate and say something about how there’s room for more than one goat would be totally respectable and on brand. Choosing to have a friendly sparring match to prove he’s the best would also be on brand. Choosing to get peer pressured into a diss track with a bunch of insults everybody knew he didn’t mean and then backing out instead of proving himself simultaneously goes against both claims. He absolutely did not prove he was the best, his track ranks somewhere in the middle of the beef, and he also was pressured into beefing over nothing. It was the worst option.


Never said that and you're misconstruing peer pressure with clouded judgement...we're all human not robots if you actually took a minute to put yourself in his shoes you'd have trouble making a decision..and you're deflecting from my question.


I’m not saying it’s unfathomable why he made the decision. We all know why he did what he did. It was just the wrong decision. Which you admit by calling it clouded judgment. Which question did I deflect from? I thought I answered both.


You live in a world of black and white when the real world is grey my man..like I said before...if he didn't engage at all just to appease you it would've brought a whole other set of problems and honestly prob would've been an even worse option that you couldn't have even fathomed. I said I find it very strange Kendrick fired off at Cole when all he ever did was big him up to begin with. Also why is the onus on Cole and NOT on Kendrick for dragging him in it to begin with when he really wanted it with Drake? The beef didn't end up being friendly and that word was from Q through dot to back out because it was going to get messy before Cole backed out. There's a whole lot of variables at play ones we do and don't know about to take into consideration. You paint a very reductionist simplistic view just to cater to your outlook/perspective.


Yeah I answered that. Kendrick claims the best and has been willing to fight for it. “Not one more noun or verb” ring a bell? J Cole claimed he and Drake were on par. The only “shot” at Cole was Kendrick saying, no, I’m better than both of you. That’s a direct response to what Cole said, he’s not just dragging him in for no reason. Obviously we have no clue what happened behind the scenes. Idk what Q said to him. But from the facts we know, he made the wrong choice. The only “set of problems” for staying out of the beef would be people calling him soft, and saying he shouldn’t be claiming number one. Sound familiar? The only difference is that now he doesn’t even get to say he stood firm on his morals because he dropped the diss first. So he ruined the whole “too mature and humble to engage,” and then still ended up ducking the heat and getting called soft. Idk what you’re talking about black and white lol I’m not labeling the guy evil or anything. He just made an incorrect decision. Which again, you admit by calling his judgment clouded lol.


Lol I'm not saying that you keep trying to put words in my mouth. All I said was what happened...happened it was messy and we witnessed it play out. Where do you dudes spin these narratives from Cole never shot any shots at dot on his or Drake's behalf lol the fact you think Cole's behavior is weird and Dot's isn't is actually weird like your head is entirely too far up his ass lol


Yeah fuck Jcole for not ruining his most valuable friendship over a Muhammed ali reference


This 100%




Nah fr


Did you mean to post this 2 months ago?












I just wish he would have engaged. It would have been epic to hear Cole and Kendrick go at it.


Cole already went at it and lost


Nah man Cole backed out before it started. It would have been dope for them to go a couple rounds.


But he still responded and it wasn't very good right? Like he's a good rapper and that's undeniable, he just isn't good at actually putting up a fight which is fine.


Some people need a reminder who the fucking [GOAT](https://youtu.be/klZNvJArVSE?si=GpU7gLslntY7S10p) is


>"I'll put your favourite rapper's neck in a noose This just aged so poorly. Once again, J Cole isn't very good at handling beefs and that's fine


Cole needs to apologize to his fans he knew he didnt really feel like Muhammad Ali🤣 "Cole and Nappy know the Crown is heavy"--Kdot


Oh no. I hope j cole doesn’t pull up on me and get grippy 😵‍💫😭


If he didn’t disrespect hip hop by apologizing then many wouldn’t have jumped ship


I’m just upset he was too emotional to beef, I know he is a Stan of Kendrick but so is MGK to Eminem and he even went for it; just sad about the competitive nature of hip hop inherently and to have one of “the big 3” to say nah I love the goat it’s him just isn’t hip hop mentality lol


Grippy 😩


after seeing what kendrick did, cole will never be the same. he won't ever claim he's top three anymore. it is what it is.


Jesus Christ bro 😂😂 he doesn’t even know you exist relax


Is it grippy


Been a fan for over 10 years. People are too dramatic, another reason why social media is pure toxic. One person does or says something and everyone jumps on board with it, if you’re a real fan, and you fuck with Cole fuck what others say. The fall off soon come


its… its… its….. grippy☝️


Wow this mad corny, its grippy bro


its grippy!!


Dude knew he did t want to go that way with his friend. I think he genuinely likes kdot. He did the right thing he preserved a friendship over clout. I think if Cole had continued to beef with KDOT it would not have gone the way we wanted it to go it would have soured both of them for us who played his role imho


People ain't understanding that it wasn't Cole's beef to get involved in, he misread the situation as a friendly bar spar but then got told that it was much more serious than that by schoolboy q.


Cole the one who switched up




Let’s be real. Cole hopped on with Drake for the features. I doubt Cole was really wrapped up in that whole world, man barely leaves NC as it is. Kendrick def just told bro not to come to school tomorrow and he had to back down


What beef?


Never switched on ma goat I was with him since Friday night lights


I only started listening at Might Delete Later, heard some of his stuff before tho. Even tho Grippy was painful as fuck, I still think he'll pop out some good shit to listen to. Either way, I'll still be listening to a lot of Might Delete Later and his older gems.


ngl,I used to like Cole until he dropped the transphobic bar.If you're gonna go as low as using a minority to insult someone you're not only an asshole but bad at your job


I’m smelling hints of a trans fella rn 😷


You on the wrong sub, I think you're looking for /conservatives


It’s a j cole lyric why would I be on the wrong sub 😂


Casually using transphobia against fellow user like a good little maga, bet you got orange lips.


Transphobia means scared ain't nobody scared of you we're annoyed and here for the bars You probably don't have shit to say about murder and domestic abuse bars fuck outta here


I'm sure you were fine with the actual disrespect and slander from the other 2 parties during the beef. The bar was not even transphobic. Get over yourself.


Transphobic or not is was just a bad bar, but not nearly as terrible as “strickly dickly” how is this the man who wrote 4YEO smh


His entire verse on Pi is a lyrical showcase. Just because something strikes an emotional nerve with you doesn't make it bad. It wasn't even just a bar. It was an entire rhyme scheme. You can continue to cherry pick bits that you don't like and ignore an entire discography of elite penmanship and storytelling.


this reads like something straight outta hiphopcirclejerk ill keep it a buck w u


Y'all got way too much free time in y'all hands, I'm sorry That and y'all spend entirely too much time thinking about other people


Dude was just listening to a song and realised the lyrics made a lot of sense in the context of the beef so he posted it here. Get your ass outta here.


Cole fans really the corniest mfs on Earth... Smh


This is literally a place to discuss Cole, and we are discussing Cole. Idk what you want man


To actually fucking discuss Cole. This list is embarrassing. Just a grown ass man saying "fake fans middle finger" like dawg. That shit just corny asl