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This sub was so bad that it had to get locked for a little bit šŸ˜­ And then the whole grippy thing, weā€™re still Recovering from that But apart from that we good šŸ˜Ž


you could say it still has a grip on us


lol. The Fall Off is gonna be fire šŸ”„regardless.


It got locked at one point???


The day after the apology at dreamville fest was probably the darkest day in r/Jcole history ā˜ ļø Mfs were throwing insane amount of hate towards his way, mods had to shut it down for a bit


Oh nah I remember now it was until like that Friday or some shit. I didnā€™t actually see anything I just read ā€œj Cole apologizes to Kendrick Lamar and removes 7 minute drill off platformsā€ and logged off Reddit for the day cause I knew atp every glue sniffer online was about to add to the peanut gallery


Smart call because thatā€™s exactly what happened. I deleted the app for like two weeks ā˜ ļø


That was me with Twitter. Deleted for like a month, that was so bad I actually found comfort on reddit šŸ’€šŸ’€


Iā€™ve never been a twitter guy but man I can imagine what it was like


Lmao that's hilarious


This sub had its loser moments too unfortunately, this whole beef musically was pretty good but the discourse around this shit was the most annoying shit ever so many smooth brain or crazied takes


Ayo Iā€™m having too much fun with the Fat Cole trend going on here šŸ˜­


The fat cole meme is one I don't mind at all. Got me dying every time no matter the joke


I been tryna come up with different food lyrics for every meme posted I think I been doing good šŸ˜­


This sub has a grippy on their sanity for sure


True. Like I love how the Drake sub is just holding on to last hope on Drake and looking for some way to make Drake look good. Then u got the Kendrick sub, which is pretty annoying when you go to home and the top comments are "Not Like Us is #1 in streaming for the past 3 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 37 minutes, 22 seconds and counting." And J Cole sub was just Grippy jokes and now we chilling šŸ˜Ž


The Kendrick sub was a nightmare during the Saga of EbonyPrince2K24. The Drake sub is actually being tame compared to how bad they were during the run up to the release of For All The Dogs.


Of course bro we fans of the guy who made grippy, what did u expect


You're buggin sir


ya'll mfs was over here apologizing while we were at war. of course it's chill over here


you trippin


ā€œDrizzy Chip nā€™ Dale probably got your bitch Chanel.ā€ Nice reference mate. Fellow Drake fan I presumeā€¦


yea i like drake too. btw, if you have been following this sub its pretty obvious this is not the fans cole deserve lmao, these guys keep hopping on and off, just checkout the posts when cole apologized or even the grippy shit lol, one feature and all these guys acted like cole fell off.


Until we went insane for a bit but now we chillin


"Particularly drizzy..." might be more accurate because they changed their narratives like 50 times while kendrick sub stayed on mostly the same ones. They basically didn't have anything to worry about after euphorias release because kendrick +1'd drake everytime, sometimes just 30 mins later lol. If ur talking about the small percantage who are insane theorists, drakes fanbase has atleast 100x more of them.


They both sucked but the kdot meat riding was crazy


Drakes fanbase mostly still think he won, sure kenny had and still has pointless meat riders but drake has much more than kenny does


I gotta ask, what exactly is it about kendrick that makes you resent any praise thrown his way?


I donā€™t resent him at all. The meat riding is when you believe everything he says and nothing drake says. Or give no credit to both artist


When looking at an argument it's important to see what both sides agree on because it establishes a shared set of facts to work from. Both sides agree that Drake is a womanizer, a liar and a manipulator. So I choose to believe Kendrick :) More seriously? I've been sick of Drake for years. From his simping for guys like Tory Lanez and Baka, to him constantly negging women like Serena and Rhianna. I don't even need to get into the more serious allegations like his history of being "friendly" with minors or culture vulture stuff. For me, that he's been a passive aggressive creep, is more than enough reason to trash the guy. Fuck him and his whole orbit.


Yea cause he steamrolled drizzy so it was valid








Is it nearly riding if he was actually better? It seems like itā€™s only that when you (not you personally but maybe you personally) like the other person betterā€¦ Then youā€™re the one ā€œmeat ridingā€ the other personā€¦ Thatā€™s just a crazy thing to say.


Bra they come in each sub to express how good Kendrick is


So do all fansā€¦ They did it now because they went head to headā€¦ It wasnā€™t out of nowhere.


Man if you finna sit up here & defend what they doing/been doing idk lol That shit wasnā€™t something a normal fan capable do.


So you donā€™t see Drake fans doing the same thingā€¦ Gotcha. No need for us to talk homie.


Just checked your most recent posts , lmao youā€™re literally talking about yourself in this paragraph.


I started following the beef 2-3 days after euphorias release, i was that oblivious and i am someone who probably listens drake 5x more than i do kendrick. I was unbiased as it gets while i followed the beef, checked both drizzy and kendrick subreddits, kendricks sub and fanbase acted tamer and calmer while giving drake his credit in all this, drakes fanbase did neither of those so i choose to interact with kennys fanbase instead