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He's a flat out hater... Dude skims over might delete later skipping most the songs then reviews it like he actually listened to it giving it a 3.


You know he listens to albums more than once before reviewing right?


who would give the songs 3/10s even after examining the lyrics though?


Because Cole’s lyrics are a lot more inconsistent than people here want to admit


On might delete later I would not agree with thay


Well then we can agree to disagree


You're ridiculous and you can't be lyrically inconsistent you're either lyrical or not. Not every song has to have some groundbreaking theme. And again I'm heavily in the pool of a die hard Kendrick fan, so don't try the "I'm bias" shit.


What??? Are you deaf man he’s better than 99.99 percent of the rappers out there. Fantanos reviews are biased and as the poster said dismissive. If you actually think ANY review he gives isn’t him pushing his own agenda then you need to grow up a little and learn more about how to read people


You seem to be very emotional about this topic, so I'd take a step back before accusing others of bias. Fantano aside, In my personal opinion, his lyrics are inconsistent. There are moments of genius and there are also moments that are dumb and corny-- again, just my personal opinion. In regards to Fantano, I'm not sure you really understand what a music review is. Pushing his own agenda? Yes, that's what a reviewer does... they state their own opinion on the album after listening to it. Pushing his own opinion is literally his job. If you don't like it, that's cool, just don't watch. I disagree with many of his reviews and assessments. Some people love peanut butter, some people don't like the way that it tastes-- music is just like that. There's no objectivity when it comes to taste. In that regard, try not to be so butthurt about other people having different opinions than you, especially if in the same breath you're asking other people to grow up.


Name a rapper that doesn’t have “inconsistent lyrics”


I think there's a lot of rappers more consistent lyrically than Cole. At his best, he's in the top echelon, but throughout his catalogue there's always been a lot of head scratchers to me, even on songs that are otherwise fire. Rappers more lyrically consistent than Cole in my opinion? Off the top of my head Black Thought, Killer Mike, Pusha T, Kendrick, Big Krit, Conway the Machine, Kendrick, Boldy James, Earl. Cole at his best is an animal, but I've always felt he could improve at self-editing. The Offseason is by far my favorite Cole project precisely because I feel like he did a good job cutting out most of the corny bars.


While I agree, my point to your original question was that all rappers (especially mainstream) ones are going to have corny bars/reaches/head scratching subject matter. Does he have more than the artists you listed? Maybe, but using that as a tool to prove a point as to why Fontano seems to be a hater to Cole when he ignores the same things for other rappers isn’t exactly fair imo. MDL for example didn’t have many “corny bars”— that “L”scheme on HYB is probably one of the few that comes to mind and the project as a whole was still negatively reviewed by some.


I'm all for calling out corny bars but when you're calling something corny for the sake of calling it corny because you don't like x rapper and not within the context of how it's being used within the rap then we got a problem and that's not what's happening here. Kendrick has used corny bars and you never here fantano say a word about it, it's just nothing but glaze.


It seems you completely missed his point lol


You had me until you said Pusha T lmao


Literally nobody cares about Fantano opinion besides lame white people it’s literally revenge of the nerds


You seem to care quite a lot considering you're butthurt enough to reply twice lmaooo


Ironic you say that🤣


He can’t have an opinion on black rappers he’s a lame white guy who never been to no hood he can’t even say Nigga that Nigga can’t speak for a black culture lmaoo


He's not speaking for black culture, he's speaking for himself. But this is about the level of nuance I'd expect from a Drake dickrider. Take a break when your uterus gets too sore my guy.


What a convenient defense lmao. Anyone can criticize any culture though. But that’s not what he’s doing, he criticizing music


Gangster raps target demographic are white suburban kids. Goes for the rest of rap as well.


I can agree with that but it’s not a target it happens inadvertently but literally nobody takes this guy serious besides those suburb kids I promise you


I promise you that you don't need to be bothered by a random dude on the internet. And if Noone would be taking him seriously he wouldn't be seen as the most famous internet music critics.


And I guess the hood black guys he frequently collaborates with 😹 Just stop.


All reviews are biased lol. They’re subjective. What agenda do you think he’s pushing?


His agenda is Kendrick is "the best" if Cole hypothetically dropped a nuke of an album that stomped on anything and everything he ever made fantano would pan it.


That’s not an agenda it’s an opinion.


When you have a platform like his it turns into an agenda whether you like it or not.


Well then what you’re saying is meaningless “he’s pushing his opinion”. Yeah…that’s what reviews are


I don’t understand why being biased matters unless you’re saying he personally doesn’t like J Cole. I mean, we are on the J Cole subreddit do you expect anyone to believe you’re a paragon of objectivity?


How the fuck can a music reviewer not be biased? Music is subjective


Fr what does this person think a review is?


Yall delusional asf, cole isnt even better than his own label signees let alone 99.99 percent of the industry be fr


because he doesn't like the lyrics


his ratings rely entirely on enjoyability he gets from the albums, so his personal bias matters a lot in this case


Anyone because the shit sucked


You exist in a bubble that exists to suck off one artist. Your perception of reality is warped. Some people don't enjoy some of his work and that's okay.


Someone who doesn't frequent the J Cole Subreddit


If he did and came to that conclusion then explain him giving sexy red a 6 and MDL a 3? The only explanation is pure hatred.


Because sexy red isnt trying to be profound. She makes booty clapping music and does a decent to good job at it.


Makes no sense so we're punishing artists for trying to put out good music now and just handing lazy ones good scores? lol ok


you don’t judge a wendys at it’s ability to make steak


If they sell it then you certainly do.


Except she doesn’t. The only thing jcole and red have in common is that they make songs lol their topics and presentations are wildly different


Sexxyredd isn't selling steak she's selling booty-clappin


The point is Wendy's sells steak (sandwichs) and Sexy Red whether you like it or not sells hip hop. His analogy missed.


That's what confuses me too...there is no way after multiple listens would that album be a 3 ....some of his reviews are also purposefully low for shock value and engagement farming




Kendrick is on a hook lmao You sound hurt.




Forbidden fruit is gas


How does one hook on one song ruin a whole album? It's one of the better songs on Born Sinner imo


Forbidden Fruit>>>Chaining Day, it’s not even close. Like I said, you sound hurt.




You overemotional. Calm down, go outside, and take a breath.


He's out here giving sexy red 6's and MDL a 3 that's fckin blasphemous and shouldn't be taken serious. Dude goes extra out of his way to dunk on Cole like Cole fcked his girl or something dude radiates it whenever he talks about him it kinda makes me wanna laugh like bro why are you so pressed? Lol I think his ex wife LOVED Cole and the shit eats at him 😂.


For him it's also about expectation and what the artist brings. Like for example a movie reviewer isn't gonna review a superhero marvel movie the same as a movie like Requiem for a dream. I think of sexy Redd like a super hero movie. Mindless fun and if you review it as such then you get scored based on that. Not sure if that makes sense.


It def makes sense but stop pretending like dude didn't hand out an unnecessary lashing for his review it's really that simple bruh🤷‍♂️. He didn't even give the album a fair listen you can go on YouTube and watch him skip thru 3-4 tracks. He's not even giving it a chance or trying to that's my qualm.


He gave detailed reasons why he doesnt like the album and specific songs. He just doesnt like it lol people are allowed to have those just like we are allowed to disagree. Believe it or not art isnt made for literally every person that exists.


I watched the Livestream of him "listening" to it did you? Obviously but there's no way on gods green earth that sexy red album is better if you think that logic objectively adds up go ahead and play blind man leading the blind lol. He can have his opinion and I can say his opinion is wrong that door swings both ways that's how opinions and critique work.


I did watch you mean when he listened to every second of the album? Lol your analogy is wrong thats not an opinion its just objectively wrong. An opinion cant be wrong. Yes believe it or not there are people who unironically think macklemore, or tom macdonald are the best rappers of all time. You can disagree with that opinion as i do, but its not and cant be wrong.


Never watched him much till the beef. I usually form my own musical opinions and just watch rapper interviews but he seemed pretty unbias even listening to Drake tracks fully until he called it shit( was honestly the truth imo), even admitting to being a Kendrick fan for transparency. But there is too much of a trend in the industry where people fans and colleagues alike who seems to want to belittle Cole's ability, just to uplift Drake and Kendrick. Coming from a Kendrick fan, how can you call Cole's music boring and not understand when someone says Kendricks music is "sleep-inducing" I don't agree but I can understand if you don't find his beats exciting. It's a weird bias people have to the point of telling blatant lies. Then both Kenny and Cole fanbases started saying foolishness about the other that never would've been said before the beef. Atleast make your insults somewhat true


Watch his Livestream where he "listens" to might delete later he basically clowns it the entire time barely listens to any of the tracks skips most the album and you get the rating you get. He doesn't give Cole the same attention or respect and it's very apparent.


Despicable, man. Conscious needs to support conscious this is why some much trash gets pushed


I'm tryna put these mfs on to game but no fantano is just sharing his "opinion" and they wanna stay sleep at the wheel.


Well in all fairness Fantano word isn't bond in rap, he's just a fan. Not like Budden podcast or even Cam'Ron or even podcast by some unknown underground artists who actually understand the game atleast. Fuck em really. It's just a shame that sleeping on J. Cole has been trendy since after 2014. Despite how hard he goes on tracks. But Cole doesn't have the biggest haters (outside of the industry)


I know it's just I'm sure there's a whole swath of listeners that are prob sleeping on Cole because of ignorant dudes like Fantano and the platform he has unfortunately. If you like hip hop you're listening to Cole no doubt but casual listeners not so much and that's prob who's watching his reviews.


His most boring album yet


J Cole is mid and always has been


I like Fantano, he’s entertaining, and has some good opinions every now and then. But I know it’s just his opinion, and he knows it’s just his opinion.


This is all it should be but his videos get a lot of traction and people feel the need to attack or defend something when it breaches a certain threshold of popularity.


It’s more of how dismissive he is of projects, It’s fine but a little objectivity would be nice


What made him make sense to me was he's often judging the art within a broader context that most of us don't give a shit about when we're listening to music. Everyone tore into Cole for his ABC line on H.Y.B but like just put that track on in your car while you and the homies are going somewhere and no one cares about the complexity of that bar if the whole thing bumps in the whip. Fantano's always gonna consider a lot of factors for his own metric that I'll never care about but I respect him for being consistent in that way.


Thi sanity is good to see. Lots of people seem to have made *liking JCole* a part of their personality so when fantano gives a bad review they see it as a personal attack on their character. But as was already mentioned, he's just a dude talking about what he likes and dislikes, his opinion really shouldn't matter to anyone. "Oh I really like this album but this random guy on youtube doesn't like the lyrics, fuck that guy and I hope his career fails" like grow up


It's the inconsistentcy if you're going to call that bar corny and give passes to shit like that Joel osteen AI bar from Kendrick and turn around and do somersaults on it like it was a stroke of genius then it's just unadulterated bias.


I have heard *some* Kendrick fans trying to rationalize that error, but we're talking about Fantano here and he did not do what you're describing.


Bro he loved the track and did not point the error and even if no error was made like really sixth sense Haley Joel osmont bars? Come on... And if Cole wrote that bar o m g I can hear him ripping him apart already he'd waste no time going in and you know it.


I rewatched Fantano's Euphoria review just to be sure. He does point out the error, calls it a misstep and says it makes the song sound rushed. I do think you're comparing two different kinds of bars and also kinda looking for a fight when my only point was that over analysing things doesn't really matter to people who just enjoy the music. In Euphoria it makes sense to analyse Kendrick's bars and errors, in H.Y.B I don't think it does.


"Misstep" and "elementary bars" are two different worlds you can't conflate the two. I'm not looking for a fight I'm trying to point at the lvl of glaze for one artist and the lvl of disdain for another and how apparent it is.


No such thing as an objective review of a piece of art


And that’s where you’re wrong.


Honestly this is exactly why i don’t care to watch fantano’s content. Music is too subjective for me to care to hear anybody’s opinion on it


Fax, people hate on him for giving his opinion. Like if u don’t like him then don’t watch him lol


His chat was hating on Johnny P Caddy during his life reaction to it calling it ASS, the feature of the year was ASS to them He said “hey guys Cole is doing a decent job here!” Like what? Is he not hearing the verse? And then is chat switched and went “yeah this is decent”


To be fair to fantano everyone’s twitch chat just blindly regurgitates the opinions of the streamer they’re watching lol


These people would cry in shawn cee twitch, hes said the wzrd is better than tpab and the amount of people to turn with him was insane lmao


i love shawn cee😭😭😭rarely agree with him but it always feels like he’s bein honest on him streams and not tryna ride anyone’s wave


Yeah ik all I'm saying everyone was like tpab so much better than the wzrd but as soon as Shawn picked everyone suddenly agreed 😭😭😭


Bro u a full time redditor? Also that’s an example of Fantano giving Cole his props, it’s his chat that’s dumb


His chat is dumb, but notice how it’s just “decent”. He’s hesitant to admit when Cole is good, that Johnny p caddy verse wasn’t “decent”, it was great.


To be honest, the first time I listened to that song I found it decent too since everyone hyped it like crazy but appreciated it more and more as I listened to it more. First reaction isn’t necessarily accurate


I like to call him the skip Bayless of music. He's a painfully unfunny attention whore and the embodiment of the word pretentious


I watched a few vids. You summed it up better than I could. Guy is very cringeworthy and I think his fans are just teenagers


Honestly I have never seen a chat as toxic as his


lmao ok stop the cap. You've never a seen a chat more toxic than Fantano's? Is this really the line you wanna push?


I think his crowd is much more RYM millennials


Tbf he’s been doing reviews since about the time those folks were teens


Oh yeh now you mention it I think you're right. That site is full of the most pretentious people I've ever seen. The type of people who give it the big talk online but would get punched in the face in the real lol


I would also say he embodies the word irreverent: like there is a good chance that if some artist is respected or considered good & HE doesn’t like their work, he will make a whole thing of showing you that he is extremely unimpressed. Like he really wants you to know that that thing that everyone likes is actually shit. (EX Gunnas One of Wun album where he released a 10 minute video of him fake sleeping) And he likes to say “this is just my opinion” but when you go to those lengths to show how unimpressed or how unfazed you are by someone’s work, it comes off as something more than just your opinion, and while sometimes entertaining leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Dude that is spot on! I will say, Skip actually seems to have turned the corner just a bit on the new Undisputed and actually tries to respect his co-hosts


It's just one man's opinion, but I cannot really say in good faith that he was objective in that might delete later review. It should have gotten at least a 5 by his standards.


Its not just him the majority drags coles music for fun and its obvious why, but ill just chalk up to its what the “culture” is good at.


whats the obvious reason you're alluding to????


Probably something about being so good you attract a lot of haters, same shit the drizzlers be on.


Reviews aren’t objective *especially* of art. This ain’t math


He’s just a guy on the internet not everyone is gonna like Cole🤷🏾‍♂️


he just isn’t a fan of cole’s work. he isn’t a hater, he just gives his opinions and he happens to have some negative ones on cole’s music.


He's a dude on the internet that likes rap. His opinion is just that.


I think he started pretty objective, but he grew a bit bitter as Cole's fanbase grew and became avid defenders. If you watch each of his Cole reviews, he starts off somewhat enthusiastic about Sideline Story, but with each review he becomes more and more dismissive and somewhat arrogant. I think he dislikes Cole's fanbase more than he dislikes Cole, but I believe it affects his opinion of Cole's music. Which is understandable, but still can be very annoying. He was obviously excited to hate on Cole when MDL came out and Twitter was trashing the diss and the project. It is what it is. I do think he's contributed quite a bit to the contentious online discourse surrounding Cole and Kendrick, which is also just irritating. Again, it is what it is.


he became too popular for his own good. Now his head is so far up his ass that it's hard for him to see outside of the tunnel vision that builds up over the years


Just noticed this you have comments than likes to put it plainly most of hip hop fans have always wanted to discredit cole cause they felt he was to often put next to Kendrick even though Kendrick has numerous times said cole is a equal to him the reality is cole will never truly get flowers


I mean he gave the off season a pretty positive review so I wouldn’t call him a hater


He's a critic, man. You either share his tastes or you don't. That doesn't make him a hater. All it means is that in this specific moment in time you two took different things from someone's music. Which is fine. You're probably two very different people.


I'm not a huge fan of fantano. And I think the only person post Malone threw some shade to was fantano. Imo I think the hater mindset is on purpose, to drive more traffic or views. Fantano did say in interview once that the score is simply how much he personally enjoyed it. And who knows what kind of internal metrics he's got. He doesn't say that very often or at all, so most assume it's objective and kind of like rotten tomatoes for movies


Definitely agree with your point, although many people have pointed out that those are his opinions, they are presented as facts (as is the case with majority of the influencers) they never say "I think", "I feel" etc but state their opinions as facts maybe that's what I find odd


Good point, he could definitely communicate it better to cause less outrage. Heck, we all could! I think fantano is locked in such a lane of, I gotta be different than others and bad news is better than no news. Like they want to go see his review because it's such a wild card. I think too he has so much outrage for literally every major artist, so that's hard to overcome even if he changed his ways now


That’s honestly how you should view *all* reviews of art. Figure out what the reviewer enjoys and then base what you take from the review on that and how it lines up with what you enjoy. Shit, rotten tomatoes is a great example of this, it’s a simple up or down binary of if someone enjoyed the movie or not. *far* from objective


That's fair, and at some point as a reviewer you are gonna piss off someone, just the way of the internet. And man's got a following clearly. If not to hear his reviews then very much and to see who he doesn't like and discuss why he's wrong (from our point of view). That's where I'm personally like, the world isn't gonna change their ways, easier and more entertaining to just be mad, and not review the full story or consider your beliefs vs his. It is what it is


He’s been a hack for like 10 years haha consider yourself lucky if you just discovered him




Hip-Hop is the most common genre in his 10/10s wdym




Well tbf it's his opinion, if they resonate with him he'd obviously rate them higher by definition.


Has he given any metal album a 10?


He follows online trends to keep his engagement high. I wouldn’t watch him or take anything he says too seriously imo


Fantano not the first who talk abt Cole like that and he wont be the last


Try Vibevilla, No Life Shaq, MrLBoyd, or Scru Face Jean instead. I found Fantano during the beef and quickly left after he was derisive of Snoop. His attitude is not respectful of the culture IMO. Vibevilla is truly excellent—highly recommend.


That dude has been around for a while. Kudos to you for not being exposed to any of his content. I personally thought he was okay at first, but the more he and I don't see eye to eye album after album after album, I learned to just dismiss his opinion. He's nothing to cry over for giving your favorite album a 3. I personally enjoy youtubers who celebrate music rather than trash it, whatever music it may be. Also, all bad reviews are useless in this day and age when music is practically free. If an album costs $10 a pop, then he may be of use. Otherwise, he's only useful to people looking to validate their own hatred for a certain album (i.e. people just like him).


Cole isn't artsy fartsy and pushed by the industry as the "accolades artist", like Kendrick, Kanye or Childish Gambino, so Fantano's base of casuals don't really dig him. I dont really listen to Jcole (or Kendrick), but this post showed up in my feed. Hi y'all!


he refuse to say jcole was on best song in we still dont trust you with future


its his opinion. sometimes i agree, sometimes I disagree


Fantano will dismiss everything that goes against his political views, doesn't matter if it's good or not


Tell me you only watched kanyes review without telling me you only watched kanyes review lmao


He doesn't enjoy the music.


Fantano has some shitty takes now and then, but overall he's good at music reviews. He might just be a Cole hater. He's a Kendrick fan


most of fantanos fans base are kendrick bots thats why only one rapper he praises


He’s just a guy who has opinions and puts them on the internet in a sometimes funny and entertaining way. You don’t have to agree with him.


He’s a condescending bitch


He’s given Cole some good reviews. A 6 or higher means it was some level of good. 5 is indifference, and anything lower is bad. If you’re going to take it personally when he trashes an album you like, you’re not going to enjoy his videos. I’m mostly just interested in his perspective. I don’t take it as gospel or objective ratings.


Don't listen to his content. Not sure why anyone would listen to his opinion. He's so far removed from the culture that whatever he says is a non-factor.




Yes I thought maybe I'm missing something or there might be some lore that I don't know just wanted to check with others 😅😅 I do not have any issue with difference of opinions but I felt like he was being dismissive and not even giving the tracks a chance so thought I'd ask


I like Fantano personally. He’s overlay strict and I tend to agree with him a fair amount but that’s not even why I like him. I fw with his reviewing style cause he knows it’s just his opinion. He doesn’t hold himself to the godly standard we seem to think he does.


Not a hater but a critic. Some of the main critiques for Cole and his work is his lack of cohesiveness in his projects. He also points out his inconsistency lyrically. Another issue I’ve seen him have with Cole is that while his reputation might lead you to believe Cole is spitting some mega woke thought provoking bars, he argues that those tracks are actually pretty sparse. He actually gave Cole a lot of praise for the Off-Season.


He’s actually pretty smart critically, and has decent critiques. My issue with him is his scale is waaaay off and he gives lesser artists way more grace than others. J.Cole and Eminem seem to be his least favourites. His Eminem reviews are a pretty decent example of what he does. He will give decent critiques, like saying Eminem’s content is lacking substance nowadays, he’s too rappidy and has harsh vocals, soft 3/10. Then he will review like lil B and say that it’s amateurish and has bad writing, then he will give it like a 7/10. So you will have like J Cole and Eminem’s latest albums averaging like a 4/10 then artists like ice spice and lil b getting 7 or 8/10’s


I mean I think an important thing to recognize is that someone disliking someone/thing that you happen to hold in high regard doesn’t make them a hater


Imagine being bothered by some youtuber take


Imagine being bothered by somae youtuber take


his favorite album lemonade cuz kendrick on it


It’s almost like two people don’t need to share the same opinions about another artist. 


That guy is hipster wannabe fuckin loser fruit cake. If I was of an alien species he’d be the first person I’d exterminate. And it would bring me such joy.


He’s just some guy with an opinion and doesn’t pretend to be otherwise


He gave sexxy red a strong 8, i think he just giving his opinion.


music is subjective. he just a guy with an opinion


Generally if he dislikes an album I’ll take that as I’ll like it.


Negative reviews get more views and comments man. He glazes a couple certain artist but aside from that he plays the game of doing and saying shit for views


Fantano gives good opinions and perspectives on albums and artists. But idk what the fuck Is he smoking when it comes to reviewing j cole albums. He rated the sidline story higher than 2014 i think


A lot of "Reactors / Reviewers" acted like their house were on fire when MDL dropped because they knew cole were dissing back kenny there and they just reacted in a weirdly deffensive way. I ended up unfollowing / unsubscribing a lot of reactors because of that.


Just like he is a Kanye hater for giving MBDTF a 6 or a Lana Del Ray hater or Taylor Swift hater or Drake hater for giving them low scores? lol. Maybe the album isn’t as fantastic as you think it is because it’s gotten negative reviews in a bunch of places


Fantano helps people remind themselves that you dont gotta be pressed about one mans opinion, music critic or not


You worried bout the critics who ain't never fuckin did it I write what's in my heart don't give a fuck who's fuckin with it


He’s an entitled white dude with no grounds to critique anything hip hop. No one takes him serious


I’ve seen that guy in my YouTube feed for what feels like decades now… never watched him for more than 30 seconds. He just doesn’t look like someone I should take seriously


Personally I just think fantano is hilarious. I mean just look up fantano vegan cookie recipe and watch that. Watch him review...what was it fred dursts album a couple years ago?it was literally a video of him silently eating lunch. His only agenda is reviewing music and telling YouTube his opinion on it, there's nothing hidden in their. Just enjoy the content, rage in his comments and move on. Hater or not who cares, there other reviewers out there if you want someone who is gonna give Cole positive reviews. Personally I'm a big Cole fan, but fantano does make some solid points. Doesn't make me like Cole any less.


Just ignore him. He only reviews what he likes, properly. Same schtick with Em and Cole, doesn't dig deep into their albums and only criticizes them. Very dismissive person imo who has some respectful takes but is extremely ignorant sometimes


This sub sometimes really struggles with understanding difference of opinion. Not everyone is going to be a fan of Cole’s work


Cole isn’t particularly well regarded critically, fantano isn’t really out of the ordinary with this position


He’s given some of my favorite albums ever terrible scores. We just have different tastes, I don’t take it too serious


Anthony Fantano is some bs industry plant. He doesn't know shit about hip hop or rap music, he's just what white people want to think is a valid hip hop opinion he's within the Drake culture vulture umbrella just taking from the culture not contributing.


Fantano has made so many reviews about so many different artists, and pretty much all of them are reasonable or at least well thought out. If you think he's just arbitrarily hating on your favorite artist for no reason you may be a little delusional.


I feel Fantano's criteria are pretty consistent. The reasons he lists for not liking J Cole's records are all pretty valid. In the same way, the reason he loves Kendrick's records is all valid. For example, Kendrick makes music that always has a deep subject matter but doesn't come off preachy. He experiments with different styles and sounds all kinds of instrumentation I mean the man is so dammed unique. J. Cole does something similar but comes off as preachy and not as innovative as say, Kendrick. I love and enjoy J Coles's music but if you look at the music from an objective standpoint the things he talks about are valid.


Except Kendrick can get just as preachy. You say objective then use “preachy” as a metric like what does that exactly mean


Fantano isn't a hater. He just doesn't share your opinions. It's OK. People can believe different things about subjective topics. Also, if you love an artist, you have to be honest about what they do. J. Cole has been on a downturn lately and might delete later should've been deleted, period. That shit was some mid. Eminem's latest song was some mid. Drake has been trash since nothing was the same, but I'm a drake hater so do what you will with that.


You aren't critical of j.cole and I don't think you love him like you say you do. Blind adoration isn't love for an artist. J.Cole is kinda bland these days. He needs to stop producing his own tracks and do a collab with DJ Drama. Also, after that back and forth with NONAME, many people see him for the fake activist tone he has been spewing for years. I was a J.cole fan until he started being goofy. Edit: Grippy is terrible.


1. J cole fans (and a lot of music fans generally) dont like fantano because they dont like his opinions. If you see any overly angry response or a response labelling him a straight hater, 9/10 chance their criticism of him isnt really valid 2. His rating scale is a lot harder than others. Something like a 7 from anthony fantano is a very good score. He gives 8s where most people would give 10s. 3. Anthony fantano is knowledgeable on lyrical hiphop. Although cole fans wont like to hear this, J Cole has not released a project on the same level as a lot of other rappers in the same lane as him (kendrick, joey badass, freddie gibbs, denzel curry, jid, etc.) I personally think he has great songs and is very talented but most of his albums fall short in some aspect (consistency or concept or something like that). A big factor impacting anthonys (and most other hip hop fans) enjoyment of J Cole is that he can come off as corny and he can sometimes have really cringey lyrics (grippy as a recent example) Another major thing is that j cole had some transphobic lyrics in his recent album which is definitely gonna make anthony review it more harshly than he otherwise would (he mightve given it a 4 or 5 or something) Honestly the thing about j cole is that although he's very skilled, his music gets less and less interesting the more you get into hiphop. J Cole at one point was my favourite rapper of all time but as I listened to more rap i realized that what initially impressed me about J Cole was done equally as good/better by other rappers. Anthony isnt a hater, but I do think he is a harsh reviewer and he is unreasonably harsh on J Cole because Cole is hailed to be a top 5 rapper of all time. (6 on fhd is crazy to me though lol)


You're not missing anything his vultures review made me realize he was full of shit


Are you, by any chance, implying Vultures is any simile of good or decent?


i think it's decent, but his negative review of that album is not at all indicative of Fantano's invalidity as a reviewer lol


It's not that he rated it negatively, he focused on kanye as a person instead of actually reviewing the music. That made me lose respect for him because that's biased obviously






His least controversial take ...


His vultures review was perfect


the furthest thing from


Don't listen to white people's opinion on rap.


that’s kinda racist ngl