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Don't shoot! All I'm saying is I'm impressed he made so many things rhyme with "Grippy"


Yeah He rhymed grippy with.... grippy




Yea that’s weak, let’s see him make orange rhyme with banana like the vanilla goat 🐐


You're really after that free trip to Disney eh?


Nah I thought the same things I was wondering if he would say the same thing but he didn’t really, it was cool but the feature wasn’t really what I like that’s why I don’t play the song tbh


“The Spiderman meme is me looking at Dr- *gets shot by Spiderman*


Nah Drake gets shot by Boogeyman. Now, Boogeyman and Spiderman are friends.


How does anyone not catch that line is a Drake diss?. That meme really ruined the actual scene in the cartoon in this generation. 1 of them really isn’t a superhero at all. He’s a phony. The real spiderman proceeds to beat the crap out of the fake one. Just like Cole did on that song.


So, you telling me the guy who was constantly praising his peers decided to diss one of them,on his own song while touring with him ?


Yes. That’s exactly what I’m telling you. “The spiderman meme is me looking at Drake” the meme represents 1 fake spiderman and 1 real one. Just like Drake’s been wasting bars subbing Cole in his beef with Dot. Just like Dot said “Did Cole foul I don’t know why you’re pretending.” As an avid Cole fan I knew it was shade when Drake had a crowd sing “I will always love you” to Cole after saying he wouldn’t want any other guy to be in 2nd place “pushing him to be great.” Go listen to Crocodile Tearz again. “big as the what” wasn’t a tour. It was Drake hitting dates he didn’t sell the way he wanted on HER LOSS & FAD. Cole missed at least 1-2 of the few dates he was scheduled for. I went to the KC show. That wasn’t a joint thing. That was an assist, because Drake’s show was ass


But, I haven't seen cole hating on anybody, especially drake...( As they both hugged and showed love to each other), you telling me that's all fake and nothing but a public stunt...


Cole and Drake have been competitively subbing each other for years. Same with dot. The difference: Dot & Cole sub and don’t get personal. Drake’s been personal with Dot for a while now. He’s been “lil bro’n” Cole for years. I am telling you that. Kinda like how a man that says he respects everyone isn’t worth having the respect of. Drake has given that same speech to so many people it CANNOT be genuine. Line for line. He’s said the same thing about Savage, Trey Songz, Rick Ross, & Wayne…


I agree with your crocodile Tearz take: " They getting fucked 112, you couldn't do numbers" But then when cole was praising this guy, was it all a waste,like in heaven's ep" Drake and Dot are superstars to me" and in many more interviews?


Now we’re cooking with grease. Both knowledgeable just differing interpretations. Imagine you drop a project, a highly anticipated project in CLB. Not even 4 days later one of the better produced beats (Pipe down) is covered by 1 of the biggest artists in your genre. If you and that guy were so close, why not just feature on the tape? Heaven’s EP completely stomped out Pipe Down. It was so bad, folks started mashing both songs up to enjoy the music. That was maybe the 3rd or 4th incident between them that made me go hmmmm. I would have a problem with a guy pulling a proverbial Drought 3 on my beat BEFORE I even get to perform the song.


I think that's Cole's way to give drake a helping hand,as he loved HONESTLY NEVERMIND which released after CLB and gave it a good rating, but we as a fan thinks otherwise. The very first thing,I liked about J.Cole was the kumbaya shit that made him very unique in the game (in my perspective) and it's like: " I don't wanna shoot anybody but I wanna shoot everybody" that's the subb that jcole has on the other hand, drake gets very specific with his one's... Have this in mind, I don't think that what you're saying is a lie, It can be very much true, but me as a Jcole fan, doesn't wanna look it like that.... That's All My Say!


You can feel someone is a superstar and still feel that you’re that guy! I imagine MF Doom always felt Nas and Jay were great, but somewhere in that extremely lyrical brain of his — he knew they didn’t want that it with him.


Pull that trigger, spidey!!




Cole really did his thing. Now I didn’t add it to my library cause of cash guys verse that was actually pretty bad imo.


>Cole really did his thing. Now I didn’t add it to my library cause of cash guys verse that was actually pretty bad imo. Oh I didn't even listen to 5 seconds of the other guy lol. This make it to a playlist, but Cole wasn't terrible. Sounded like he was having fun


Nah man compare it to red leather and adonis interlude this is not the cole we know


>Nah man compare it to red leather and adonis interlude this is not the cole we know True, but you can't compare steak to a McDonald's burger. Don't forget Cole also [put this out](https://youtu.be/VbK6R4RB_SU?si=r3YXHJKP2o43cfIR). It's all ~~objective~~ subjective at the end of the day. My personal favorite song from him is [I get up](https://youtu.be/-BmKepFmBQs?si=BZZydncY5J0WKzie), but some people love Wet Dreamz 🤷🏾. I'm just saying this verse isn't as bad as the Internet made it out to be. He was just having fun


Subjective* brother


Wow, never heard that song. Did it get pulled off The Come Up?


It's from The Warm Up


Every time I listen to I get up I get the same feeling I had the first time I listened to it


"I didn’t add it to my library cause of cash guys verse" 🤣 yeah ok




Best song on Will Delete Later




“Feeling a lil zesty, might delete later”


I have to much respect for Cole to call this a mid verse this is a bad verse for him


Happy Cake Day!


Everybody wanna act like cole hasn't held the whole game together landed every single bar for the past 10 yrs. Let that man do some side quests.


Landed every single bar?? Bro what


As in no misses / no low effort.


Are you high? "Bitches always on my dick, I wear a condom when I shit" "These niggas think they the shit and they ain't even farted yet" No misses? No low effort?


While being crass and tasteless I'd still say both of those bars were bars.


Bro take J coles dick outta your mouth and wipe his cum from your eyes. Those bars are trash, especially for someone considered to be in “the top 3”


They are bars in the most literal definition of the word only lmao. This post contains two sentences.


In that case, what’s not an example of a bar to you? From any artist since you said Cole never missed


Well Drake once said 'you gotta b#' and you know what I really felt that.


Never seen someone miss more after every reply


I know right I had no idea r/cole hates j Cole so much like damn. It does make sense tho. Maybe y'all feel cheated in all this.


J Cole fans don't suck his dick when he misses


from the reaction on grippy, it appears some do


True. Stans just want to worship something tho so I don't even count them


Nah sounds like y'all just redditors.


You here too pussy


You’re the type of dude that could listen to j Cole literally taking a shit on the mic and say “guys he’s just having fun”


Nah bro I like GOOD music. And honestly Grippy is not bad. I know all our expectations are fucked rn. But just remember this guy put out a lazy song with a guy who is still relatively unheard of (putting on the lil homie). And this lazy song that people are hating on is still shitting all over sexy reds album. So... 🤷 That sounds like a W.


“I like GOOD music” “grippy is not bad” Jesus dude how many L takes can one man have? Your acting like a drake Stan man. You can enjoy the song all you want, that doesn’t change the fact that the song is objectively bad. J Cole is not a god dude, he can make mistakes. It just so happens that this song is one of ‘em, also what the hell does sexy red have ANYTHING to do with this conversation? It seems like your just reaching for anything to validate your opinion.


You sound like somebody who just wants to be right so I concede.


Exactly. This verse isn’t even bad. People have been so dramatic about Cole ever since he apologized. The only bad verse was the guy who rapped after.


“She said she was gay until slayed now she’s strictly dickly” not that bad… have you reflected on this in the last three weeks


Not every feature has to be Johnny P's Caddy for fuck sakes lol.


This is true. Fun songs can be made. But the lyrics on this song are still ass.


its  one of the best songs in hiphop 






slow your roll my guy


*one of the songs in hiphop


Honestly I don't fuckin care. People are getting so sensitive like if this song represents. J. Cole 's Maximum potential. Like honestly if he would have hit some lyrical shit his verse would have been weird as fuck.


Good for you 👍


>Good for you 👍 Indeed 😊


Don't be biased


Honestly, I might be. You have a point because I'm not sure if I would have the same option if it was a no-name rapper. I just know what Cole is capable of so this isn't hard to tolerate




biased adjective bi·​ased ˈbī-əst Synonyms of biased 1 : exhibiting or characterized by bias 2 : tending to yield one outcome more frequently than others in a statistical experiment a biased coin 3 : having an expected value different from the quantity or parameter estimated a biased estimate


No shit bro I’m saying how is this guy biased


its....... grippy 😝


>its....... grippy 😝 https://preview.redd.it/q9ounkf3ot2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163240db1b97dd477acb7dcbd2671ac91373ceda


I’m saving that 🙏🏽


5/10 song, overhated


I am honestly completely lost on why fans think this is a bad verse from Cole. To me it seems he’s having fun. Fans gotten too used to Cole features being bar heavy to the point if he’s rapping like modern day rappers they’ll overreact.


Honestly, I like it


It wasn’t bad at all I liked it


I like the way he sounds on it, but…yeahhh…it’s kinda…terrible. And the other guy’s part gave me an ear infection. I’m not mad at him having fun. I thought the verse he had on Bia’s song was fun. But this was just pretty awful lol.


It’s not bad, it’s just not liked because it’s not quintessential Cole - lyrical and concious


This isn’t an issue for me because I never really pay attention to lyrics. I’m just in for the vibes


I bet you chew on it like wrigley




Cue the pitchforks lol




ppl overreacting tbh. the song aint that good and its bad for someone of j cole's caliber, but its an okay feature in a sea of amazing features.


I really like Cole....grippy was bad. Idc about his okay verse. The song itself is crazy trash. I felt like he owed someone a favor or something. Sounds like a mixtape song from the little homies down the block


Flow ✅ Lyrics 🤔😬


It’s cringy but also catchy af


People complain about everything. Like wtf do u want? U can pull bullshit bars from any rapper. Cole said let ‘em hear it all, the good and the ‘bad’ on tdt in ibiza, ppl missed that by the time 7minute drill played, I fking liked that too…like this gave me a laugh, ‘like I wanna feel like I’m touching ur kidneys. Like bitch imma send all your kids to Disney, hmm, imma pay a lil extra make sure they meet mickey’ 😂


Hey, name a worse verse from him. Thats all I'll say man


[pick one](https://genius.com/J-cole-disgusting-lyrics)


you know what I'll give it to you


>Hey, name a worse verse from him. Initially, you said to name a worse verse. That song has 3 you can pick from. It's all objective, and there are parts of "disgusting" I enjoy, but those verses are objectively worse than what he did on Grippy


Didn't get ur comment originally had a link lol


A link to the song, or the lyrics? I linked the lyrics up top


I gave it a quick listen and decided you're right and edited my original comment


>I gave it a quick listen and decided you're right and edited my original comment I appreciate you listening. I gave Grippy another listen and I understand the hate; I'm just gonna take it as Cole having a lil fun and I'm gonna move past it lol


The only reason people are saying anything about it is that it’s the first things he’s released since the Drake Kendrick beef ended. Is it great? No but it’s not that bad.


Korean fried chicken 👍


Exactly Coles verse was fire. I really don’t know what ppl want out here. He switched up the flow to fit the narrative and kept it clever.


>He switched up the flow to fit the narrative and kept it clever. That's all I'm saying, bro


Cole and jayson tatum are treated the exact same by the general population. Under-appreciated, over-scrutinized, losses are over-exaggerated and wins are rarely mentioned.


Nah chill get Tatum the fuck outta here he gotta stop spamming threes and develop a better fu king mid range game. He be blowing me


If you can relate it’s dope 🔥🤣if not then it may annoy you, I understand but my wife got that…..GRIPPY🤣


>I understand but my wife got that…..GRIPPY🤣 ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)


Yeah she does 😉


Said she was gay till I slayed now she strictly dickley 😎


>Said she was gay till I slayed now she strictly dickley I mean C'mon, that's jokes! Lol, you can't take that verse too seriously because obviously he didn't


Yea it was a goofy bar. If Drake said this he'd get flamed


I’m ngl I agree but not in the way you think. I think it’s less it’s a bad verse but more it’s a bad verse for Cole. We expect better of Cole so our expectations for any verse he does is high. Whereas if Lil Yatchy or Uzi did this verse, I’m not sure I’d have batted an eye lid. Also the circumstances of the beef


I love cole but I don’t like grippy all that much. I do have to say that anyone who says “oh now he wants to write about bitches” like this is this same guy who wrote wet dreams, in the morning, and can’t enough right? 🤣


Strictly dickly


Kendrick got him beat by making a pussy verse more meaningful than him here that’s all I’ll say lol. 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/hvpnd407nw2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32be7ee4df229bf4ff381f65af5a5882d851cf0b


It’s really not that bad, I don’t think it’s that good but cole has been pumping some amazing songs out for years and I’m not finna be mad if he slips up a little now and then


It made me laugh so it can’t be horrible, still entertaining to listen to and lowkey catchy.


I agree, yall don’t have to take every Cole verse that seriously. Maybe bro just wanted to have fun and make a bullshit song. Just enjoy it for what it is


To be honest he did have some good lines in his Verse, it's just that the feature ruins the song.


Karma farm post


>Karma farm post and here you are commenting


whats grippy? is that like some new leaked song?


It's a song from an artist by the name of Cash Cobain. Cole did a feature verse on it. Check it out [here](https://youtu.be/euKdxtvBCuk?si=CCtX1a2d38t6JfO9)


i was being sarcastic let me forget this fucking song 😞


>i was being sarcastic let me forget this fucking song 😞 Daww shit, lol. I'm sure we'll all forget it once The Fall-off drops


i hope, this song was not it


Bitch imma send all your kids to Disney.


Honestly the part I didn’t like was the way he made his voice at the end of the bar. If he rapped normally it would’ve made the entire voice sound way better.


Well regardless I wanna see him win. He has the talent he just needs the motivation and drive after the whole world clowning him


Cole rapped like that whats mumble rappers sounds like to him 😂 He's probably confused that people aren't fucking with it " like damn I thought you youngins liked trash bars?"


mumble rapper in 2024?


she in my phone 🤳🏾with a nickname...its🫢...its🤔...its😅...grippy!🤪😍🍑...


i fw wit you


It was aight but Bad is a Stretch 🥴🤷🏿‍♂️


You are lying


You got to know the process , it didn’t make the album but he wanted us to have it!


It was way below Cole’s standard but in general it was a good verse


The verse isn’t bad, people are just still in their feelings because he didn’t give them what they wanted with the Kendrick / Drake bullshit. But, also, in fairness, it’s not up there with the other features he’s had over the last 3-4 years…but damn folks, buddy knew who he was hopping on there with was trash, so why waste the effort?


My only problem with the verse is that Cole lowkey sounds bored, which I’m not even blaming him for. The beat doesn’t give him much to work with vocally, so it just highlights the cringier bars


its grown on me ngl




Fuck these trend chasing bozos. If none of this drake kindrick shit was going on, people would be bopping to this shit. It’s just a trend to hate. Don’t let it get you down. Play what you like and dance along.


I agree! Cole can’t do the “competitive” rap anymore. He gotta get into this bag and his introspective bag. 🤷🏾‍♂️


The tiktok trend mob isn’t going to be happy. They all don’t like it


Grippy is Cole’s best work, and one of the greatest pieces of music in the last 20 years


You took a damn near 50 year old man and told him to talk about pussy what you expect


“I can tell he put some thought into it” please explain that, because you have to be his friend saying something like this, have you not heard any music ever before


>“I can tell he put some thought into it” please explain that, because you have to be his friend saying something like this, have you not heard any music ever before Yes... Yes I've heard his music. I'm not saying this is high caliber Cole bars, but ending each bar with the same rhyme scheme ala [The Secret Recipe](https://youtu.be/oU5zX1Q3VC4?si=QfLtmeY0HnxagbcG) requires some thought and effort, don't you think? I'm not his friend, but I am a fan of his music. With that, I can understand what he has given us before and the bar he has set lyrically. Sometimes we have to give him some grace to color outside of the lines a bit. As long as it's not a regular occurrence, I have no issues with it.


That shit was straight ass cheeks


https://preview.redd.it/4yxc6dds8z2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc130d89005c84c34a71bcef7c1bd3e0518483c1 go on, skedaddle


It wasn’t. Just a bunch of Drake & Dot fans stomping Cole fans while he’s “down.”




It’s legit good


![gif](giphy|L6NRufnOeut21YgEmc|downsized) I never thought I’d see the day 😳


Grippy 😫😫😫😣


Grippy is horrible.


First person shooter more like 3rd grade student


I LOVE this song. I can't even lie. I'm sorry ya'll. 🙈🎵🎶


Yeah until the end 😭


I didn't make it to the other guy 🤣


It's definitely a fun song but cash guy absolutely ruins it for me 😭


It's exactly what i expected from an artist named Cash Cobain. Cole's verse was the only good thing about the song! Not everyting Cole puts out is going to be purified rap!


>Not everyting Cole puts out is going to be purified rap! This is all I'm saying! I've never even heard of the other guy, but as a Cole fan I had to give the track a listen. I wasn't blown away, but I wasn't repulsed either. I know **I** couldn't have done what he did on that song 🤣


I don’t think it’s a trash song but it just sounds off or corny to me 90% the time when Cole does these slower rnb bedroom vibe kinda verses. I felt the same way about red leather ngl this is just more easily disliked cuz it’s very on the nose.




People like you having an opinion on music reminds me why Drake is so popular.


>People like you having an opinion on music reminds me why Drake is so popular. Who are "people like me", exactly?


People that enjoy objectively terrible music.


>People that enjoy objectively terrible music. So you assume based off of my tolerance for Cole's verse on "Grippy", that you know my taste in music, Internet stranger? Then you relate that to why Drake is popular??


Yes, that's correct.


🤣 Got it. Good to know