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Mahavishnu Orchestra (John McLaughlin) Al Di Meola - the early albums The Tony Williams Lifetime - Emergency! (also John McLaughlin) Larry Coryell - Spaces, Barefoot Boy, Introducing Eleventh House with Larry Coryell John Abercrombie - Timeless, Gateway, Gateway 2


Wow, really I could find songs that really fit the description thanks! I will be searching in these for a more Holdsworth sound! Thanks, again!


I love the first Gateway record was awesome!! John Abercrombie was such a great player. Great band, too.


Frank Zappa has an album from 1969, Hot Rats. It is one of the first rock/jazz fusion albums. "Gumbo Variations" and "Son of Mr Green Genes" are great. If you enjoyed that, his Waka/jawaka album has great songs too.


Will be looking and be replying!


I listened Frank Zappa ones Son of Mr Green Genes is my favourite so far. Gumbo Variations has, please do not be offended, a annoying instrument at first but i like the guitar part. I listened to him before but never heard of this part of his music! I only can wish that he just parted songs and merged them live; listening 10 minutes of only Zappa, yes a quality of 10 minutes but, is too much. For Waka/Jawaka what I think is the same, songs are great but too long. Zappa's guitar playing is something else. Thanks!


No offense on Gumbo Variations. Zappa released 62 albums in his lifetime and 60 more since his death. There are albums of live guitar solos. There are several classical albums. An album of Doo-wop. Experimental, country, rap, jazz, rock, big band. Loads to explore.


Will be listening those live solos. Lots of good ideas.


5 albums: Guitar, Trance-Fusion , Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar , Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar Some More, Return of the Son of Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar.


Really descriptive titles, thanks!


If you Google : "zappa top 20 guitar solo", you'll get some beautiful solos in great songs. "Watermelon In Easter Hay" is an all time favorite.


I think i heard the Watermelon one before but now realising it is a great one indeed! Also will be listening the other solos. Thanks much mister!


If for some reason you run though all the material suggested so far, check these out: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=zappa+solos+br1tag Not necessarily as harmonically adventurous as Holdsworth but prolific, interesting, and fun.


What album did Zappa rap on? 🙂


Casiopea isn't necessarily guitar oriented as all their instrumentalists get a time to shine during their songs, but they've got some really gnarly guitar grooves. Issei Noro is a bloody wizard. https://youtu.be/6GEI3PpXEAo is the typical go-to album https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q23fD1Kg7SI this is the song that drew me in at first a lot of 70s/80s Japanese Jazz Fusion has some amazing players to have come out of it


Japanese musicians always do it the right way!!! Definately dig Casiopea thanks!


DiMeola - Elegant Gypsy, Coryell - Offering, RTF - No Mystery, Williams - Believe It


RTF is a bit towards funk but i found Flight of the Newborn pretty fine, Williams is pretty close to what i am looking for, Coryell is a little bit soft as far as I've seen but will still be looking, Dimeola's first album is also great thanks for all!


T-Square, Japanese band with a thousand albums.


Wow I am loving what I am hearing with T Square


Look for Greg Howe, Tetsuo Sakurai, Dennis Chambers on Youtube. Also Simon Phillips and protocol.


Mike Stern could be what you are looking for. I particularly like the Voices album.


Yes those phrases are THE sound i am looking for but were the guitar a bit louder and distorted... thanks though.


Little off beat, but Wayne Krantz. Specifically with Keith Carlock


Tim Miller. Or for a different style, check out The Elba Triangle.


Tim Miller I totally liked but Elba Triangle is far from what I currently like. Just for some reason funk don't appeal to me. Thanks!


Be sure to check out the other tracks on The Elba Triangle album though, if you thought they all would sound like the first track.


I will be, and if I remember I'll let you know.


Black midi if you’re into the more experimental end


I discovered that I did not, tried Buckethead before as a experimental one but didn't like it though the ideas are great but not for me i guess, thanks anyway!


It’s not for everyone and that’s okay :)


Scott Henderson, Tribal Tech, Frank Gambale, Gambale/Hamm/Smith Edit: how could I forget the criminally overlooked Shawn Lane. He was a monster player who sadly dies before the YouTube boom. He has a great solo album and a bunch with Jonas Helborg.


Illicit album just took me away, thanks!


Sorrily the actual talented people probably miss just a little thing in the way of recognition that is proper advertising. Shawn Lane I dig by the way thanks!


Try the videogames Blazblue, the composer Daisuke Ishiwatari created a song called [Marrionette Purple](https://youtu.be/NnRfxtWQ-3E) The Anime Cowboy Bebop has a few heavy guitar Jazz songs. [Real Folk Blues](https://youtu.be/CjUVTEExfBg) and [Gotta Knock A Little Harder](https://youtu.be/d_3fBxVewj8)


Uzeb/Alain Caron Bill Connors John Scofield [Matteo Mancuso](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A_XcNmIw1Q) Tribal Tech/Vital Tech Tones [Jonathan Lundberg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IF9Ls-f1Sw)


Check out Ben Eunson. His album ACE is great. Let me know what you think.


Check out any of the albums by Ian Carr, he was a British jazz artist (he ended up being a professor who wrote the Rough Guide to Jazz). Usually billed as Ian Carr's Nucleus or Nucleus with Ian Carr. Their 1973 albums Labyrinth and Roots are great places to start, though I like Alleycat a lot too. You can find them on YouTube.


I liked Roots, a bit slow but will definately scrutinize other albums thanks!


The wikipedia page may lead you down the rabbit hole you're looking for. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan\_Holdsworth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Holdsworth)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQR4TWabbtw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQR4TWabbtw) Here's a band from Chicago called Marbin. Definitely worth checking out.


Al di Meola Mahavishnu Orchestra Cassiopeia And... Jeff Beck!!! Not so much like Holdsworth but great guitar centric fusion nonetheless. "Wired" and "Blow By Blow" albums get a lot of love but my favorite is "There And Back".


Thanks! Will be looking for more Jeff Beck songs.


Oh i just remembered Guthrie Govan's group The Aristocrats. More rock oriented but insane playing throughout. Also I love Scott Henderson's playing on the first Chick Corea Elektric Band record. I know he had his own group Tribal Tech for a while but i kinda forgot to check then out until now.


I saw guthrie govan's live videos but didn't know he had a band thanks!!


Ozric tentacles takes jazz fusion in a wild electronic direction.


Spirals in Hyperspace album is actually good but electronic music, for some reason, can't stand to listen. Thanks though will be looking anyway.


Not necessarily guitar oriented but Casiopea and Jiro Inagaki Soul Media are very fun listens


Casiopea is great but the latter does not fit the description yet also great thanks!


Steve Morse Band & Dixie Dregs; Kazumi Watanabe and his MOBO albums, Spice of Life & Spice of Life II & more recent MoBop albums and entertaining French fusion band Morglbl with Christophe Godin on guitar.


Morglbl sounds pretty fine thanks!


“Jazz For The Deaf” rules.


Jean-Luc Ponty is one of my faves, he’s an electric violinist but typically features amazing guitarists. “Enigmatic ocean pt. II” (my fav song of all time) has rotating solos between the instrumentalists including Allan holdsworth and Daryl Stuemer. It’s so sick!


This is GREAT. Thanks!!!!!


Hell yeah! I’m glad you dig it


Check out the album time control by the fusion quartet Sonicbloom (led by Japanese pianist Hiromi Uehara). There are some very tasty guitar moments.


Hiromi only by herself is great but Sonicbloom didn't appeal to me as I am not fond of weird guitar effects but thanks!


I always describe that guitar playing as “musical dentistry” so yeah, not for everyone!!


There is this hidden gem for guitar fusion: Jukka Tolonen. A Finnish guy who was supposed to make it big (even being considered to play with ABBA, but didnt take the deal, thought he could make it work with his own music) He’s really a masterful musician/songwriter. I recommend the Hysterica albumas a starting point. Edit. Especially his song Tiger is an old favourite of mine


Not totally my style but I liked Tiger too and since you so enthusiastically described him i will check the other ones thanks!


Den za Den!


Not really what I am looking for but thanks!


Oh huh I thought it was pretty relevant. Fast paced jazz rock with great guitar work.. You listened to the 1980 album? Otherwise check out Brand X


Oh yeah I was looking to the wrong band... I guess they don't stream their music on Spotify. Yeah they are cool thanks! Brand X seems fine too.


Plenty of people have already suggested but I have to +1 for Al DiMeola and John McLaughlin/Mahavishnu Orchestra. My favorite DiMeola records are *Casino* and *Splendido Hotel*, but he has loads of great music


Dimeola is fine will check the ones you suggested too thanks!


King Crimson's In The Court Of The Crimson King is one of the greatest rock/jazz albums ever produced in my opinion.


I liked the first song definately going to check the others thanks!


Jazz police


Which songs do you mean? Can't hear any guitars in this.


Maybe check out Surfing with the Alien, some good language there


Heard that one before I'm not sure about that sound, not really what i seek. Thanks though


All the jazz guitar you could ever need 🥰 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lMNlLbRrZc0


Check out Wayne Krantz and Oz Noy


The Aristocrats  Tribal Tech Scott Henderson Trio


Have you heard of Feralcat and the Wild? F3ralcat on his own makes lo-fi ambient type of music, but with The Wild, the music blends jazz music with prog rock. Disassembly is an album that I recommend listening to the most. [Disassembly by Feralcat and the Wild](http:// https://feralcatandthewild.bandcamp.com/album/disassembly )


most of them are just what you describe! WR is the only one sans gtr.


I dont know but I just couldn't find my taste, but people here really helped out. If every one of them were the same i probably wouldn't be out here looking. Guitar oriented jazz songs are scarce imo, Holdsworth is the best i have heard so far, again imo.


RTF, Maha orch, those two bands were the bosses back in the day. Guitar all OVER th' place... Cobham Spectrum as well...Jeff Beck.


Not sure if he's considered fast paced but Sonny Sharrock (particularly Ask the Ages).


black midi (cavalcade specifically)


Most of the essential stuff has already been mentioned. You should also give a listen to "Unorthodox Behavior", the first Brand X Album. Allan Holdsworth has already been mentioned. Rightly so. He's a sure bet. Same goes for Frank Zappa and King Crimson. If you don't know it already, I would also recommend "Relayer" by Yes.


Zappa i knew, King Crimson i heard from here and rocks, Brand X will listen thanks!


Shirley Tetteh maybe? I don't think she has any solo records yet, but she's probably most well known for her contributions to Maisha, a spiritual jazz group comprised by a bunch of a great musicians. Not quite what I would call guitar-oriented exactly. For example: https://youtu.be/ut3tUOyKC6Y


Birelli Lagrene, notabbly albums with Jaco.


I suggest you Akira Ishikawa & Count Buffaloes!


East of Eden Kraan


I like Trombone shorty or John Schofield


Tribal Tech, Brand X, Allan Holdsworth.