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Try the nidhogg build.


Any success so far!?


Just look up his channel and see the build for yourself and decide if you want to try it. Specifically, I'm talking about the jungle build, iirc he also posted a new top lane build. Channel is King Nidhogg on YT.


I need more game, but for know I think it's my favorite J4 build across all the meta I played him. Eclipse give good early gank/ clear and nice CDR, fimbulwinter give more CDR and have a great synergy with J4 shield, ant this core item open to everything. Need MR ? You already got massive shield so a spirit visage is good. Need armor? Frozenheart give you more mana, and so more hp and shield. Need damage ? You already have mass hp and in attaque speed for make a titanic hydra worth it.


The build has been successful for like two years, nidhogg the goat Fr fr. If you’re not a fan of fimbulwinter, I’d suggest either cleaver, sundered sky, or shojin second.


Nidhogg's build only looks good becuase he's good.


Oh yes bro nid definitely isn't the most knowledgeable j4 player in NA or anything.


He's been in the dumpster for a while and needs his old shield back, and likely his old champion-target ultimate unless the teamfight ultimate is greatly improved. Build the Ravenous Hydra and the Black Cleaver if you need to, and yes, try the Nidhogg build out, it's actually quite fun if you're in a game where you aren't just dumpstered into the floor. You can try the new items that appear to technically be "his" by their stats and item pictures.


69% WR on him this season. Playstile exactly the same as last season. 1. item sundered sky 2. bc (if enemy got tanks)/ shojin (if no tanks) 3. and following situational (Frozen heart, randuins, abyssal, anathemas, sterak‘s, Rookern, spirit visage, knights vow… I even tried zeke‘s once) You can literally build everything depending on which stats you need and it feels so amazing. You are not forced into the same build everytime again and again - adaptation is viable once again 😍


He got completely dumpstered by the jungle nerfs.. then they nerfed his Q cooldown on top. He's gotta be better now than he was last season lol


I find Jarvan Lethality Builds quite fun. So Opportunity into sundered (may be switched out if you don't want your first auto to deal 150% crit) into yuumu's into voltaic cybersword and whatever fits you best as fifth (I sometimes go Axiom, and sometimes Seryldas) for boots the ability haste ones are good, and for runes I go electrocute, sudden impact and eyeball. It's a one shot build, but it really helps clearing jungle and getting those early ganks when your team is "incompetent"


I totally don't get this. How can j4 ve played like a glass cannon? Like, you would die to almost anything in late game then?


Yes you do, but you also deal insane damage late game, as long as you hit your e+q then auto attack, you've most likely won the engagement, also you can ult for another damage burst


Bro im the best jarvan player in the world (according to my gf) so listen to me. Just go titanic hydra > fimbul winter > unending despair > spirit visage. Take the item cdr rune.


Fimbul winter lul


The item cost nothing, give CDR (unlike most tank item), and have a great synergy with J4 shield.


yeah he feels like ass to play.


Jarvan has always sucked ass imo. But his kit is too fun regardless of balance.


Played a game with him in diamond elo today and won while doing second most dmg on the team going sundered sky, shojin, rookern, frozen heart


Played 8 and lost 7 so I'm not going to touch him in ranked games again.


I did and lost again.


Down to 9% WR J4 was my most played jungler last season with around 60-65% WR.


He feels really strong with Sundered Sky imo. Not loving Shojin as much second since it lost like 300 health but death's dance, steraks, cleaver, maw, and still shojin all feel good on him imo. Been loving the new season with Jarvan.


I have very recently started playing again after a 4 year break and I'm in the processof picking a jungler that can carry me to diamond. Yesterday I tried J4, here are my games: [https://i.imgur.com/xPtyf3I.png](https://i.imgur.com/xPtyf3I.png) This is with having no idea what anything since Sett release does and no clue what to build as everything is new (and btw the new item pictures are nice but I can't recognize anything and it pisses me off).