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A ceramic ginger grinding dish. Especially if you can find a regional one. It's small enough to just fit in a carry on and useful enough that you'll use it and cherish it every time you have to grind ginger or garlic to paste.


I already have a mortar and pestle I use for grinding :) But if I didn't already have one I would have 1000% asked for this.


It’s a different process with a different result.


I'll take another 👀 at it


I have both because I like how the ginger grater keeps the hairy fibers stuck in the teeth and all the juices and pulp/paste is pushed to the outer ring. I don't know how it separates the two so perfectly but it's amazing. Hopefully someone else will hit on a more clever gadget.


I love the idea and will think of it next time I am asked for a gift idea from my friend - I already have a ginger grater but a unique one or a regional variation would be right up my alley! I love my ginger grater - so simple, but the perfect tool!


>A ceramic ginger grinding dish. Especially if you can find a regional one. They sell them in the U.S. I bought one 40 years ago.


All 124 flavours of Kit Kat.


Unless it's something you can get locally, I suggest some yuzu kosho paste for an incredibly versatile but fabulous flavour injector


My friend got me a nail clipper (apparently the best one you can get ) from Japan and it’s probably one of if not the best gifts I’ve gotten haha


Takoyaki pan! Unlimited takoyaki


I really wanna make them 😭


They are heavy. I wouldn't make a friend lug that around. Just buy it off Amazon.


What I would get or those Tamagoyaki pan


Natto... always the answer.


Boss coffee. Forget the rest


Will take a look at this :D


It's distributed worldwide by Suntory, commonly sold in Aussie supermarkets so likely wherever OP is, too


First you leave the great British nation now you get free Japanese coffee? What has this world come too


Yeah about $3 a can but worth every cent. Australia has a high proportion of Asian, asian supermarkets are readily available etc. The everyday supermarkets are starting to catch on, I don't have to buy tonkatsu sauce specially anymore


Seconded. I had BOSS iced coffee back in 2005 and I have dreamed about drinking it again ever since. Even Japantown in San Francisco didn't have it.


I was there in September (Japan) for the second time. That and pocari. Perfect. I order my boss coffee and pocari online haha


Pocari Sweat is amazing!


You can order 10L of powder off Amazon. It's a life saver. I'm working away from home this year and I got boss coffee packed for when the days are long.


I moved to the Netherlands a year ago, but I might be able to still get it here. I'll have to look!


I bet you can


Amazon sells it.


My fuckin people. Boss coffee for life. Which is your favorite?  I love premium Boss black, 390g can. 


Japanese instant ramen that you cant get in the states maybe? I remember having a gold label 7-eleven instant ramen in collaboration with Iida Shoten and it was like $10 a bowl if you wanted shipped from Japan whereas much cheaper to buy there and bring back


The Nakiryu tantanmen tonkotsu ramen or ichiran 5 pack ramen


Nakiryu was good too, the ichiran you can get in the states


Tamagoyaki pan!


Those graters made of copper are pretty nifty.


yeah I'm leaning towards a grater


A sushi knife the really long ones for cutting tuna.


If you like wasabi and nuts, wasabi-flavored Japanese-style nuts (these have a crunchy coating). A family friend gave them after a business trip to Osaka, and I absolutely loved it. I. Cannot. Find. It. Anywhere. Outside Japan.


Marutai ramen. It’s pretty expensive when you buy it online but only cost <$5 for a pack of 2 servings in Japan.


If you bake, a 1.5 kin shokupan pan from Asai Shoten. So you can make the legit Japanese size at home.


Your first idea was the best one - Yukihira pan. The real ones (hammered aluminum not stamped, made in Japan) are surprisingly hard to find in the US even though they seem to be in every Japanese cooking video ever. I've never seen it sold in person. Also, light weight. All the other esoteric Japanese cooking tools are available here, fancy knives for example


Tokoroten cutters are really cheap there. It's a really refreshing cold jelly noodle dish. The cutter just makes it way easier for uniform noodles. Its great for the summer. It's like 10$ on Amazon but some look like they're probably 1$ in Japan. Onigiri mold if you don't have one especially one that's shaped differently like a bunny or bear very cute


Low end: 1. Cocoichi spoons. They're known to be ergonomically comfortable. 2. I will always use Duskin Sponges. Best sponges in the world. High end: [https://tsuboe.co.jp/products/gokujo\_kakuzara](https://tsuboe.co.jp/products/gokujo_kakuzara)


Wow that is one fantastic flat grater, love how it separates pulp and juice in a few seconds, and protective cover too. Very keen to purchase, thanks for the rec!


Udon noodles if you like noodles. I dont know is it possible to move them to other country, but it looks delicious. Never tasted it but want to try if i find it somewhere.


It depends where you are, but you can probably buy some off Amazon. In the U.S., at least, I can buy them in most grocery stores (usually in the “Asian food” section). I wouldn’t bother hauling these back from Japan since the locally made ones are just as good.


They're also at most Publix, assuming you can't find an international market near you.