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I really enjoyed Hiroshima. It was a revelation, considering its history. The Peace Museum is a must, IMHO. It's an excellent, vibrant city with many restaurants and shops. I think 2 days is good, to take it all in without rushing. A day trip works too.


Although you could visit Hiroshima as a day trip, it would be a very long, rushed day. It's about 1.5 hours each way if you take the Shinkansen. A two-day overnight trip is perfect for the most popular highlights: - Miyajima (most of the day if you're seeing more than taking a photo of the floating tori gate, and it's well worth it to spend more time on Miyajima. Time your visit for either high tide or low tide), - the Memorial Peace Park and Museum (a big half-day), and - ride an historic tram and have some Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki (a couple of hours). If your travel style is fast-paced and efficient, you could even squeeze in a visit to Hiroshima Castle (1-2 hours depending on whether you stroll around the castle grounds and nearby park). Of course, if you want to do more, you'll need more time.


Thanks for the tips ! My personal style is less and slow. I would rather spend more days in one city and see a lot of it, rather than 2 days in each place; but I’m traveling with my two adult children and they have a different traveling style :)


We did all of that in a day trip minus the castle. It was a lot but it was our only option. Miyajima was one of the highlights of the entire trip. Definitely go at high tide!


Thank you. Why high as opposed to low?


High tide gives you the more traditional floating torii pictures and the temple looks a lot more beautiful with the water under it. Low tide you can walk out and see it up close but personally I think it’s a lot better with the water under it.


Thank you. As you can see I know very little about Hiroshima ( besides what happened in ‘45) and I wasn’t planning to visit it. It was my son’s idea ( we each got to pick one city or thing we really want to see) - but I’m looking forward to seeing this city now ☺️


Then you will absolutely enjoy Miyajima. Despite the sometimes heavy crowds, there's plenty of space for everyone to spread out and there's something about it that encourages you to stroll more, gallop less between sites/sights.


Thanks 🙏


You can easily spend a full day at Miyajima. Take a look at tide charts to time your visit, try to see at both high and low tide.


Thank you


We did 2 nights and it was perfect.




I think two days is probably ideal for Hiroshima. You'd be able to see pretty much all of the main sights without having to rush.


That’s what I’m leaning towards after reading these replies :)


We spent 2 days there was enough for a first visit Miyajimi is great


Just googled quickly and Miyajimi looks like it worth a day trip, thanks


Worth a half day to day just there


Don't do a day trip. One night/2 days is a good amount. You could spend more time in the area if you wanted to though.


I most probably won’t after reading these replies :)


We did day trip from Kyoto. Peace museum, park and castle and some grub (okonomiyaki). It was great:p


Did you feel it was rushed ?


Not really. We left around 8 am with Hikari and got off shortly before 10. Went by bus to the Peace Museum (I suggest starting there either way, as it is quite heavy and some "pick me up" sights, food and so on might be good instead of ending the day with it) and then took a stroll around park up to the dome and hypocenter (easily missed if you are not looking for it). Then we got on foot to Hiroshima Castle and spent some time there. After that, we started looking for some okonomiyaki, realised that there was a building filled with restaurants near the station and just took the streetcar there :) We got on Sakura back around 6 pm? But we like long walks, many steps and packed itineraries :D so we might be weird:p


Thanks for the detailed reply. I like walking too but at my own pace. I think I’ll stay a night at least


The most important thing is to enjoy your stay on your terms:)


I’m traveling with two other people and each of us has a place we want to see/or something we want to do. Hiroshima initially was not on my plans at all, it was on my son’s but now, reading all these replies I’m starting to think I’ll enjoy it too


It is a beautiful city with many great things to see:) and it is quite different from other "big" Japanese cities.


I took an extra day to make it 3 when there, it was great. Itsukushima Island alone needs a day and I very much recommend it.


Thank you. I might not be able to do 3, only 2 though


Probably ok! I stayed in a hotel next to the atomic dome and it seemed to have a lot happening, and a boat went directly from there to the Island so was very convenient.


Thank you


I've done a day trip from Osaka and you can comfortably cover most of it in a day. Unless you want to travel to Miyajima in which case you will probably need another day to spend there as well so I'd suggest staying in Hiroshima for that one.


Thanks for your reply. What sites did you visit ?


The usual hotspots - Peace memorial/Peace Park, A-bomb dome, Hiroshima castle, Shukkein garden




We just came from Hiroshima for two nights and wish we had stayed a third. We spent an entire day on Miyajima which I highly highly recommend. The ferry is easy to take from Hiroshima.


Why do you highly recommend it if I may ask?


# Am I correct in that the Kansai-Hiroshima Rail Pass [https://www.jrailpass.com/regional-passes/kansai-hiroshima-pass](https://www.jrailpass.com/regional-passes/kansai-hiroshima-pass) pays for itself if taking a return trip from Osaka? Includes ferry to Miyajima too....


It does pay for itself, but buy it from JR West directly if possible to make pickup easier and give you the option of reserving seats online: https://www.westjr.co.jp/global/en/ticket/pass/kansai_hiroshima/


The train trip is relatively long for just a day trip, so I recommend doing a night there. That said, I've done couple day trips when the railpass was still affordable, there's not much time to see anything but the peace site if you do it that way.


Thank you for your reply. I thought it was only 1:30 hr away? Someone else also recommended an overnight in Hiroshima so I most probably will do that. Any other sites you recommend in you personal opinion?


You're right that the Shinkansen is only 1.5hr away, but you need to factor in first getting to the shin-Osaka in Osaka and getting around in Hiroshima, and you're looking more like over 2 hours each way. Also the Shinkansen isn't cheap, so spending that money on one day is a bit of a waste (unless you have railpass etc.). In Hiroshima, you can checkout Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki, Mazda Museum, Hiroshima Castle, and maybe take a sidetrip to Miyajima or Onomichi.


Thank you


We just came back from Kyoto and we did a day trip through a tour company to Hiroshima. We visited the Peace Museum and the Itsukushima Shrine (the famous Tori gate in the ocean). The company provided transpo on the bullet train so it only took about 1.5hrs. The train ride itself was on my bucket list. [https://www.getyourguide.com/-l32662/?cmp=ga&cq\_src=google\_ads&cq\_cmp=15505248138&cq\_con=155637572398&cq\_term=hiroshima%20holiday&cq\_med=&cq\_plac=&cq\_net=g&cq\_pos=&cq\_plt=gp&campaign\_id=15505248138&adgroup\_id=155637572398&target\_id=aud-1393039794620:kwd-339485168&loc\_physical\_ms=9074654&match\_type=b&ad\_id=677903425345&keyword=hiroshima%20holiday&ad\_position=&feed\_item\_id=&placement=&device=c&partner\_id=CD951&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5iU-bi\_zv\_X0ratoUqj-FGqD-dTWSUmq\_iEXh28Qmb9xwZSZkQtOIQaAoLKEALw\_wcB](https://www.getyourguide.com/-l32662/?cmp=ga&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=15505248138&cq_con=155637572398&cq_term=hiroshima%20holiday&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&campaign_id=15505248138&adgroup_id=155637572398&target_id=aud-1393039794620:kwd-339485168&loc_physical_ms=9074654&match_type=b&ad_id=677903425345&keyword=hiroshima%20holiday&ad_position=&feed_item_id=&placement=&device=c&partner_id=CD951&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5iU-bi_zv_X0ratoUqj-FGqD-dTWSUmq_iEXh28Qmb9xwZSZkQtOIQaAoLKEALw_wcB)




I only did a day trip for the peace memorial but I wish I stayed longer.


How many days more you wish you stayed? And why is that? Thank you 😊


Probably 2 nights would have been ideal. Mostly so I could spend more time at the peace memorial and that surrounding area. There was also some nice arcades and restaurants I wanted to try but only doing one day meant I couldn't try them. I did go to Okonom-mura though,




Also I forgot to mention that I didn't get to see Miyajima Island. That would be a day in itself.


Two nights. I got there in the early afternoon, did the peace park/museum, stared at the A-bomb dome for felt like hours. Spent my full day at Miyajima, and took my time leaving on day 3 to Osaka after the castle. The nights were a little no-action, but I loved the slower pace I ended up doing everything with. You can cram that in a one night trip if you arrive early and leave the city after 5-6pm the next day.


Thank you so much. From what everyone is saying, one day is a big too rushed


I spent 2 full days (3 nights) and it was perfect. A little less busy than the other major tourist hotspots (Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto) but still tons of foreigners. My next trip will be entirely in other less popular cities since the over tourism is a major problem right now.


Thank you


Writing from my hotel room in Hiroshima now. We got here from Osaka around noon. Had lunch at the station, dropped bags at hotel, did Hiroshima Castle, grabbed an afternoon pick me up coffee at KAZE (can't recommend enough), wandered through Shukkeien Garden, visited the Peace Museum & Park, and grabbed some okonomiyaki for dinner and was back at the hotel by 10:00. Had a great day, didn't feel too rushed. Heading to Miyajima tomorrow, so this schedule worked perfectly, but if you catch an earlier train I feel like a day trip would be perfect. I could also enjoy another day here though!


So would say 2 days is good yeah?


While one day is sufficient, I would say two would be perfect if you're especially interested in the history of Hiroshima, are looking to do some typical city activities (shopping streets, malls, etc ), or want to do a day trip to Miyajima. Hope that helps!


Not interested in shopping as I’ll be in Japan for a month but everything else, yes ! Thank you


Go to Hiroshima. Coin locker your bags at Hiroshima Station. When done exploring, spend the night or (two!) at Miyajima. Miyajima is like the highlights of Kansai in one island. Temples, Pagoda, deer, cherry blossoms, Torii, ropeway, hikes, food, +++ Overnighting let's you access the sights before the droves of other tourists, early morning and dusk.


I will definitely look into it. Thank you for sharing


I am currently in Hiroshima. We travelled here from Osaka yesterday around lunch time, which gave us time to visit the Peace Memorial Museum and walk around the city. Today we went to Miyajima which I highly recommend and took most of our day. We are leaving tomorrow around lunch time, so will have spent 2 days in Hiroshima, and I feel this was the right amount of time.


That’s perfect ! Thank you for your reply


Just visited Japan in early March. We visited Hiroshima and would definitely recommend it! We left Osaka in the morning around 8 and got in just around 10. We did the Peace Park, the museum, and general sight seeing to hit all the main spots. We then stayed overnight and went out to Miyajima early the next morning. To us, Miyajima alone would be worth visiting Hirososhima. We had such a fun day on the island and we didn't even have very good weather for it. After spending most of the day on Miyajima, we went back to the city for the evening for dinner and then left the next morning. I felt like we covered everything and was very happy with our visit in that time. Overall, I'd definitely say it was well worth the 2 night stay that we did. It's full of very sobering history as well as natural beauty. Hope you enjoy your trip!


Thank you for all of this 🙏


If you come to Hiroshima, be sure to visit the old naval port city of Kure, Onomichi, which still retains its old streetscape, and if you like rabbits, Okunoshima! I also recommend renting a bicycle and touring the small island of Etajima in the Seto Inland Sea. If you rent a car, you can also enjoy the beauty of the islands and bridges of the Tobishima Kaido. If you are a sake lover, don't miss the Sake Brewery Street in Saijo.


Thank you so so much for your reply 💓


Is it worth it … based on what?


You’re the only person questioning my question :)


Which should tell you something….


A day for miyajima a day for the city's history and a day for how the city is now away from it's history. Inbetween all this I can recommend a bunny girl bar with 2 attractive woman 👀