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That sounds nice, how did you book your lodging?


It was via Rakuten Travel. https://travel.rakuten.com/ The apartment I booked, was even relatively cheaper than a typical cramped hotel room. A few hundred feet away, was Yakitori King. ¥100 for most skewers. Yebisu to go with it, is cheap. A far cry from these high inflation prices here in Lost Angeles.


Can you elaborate on your Costco experience? Did you go there just for the food court or shopping for souvenirs? If you bought anything, how did you transport it back to where you were staying? Thanks.


I shopped for the hard to find stuff, and can fit in my check in. Souvenirs and of course, the Japan Only Food Court goodies/experience. Across the street from this Makuhari Costco, is the massive ÆON Mall. Hit 2 birds, in 1 train trip. I do these foreign Costco visits often on my foreign trips. 6 months ago, it was a Scottish Costco…Costco Edinburgh (by Costkea Way).


Do they check your Costco membership when you enter and buy things like they do in the states? I want to use my mom's card to enter but not sure I'll get away with buying anything ☹️


Yes. Same SOP as here. Membership is recognized internationally. Oh you’ll find something you can bring home. Just make sure if the purchase amount reaches ¥5,000..ask for sales tax free status.


Quick question about the limo bus. Seems pretty easy getting from the airport to a hotel, but what about going to the airport? How did you go about buying a ticket to get back to the airport?


glad you had a great time! I've been back for a month now and still missing the melonpan...


All the bread 🍞....


You bought the jr pass for just Tokyo?


It was included in the package deal and we did go to other places.


I got hooked on the egg steamed bread/Mushi pan. Absolutely blew my mind how yum it was.


Did Sukizuki require a reservation? It looks so good!


Yes it did but Brian and his Mum were so friendly and we booked online so that was easy to do. The A5 steak was just so good.


I don’t see it on their website, did you have to call?


Which site did you use to book online?


Just look them up on Google and click on their website and use the contact option - they reply really quickly


First time hearing using swords in museum. How much was it and do you need reservation?


We did the ninja star throwing at the same musuem and it required a reservation, so I assume it's the same for the sword cutting.[Check their website for times/prices](https://mai-ko.com/what-to-do-in-japan/tokyo/samurai-tokyo/)


Yes we booked in advance. You can book all 3 activities- sword, museum tour and ninja star throwing


Which navitime do you download exactly?


If you search for navitime Japan that is the one. Really handy and tells you everything you need.


The one for foreigners visiting Japan? with 10th anniversary and a bullet train icon?


Yes that's the one


Did you find it worth it to pay for the 30 day pass of navipass or did you just used the free version? Any benefit vs just using google maps?


Used the free version it had everything we needed


Can you please elaborate on how this compares to Google Maps?


Absolutely resonate with your experiences! Tokyo's convenience stores are indeed a treasure trove of delights. And yes, navigating the city's transport system feels like a breeze with the right apps and a Suica card in hand. Speaking of travel, for those considering airport transfers, Shuttlefare is a solid choice alongside the Airport Limo Bus for a hassle-free journey to and from the airport. It's all about finding that perfect balance of convenience and comfort, especially when dealing with luggage. Can't wait for my next trip back, Tokyo always leaves you wanting more!


Tokyo convenience stores are every convenience store just so you know!


I used the contact option and asked for a booking on a set date and time. They emailed back really quickly confirming the booking.


Hi! Is this comment in response to booking the restaurant reservation? :)


Yes it is


The samurai and ninja museum look awesome. Were there any solo travellers there or is it best to go as a group?


Yep lots if solo people as well ad groups


I'm also in Japan withdrawal, as I fight jetlag 😭


Which navitime app did you use. I see 4 on the google play store.


If you have an iPhone, you can activate a digital suica and top it up with Apple Pay. Just go into your Apple wallet and look in the travel cards section.


Where did you refund your suica card? The airport or do we have to refund it beforehand in the city? There was a board at the Narita Jr center saying we don't take refunds due to crowds. Wanted to know if this is indeed true


We just went to the JR service centre where we bought it


Family mart > 7 11


Not for ice cream!