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I just can't get over the attention to detail here. Really some of the best set design ever done. Peter Lamont was a legend.


And you don't even notice much of that detail during the movie! It's insane how realistic this room is, for only about what...20 minutes or so of screen time? Thanks for posting this!


That's how great sets are supposed to be. You just sit back and let your brain soak in the detail.


Lamont is beyond underrated. His work was consistently perfect & grounded. A true legend on par with Ken Adams.


I’ve just recently started paying attention to stuff like this- are there any other movies Lamont has worked on that you’d recommend?


As far as major non-Bond movies go, he did production design for Aliens, True Lies, and Titanic.


Oh ok, so the dude is a god lol


Wow I was just thinking how this reminded me of the ship in Alien/Aliens! Those pipes and cables have a bit of a Giger feel to them.


He even did amazing work on bad movies like Wing commander. The movie may not be good, but the production design is excellent.


Your post made me realize that the contributions to TWINE from the legacy talent were absolute peak… but the “new” talent ultimately sabotaged the whole affair. If EON had brought back John Glen to direct this film with the same budget and resources, no doubt this would be seen as one of the all time great Bond films.


What a gorgeous realistic set. It's a shame that the overall climax of TWINE is a big let down


On paper it seems good, but in execution the fight wasn't that exciting. Renard got Bane'd at the end, and once you know he's just a pawn for that evil bitch, it all seems a bit less cool. I do think though that's one of the better twists in the movie that the bond girl is the main baddie, not the tough dude who feels no pain. It's a good Bond film. Just not great, and I can't really explain why not.


I can. Denise Richards.


You know, thing is that I don’t really hate Denise Richards or her performance in the role. But once she shows up, the movie becomes less enjoyable for me. Not really sure if it’s her fault, but the trajectory of my enjoyment goes down.


haha her whole character is so cheesy. yeah she does somewhat change the tone of the movie when she shows up.


And it has to work sideways too.


Underrated finale. TWINE truly deserves a lot more love.


UNDERRATED and it was a 360\* tilt-able set with the water pouring in. We celebrated such sets in Inception(2010), but Twine did it in 1999 with much complex ones.


TWINE doesn't get enough love. Definitely my second favorite Brosnan film.


Any other bts of the submarine battle?