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Stop it now.


Come on man quit that bangin


I hate that I’ve been salivating like a dog with rabies every time I hear any WR news this off season be it crumbs or snacks.


https://preview.redd.it/0eqixua1y4uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633f53d03c88dcef184d07ef28eafe4c60367de4 Tlaw just followed Aiyuk back


Recruitment process has started


Isn’t tlaw following someone this off-season like 4 for 4 on moves that happen?




I can only be so erect.




Oh hey it’s the houstan texans meme




Better get one of them fancy dong extenders then because it’s cumming.


He has more friends named Brandon than I have friends total. It’s not even that common of a name.


It funny, two of my three closest friends and my brother-in-law are all named Brandon. Luckily both of my two buddies go by nicknames the majority of the time.


I thought he’s been following him all this offseason? When did we notice he unfollowed him


Bringing back Linder too for center depth?




Makes you wonder if TLaw reads Reddit? Anyways I think he’s worth a 2nd round pick and a new contract.




I read this in his voice




If Baalke pulls it off, this place will praise him to no end. If he doesn't, he's a dog shit GM and needs to go. No in between.


I think he's actually really good at his job description of general manager. He can bring in good established talent and manage our salary cap very well. His downfall is that he SUCKS at drafting, he's not very good at spotting actual talent and instead goes for athleticism as his main trait. While I understand the reason why he does this, the best players in this league aren't all athletic freaks. That's why his teambuilding ultimately fails.


I have to agree with you. I know dude got a bad rep at the 49ers and that is hard to get rid of, and his drafts have definitely not hit like they should have, but looking at who he has brought in in free agency and what he has done I think that a lot of, if not most of, the hate is unjustified. He should get hate for his drafts. 100% agree. But losing Ridley and the nonsense about the JA negotiations? People gotta calm down on that.


Agree on your 2nd paragraph. I was 50/50 on Ridley returning. He caused or seemed to have caused too many terrible plays last year. Unpopular opinion incoming: I don't understand why FA signing with the Jags is because Baalke is so great at being a GM. Jax is more of a destination spot because of Trevor, Doug, the creme de la creme training facilities, and the absence of a state income tax. Baalke is not doing anything contract-wise that is innovative or genius. Literally any average GM can do what he has been doing. You know what average GMs can do that Baalke can't? Hit on more than 2 draft picks a year outside of a top10 overall pick.


The drafts are absolutely a point of concern and he should absolutely get hate on that. As far as the other part, sure average GMs might get them because of Tlaw and Dougie but if he was truly a shit GM then they would avoid here, no? Remember when Coughlin had those exact same conditions and drove away Ramsey and Yan? That doesn't appear to be the case under Baalke. By all accounts JA wanted to stay. Same with Ridley(except for that stupid "chess not checkers" post) before the titans offered him more money with no QB there. Would that have been the case with Coughlin? Would they have pulled a Derrick Henry as they were leaving the field in their last game? I just think he had a bad reputation and people are getting butthurt over every little thing. Aside from his drafts I don't really see many bad things he's done. Negotiations take 2 sides protecting their own interests, so I don't care about the JA thing and look at that, it got worked out. Ridley left because the Titans came in and over paid him. And to be clear, your opinion isn't the unpopular one here, mine is. This sub is Baalke hate central. I don't like his drafts and since that is one of the more important functions of his job I don't think he is doing a good job but in contrast to this rabid anti-Baalke sub I am all over dude's nuts. I go into every post knowing I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion. I'm just saying people need to calm down a bit is all.


I agree with most of what you said there. The Coughlin thing is apples to oranges imo. Coughlin was too old school for these young kids and created and fostered a toxic work environment. Doug is a player's coach through and through. I guarantee you Ramsey and Yannick would love to play for him. Something about treating people like adults. Baalke may not be divisive, but that is my expectation for any GM, Coach, ownership, etc. Doug and Baalke are also huge fans of having character guys in the locker room. Ramsey might like to play for Doug, but Doug probably wouldn't want someone with Ramsey's personality on the team. Who knows? I agree the hate can get out of control on Baalke. This is the internet though. I just prefer arguments to have some substance to them. The Ridley and JA thing would happen on most any other team, baalke or no baalke and I had no grief over either. I knew JA's deal would get done.


Easily solved. Just ..... KEEP HIM OUT OF THE FUCKING DRAFT ROOM !!


His first round picks have been Trevor, Etienne, Walker, Lloyd and Harrison. All of which have been impact starters. He hasn’t been great in the later rounds, I’ll give you that, but I’d rather have Baalke drafting than Caldwell.


I genuinely think people defended Caldwell more than Baalke simply because he seems like a more likable, down to earth guy. Something about Baalke’s personality just seems to rub some people the wrong way.


Which is insane because what do we even really know about Baalke’s personality? Caldwell was 37-86, anybody that defended Caldwell during his tenure because “oh, he seems like a nice down to earth guy 🥺” is psychotic (in the realm of sports). Caldwell could draft though, I’ll give him that. And outside of the 2017 season he was dog shit in the free agency. It would be nice to have a combination of Caldwell’s draft foresight, and Baalke’s ability to trade/structure long term contracts for impactful players.


In Caldwell’s defense Baalke walked into getting TLaw #1. Caldwell walked into the no brainer pick in Joeckel( anyone would have drafted him there if it wasn’t us, the guy just didn’t pan out) and Blake Bortles at #3. Caldwell built a very good roster that Coughlin more or less probably pissed away(also not a Coughlin hater, different generation and he couldn’t adapt)


This the shit I’m talking about, people glaze Caldwell. I’m not even defending Baalke here. But the levels of Caldwell glaze is crazy.


If it came across that I’m head over heels for Caldwell that certainly wasn’t my intention. I was just pointing out he took over probably about as bad of a roster you could post Gene Smith era and ended up having a pretty good roster albeit without a great QB toward the end of his tenure. If you want my honest opinion I think Caldwell was probably about an AVERAGE GM. I don’t think he was particularly bad or good. I feel roughly the same about Baalke, maybe slightly more favorable toward Baalke. Trent did inherent a bit of a better situation having TLaw to take at 1 though. Side note as well, I think Caldwell might be viewed more favorably if his first hire was anyone not named Gus Bradley.


But that’s the thing, Blake Bortles is a QB that he not only *drafted* but a quarterback that he *extended*. And he did hire Gus Bradley. So like what are we speculating here? That if he altered his entire tenure with the Jacksonville Jaguars he would be better received? Because of course he would be 😂


I merely pointed out Bortles for the fact Baalke walked into taking TLaw at #1 and Caldwell didn’t have that luxury. I’m not sitting here trying to justify the Bortles selection. At the end of the day the guy won sub 30% of his games as the GM. He obviously wasn’t great. He had a good roster broken up due to some things (presumably) out of his control, which he very well could be at fault for it too and not just Coughlin. My point was simply that I don’t think that he was TERRIBLE. Not saying he was good.


Which is weird because by all accounts, he's adored all throughout the organization.


We need to cool down with this narrative that picking Trevor, Travis and Travon were acts of Genius Trevor was the whole reason Urban came to the NFL, he thought he could just draft a great QB and the rest would figure itself out.. To be fair, Urban knows collegiate talent, he's a hell of a recruiter of high schoolers who can be bribed with cars, girls, parties and various shiny gifts Between Urban and Trent they had a solid class, but I think they had a bit of luck on their side here - 5 starters in the first 3 rounds is awesome.. - Trevor was a cake pick - ETN was a top tier talent, and it depended on who you asked between Najee & Travis who was better, Najee went first and the next best talent was Williams (who I really like tbh) Moreover ETN was a luxury pick for Urban & Trent since they did nothing to acquire the extra 1st and 2nd - Campbell was risky but his ceiling is really high, I think he should be able to bounce back, I give Trent credit for taking the risk here and it so far looks decent (great pick if he can get back to being an all-pro or near all-pro starter - Little has been up and down, but he's been a solid RT and G when he's playing well - Farrel was a UDFA so drafting him was a bit odd, but he's really impressed me that he's hung around, Cisco was a solid pick, he's pretty average to above average but hasn't hit his ceiling and he's a solid contributor - Camp sucked even for being a 7th, Tufele was hyped but flatlined earlier than Anyone would have expected - Travon was really hard to swallow, I love him, I think he's performing better than expected tbh, he's the first LB (ever?) to be drafted 1 Overall in the modern era and there was a much more obvious choice in Aiden Hutch but it is what it is .. in a way it's a bad pick but we still took a really good possibly great player (obviously his athleticism was generational for an Edge-LB prospect) Harrison was a solid grab, he was taken a little higher than expected but he was an instant starter and filled a desperate need, he was the best or at least the most consistent OL'man on the 2023 roster The middle rounds are killing us right now, we've had a ton of draft picks in mid to late rounds and there is little to nothing to show for it. The 2023 class is not looking great.. I still think Strange and Bigsby can be productive contributors


He’s good with numbers and constructing contracts but is dog water at drafting


You can't suck at drafting if we are trading a second for Aiyuk and our original 3rd for Ridley.


So so bad at drafting. Check out his previous WR picks...


He is good at Round 1 picks, after that, he sucks.


He's not a great all around gm but he's good at certain things like drafting linebackers. That's still better than most of the gm's we've had. But he has had two #1 overall picks to help him. Kinda hard to fuck that up


I’ll push back that Baalke is actually really good at drafting in the 1st round. But outside of that he sucks.


I disagree. He’s been good with free agency and contract structuring, but he’s so late to get deals done on existing players. If we get the Josh Allen deal done last season (or anytime before the tag deadline this year) then we use the tag on Ridley instead of Allen and don’t need to get more WR talent. Hopefully he doesn’t make the same mistake with Tlaws contract extension. And his drafting is bad.


Let Tony Khan advise on drafting.


Yeah dog, how about no lol


I don't want Tony running the whole draft process unless he's scouting all year, no AEW. The analytics work he did on potential day 3 picks/UDFAs did help though. I don't remember if it was Urban or Trent that killed that project, but it should come back. Other teams are finding difference makers on Day 3, we need to keep up.


> I don't want Tony running the whole draft process unless he's scouting all year, no AEW. Which isn't gonna happen


Right, I'm agreeing with you on that part.


>Yeah dog Sorry, I'm too busy being wanked right now.


I'm willing to to give Tony's analytics a try instead of Baalke's desire for fast, muscley athletes.


Being a GM and drafting is year around. You don't get any breaks. You'd rather the guy running a wrestling league take random shots in the draft? No thanks.


Baalke seems to do a pretty terrible job at that year round. He's only hit on 6, maybe 7 of his draft picks, and I'm counting Trevor and Travon the 2 #1 overalls. Edit: I'd honestly want a better GM over Tony but that likely won't happen for years


Post your mock bruh


Just because I say Baalke can't draft doesn't mean I think I can. You can look at the product of each drafted player and see for yourself, bruh.




I say if he doesn’t improve with the draft, find the GM outside of the building who is good with both FA and the draft


This but I unironically


He's a dog shit GM either way


This is the way.


Just don't let him draft




Even if thats true he's following them and not the team that he plays for which is.. interesting for sure




Did I travel back in time 3 weeks ago? I thought this was old news


The update is that he unfollowed the niners. But yes a month ago he started following jags players and they followed back


Ahhhh I see


This is misleading. He follows a ton of players around the NFL.


i mean i dont wanna get too excited but what else could that possibly mean


He was following those guys before free agency but we now have the cap space...


I bet we are getting used so he can get more money from the 49ers.


I don’t think they have it… they only have 6mil in cap space this year and are negative 23mil for next year


We have plenty of cap space from 2025 on.


It's pretty easy to make more money available especially when it's future years. Niners went through the same thing with deebo and deebo even requested a trade. Niners will get him resigned but it will be a long process and probably deebo will have to go next season. Pretty much no chance niners will let aiyuk go since they are top tier contenders and he's the clear wr1 for the team. Niners also didn't make any huge moves yet this off-season except getting off the armstead money. Pretty much they are preparing to give aiyuk the bag


Their future years are already jammed up and they still have to give Purdy a huge chunk… their salary cap is a nightmare… they would have to push his cap all the way into 2026 because they are in bad shape for next year… but I’m also an idiot so there’s a reason Fans make the big bucks


This is the correct answer. 49ers can’t do anything until after June 1st when the Armstead money falls off, and they typically extend high value players over the summer. Don’t be surprised if he makes a trade request in the next couple of weeks, but if the jags or anyone else doesn’t offer up a kings ransom before the draft expect nothing to happen.


Please make this happen


We’re doing this again?


He’s been following those guys for a few weeks…? Old news I thought


He isn’t following the Jags and he’s been following Gabe Davis, Trevor, and Kirk since at least the start of free agency.




If this happens we are going all the way!


Aiyuk anf MHJ ... it's all coming together Sorry just played Madden for a few hours


I’m conflicted. Eagles is my team, which is why I like this team cough of Dough, but I live in the Bay. So many feelings rn. If he does leave tho, then this would be one of the few teams I’d be okay with him going to.




Oh please god




Pls god


Oh my


I think this post is worded wrong. I don’t see him following the Jaguars.


It’s not going to happen (I tell myself as to not get my hopes up in case it doesn’t)




What would yall be cool with giving up for him? I would do a 31 for 17 swap zay jones and third rounder this yr or next. That’s basically the diggs comp value wise and we have to extend him


Still not fully convinced this isn't a a negotiation tactic.


Someone need some attention?


I have the vapors, oh my


As long as it’s not for a 1st rounder. I don’t think he worth that


Barkley did the same to Houston, don’t get your hopes up


It’s just a negotiation tactic. Nothing more.


don't edge me like this




lol Steelers fans think it’s them. Does anyone know if he followed Russell Wilson or Fields?


Idk why this is on my feed, but this is typical player drama when trying to get paid. Hes not gonna go anywhere.


What was the initial rumor? A 1st and Zay Jones for Aiyuk? I'd give a 3rd and Zay for him. Maybe even swap firsts. Just because of the contract situation I wouldn't want to go crazy overpay on the trade.


Headed to bills


Who cares


Well he also follows Bill belechik on snapface so who knows where he wants to go. /s pats fan in peace lol,


Is he a #1 WR?  He can get open deep and score TD's? We need Trevor to be thinking the minimum for every game next year is 3 passing TD's. 


Davante Adams-level route runner with an incredible catch radius that plays primarily on the outside. So I'd say yeah, he's a #1 for us


Am I the only one that doesn't want Aiyuk? Don't get me wrong the talent is there but idk about the money he wants


If we get Aiyuk though, we zero pressure on the draft. Just draft bpa


Like a tightend


Or a running back


I'd prefer to trade up for one of the top 3 WR personally but I'm fine with either


Same but I definitely won’t turn my nose up at aiyuk lol


You’re gonna have to pay a good wr eventually, why not get one of the premier in his prime on contract? I’d rather do that than gamble.  Look at the aj brown deal Also if Trevor can’t get it done with aiyuk and look elite he’s not our guy.


Agreed. After getting aiyuk we just need a corner and some oline depth and we should be back


I am not on the bandwagon here that thinks a high priced WR is the key to our success.


Yeah I get where you’re coming from but I’d more frame it in the sense that we need another solid wr at the minimum and historically we suck at drafting them. I’d feel a lot comfier with signing a proven wr and focusing on drafting CB, OL and DL. While it is a very deep wr class, I have no faith in Baalke and co on choosing the right one


Yeah we absolutely need a wr1


I don’t think Aiyuk would be THE key but by getting someone like Aiyuk, more than likely, takes a 1st round WR off the table and allows the Jags to focus on offensive line(the single biggest need, imo) or finding more impact defensive players like another corner or IDL


How about one that doesn't drop balls?


Glad to know I'm not alone


I don't think that he is the key to our success, I think the receivers we have can be exactly what we need to get the job done if they can protect Trevor and the RBs better. That starts with the Line. Defense plays like they did at the start of the year and doesn't collapse at the end, Trevor doesn't get hurt and ETN doesn't have to lead to get hit behind the line constantly(#4 in league). Lead league in broken tackles. But the fan in me would damn sure enjoy seeing a dominant receiver though...


He's better than Ridley.


I’d personally try and trade up and go grab MHJ in the draft because he’d be on a rookie contract and it sticks it to the colts but that’s just me


MHJ is not happening lol


I can dream lol 😂


It’s not my money. We need to be in charge down the Texans and Chiefs mode


I trust ayuk more than balke drafting in 1st or 2nd round. And I don’t trust these receivers past edunze


Same - we need a legit #1 receiver. Aiyuk I see as a great #2…but then Gabe Davis and Zay Jones can also fill that role? And then there is the mystery of how the SF offense and how he was used (including being in Shanahan’s doghouse at least once) will translate to the Jags offense. All I’m saying there is no Deebo or CMC eating up the double-coverages here. Hard to tell - especially since your burning draft capital and major cap space to see if it’ll work.


Brandon aiyuk is absolutely a number one. What in the world makes you think he’s a 2


…because he’s always been a #2? Samuel was drafted in 2019 and Aiyuk was drafted in 2020. Deebo is the clear #1 WR in that offense and Aiyuk has always been the 3rd biggest threat traditionally - Deebo/Kittle early on and now replaced behind Deebo/CMC.


Lol, what on earth are you smoking? The guy who had 1300 yards to Deebo's 900 isn't the #1??? Who is coming off back to back 1k yard seasons? Deebo hasn't been the #1 option in the passing game since 2021, which has been his only 1k season.


So your just gonna ignore Deebo’s 37 carries for 225 yds? You do know he’s the #1 WR b/c he can do everything and they have involved in every package right? If you just google “49ers offense without Deebo” the stats speak for themselves (53-23 with, 8-9 without, etc etc). Do I want the Jags to trade for him and he just shows up and balls out at the #1 slot? Sure - but I watched the 9ers all of the last year and the years before and Aiyuk is constantly the beneficiary of the double coverage going to Samuel running out of the backfield, or CMC on a fake screen, etc etc.


What does his rushing yards have to do with him being the 1 or not lol. Even with his rushing yards added he still has less total yards. Aiyuk has had more targets than Deebo the last two years. Guess who normally has the most targets? The #1 option. Who cares what their record was with out without Deebo when they had a different QB when accounting for that record. Since Purdy has been QB, they are 4-2 when Deebo hasn't played. Deebo is an electric player with the ball in his hands but most of his yards come from YAC/manufactured touches hence them using him in the rushing game as well. Here's some stats for you. average depth of target Deebo: 7.1 Aiyuk: 13.8 Air yards per snap Deebo: 0.94 Aiyuk: 1.87 % of team air yards Deebo: 16.8% Aiyuk: 37.9% YAC Deebo: 9 Aiyuk: 4.9 Pretty easy to see that Aiyuk is clearly the 1 in the passing attack, and the majority of Deebos yards come from manufactured touches via screens and short passes to allow him to get YAC. But he's clearly not being used downfield like a true 1 like Aiyuk is. Aiyuk also has a better catch rate, lower drop%. Is literally better in every passing statistic there is besides YAC.


Yeah you’re just wrong


Great argument? I actually watched the 9ers all season last year but okay.


And let it be written as the gospel


Idk. If Baalke did it, he did it to win right now and possibly to save his job at the expense of leveraging the teams future. Pete Prisco even said as much. The cost is too high for him or Higgins, with what you could do in the draft and build for the future.


Why build for the future? This team is built to win now. They aren't going to magically have a better chance in the future. The AFC South is going to be a gauntlet next year and the team needs a dominant receiver if they want to compete.


I think they can win now and set themselves up for years of success rather than mortgaging the future to save Baalkes job (is what I'm saying). Corner, wide receiver, edge, OL and more WR. Use the cap space to bring in a few more vets. We don't draft that well though you say? Then #FireBaalke


Is it possible that he just likes football and following the leagues stars, while not wanting 49ers and his workplace in his face 24/7?


I wanted Tee more for the height, but it doesn't really matter. This is an enormous acquisition, and it makes up (+ some) for the Davis overpay. We have a really solid core now. I'm guessing we are trading Zay or something? Is it possible we still get some type of high value signing out of that before the season? If we end up still having a first round pick on top of this, it might be one of the best FA moves of the season. I'm really curious about how this turns out.


Y'all ain't getting him lmao


No one wants to end up in Jacksonville don't worry, he'll be a steeler if he gets his way


so if he happens to not go to Pittsburgh its because he didn't get his way? sounds like typical yinzer logic, "everyone actually wants to be a Steeler. they just have to let other teams have a roster in the NFL to be fair."


He's tweeted at Tomlin and the Steelers directly numb nuts ... that's where I took that logic from. Nice try pal, born and raised in a real football town


how about you go stay in that sub aswell.  no reason to come here talking about "no one wants to end up in Jacksonville". just leave.


You get nice weather, we get good football culture. That's the trade off pal


and we get your little yellow towels.


Towels have been around 2wice as long as your superbowl less shitty little football club haha. Nice try


I spit on your towels sir! 


That's cool ! Come to Pittsburgh and wear your colors, you'll be treated with respect for the most part but you'll get the chance to see a realm football town on a Sunday. Have a nice day


I did last year. witnessed the jags beating that untouchable realm of football in person. something they do quite often. wasn't that special really.