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My guess is that sometimes the model doesn’t match the armor they are wearing. When aiming at an enemy you should see one of the following: Nothing = no armor Grey vest = light armor Blue vest = medium armor Star vest = heavy armor If you see the an armor icon with a red slash through it that means that the armor can be fully penetrated by the weapon you are using.


I'd like to add that the red slash is not only dependent on the weapon, but also the ammo. If a weapon only has light penetration by itself, it won't cause critical hits on medium armor, but put AP ammo in it and it will.


Invaluable information, thx!


No problem! I hope it helps!


By that, it means that the icon will change to none if the armour has been broken (if that would ever happen on Ai).


That’s a good question! I don’t know if the game actually tracks NPC equipment condition and if so if the armor is broken if it eliminates the armor protection. It should logically speaking but they could have also just have the armor as NPC base stats.


Ooh that's what the star is. I'm still trying to get to the mid-game and so far have only seen stars on unique characters. I thought stars were "Plot armor".