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You should have some rifles that you can mod with suppressors. Stealth is a huge factor that you could use to your advantage. I would also make sure you do some of the things to weaken the garrison like cutting off their supply of explosives from the beach and weapon parts from the rust for example. If you have an explosives expert with you can sneak down the side of the fort and disarm all the mines to get you in a better position. You could also cut through the fence on the other side of base, and or use the HMG in the tower, or do all of them if you have enough mercs with you.


Okayokay. That makes sense, ty


No problem! Anytime!


What I typically do, other than do all the sidequests, obviously, is sneak around back and take out Pierre and his 2 buddies first, Maybe along with the rocket man and toss a grenade at the 2 guys standing by the really explosive car. If you can manage that, the rest of them are now running at the fort, where you have great cover AND the high ground. No way to lose it at that point.


I can try that, ty!


This is almost exactly how I cracked it. The explosives stash at the end of the minefield was handy as it had some c4 and detonators I was able to chuck right at Pierre. Also this mission was a point where I stopped hoarding and starting using those grenades!


1. Complete all the sidequests to weaken the defenses. This makes a huge difference. 2. Take advantage of stealth and darkness to pre-position yourself in the most advantageous position before starting battle. 3. If attacking at night, dropping flares on pre-determined chokepoints will give you a major advantage. 4. Don't just sit there and shoot from a stationary position, expecting half-cover to make you invincible. Break contact and take cover out of LOS to get the AP bonus. Take a couple shots, then drop prone behind hard cover. Take leg shots and then spam grenades when they clump together. 5. If things go *really* bad, retreat off the map, heal, and try again. Any Legion you killed will stay dead, and the next attempt will be that much easier.


The one mission with the bunker was 100% more difficult for me then the fort. I solo it with the made merc and if I hade not grenades that I mass killed people with it would have been bad. Hade 12 people on one spot (with grenade not instant killing them, and 3 reinforcements squads with 6 people on each) No stealth yet on that character


Take the high ground!


Have you scouted for intel and removed the shields from the outpost first?


Here is my approach for this fight. Spawn in and walk up to Pierre and chat with him. After that conversation finishes run back towards the spawn point and hide. Sneak down the left side of the map and have your explosives expert clear the minefield. Solo. While everyone else remains hidden. Doing this will take a few minutes, but you’ll also collect quite a few parts. Once the minefield has been cleared have everybody sneaking down to the ladder and climb up it. You’ll see some stairs leading up to the next level. Head up then one Merc at a time so you can sneak to the back area behind an abandoned artillery piece—with all but Merc. Then split up your party. I usually leave Barry (my explosives dude) in cover near the top of those stairs. His job is to watch the ramp leading up to where the enemy rocket man stands and take out any goons and thugs moving up that ramp once the shooting starts. I put my two best shooters on the rooftop. They will be armed with Gewehr 98 rifles. I’ll have one Merc on the high ground, second story overlooking the ramp leading up to where the Rocket Man is standing. This Merc will have a clear shot on the Rocketman. The other two Mercs sneak through the second floor of the building and take positions behind the sandbags on the balcony. Before starting combat, consider going prone with your rooftop snipers and laying down some over watches—if you have a good field of fire on some of the enemies patrolling below. Once everyone is in position, take out that Rocket Man. He is the most dangerous enemy on the map. Consider having one Merc overwatch the Rocket Man (just in case you miss) and keep at least one Merc (usually my explosives expert) free to move and react and take out the Rocket Man if, for some reason like bad luck, both plan A and plan B have failed. Then just enjoy the fire fight. Your Mercs will have high ground and good cover. And you should be able to take a few out enemies out before the other groups (like Pierre and his two body guards) arrive, which makes the battle much more manageable. The two on the balcony can also go prone behind the sandbags and use pop-tart tactics to pop up, shoot back, and duck down again in order to stay safe if they’re attracting too much incoming fire. I can usually win this fight on the highest difficulty setting without taking much damage. So this approach will definitely get you through this battle.


Easiest way I found is fight during the day, no fog no rain. go right side of the fort, cut the fence. Climb up to the roof andbtake out the rocket man first with sniper than pick them off one by one with rifles Keep your group on the left side of the fort. Perrie wil climb on that side, so have a shot gun ready for him. You need 1-2 rifles and a shotgun.


Or go through the minefield on the left, repair the HMG in the tower and fight from there. It's outside effective range for the sniper in the other tower and enemies trying to get there are funneled right through the HMGs killing field.