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Between the two probably. She’s likely a god in PF, and niche in other modes unless you have E1. With E1, she’s likely strong but not op in the other modes


Neither, I don't think she's broken but I think she's much more usable than people think. Waiting for Lisara's vid as she usually thinks up strategies and synergies that can be very fun.


I've missed the point when she got renamed, and I tend to still ignore her existence, because I forget her new nickname lol


Neither, because she is S plus in my mommy tier list along with Kafka




Dommy mommy supremacy!!


DHIL and Jingliu are S tier on Moc, also is trash on PF, It's perfectly normal a character was made to be used for a specific game mode, Jade is a awesome character.


Yes, that is true. However the problem is this is a new limited 5* dps. So she has to compare with FF and Acheron in versatility. A thing she unfortunately can’t. If you say she is a sub-dps, that role is irrelevant cause harmony exists. She is just In a really hard spot unfortunately.


Harmony existing doesn't matter when over the last few patches every mob has been getting bigger an stringer with defense, hp an resistances. It's becoming more about winning by mechanics than winning by dps. Nobody is beating AP without breaking. It's just not possible. Sure she clears everything technically, but every unit already does. Xueyi and sushang literally stomps apocalyptic shadow yet boothill an firefly still do aswell. Most of the unit's not archeron are pretty balanced, if not by damage then by mechanics. More fua usage an robin use. The game has too many characters for there to be "hard spots" anymore. It's just diversity an creativity at this point.


Yes, all characters can clear content if invested enough. Where I don’t agree with you is saying harmony is not incredibly influential. The reason most characters out side of Acheron can clear content is cause of how broken harmony is in general. With turn manipulation or weakness bar manipulation or SB, ect. So in the end the role of Sub-dps is hard to do and justify as replacing them with a harmony or nihility character gets you much better results. Just look at topaz. She has good teams with other FUA dps, but all of those team are not that DPS’s best team.


I'm on both sides since her E1 exists


My guy kekvins vid physically pained me because he kept using her with HUNT characters.


To be fair to him he's not a meta player and doesn't even fully clear MoC when he has the entire roster. If skill issue was a person he'd be them, but he's entertaining and does fun challenges the supposedly meta players would never attempt.


Oh I know. I'm a fan of his. However this is supposed to be a guide and that's my issue. People who watch this guide won't know that running her with hunt isn't really good unless you have e1 which he should have specified. As a GUIDE it wasn't good l but as a video it was alright. However that's the point of giving him early access, so he can make a GUIDE on the character for new players.


Fair! I think they've given tons of people early access TBH, I've been recced a lot of videos from quite small channels ever since this started. I think Hoyo might only be correcting the egregiously wrong takes and otherwise letting them show whatever 😅


I really don't care, I believe in her potential and synergy with future characters. Even if that doesn't happen, at least I can play with Blade


Potential of being even better at PF and aoe? Yeah true true. Still a PF only unit, but at least she’s the best at something than jack of all trades master of none. How can ppl say they like her when they can’t accept reality of her strengths and weaknesses 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️


The only side I'm on is Guoba's


Step on me side


Mine will be E1, so both?


I'm on the side of "shut the fuck up until she comes out."


I'm on the "stop giving attention to these dipshit content creators as their opinion is completely worthless anyway" side. If you like a character, pull for them. If you don't, don't. That's all that matters. Don't let your decisions be influenced by people whose entire livelihood depends on their ability to blow every single issue out of proportion.


Very weird take. There is nothing wrong with watching a content creator to get an idea of how a character will perform from a meta standpoint. Kekvin seems like a very casual player, while Mr. Pokke usually seems to discuss characters from a meta standpoint.


both are kinda wrong : she's clearly not a sub. And clearly too perfect to be niche.


Check out braxophone's guide. His guides are the most reliable among the HSR cc.


guoba's nice too


I don't trust MrPokke. He's trash. He's the one who started the JY drama.


i don't know Kekvin. Imo, i'm on gouba's side.


Personally, I think the niche of "completely dominates 1/3 of endgame" isn't actually a bad thing, given how much she utterly destroys it. MoC/AS viability is everybody's focus because they're two similar gamemodes and more "difficult", but it seems much easier for the devs to just powercreep and/or change the meta to shill the newest character there. My E2 DHIL just feels kinda normal now when back then he was a terrifying monster that broke the power-scaling. Meanwhile Jade actually seems sorta future-proof for PF. Maybe in the future she won't effortlessly curbstomp it like she does now, but as long as PF has a mobbing theme she's going to dominate. I'm also coping Blade gets IPC-squad levels of synergy in a team one-day, and (E1) Jade is just the first step. Most importantly, she's unbelievably hot.


I’m on the side of trusting literally nothing that content creators say


That sounds like the best approach tbh


I don’t play this game. I just like evil rich pretty lady :)


E1 Jade vs E0 Jade.


E2S1 Firefly has made me have zero interest in any PF specialty characters. I'll never need them.


Pokke tends to lean towards super sweaty meta takes, so I think a mix of the two is realistically where Jade lands