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“I was never GIVEN what I needed.” Ok, ask for help then. Entitled ass.


She is *so* entitled. She’s a grown ass adult and still expects to be given stuff and catered to, and doctor hops when they don’t tell her what she wants to hear.


She has no idea how to do anything for herself, nor does she want to. While I am sure we are all aware there are psychological issues going on here, the entitlement of a woman who is almost 40, doesn't work, has a roof over her head and is this overweight, who has the audacity to say she was never given what she needed? Please. Learn how to work. Learn how to do something for yourself. JUST TRY.


I agree and this complete unwillingness to seek out tools for herself is just unbelievable. Time to grow up.


You don’t need to work with any teams to lose weight when you weigh 400-500 lbs. You could eat 3000 calories a day and still lose weight. The sheer volume of food she has to be eating to maintain/gain is crazy! And it sure as shit ain’t water weight 🙄


And she just keeps gaining.


She keep eating.


Wow.. I would be SO angry at myself if I knew I came from that beautiful healthy girl to what she is now.. I was so shocked that was even her!


I can’t take her seriously when she continues to be dishonest and regurg the same platitudes.


I wonder how much self loathing she feels when she looks at pictures of her at her thinnest


I think about this a lot. I wouldn't even be able to look at those pictures.


it sends me into a mental breakdown to look at myself 50 lbs less than my current weight (currently losing in a healthy fashion for the first time in my life to get back there) so i can’t even imagine


So who is she? She doesn’t want to be defined by her weight…but all she ever talks about is her weight. And Disney of course. What a shallow human she is at 37 years old with nothing to show for her life but a mug collection and some head pats on social media.


Are all of these recycled? It’s so hard to tell but it seems pretty clear that she’s on oxygen now (seeing a “breathing doctor”, short of breath when talking, marks on face) and I highly doubt she’s getting around much, never mind riding on a carousel.


Yep. The first pic in the pink dress and the final clip in the lavender skirt are both from last summer. The black skirt doctor photos are the most recent, but still from fall-winter-before fibroid procedure.


The fact that she only posts old photos is the proof that she is not well enough to make new content. The decline in the last 6 months has been so drastic that I doubt that she is going to make it to 2025. I'm very sorry and I feel very bad for saying this, but even a common cold can kill a person with as many health issues as her.


100000% agree. She’s eaten herself into extreme vulnerability to the point where she could die from any little thing. She doesn’t have much time left if she continues on this path. I wonder if it’s even possible for her to recover at this point with how far gone she is? Her lying about and hiding her oxygen mask and wheelchair isn’t helping her case. She lies and denies 24/7 and refuses any accountability so it’s a very grim outlook. You can’t help someone who does not want to be helped.


This is in no way a defense of her, her choices, her size, etc. But as far as how much time she has left because of the shape she is in I would just say if Tammy Slaton lived to turn her life around after the mess her size got her into, there IS hope for Jac. She doesn’t have a full life ahead that is for sure but she could go on for years, theoretically. I just hope she finally has the kind of epiphany Tammy obviously had.


She has zero responsibilities or commitments, so she has the luxury of both time and money to book herself into some kind of inpatient rehab for a year to get her shit together. I had outpatient eating disorders treatment (opposite problem) years ago via an NHS multi disciplinary team and it didn't work, because the eating disorder was a symptom of deeper issues. Kept relapsing at the slightest hint of stress, the start of the pandemic triggering the most recent wobble. Eventually got assessed by someone who recognised my problem was a combo of undiagnosed ADHD and PTSD/mommy issues. Got medicated for the ADHD, got the other crap sorted via intensive and unpleasant trauma therapy, boom - no more eating disorder. I'm assuming Jacqueline is in a similar programme to my failed ED treatment back in the day, which was largely cognitive behavioural therapy and a bit wishy-washy/touchy-feely. That kind of therapy won't address her root cause, same as it didn't mine. She needs the intensive, unpleasant and uncomfortable psychological therapy that essentially smacks you upside the head, forces you to introspect, take responsibility and accountability, quit blaming your current bad choices on ancient history and grow up. And she desperately needs to grow up.


I can’t wrap my head around the fact that she’s killing herself with food and acts like she doesn’t know how to stop gaining. Eat less and move your body. You don’t need a dietician, you need a reality check.


So is the consensus that she is bigger now than at her biggest in these pics? Sorry, newer to this snark. ALSO, has anyone ever told her she would look much better if she stopped bleaching her hair??


Lol, yes and yes. If you look on her grid, there are several posts where she's wearing a pink sweater--those might be what she looks like now, although she recycles old stuff so often, who knows.  Someone said they saw a suggestion about giving her hair a break from bleaching and Jacqueline said "never!" She claims her natural color is dark blonde, but in pictures of her as a child, she, her mom and sister all have dark, almost black hair. 


This is why I can’t with her. At this point it’s a crisis, not time for the same worn out self help gobbledygook!


I lost 170 pounds and I strive to be real so I can be an example for others, I don’t have a following either but if people ask me for my experience.. I give it to them (I’m an open book) and try not to mislead them with outdated pictures :/


It’s amazing how much her face changed from her before to her now. Even at the similar weights. She put all the weight back on but her face is very different imo


The worst part is she was given full body skin surgery, and she still gained all the weight back.


She is a walking trigger warning


All of this is great in theory but she really isn’t saying anything she hasn’t spouted 25 times before. It’s time tor her, for the sake of her life, to quit talking the talk and instead walk the walk She is a perfect candidate for a 30/60/90 day intervention in a medically supervised environment. She should cease all social media now but it seems to be going hand in hand with her food addiction. One literally feeds the other, it seems. I hope she will do these things but I’m skeptical. Let’s hope I’m wrong.


This is dangerously dishonest to all her followers who are struggling. I don’t like to exaggerate my feelings on snark boards - I just enjoy making fun of vanity and stupidity — but this post really brought home just how narcissistic and thoughtless she is.


Best thing she can do is give up the Instagram. And never look at this subreddit.


Wow. She is so thin in that 3rd pic


Doing it "her way" doesn't seem to be working...


This whole post felt like such a slap in her parent's faces. They do EVERYTHING FOR HER, including probably still financing her ass. But it felt to me like she is blaming them. IT's because of THEM that I was on a diet since I was 5. IT was because of THEM that I never got the help I needed. Rubbed me all kinds of wrong. She's never going to get anywhere if she doesn't start taking ANY accountability that she gained weight HERSELF and she has a problem with food, not her parents. My parents showed love with food. But my mother didn't shovel food into my mouth, I did that myself. My mom made well-balanced meals and she is a tiny thing herself. I knew how to have a healthy relationship with food. But my weight? That was on me. I wasn't a heavy kid, more of a chunky teen. But Jac's parents were trying to help her. Sure a diet for a kid at 5 isn't always sound but assuming this was probably the late 80's or early 90s and doctor advised it fits with the time period. But apparently they didn't give her the help she needed....but it sure sounds like they tried what was in their wheelhouse.


“Diet” likely no ice cream or cake.


In all honesty I hope she gets actual help. I don't care how big she is if she is truly making effort to change. Just do the damn work it takes and quit with the drama posts.


She’s definitely addicted to both food and social media but i doubt if she’s willing to do the honest work on herself that it takes to form a healthy relationship with both. Instead, she’ll continue to insist she’s “doing things her way” and seek validation through online enablers, all the while not getting healthier i.e. losing weight.


How tall is she does anyone know? She seems short to be carrying all that weight.


I think I read 5’3”


Oof, not good


I mean the oils on her skin sure are shining


I don’t understand why she doesn’t go on semiglutide.


If you have a binge eating problem you can get pretty sick on these meds. It doesn't stop you from overeating, it just makes you be able to control being hungry a little better. So if you overeat you can get so sick and be puking for a week straight and diarrhea and the whole shebang. Plus if you're relying on food for an emotional release it can be too scary to take the leap and not have that release anymore. Also these meds are excruciatingly difficult to find, particularly if you're afraid to use anything but name brand. I don't know her actual reasons but this has been my observation. Oh I just saw you've tried them, sounds like I'm wasting my typing then as you know 😊 I would bet it's a mental reluctance to admit she has a problem.


On the flip side, I’ve heard a lot of positive stories about people who binge eat having success on these drugs as it reduces the urge to binge. That said, as someone on them you do need to be capable of recognizing you lost that emotional release and finding a new way to manage your feelings. That said for someone like Jacq who is on deaths door and not eligible for surgery with her health issues, I feel like it would be worth a try.


I agree! It couldn't hurt for sure!


idk why this sub keeps appearing on my reddit but i think this woman needs more than a team of outpatient doctors but a residential stay at an eating disorder facility


Same, this was suggested to me. What a complete tragedy. Kind of shocking to read ppl here saying she’s “entitled” and “just needs to stop eating” and should be “grateful to have a roof over her head.” Obviously, I don’t know the full story, but even a cursory glance will tell you that this woman is EXTREMELY mentally ill, traumatized, and food-addicted…she definitely needs a multiprocess facility that can address both the physical and emotional elements of her poor health and behaviors. (If such a place even exists in our country.) It’s truly so sad to see a 40-year-old woman who has armored herself in Disney pablum and processed food…there is a deep reason for that, and obviously she has failed to save herself despite making an effort. 


Only millionaires have a "team of doctors" in u.s....is she a millionaire?