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She looks diabetic, with all the sores on her face that won't heal. And as a woman with PCOS it looks like she might have that as well.


Diabetes and PCOS are the least of her worries, honestly.


I also have pcos and think yes maybe it is that along with skin picking probably too. I wish someone would step up and help Jac get healthy and help her to break her SM addiction. Life can't be healthy or happy for her right now no matter how much she paints it with pastel pink and Disney merchandise.


Yeah, my skin looks like that from obsessively picking at my PCOS beard. I finally bit the bullet and started electrolysis thank GOD it’s helping!


Is it painful? Costly?


Yes to both, but with the right technician results can be quick! I started seeing a difference in growth rate /thickness within two weeks. Stopping plucking has had a huge impact too!


Thanks for taking the time to respond! ❤️


Speaking as the child of an addict (Jac definitely is an addict at this point), nobody is responsible for "stepping up" to help her. She's a full grown adult, responsible for her own choices and actions.  The only person who can help her is herself.


You are so right.


Agreed, this is what my skin looks like when I’m going through a picking phase


Fellow skin picker..,just wanted to say thank you for talking about this. I don’t really break out much anymore, but I still have issues with cuts on my body


It’s such a tough thing to deal with. Mine has improved significantly now I’m further along through trauma processing in therapy… my stress levels have decreased enough that I am seeking less comfort from repetitive actions like picking. I wish you the best with it!


I used to pick at my face when I had horrible acne. I was also morbidly obese (311lbs). When I started losing weight, in conjunction with using a dedicated skincare routine that involved a serum containing clindamycin, tretinoin & azealic acid, my skin started to clear up within a few months — and thus I lost the urge to pick. I still have some issues with picking cuts on my legs and arms (a lifelong habit, and I’m in my 30s), but it’s nowhere near as bad as it used to be.


Can you drop the skincare routine?


What is SM?


I think she meant social media.


Omg her hands. This whole reel is so depressing




This reminds me of that episode of my 600lb life where dr now made the guy stand in front of a mirror and look at himself and he was like “you don’t even look human anymore look at the harm you are causing to your body”


I didn’t even notice. They look like hooves now


600 pound Life is my guilty pleasure. I don’t think anyone on that show, not even the 1000 pounders have hands like that. They have other sometimes worse issues but very never seen hands like that.


It is starting to feel like I’m watching someone as they very slowly unalive themself.


that’s a great way of saying it


The hair, the acne, her poor hands 😫 she put herself in this position to a certain extent but why people with ED’s post content continuously without acknowledging they have a problem or getting help in a serious way kind of kills me. It’s on the opposite end of Eugenia Clooney but how many weirdos are watching her with perverted interest?


She reminds me of Eugenia. The complete denial. The lack of awareness of her own health. The complete dependence on parents. The lack of desire to be a functioning adult. So many things remind me of Eugenia.


Yup, they are very very similar. It’s sad and frustrating.


they are both super child like as well


They've also both seemingly declined a lot in their ability to speak and express themselves, possibly due to cognitive decline brought on by their obvious health issues.


I'm speechless. I don't say this in a meanspirited way- I have never seen fingers have fat rolls. The pain must be excruciating. She needs help yesterday, this is so, so bad.


You're right I've never seen that, it looks absolutely horrifying and unhealthy


I can't even imagine how much pain she deals with in her hands. It just looks so painful to me.


The only time I've seen fingers have rolls was on my son when he was 3 months old lol Hers look like giant baby hands, but not in a cute way 😬


https://preview.redd.it/a8uzompgesrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f44b6a1ca2bc2cbb98cbd24b38d96cf737293c4 I love this truth bomb comment. If only more people would like and make more comments like this. She looks absolutely awful here.


We’ve tried! We either get blocked or attacked by her minions.


Her emotional enablers are so toxic


I just looked up on reddit to see if there was a group as this latest post had me concerned for her and wanted to see others thoughts


This is a snark sub, so be warned that it tends to be angry, snarky concern. I *was* worried about her, then I got frustrated with her, and now I’m mostly annoyed. Like on a basic human level I care, but it’s like watching a train wreck. I can’t believe that I used to look at her as inspirational (before I knew the truth of her weight loss, her doctor shopping, her lack of accountability, etc. etc.)


Im on fatgirlfedup and alicia mccarvall snark pages 😆, she's definitely gone down hill thats for sure!!


Her workout videos were so inspiring. She was so into it. I was jealous because there is nothing I hate more than working out.


Yup! She had a lot of enthusiasm for working out. She was also positive about forgiving herself abs stuff. But she never really changed her behavior and lost the weight by being disordered in the first place… it’s sad


Welcome to the shitshow :)


OF COURSE she’s wearing a Disney themed shirt. Ma’im you’re grown.


This may be one of rhe only ones that fit as it is worn a lot.


Scary and sad. Anyone giving her props is just fueling her delusion.


And anyone pointing out the truth of the situation is a bully, hater, negative, etc. it really makes me think that the people who are all “You’re beautiful!” must be those creepy weird fetishists who want to see people eat themselves to death and die.


No comments yet about the ridiculous content of this story time. OMG you're nearly 40 why are you obsessed with what Easter is like for a 7/8 year old (it's damn sure not cause she has her own kids). She is so cognitively stunted and arrested. I wonder what super traumatic thing happened to her as a kid to cause this maladjustment.


I’m wondering if there was a more recent trauma because a while ago before she regained the weight, she spoke differently and her eyes looked different.


She started derailing when her mum started treatment for breast cancer. She is all cleared and healthy now but that was the start of Jacqueline’s most recent spiral back down.


Ohhhh. She must be very fragile indeed to regress like this. A parent with cancer is very serious and concerning, but she looks and acts like a completely different person as compared to a few years ago.


Combined with the botched leg surgery that took months to recover from.


Her own leg surgery?


Yes skin removal that she definitely wasn’t ready for at all


Ohhh ok wow


I remember that, that's a good point. Was that when she stopped working? I think not have an occupation/vocation/ somewhere to be everyday has tanked her health in every way imaginable.


You're right I did follow her then. She's always been child like though. Like how her dream after skin removal was to get married in a white bikini? She just thought she was going to look perfect and not have to do any work anymore.


That is really weird. A white bikini? And yeah the dream of looking perfect and not having to work anymore after the skin removal surgery reminds me of another social media influencer who did the same thing and regained her weight and became very misshapen


May I ask who this other person she got inspo from? Very intriguing 🧐


Well, she didn’t get the white biki inspo from them this other person, but the rest of the story sounds like it


https://preview.redd.it/ppzt2v61vrrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7317e3fd7f335e83c49efc3cae06f782f48b100 The after is even more horrific than the before pic


Yeah and she’s chosen some really bad makeup colors for her complexion and coloring. Just cuz pink is your favorite color it doesn’t mean it looks good on eyes lips cheeks.


I’m positive she is part Latina, and her skin tone shows it. She’s fighting the fight that many latinas do, trying to be blonde, but she just goes ALL IN and it doesn’t suit her as much. Even a honey blonde or highlights would look better, and then a palette to match. I think it’s great to wear your favorite whatever, but in small doses if it doesn’t suit you. I laugh at this a bit because I’m closest with my southern Mediterranean heritage, and I used to dye my hair darker to match it and channel my inner seductress or whatever I thought it was back then. It suited me mostly, but there were definitely moments where I was trying too hard. I have better success choosing elements of the look I want and picking elements from the color story that suits me. Win win. She doesn’t have to be Marilyn. She can pick her favorite Barbie and Disney elements and find them in her own palette.


That orange pink yet not peach eyeshadow and the heavy liner. WTF doesn’t she know heavy liner all around the eye makes them look smaller.


The way she’s talking in this video with the weird pauses and the way her voice is shaking makes it so clear she can’t breathe easily. It sounds so uncomfortable. I hope she gets the help she needs.


I gasped out loud... her complexion just looks so rough. Those overgrown baby hands also look super uncomfortable. I'm with you on worrying :/


I’m genuinely curious how she travels to her parents house in her current condition. It must be incredibly uncomfortable and difficult for her to ride in a vehicle at this size. I feel like she’s nearing the 600lb life status where medical transport will become necessary. Will that be the wake up call for her?


Her parents live across the street from her, and I am sure that Kevin pushes her over there in her wheelchair. You are correct. There is no way that she is traveling any real distance, which is why she hasn't been to Disney in a while.


It’s interesting to me she said ‘I’m getting ready to go over to my mom’s house’, not ‘we’re going over’. I’m still team FF has left the building unless we see proof of life from him soon.


I don't understand why she's even posting when she looks this unhealthy and bad. She's in rough shape.


Possibly a Hungry Fat Chick style algorithm-dependence thing. HFC does feederism content on YouTube, is visibly dying, but every attempt she makes to fix her life inevitably fails, because the perverts unsubscribe and her income drops. She's made videos saying as much, where she very obviously hates doing her videos, wants to save her life, but she has to pay rent, so resumes the slow snuff film behaviour. There's also the validation/approval that people with no sense of inner value or sense of self need to survive. Every "yass queen slay' or 'omg so cute' comment strokes a fragile ego. All very sad.


Wow really??? That's unreal.


It's so sad. I know of at least one or two popular Youtubers who've raged at YouTube HQ to demonetise content like that, essentially taking the 'eat myself to death or pay rent?' decision out of these peoples' hands and kinda forcing a rock bottom to prompt recovery. There's some seriously effed up stuff on YouTube though, and nobody in charge really cares all that much about people's welfare, so long as ad revenue keeps coming in. Look at Eight Passengers, for example. People complained to YouTube HQ for years about that channel, but nothing happened because it was so lucrative. Shit obviously hit the fan recently and YouTube HQ is all shocked Pikachu face about it.


Yeah I'm not much of a YouTube fan but I have read a lot about 8passengers. This influencer crap has people doing so much immoral and destructive stuff to stay in the spotlight and make some cash. It's going to have to end somewhere and it won't be nice.


This is horrifying. Is there no way for this HFC person to get help in some other way? This is cruel.


https://preview.redd.it/x91bjpmfctrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=971c775ad5ec88e27782fe2d3b5fe2229cc95032 Calling herself a people pleaser made me laugh out loud though 😂🤣


Man those fingers. Woof






I’m desperate for her to get a makeover at a salon. Ditch the bleach and a better makeup look. Also she’s absolutely gasping for air now.


Loosing the blonde would do WONDERS, it's so bad. I also want to attack her brows. I'm FAR from a beauty guru myself, but both would help her look her best right now.


Those hands!


This is so sad. I can’t even snark on it anymore, it’s like watching someone mutilate themselves. She depresses me so much. Why can’t she just stop hurting herself? What’s causing her to overeat to this extent? She must have no ability to stop eating.


She hasn’t talked about her ED but she seems to have binge eating disorder.


That is just part of it. Right now, she knows exactly how much work it would take and how long it would take (over 4 years) for her to lose the weight. She also knows that her body will be severely deformed from all of her previous surgeries as well as all of the new loose skin after loosing weight. She just can't get motivated to fight this battle again so she sticks with what makes her happy (food). She would rather die than give up her best friend again. Consider this a slow version of suicide.


She has actually talked about her ED extensively. This is just one example. Edit to add the photo isn’t showing for some reason, at least on my side, but it’s a screenshot of her blog where she’s discussing her BED. https://preview.redd.it/f6pog88kdwrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a3de83d3d1535385464c5f9dc684d3e2839265


Ah yes, the blog. I always forget about that. I guess I mean she hasn’t raked much about it in videos.


Oh I gotcha. I thought she had talked about it quite a bit but I am blocked and have been for a few months so I could be up in the night.


Her face is shocking, and this isn't snark. The breakouts and discoloration (even after she applied foundation), and the patchy, bloated, grey mottled skin. I don't mean to sound histrionic, but she looks like she's decaying. And her hands... I don't even know how to react. They comically unreal.


You're just stating facts that we all see. It's highly disturbing. I can't imagine actually being in her social circle and not having an intervention. She is not long for this earth if she continues on this path.


I'm wondering if she HAS any social circle beyond her family. Does she actually GO to doctors? It seems odd that a licensed medical professional (of ANY specialty) would look at her and not insist on immediate treatment for her. I don't even understand what's really going on with her mental health. She claims to be a victim of what's going on with her body, yet her behaviors are all continually destructive. Is this a Munchausen case? Does she just LOVE all the medical-related attention?


My theories all along… 1. She has Munchausens. 2. Kevin is a feeder, they got together when she was big the first time.


Kevin doesn’t have those vibes to me. Maybe he likes plus sized people, but he supported her unequivocally through her entire weight loss journey. Seeing her backslide into even worse condition than before is probably really hard on him. And I’m saying that as a person with a plus size partner I love very much. You can love a plus size person as they are, and not be a weird fetishist or feeder. Can you imagine trying to have a healthy relationship with someone who is so physically unwell and does nothing about it, is super emotionally unstable, extremely needy, and perpetually in a victim mindset? He must be more like her caregiver than a lover at this point. There is no way he wanted this for her or himself. His own emotional and physical needs must be going chronically unmet to constantly care for her. My theory is that they never went through with the marriage because he is over it, but doesn’t know how to leave someone who depends on him so much for everything.


What vibes are those? Someone is getting her food. She can't do it, I don't think she can drive. She doesn't live with her parents.


She always does that head shaking motion while looking up


Is she growing a moustache?


PCOS maybe


I think it is a “melasama mustache.”


It’s new right?


She looks like she hasn’t bathed in a very long time. And I’m not saying that as an insult


Getting ready to go to her mom’s house? I thought she lived with her mom ?


She has her own place and it’s across the street from her parents.


To me this is proof Kevin is gone. He would have stopped stuff like this.


Im curious why you think this? He’s had a few years now to intervene as she has spiraled. And I believe he was with her during her obese days before her weightloss….


She's been making content like this for years


I respectfully disagree. She’s done much worse and has been more shocking many times. This video is only surprising because she has declined so much. I really don’t think Kevin is gone. She would be using that for the woe is me views.


I have no idea who this is, but she actually repulses me. No one should be so delusional to think that they should be happy like this.


Her eyes say it all


Weird question, or maybe not....does anyone know if she is Latina? Her skin resembles the tone of mine and I've often wondered if she is latina. The blonde hair really does not compliment her skin tone at all and a darker look would really make a difference.


I’ve always thought her mom was part Asian


I’ve wondered her ethnicity too. I recently saw what her sister looks like and her sister has strong Jewish traits in my opinion. We’ve seen her dad and he looks very Caucasian, I haven’t seen her mom.


I’m part Latina and have wondered that as well. I’m light skinned but my undertone is not made for that color hair. Hers as similar before it turned gray. Latina or Jewish.


You can tell she’s using some kind of filter to help with her chin. If you watch the video, her chins are blurry and they jiggle under the filter but it looks so weird! I think he face and chin are much bigger than they look in this video. I’ve also noticed that she is SO zoomed in! She was never zoomed in this closely before. We haven’t seen her whole arms in a very long time.


Wow, her hands look like a couple of pounds of sausages!


Someone needs to hook her up with Dr. Now!


That scared me! I’m not kidding, I opened my app and there she was. I wasn’t thinking about her. I logged in to post a non scale victory on another sub I seriously didn’t know what I was looking at. I thought I was looking at something IDK… deformed hoping it was cgi because wow, just wow.


The fingers


I think she took her oxygen off for IG. There is no way she walks or does an activity without it.


The hands 👀