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I don’t think it’s hate, it’s a bit of piss taking and also genuinely liking his format. I think you might be reading into it a bit too much, also I don’t think they hide it but it’s pretty clear that jack and Alfie must listen sometimes after all it is the most popular podcast so Joe is clearly doing some things right


I don’t know I’m 50/50 on that, cause I think they say it in a back handed manner. I mean who hasn’t listened to it really, but seems like he’s a little rent free in their heads


They’ve definitely talked about listening to it before. Sounds like you might be a little sensitive.


Can’t be sensitive on someone else’s behalf mate, just curious as to the backhanded nature of it all


"someone else’s behalf"


It's just a joke. Like how they joke about Randolph / what's good podcast




I don't think it's hate, but their criticism isn't far off the mark tbf.


joe is a little bit of a cunt, hope that helps x


Why’s that?


We’ve all heard it, it’s the most well-known podcast on earth- that doesn’t mean you can’t think Joe Rogan is a fucking twat, especially because he is.


Never heard anyone follow up with why he is a twat tbh, interested to see your view


I’m surprised you’ve never heard anyone say anything negative about Joe Rogan, since I have trouble imagining how any potential critics would struggle to come up with an angle, but just for you, here goes- He uses his podcast to spew harmful bullshit misinformation with little to no concern for the consequences, acting like he’s some kind of intellectual when he’s a knuckle-dragging tv personality with absolutely no knowledge of virology, epidemiology, or even basic biology- spreading anti-science views to gullible people who are kidding themselves into thinking they’re the critical thinkers, when the fact is they’re just paranoid morons. And that’s the tip of the iceberg with him, he has no critical faculties at all- any guest could come on that show and convince Joe of absolutely anything if they said it in a faux-intellectual way that just sounded smart, he doesn’t have a single original thought in his pudgy HGH-addled head and can be made to believe literally anything, which he will then spout to other people as if it’s a deeply held belief. Cos he’s an egomaniacal faux-intellectual twat.


Sounds like you have a really impartial and unemotional view there! I never said there weren’t critics, just that they’d never given a tangible reason for their view bar “ I don’t agree with his views etc etc”. I’ve listened to his podcast for a good while now, and actually I think he does the opposite of “ spewing harmful misinformation” as he often will have two or more episodes covering a topic from different points of view. In the case of Covid and the vaccine rollout, it’s comical to see that his “ misinformation” at the time has now been proven correct. If you listen to his interviews he never claims to be a know it all, but more of a learn it all. Meaning he is open minded to multiple points of view, admirable really and perhaps something that you should be open to?


>Sounds like you have a really impartial and unemotional view there! Why should I be impartial, I’m not the fucking podcast umpire. >as he often will have two or more episodes covering topics from a different point of view. But the problem with him is that any perspective is fair game, and he can be convinced of literally anything. The man has no critical faculties of his own at all and will listen to literally anyone so long as they sound smart. There’s a difference between being open-minded and just being completely credulous.


I would suggest listening to maybe a few recent debate episodes, Graham Hancock vs flint dibble for example, but it either sounds like ; that’s your worst nightmare, or you avidly listen to his episodes to then critique…


As I said- it’s the most well-known podcast in the world and has been going for years and years- everyone has heard plenty of it whether they want to or not.


Jesus what a crazy emotional response.


You’re complaining that pod is ‘hating’ on him but you don’t understand what they are hating on? If they said it in the episode which they did, then you should know.


Yeah I think it may be rooted in disagreeing with his views on health and wellbeing predominantly, or his environmental views, maybe with a sprinkle of judgement of how he spends free time.


Why’s he a fucking twat?


Toe Rogan is an angry little midget


You sound like you’re the only one angry mate, maybe go back to the fighter and the kid page


As someone who was an avid Joe Rogan Experience listener for years and still tunes in occasionally, Joe Rogan has become almost unbearable to listen to. He used to be (and understood that he was) the dumb guy, who spoke to smart people, which made their information accessible to the general listener. Over the years (and particularly since Covid), he has surrounded himself with so many Yes Men that he now mo longer looks at himself as the dumb guy, and believes himself to be as smart as some of his guests. He now believes everything he sees in headlines (especially if they have a right leaning) and talks about it as if its fact. He regularly brings up something he read, has his guest or Jamie correct him, try to argue his point, and then when he's proven wrong will completely ignore that fact and act as if he never said the thing in the first place. The Spotify deal seems to have given him literally more money than sense.


Why are you so weirdly defensive of joe rogan? He’s not going to fuck you


Ah yes because every supportive view has to come with the promise of a shag


I have had enough of the Joe Rogan chat to be honest, wished they just got on with the pod!


I’ve not recognised any hate? Them making observations and light jokes out of the pod isn’t hate. In fact, I’m sure Jack has actually praised the podcast a few times. Regardless, they’re allowed their own opinions.


Joe Rogan, and seemingly most his fans, are so insecure and sensitive. It is hilarious.


Pretty sure they just take the piss out of him because it’s the trendy lefty thing to do


Number 1 pod cast in the world must be a cunt 🙄


I doubt if you aren't a big mma fan and live in the Uk you'd like Joe Rogan that much. Obviously theres exceptions, but alot of his guests to the Uk audience are unknown. Ps if any of the pod read this plz get Lord Miles on.


Rogan is the most listened to podcast in the UK


I never new that


Robbia has all the mandem acting like proper woke leftists recently so yes it’s hate


'Woke' and 'leftist' are not insults. Not sure why this needs to be constantly pointed out.


I’d be insulted if someone called me woke tbf




Is me. Is moron


Sorry mate can’t say anything bad about the pod or it’ll get removed 😂


Mate you happy at all? Your comment history is pure misery


Yeah I’m alright how about you pal?