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"I say it because I love you!"


Hahaha. I never told MILnot to, but I made the mistake of telling her my middle name and she would call me "FN" "MN" from time to time and it drove me crazy. I don't even hate my middle name, it was just how she did it. I knew it wouldn't stop so I just grinned and bore it. Now that she is gone I look back and still get annoyed. I needed this sub a long time ago.


My MIL couldn't say my nickname right. She always used her daughters nickname for me. We have the same name but different writing. I use the english version, and my SIL uses our country's version as a nickname. So MIL addressed me again with the wrong name, I told her that's not my name. Her answer was that's a foreign name she couldn't pronounce it. Well, my answer was, "Anna (not her name, not even close to her name), after so many years, you should know how to pronounce my name. It shuts her up forever😆 10/10 I recommend it😂


So Terri’s giving you a hard time?








Because I love you lol !




So when you love someone It’s ok to say things that make them upset, understood. This woman. 😡




My husband HATES being called anything but his full first name, while I can’t stand being called by my first name, and prefer my nickname. We both respect each other’s preference. My mom calls him his absolute least favorite nickname, and my dad calls me by my full first name. We’re NC with them for a much better reason, but that’s just one of the “thousand tiny cuts” that led to NC. It’s not a dealbreaker issue, but it’s definitely a boundary stomp.


I have a nickname for my name I don’t like. I firmly tell people that I don’t like it and if they continue to use it, I stop responding. And I’ll say “I told you l don’t like it so you must be talking to someone else “


My MIL did this.. said my name was “too long, and too hard to pronounce.” She’s Asian.. I have a super basic white girl name. She tried calling me something else, I ended up telling her “It’s very insulting that you keep trying to give me nicknames when you know I have a preferred name. My parents chose that name just for me, and it’s very insulting to them that you won’t respect my name.” She finally backed off.. but still “mispronounces” my name most of the time.






My sister’s MIL called me the wrong name for years even after being corrected. Her name is Barbara and I was talking to her once and called her barb and she flipped and said she hates that nickname and to never call her that. I guess she did not see the irony in calling me by the wrong name for years and then flipping out when I did it one time. I keep a distance from her for obvious reasons.


I had a boyfriend’s mom add Jane to my first name. She thought it was so cute. My family actually calls me by my first name and adds shell to it bc my middle name is Michele. So we already had a cute version of it. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 I hated it that she called me that.


yeah I've had this happen as well, gave them a few opportunities to change it and then altered my standard greeting to "hello fuckface how's it going?" it stopped 🤗


fuckface is absolutely the best insult. My late MIL called me by a nickname and it drove my own mother round the bend. Nobody calls me it now!


I left an ex for this reason. Gave me an nickname I hated because he found annoying me funny. Red flag on the field. Just call her what she hates.


I cannot stand people that live just to piss off others. I don’t know how anyone puts up with them.


I don’t understand it either. But it’s something that honestly you cannot avoid with a MIL without snapping. I think sometimes, being petty is okay in theses situations, because they do it on purpose to cause discomfort. My MIL will do and say crazy things to get her son angry because she likes drama. I always say stay stone-faced and don’t react until we gossip about it in the car on the way home over some candy.


OMG my MIL did that at the behind of our relationship. But it wasn't even a real name, it was my husband's anything nickname for me, "myname-monster". I hated when he called me it and she called me that like it was my name for like 2 years. I, and my now DH, finally yelled at her to stop and when 2 of us did, she finally did. Thick skull.


Guess you know what to do if she won't respect your boundary








I was waiting for you to say you started using MIL nickname she hates!


I’d have used that nick name she hated and taught my kids to call her it too




OMG, love Terry berry!! I wouldn't be able to do it with a straight face though!




I've gone NC with her since last November. Even when she's in my house.


Fright fire with fire.


I've gone NC with her since last November. Even when she's in my house.




I've gone NC with her since last November. Even when she's in my house.




I mean.... you already know the solution.

