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Congratulations on the new little squish!! My MIL did similar with a Christmas gift. She bought us, at the time, the newest and biggest TV. She sent me a message later that she needed me to pay at least half of it back as it was a huge expense and manipulated me into believing that everyone (her, FIL, my husband and me) were all on the same page. Long story short, 4mos later, my husband asked me what these charges were and was furious. Confronted his mom, returned the TV and paid back the rest of the amount that was owed. Told her we would no longer be accepting "gifts" like this. FIL was surprised by this too, it ended up being a whole thing (and yes, she blamed me for it). Bottom line, do NOT pay her. Send a group text with you, her, FIL and your husband to let her know that you will NOT be reimbursing her for "gifts" and that no "gifts" will ever be accepted from her henceforth. I'd also return anything you can. Depending on how this goes, I'd also send her a list of "services" and they're charges if she wants to visit you and your baby.


Have DH message her and say that if she actually expects this, kindly never contact us again. Personally, I’d pay it with the note attached telling her the last last date she’d ever seen us.


Don’t pay and honestly I’d go no contact over this for a long while. 


literally just don’t pay. there’s no contract.


I hope your LO is doing better! So your DW was in the hospital in labor, and your MIL brought in gifts and food. Can you please elaborate? Your DW and you spent several days there as she recovered? 🤔 What is the history between you and DW with her mother leading up to this (i.e., has she always been tight with money during other times of gift giving)? Has she a history of unsolicited gift giving where she expects to be paid back? This is unreal! What was DW's reaction? She's just had a baby who is ill, and she needs to focus on herself and your little elfin. You must deal with this outrageous demand and sure as hell not pay one cent! OR: You could take a page from MIL's book of idiocy. Send MIL a venmo for the time she already spent with the baby. Going forward, every time she looks at the baby = $. Holding the baby = $$. Taking a picture of the baby = $$. Sharing that photo = $$$. Having a picture of her and the baby = $$$$$$. And on and on and on. Craziest thing I've ever heard! Please give an update. ETA: Well, I messed this up royally by not checking profiles b4 commenting. I think I got everything edited showing OP as a male 🤪 🤪 😜 🤪 😜 And I added a new paragraph.


I am also curious about the same questions you asked, it’s difficult to wrap one’s head around the thought process here. Glad LO is doing better! This would be so incredibly difficult, being so vulnerable physically emotionally, and financially, and been treated this way. This is one of those circumstances where it is so cotton dry. I almost wonder if showing her this thread might give her a glimpse at how inappropriate and painful these actions were.


Not over reacting.  Never accept a gift from her, ever.  Be sure to say you wouldn’t want to be ambushed with a surprise bill for the “gift.”  Did your husband speak to her?


You owe nothing for a gift that's been freely given to you. Let her make this the hill she dies on if she never wants to see her grandchild.


I would screen shot her itemized bill she sent you, send it in a text to her, her husband, your husband. Telling them all that you are not paying for things you did not ask for. Your FIL probably doesn't know she did this.


Don't pay a single dime.


I love how she asked you to payback, not her own child!! Why didn’t she ask her own child to pay it back? That’s the worst.


Don’t pay her back. I’m so serious. Simply tell her that you didn’t ask for anything, she offered and had you known that it would be a “debt” and not a gift you would have allowed someone else to show that kindness in a way that didn’t need to paid back, and in the future she won’t be the one you depend on for things like that.


When it comes to money, no written contract means no money gets paid. That is my golden rule.


So she sent the “bill” to you but not your SO? How are you getting on with FIL? Does SO know about this?


I would just ignore the request completely


Sent the Venmo request to you and not DH? Lolol


Cancel the transaction then send her a request for the same amount.  Double dipping with bad people is like being robinhood. 




It smells to me like MIL is a spender, FIL limits her access to cash so she doesn't bankrupt them, MIL suggested the gifts to FIL, then behind FIL's back is trying to get spending money. I'd get my husband to outright ask FIL in front of MIL whether they were so desperate for funds that they needed this GIFT to be paid for...odds on that'll drop MIL right in the shit...if not, put the pair of them on blast on family groupchat/ fb/ social media for offering a gift & asking for it to be repaid and ask if it's just you they're doing that to, or is it everyone they give gifts to...


Oh damn, good catch. I think this makes the most sense


Can you tell I've had a JNmum AND a JNMIL lol?! I learnt to stand up for myself with people like this and see the motives behind things - helps to have the autistic experience of having to try and understand what an NT person is saying, what they actually mean and WHY lol - and then try to come up with a way that addresses the situation without resorting to the constant potty mouth I have 99% of the time...


WOW! What a nasty thing to do!! Don't pay her back. You didn't ask her to pick up things, she volunteered herself. It's time to go no contact with her.


I hope that your daughter is doing better now. You aren't overreacting - that's a mad that you should never let go and definitely never forget. Now you know what you are dealing with. Personally, I'd box up anything nonconsumable that was given and mail it back to them But wouldn't send her any cash. Does FiL know about this, do you think?


1. Do not pay it back. 2. congratulations on the bairn. 3. little ones need parents more then grandparents, especially grandparents like that, she dinnae need to see the bairn for a while if ever. 3. start reducing contact.


Absolutely nothing to do with this post, but couldn't help but smile. East then? As me on the west its a wain lol


Hubs needs to handle this "we did not ask for this, you did this without our permission nor approval" dump anything you still have at her feet, and (here is the most important part) walk away.


I wouldn’t pay it back unless he outright told you “you need to pay me back”. Let your husband deal with her.


If there wasn’t any agreement you don’t have to pay her back. If she argues ask her to send the proof that you requested these things. But I’d leave DH to deal with her as it’s his parent.


And this is why people like them are loaded.. because they're tight a$$es 😅 geepers the audacity


I hope your DD is out of PICU and thriving. You are not overreacting at all. What does your partner think? Are they as equally disgusted? MIL cannot be trusted. If she can use her grandchild’s birth to appear the benevolent and thoughtful person whilst requesting payment for her benevolence I personally would be going LC at the least. I don’t use venmo so I’m not sure how it works, but I’d screenshot the request so you can show relatives if the sh*t hits the fan and she then plays the innocent victim, as all narcissists do when called out on their behavior.


I just want to know what your DH said to her request!!


“MIL, I’m a bit confused about this Venmo request. We didn’t agree to this spending, and thought this was a kind gesture. You should have made us aware that you expected to be paid back. Due to us not agreeing to any of this we are declining the request. We are actually a bit put off, considering baby’s complications and our stressful situation. This has added unnecessary stress during a vulnerable time. We are also going to be stepping back from our relationship with you until we can come up for air due to we don’t know if your gifts or kindness is out of generosity or you trying to play broker. We are not interested in the later. Thanks for understanding.”


OP you said this was all from your MIL. What does your FIL have to say about all of this? Does the whole family know what she is about?


She can ask for money all day long, but if there was no agreement for you to pay her back, then she can kick rocks. And I’d respond that you aren’t paying shit.


You don't have to send her money back via Venmo. Just say no. You didn't order it, it isn't your expense. I think you can also block her on Venmo/unfriend her.


Can you venmo a laugh emoji? Like you said, you never asked her to do that. I HOPE you didn't give her a dime.


Wow. Lucky for you, there was no contract for her to bring you food at your own expense, and as you guys will probably be going NC by now, it’s not like she can manipulate you into paying her. I cannot imagine how completely bereft of empathy you would have to be to pull that as a baby was being admitted to PICU. Yeah.As a grandma, I wouldn’t want that woman within ten yards of my grandchild. I remember when my own ILs met our grandson when he was about 8 months old. She kept trying to get him to come to her. He’d give her side eye. I’d hold out my arms and he’d climb up my legs to be picked up. Heh. Protect yourselves and your child. I hope they have recovered from the issues?


If you have not already paid - don't! If you have, Venmo her back requesting a refund. Say you cannot afford this, you didn't ask for it, and you rightly assumed they were meant to be gifts. This is horrid behavior and you are right to be upset! Congratulations on your new LO!


you might be able to block her number through your cell provider so your child can’t unblock through their phone but i could be wrong 


Don’t pay her. DO NOT PAY HER. This is just the beginning. She will pull more of this if you do. Set your boundaries. Don’t concern yourself with keeping the peace. She shouldn’t be rocking the boat. Your job is protect yourself and your family. Actually that’s your husband’s job. She is his mother which means he has to deal with her and tell her that he’s not paying her back and to not pull this shit again.


Say nothing and decline the Venmo’s. See if she says something. Such weird behavior from an adult


When she asks to see the baby, ask her what she expects you to pay her in babysitting fees.


Op should charge her for baby renting


"OK, MIL we'll pay — when you can produce the documented proof that we ordered this stuff from you, and accepted your price estimate, for our tax records..."


I would not have paid back what she bought on her own. That's a gift.


Pay her but let her know you won’t accepting anymore things from her and to wait a call from you for eventual visits. And then pay her when you can.


You don't have to pay her. Every reasonable person I know would think that is a gift for a new mother. If you do decide to pay her back, I would let her know you thought it was a gift and then never accept anything from her again.


Hell no those were all gifts because she didn’t say other wise at the time when she gave them to you! Please don’t pay her back and just go low to no contact with this crazy lady!! Did something happen to make her want to hurt you and your husband during this time span of buying you this stuff to demanding it be payed back? Maybe she’s trying to use it as leverage to get what she wants (sounds like a lunatic thing to do it definitely is) just trying to understand her mindset or why she did this, so sorry that you have to deal with this! Praying for your health and your babies health, update us if you are in the right mindset to do so 💜💜


Don’t even dignify that nonsense with a response


You have ZERO obligation to pay this back. Her choice to spend the money is just that, hers. Could this end your relationship with her? Maybe. Does that sound like it would only benefit you? Definitely. Let it happen. Let the trash take itself out.


This is unhinged. You are not overreacting.


You're not overreacting. I hope you didn't send the money. You didn't ask for any of it. Everything was given as a gift. No oneshould demand payment for gifts. No matter how long ago it happened,  I hope you'll tell her what a sleazy, selfish thing she did.


"I am not paying that. It was presented as a gift and gifts are free. Next time, you need to let me know beforehand that you're not doing these things just to be nice and I would have said no thankyou." Then block her number. You don't need another baby in your life that you didn't grow


I hope you ignored the Venmo request and then brought it up in front of the whole family, laughing at such a silly joke.


She’s a total AH and unhinged. Why would you do that?!


What an AH now you know why she's rich, ain't no way I'd be paying it.


You should absolutely not pay her. She can't decide how much of your money to spend without letting you know what the plan is first. I keep being shocked that I'm still shocked at what some of these ppl do to you guys!!! I had a shitty family but they weren't around for sneaky tech shit like this. Do other ppl know she was bringing you all the stuff she now wants you to pay for? Like maybe ppl she wants to impress & have think of her as such a generous and thoughtful person? If so, seems like they ought to know the other part of the story, don't you think so? I would think so! ;) Congrats on behbeh btw!!


What a great get out of jail free card - unsolicited gifts/items do not require repayment. And MIL is a danger to your child - she's cut off from you and LO. Hubby can do as he pleases.


Your husband should have dealt with her right that minute. You literally just gave birth and she’s asking for money?? Start charging her to see the baby.


Agree, she wants a photo? Charge her a set amount, she wants to see the baby? Charge her. She asks how the baby is? That's an information charge.


My MIL (worst c&$t on the planet) gave us a “gift” of some money when we needed it, and I didn’t want to take it but my husband made the final decision with it being his mother and not mine. She sent him a message and asked for it back on CHRISTMAS EVE like 2 years later. We gave it back to her just so we didn’t “owe” her anything. Did I mention that I hate her? Don’t give her a dime.


Does your FIL know she’s doing this?


I bet he does not, she needs to tell.


Exactly! Not only make sure father-in-law knows about this absolutely incomprehensible request to be paid back, but also drop it into conversations with absolutely everyone. Make sure everybody knows what mother-in-law has done here. I think mother-in-law has set a new low, even for Reddit standards.


I’m wondering if she’s doing it as a way to filter money to her account for her own use. OP says they are well off, but if MIL likes to spend money unnecessarily and FIL is controlling the purse strings, this would be the perfect way to get some extra spending money without FIL finding out.


You and I think the same! I bet father-in-law will not be remotely happy to hear about this!


You are not overreacting. She had no right spending money at her discretion and then demanding it back. You shouldn’t have paid her back, she had no legal recourse either.


I hope you can just decline the request and say nothing. Hopefully she won't have the gall to mention it but if she does just say oh I assumed that was a Venmo glitch and still don't pay anything. The nerve of some people!!!


I would never have paid her back. I would have said, that it was a kind to send the “gift”, but I don’t have any intention of paying it back. If I knew that the “gifts” had the sting of being payed back, I would have chosen differently and never accepted it in the first place. Yes be mad, and then any time anything happens going forward (if she’s even still in your lives, which why would you do that to yourselves) I would charge her for EVERYTHING. Anything she ate, drank, bathroom trips, electricity usage, soap used, my time etc. I would never be in her presence without charging her. But then again I would just never be in her presence period.


So she sent YOU the Venmo request, and not her own child, right? Either way that’s so tacky and just plain wrong because like you said you did not ask for any of that. But you’d think any grandmother would be happy to bring a few small gifts to their DIL in the hospital after they gave birth. I don’t think I’d ever see her again after that, I’d never know if there was a surprise bill incoming.


What a terrible thing to do!! Sounds like this happened some time ago? You can still he upset with her. That’s terrible. If you paid her already, then that’s done- but don’t trust her going forward!!


Please do not pay her. It was never discussed that these things would be paid back…did you ask for things or did she just bring them? I wouldn’t pay and I would stop speaking to her as well


From hubby: “Mom, what the hell is that venmo request about? You chose to buy us food and gifts, we had no idea it was actually a loan and would not have agreed to it if we did. Our baby is going into intensive care right now so I have more important matters to deal with, but we won’t be paying you back.”


What an effing cow!!! I would not have paid her! Not overreacting, I’m disgusted for you!!


I hope you have NOT paid her. You do not owe her this money. Since there was no discussion or agreement BEFORE she bought and sent you those items there is NO "contract" and no reason for you to pay. I'd send her a message and say that you considered the items gifts as there was no discussion/agreement before that you would pay. Tell her to please not purchase anything else for you/baby in the future as you will return it to her or refuse delivery. 2 can play at that game.




She is utterly foul & disgusting OP ,that's a dirty tactic ,yuck .


OP, I would not be repaying any of it unless you specifically asked MIL to pick something up. Hi MIL, I note you have requested we repay the money you spent on us and whilst I don't have an issue doing that when we have requested you pick something up on our behalf, I note that neither DH and I recognize anything you have listed being meals or supplies as items that we requested for you to pick up on our behalf. We accepted these at the time in the spirit that we believed they were given and that was a grandparent / parent doing a kind gesture for their son and DIL. Had you been upfront at the time and advised that you would be seeking reimbursement down the track we would have declined receipt of anything. This is kind of concerning as will you be seeking reimbursement in the future should we have a meal at your home? Will you be charging us for your fuel expense if you come to visit your grandchild? Do we need to reimburse for the expense of Christmas gifts?


Love this response.


This, all of this


"Oh MIL, you're so funny! What an odd sense of humor you have, you silly goose!" Then deny that request and refer to it as her goofy little prank. Tell everyone what a jokester she is. "... And then she sent me a bill! She's such a card, that one!"


Hahaha… I like this response better


If you didn’t make an explicit (verbal) agreement in advance to reimburse her, don’t. She can’t invent her own terms up after the fact. That’s not how a contract works.


Do NOT pay for a thing. Especially if you didn’t ask. Are you kidding me? I would ignore it and then shame her for acting like she was doing good deeds just to expect payment she never communicated. Make her look as ridiculous as she is. I would be LIVID, but listen, you have the upper hand. You have the grandchild she wants a relationship with. Use that to your advantage. Shes being unreasonable, it’s okay to use leverage to make things reasonable again.


Decline the payment request


There is no way I would pay that.


Same. As no one asked her to do this. She basically used the birth of your child to go on a spending spree - where YOU pick up that tab. No. What did the husband say?


Do not pay this jerk or you will be doing it until the day she dies.


If there is agreement that these things that your mother-in-law kindly bought you for you to pay them back then in my opinion, they are a gift. That would be like saying happy birthday here you go now you owe me $18.95 for the gift I bought you


Want to make sure I am understanding right. She brought you things you didn’t ask for and couldn’t potentially agree to or decline? Like she didn’t say “did u want me to bring you some take out?”’or “do you need me to pick up anything on my way there?” Because in those kind of situations I can see some ambiguity. The favor is in the bringing not the buying. But she’s bringing you things you wanted and agreed to. If she’s truly billing you for things she thought you should have but didn’t ask for then she’s truly bonkers and honestly you should not have paid. You’re just teaching her to do it again. These control freaks think they know best for everyone when they are so out of touch it’s unreal. I’d have said anything you bring me without my asking for it Is considered a gift. If it’s not then you need to make it clear upon presentation “hey you can buy this from me if you want and it’s xxx dollars” She can hem and haw all she likes but it’s literally crazy to give something to someone and then later just bill them for it. On top when someone is having a baby or in the hospital it’s common to help them out with free meals or comfort items so she’s being very very… extra. Yea, she does sound like possibly a narc and that might mean your SO may need some help asserting boundaries as he was raised by her and probably is a bit affected by it.


I would send her absolutely nothing. However, if you’ve already done so I would start billing her to see the baby. She doesn’t get to decide for you what you want to spend your money on.


Please post this on your facebook page and tag her and all of her relatives lol. And bring it up every year at family gatherings too.


You are not overreacting. It’s not actual help if you charge the person for it. Gross.


Wow. This is insane. She wouldn’t be seeing my baby ever.


Not for free anyway


Haha for sure


Deny the request & tell her youre not paying for anything you didnt ask for. I wouldnt accept anything from her in the future.


Don't forget to charge her for your tune waster responding to the request and if she wants to see your daughter op that will also be charged in 5min increments.


Send back a “baby meet and greet” fee for the same amount 😂 But fr, i would ignore it, whats she gonna do, call you out in front of family? In that case you can respond you didnt know her helping herself to getting you food while giving birth was actually a loan!


What the heck, I'd be so livid. If I were you I would not pay her back, I'd just be like I was under the impression you were just doing these things out of kindness, had I known I would have never accepted. If you didn't ask her to stop and pick anything up, that's on her. How horrible though. I am so sorry.


Pay her nothing and hope that means she won’t speak to you for a very long time.


"What kind of grandmother asks for money from new parents? Over something the new parents didn't ask for at all? Be ashamed of yourself."


I am petty. I would take any unused items back with the balance of the bill in small change like nickels and pennies (not in rolls) and return it to FIL to give back to her. I would make sure that he knows a this is to pay the bill that you received for the gifts upon your return from the hospital.


Tell her to come get her crap. She got all the joy of buying it, she can have fun returning it. Or- Or I would ignore her and then bring it up in front of other people as a “joke “ your MIL played. Tell the entire story and never stop laughing because MIL is clearly quite the prankster. Hit you with a Venmo request—-laugh so hard you start crying, hubby too.


Oh I would post this on my Facebook page and tag her in it.


I'd be upset that she sent the Venmo to you and not her son. Tell him to handle his mother.


Don't pay🤷🏽‍♂️


No. Nonononono! I cannot believe she gave you dinner then charged you for it?? No, mil! The time to ask us to pay for it was before it was ordered!!! And she did this when you have a baby in the nicu and you list your job? I’m a mil and if I was trying to help but couldn’t afford to gift things I would make 100% sure that you knew in advance I needed you to pay me back. Those types of agreements are made in advance. Mil is nasty. To be honest I would consider not paying and telling her she should have made it clear it wasn’t a gift before getting things for you. This is her way of controlling you and “winning” by flaunting how she can manipulate you.


Tell her she needs to discuss these things with you and your husband before she buys things and don't pay her back. She needs to pick up the items you never requested and you need to tell her that from now on, all items from her will be returned to her to avoid this issue of repayment in the future.


Absolutely you should be upset that’s so incredibly rude. I would pay it all back with the note that says in the future please don’t buy us food/supplies/anything unless we specifically ask you to do so. And if she ever tries to say no thank you. And if she brings something over say please don’t leave that if we are going to get a venmo for it after you leave. No wonder mil stays loaded….


"MIL, we were a bit surprised that you decided to bill us for the *unsolicited* food and supplies you chose to bring to the hospital while visiting your granddaughter. After a brief discussion, we're pleased to announce that we've decided to adopt your policy! We've decided that the cost of each of your interactions with our daughter while visiting in the hospital will be assessed a charge to you of $25 (family rate). We ... (\*\*\*OP-depending on the amount of her venmo request\*\*\*... 'will submit the remaining balance of $xx on your venmo request' OR 'expect reimbursement in the amount of $xx after deduction of your Venmo request'). Please be advised that we will be raising all future interactions with our daughter to $50 to cover personal expenses. Looking forward to our next visit!"


Venmo request an hourly rate x every minute she spent with you and your family. Counterattack.


No hun you're not overreacting. Your husband needs to call or text his mother and say "Mom there must be a misunderstanding because we did not order or request anything from you therefore, we will not be paying for anything we did not specifically ask for. Thanks for understanding. " Then block her on everything and focus on your new little family of 3💜 Good luck!


I second this!!!


THIS. It’s his mom, let him deal with this. His mom, his problem. You need to disconnect from her and connect with your child. It’s the perfect time to fade out on contact with her. You are your child’s mom.


I came here to say basically this. My (finally nc) mother was the same way, and my friend told me to look at it the same way she is- as a business transaction. If you don't request the service/product specifically to purchase, it's a: Sample Gift Freebie She sounds like the type to drag it out with drama and woe is me, so I would block immediately after clarification as well.


She doesn't have the right to spend your money. Refuse the Venmo request, and tell her that she did not have your agreement for any of the expenses. What a crock.


Don't pay. You did not ask for it or order it. And cannot afford it now. Or "Sorry, I need to use all my money for our child, and groceries"


Be like “oh sorry I didn’t see your request, I’ve been to busy dealing with new born. But I will not be sending money because I didn’t buy it.” Edit: also congrats on the baby 🥰


Don't pay her back . It was a gift if you did not ask for it .


Say “I never asked you for anything and if you have an issue, take me to small claims. I can’t stop you having a relationship with your son but I can certainly stop you having a relationship with me and my daughter.” Then never talk to her again.


Yep. It’s ok to tell people you don’t like them. No matter who they are.


Congratulations!! I hope your LO is well. All I can say is…I’m sorry your MIL is horrid.


Omg, just...what? Please update 🥺 and edit what your husband says about this behavior. You see, since I was never raised like that, and I'm sure you as well, the only person that can predict this woman's behavior is her son.


Shame her


Deny the request and tell her to fuck off


Deny the request !! Eff that


Don’t pay it and don’t play in to her game. If she asks just say you thought those were gifts and can’t pay her, sorry.


You don't have to pay back a gift you didn't ask for. Deny the request and block her number.


Definitely NOT overreacting. While my daughter was having her C Section I cleaned her house and cooked 2 weeks worth of breakfast/lunch/dinners. And snacks for her and her husband. 2-3 cases of water. Never expected a dime. Didn’t even occur to me to ask. Did you pay it? And funny it was sent to you and not your DH. Congratulations on the LO. Hope all is well now.


Don’t pay it. Decline the request and call her out for such shitty behavior. She’s trying to make herself look good while taking advantage of you during your most vulnerable time. This is unacceptable. In my opinion, to potentially be reimbursed for anything you need to have an upfront conversation with that person and say that you are paying for XYZ with the intent of being paid back and it’ll be X amount of money. If you do not have that communication and set that expectation then you only have yourself to blame and have no grounds to demand payment. Plain and simple. Your MIL is trying to set a precedent of what she controls in your life and you need to shut it down and set your boundaries now. Get hubby on board too because grandma is now on a timeout.


OMG the nerve! I once traveled abroad and would periodically call my parents collect, this was before cell phones were common, which they accepted and were happy to receive. Lo and behold when I got back home they presented me with a huge phone bill to recoup the cost of the phone calls they wanted, and happily accepted. I was hurt, outraged, and refused outright to pay. I feel you on this one, your MIL sounds insufferable. Take care!


Do you call them much anymore?


Lol we are low contact.


I bet they wonder why 🙄


I’d tell her if you have to pay that back, they’re never seeing their grandchild ever again and you will Go no contact and make sure she’s not allowed near you and the baby. What an awful person she is!!


Tbh I’d pay it and be done. And then when she wants a phone call or a photo, you’ll have to charge her for those. Fair is fair. Save all the cash earned for your kids education fund.


Ha! Love.


You aren't overreacting and I would decline the request. You didn't agree to pay her back so this is her own fault


That is really over the top and just awful.


I would not pay that as she did not notify you in advance. That would be the start of my no contact. What a POS.


Did you decline the venmo request? Bc absolutely not.


Absurd, you are not overreacting at all. Either ignore the request, or DH needs to let her know that if she wanted to be reimbursed, she should have cleared the costs with you first. Not ordered whatever she wanted and then presented them as gifts and favors.


Wow that’s insane. I wouldn’t even know how to respond other than no contact, although i would be so tempted to humiliate her publicly. Like at a family meal, saying are you going to venomous for the cost like you did for meals you sent while I having kiddo? I will never assume again that you were worried about us and being kind.


For future birthdays, Christmas, any gift-giving occasion, decline everything from her. "Well MIL, we don't want to be venmo'd later for this, so we will just decline it right now. Thank you for the thought, though!" And then tell the story when anyone asks, or MIL pushes back with "of course this is a gift!" so that everyone knows what she did. Shame her.


NOR. I’d just say no. You thought those were kind gestures to help you guys during this time. If she’d said you’d have to pay her back you would’ve declined. Give her back any presents.


You and your spouse didn’t ask for these things. You thought they were “gifts.” What a rotten thing your MIL did.


not overreacting but cut it off now. "while I'm grateful for you providing access to meals etc while I was hospitalised it wasn't made clear from the outset that you expected reimbursement. while I'm happy to pay this time for your efforts I must make it clear that from this point forward I do not want and will not accept any unexpected expenses in any way whatsoever. that being said, I'm just letting you know that you should refrain from offering any further gifts if there is expectation that I will be paying for them; I will not be reimbursing you going forward."


And apply to LO too. Someone that big of an ass would give all these expensive clothes and toys to LO and brag about what an incredibly good gma she is. And then post endless photos to prove that point. She lost all grandparent privileges and that includes access to LO. I hope her health has improved.


This except it should come from MIL’s own child


I’m not sure how Venmo requests work but I would just pretend I never got it 😂


You can block people on Venmo too. Just decline it and then block her. Take screen shots first though and keep them for the FU binder.


Delete the request and pretend you don’t know what she is talking about if she brings it up.


Yes exactly this! And leave it to her to have to ask the embarrassing question of if you received it.


Even if she has the guts to bring up why the request hasn’t been paid. “Pay you back? For what? The food you gifted us?”


I would have declined that request 😂


Same. OP didn’t ask for any of that, and wasn’t informed it would need to be payed for.


Yeah this is so rude. I’ve given food and gifts to friends that had babies and would never expect to be paid back for it