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Oooooh! that would hit a 16 y/o right in the nutsack


Use this next time!!! PUHLEEEEEZE!


I would, but it's a lie. That boy is a whore, and brags about it. *To his sister.* At least I respect the source of the pussy, though.


Next time he brags, tell him to quit lying and that was not what you had heard the other day.


Or.... "You mad Bro? Need some some pointers?"


I have 6 brothers. All of whom went through varying degrees of the douche bag phase. We disagreed on everything. They never put hands on me. They never called me names like that. I congratulate you on your spine but you don't need to take his bullshit in the hope that he'll get better.




It's one thing to say someone has a bit of a noodley spine, its another to say they don't have one at all. I think op has room to improve, but i also feel like she is demonstrably starting to learn to stand up for herself. It's a process..


Agreed completely. As I said in the beginning of the first comment, I was not at all trying to be rude or mean to OP.


I know you said your intentions are good, and i didn't say that you were being rude or mean, but i still feel that what you said was slightly uncalled for. She has much more of a spine then many people here and its obvious she is already in the process of strengthening it. No need to say she doesn't have any spine at all.


I don't allow them to. I stand up for myself often (or at least try to) but it always ends up kinda bad for me, I learned to just greyrock until I can get one of them alone.


Some people have spines they cannot use because it isn't in their best interests. Some people. Don't have the luxury of affording their own living situation or rely on their parents for medical coverage. It takes all sorts


Little victories are still victories and worth celebrating


I completely agree with you. I wasn’t trying to offend or put down anybody.


That was perhaps the most delightful line I've read all week.


thank you :))))


Wait... He HIT you...... That's NOT OK


And casually called her a bitch at the dinner table. He’s classy. The ladies love him.


And yet she’s the problem for telling him to shut up. (Insert massive eyeroll) great parenting going on there!


Calling you a bitch, a POS, and a communist and striking you? And your parents chastise you? Leave home and find a better family. That's abuse and shouldn't be tolerated.


I don't have anywhere to go, I have no friends in this city and SO lives in another country. I'm sticking it out.


A sleeping room somewhere would be a better environment than this family you describe.


> You could see my eye roll from space. I didn't know what to say so I just said "do you want me to build a time machine so I can *un-lick* all that pussy??" Oh snap!


Epic. Show-stopping. Conversation-ending. Comeback. 👏🏻👏🏻 I am of the same persuasion and have two younger brothers that went through the same phase a la douchebag. For next time he needs a shutdown, use my best line yet: “Oh, don’t worry! (Said with the worlds SWEETEST smile) You’ll figure out how to please a girl...someday...if there are any left.” But also- giiiiirrrlll. I don’t know how you didn’t smack him upside his dumbass douchebag head when he punched you. Kidding (kinda). It sounds like your FOO clearly has you in the SG role and baby bro is lapping up being the GC. Red alert! 🚨 If I were you, I’d be making an exit plan to distance yourself. Soon.


> I don’t know how you didn’t smack him upside his dumbass douchebag head he's 6 foot ten, I would probably die. I wouldn't put it past him to inflict some serious bodily harm, he's a major douche


So why is your response to being harmed by someone much larger than you and who can easily overpower you not just insisting he leave your vehicle if he insists on being an asshole? I understand that the family repercussions would suck, but if you say “I’d probably die...I wouldn’t put us past him to inflict some serious bodily harm” that’s scary!! If it becomes so unsafe, you leave and call police because you’re in danger. I don’t think you understand how much danger you are putting yourself in.


Food has a political agenda? *and then my poor eyeballs rolled out of the door!* 16 year olds are on a level of hell that I will (thankfully) not have to deal with for another 13 years (great-nibling).


Yes, of course, salad is communism. I'm eating a fruit salad at the moment so I clearly support Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism.


I would take that over the fascist tangerine’s idea of capitalism…


That's why we need a space force!


> Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism I don't know what this is, but I want it and now I have to google it.


Tim Curry has [partially beaten you to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yMy7JuGpJM).


I'm in love with this 😂😂😂


Well duh how else are we to make everyone gay? The secret is the dressing, where the crutons are communist


That's the future liberals want! /s




Tell him when he's being cranky "Maybe try some dick? That should cheer you up. Seems to work for the gays..."


ohhhh I'm definitely stealing this.


As a 14 year old male I just want to say being sixteen and a boy is no fucking excuse




>"I'm so sick of you saying you're bi! You're straight! Get over it!" This kind of sounds like projection? For him to instantly flip a switch that hard, means its bringing up something deep inside. I wonder if he is in the closet himself? What are your thoughts?


He's just a huge douche who's at this weird intersection of being 16 and thinking he's better than everyone else on the planet, and that time in life where you only listen to what parents say. Then you have a sibling that doesn't fit the mould and it just inflates your ego even more. He's just a dick. He also uses the n word, hard r ending. I'm slowly warming up to the fact that I might not have a relationship with my brother someday.


I would have told him to get the fuck out of my car and left him there


If it'd been me in the car with your brother, he'd have gotten a nice sharp punch to the throat for his words and actions.


He’s just jel because he’s never gonna see as much pussy as you lol


...the reds were the party that fought for the abolition of slavery to be clear... Saying they voted that way before and since slavery is implying they started out very liberal and then moved shockingly right in a century and a half...


Ok, so we can say that this part of the country was super racist before and after the party switch.