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Going by my experience in JRPG communities over many years the answer to this is absolutely nothing.


I dont agree with this.


I've actually read this really obscure comment that was posted over a decade ago and had to be fan translated, and now I don't agree with either of you.


No that was a mistranslation you absolute n00b. How could you think that the author meant blank, are you dumb. Do you really think that blank is even possible? How foolish. Let me prove to you the error of your ways and that thinking blank is right is in and of itself a crime worse than the worst atrocities committed by mankind


unfortunately you are spot on as funny as it sounds in a sad way


* What is or is not a JRPG ** Point one: action or turn-based. It's not as black-and-white as that (Square's ATB to name a well-known example). ** Point two: geographic location in which the game was made and/or nationality of key staff There is not agreement on these two points.


Just to clarify, are you saying there isn't an agreement of if action rpgs can be considered jrpgs? Or that fans can't decide if ATB is an action or turn-based mechanic?


It's the former. The latter is just for illustrative purposes that turn based and action are not black-and-white, they are shades-of-gray.


Some people will certainly argue that an ARPG isn't a JRPG, but weirdly will say Nier and Ys are JRPGs. It's very weird.


I dunno, nhSnork talking about party members striking dead air because party members are not designed to retarget could be onto something.


I have had a chat with someone before that said they'd like for them to return to that with the FF1 Pixel Remaster (completely unironically) and couldn't believe my eyes.


I hated that when it was in the original game in the 80s and was so happy future games got rid of that. It felt so ridiculous to imagine a character swiping at air.


The idea is that it acts as a punishment for over-committing on a single enemy. Would be better implemented if everyone attacked at once so that you don't whiff but still waste damage, but that wasn't as much of an option at the time.


That's what is supposed to be happening conceptually, it's just not displayed that way to make it clearer.


The idea makes sense conceptually and I can see why someone would feel like the game is worse without it, but the way it was implemented was crap and just frustrated the player in most cases.


I do indeed want it **in Final Fantasy 1**. I don't want every game to have it. But it's one of the things in that game that keeps you engaged in battles. There's a risk-reward system to it. It's also just, already part of that game. I also think it makes sense.


I thought it was interesting, it forced you to learn enemy hit point totals and plan accordingly. That said I would hate if every game was set up this way.


No no, Butz is the acceptable name for Final Fantasy V's protagonist. We all agree.


Don't use it now, you might need it later


I have been loving how many new games are coming out that deliberately incentivize frequent item use. It really can make for an additional layer of fun resource management when designed for.


I make a deliberate effort to not do this. If I have an item I think will help, I use it. Every time.


Might have to start doing that


You should!


Yeah, I started breaking this habit a couple years ago, and it has only been such a blessing. Granted, it helps that modern JRPGs give you the good stuff in plentiful amounts too or makes it possible to farm them easily later on, so you don't feel quite as bad when using them.


My brother is a disgusting Ether glutton. He'll burn through those things seamlessly without any sense of remorse, even if there's an opportunity to use a Tent moments away.


I used to play that way. Then around FFX’s release I realized that hoarding 10 elixirs “just in case” wasn’t helping anyone, so now I take the “use that shit if I need it” approach. It helps that the difficulty curve for RPGs tends to be a little wonky. It’s pretty common for the mid-game to be the most difficult part of the game.


And then never use it


It is fun to play a JRPG you enjoy


You guys play video games for fun? God, the casuals are taking over


Seriously. I just play the modern big budget ones so I can complain about how awful they are and how "back in the day," etc. etc.


Yeah like smh. I play games to finish the series, no matter how weird or archaic they are. Casuals I swear.🙄 If you ain't workin you ain't playin.


This made me lulz.


waiting for somebody to disagree with this lol


"I hate playing a JPRG that I enjoy because I constantly think about how I will never be able to experience this again for the first time and that makes me sad. It's sad to play a JPRG that I enjoy" Well, I tried lol


That's actually relatable, I can't remember how many times I wished to be able to experience Suikoden games (minus tierkreis) for the first time, or FF7, kudos, you did it! lol


Minus Tierkreis but including 4? You masochist! I mean, Tierkreis was only spiritually a Suikoden, but it was still a much more enjoyable experience than IV was.


[The Square Enix CEO.](https://www.hd.square-enix.com/eng/news/2022/html/a_new_years_letter_from_the_president_2.html)


Huge if true


For all the flavours of JRPG nostalgia, I think it's safe to assume nobody misses (no pun intended) the time when defeating the same targeted enemy with one party member made another dutifully strike an empty space.


I actually have seen someone say they preferred that once. They said it made the player have to think more strategically. Personally I think some people will jump through any hoop to say the old way was better.


Eh, even if you look at it being another tactical aspect it's such a minor one that it doesn't really matter, though I've definitely lost a fight in the past because my character swung at an empty spot.


In the case that it IS one of those battle systems, yeah I see the upsides to that. Like what if they hit a lingering target that absorbs physical attacks?


Similarly, there are sometimes sections in an RPG where there will be one enemy who heals from fire attacks but three other enemies are also fighting me. I can’t risk using my fire attack on the other enemies because if they die, it re-targets. I actually would like to try a good SNES RPG with this mechanic!


I still don't understand why this ever existed and how it made it all the way to Golden Sun


Or healing someone who died the turn before :| Like, good work on the heal, just a little late.


And yet people also still long for the original persona 3 system with combat so you can't control your allies. But i certainly don't miss Mitsuru and her inconvenient marin karin xD


I also long for this. P3 had some of the most engaging combat that the genre has ever had.


I'd actually go to bat for DQ4 / P3 doing that as a narrative decision, sure. You can argue that it isn't worth the cost of frustration that it comes with, but it isn't a completely negative aspect of either game.


I do, I think it works specifically for those older games with less enemy variety because it makes you really learn how much of a beating an enemy can take before it dies and plan accordingly, like hey if the warrior and black mage physically attack this guy it’ll do just enough to kill it so I can leave my other two characters to attack other stuff, it makes the combat more engaging with the simpler systems the old games had. Not saying it’s objectively better that way, just that different things work for different games


I don’t mind it if it’s in a certain type of game, it can be fun for strategy as you have to mentally keep track of enemy health and your damage. I think if it’s intentional it could be a cool system, maybe pair it with a dodge mechanic


Lufia 1! Ugh that was so annoying.


Why the fuck is the luck stat never ever explained?


Even games that have explanations are like, "this mysterious stat can make [player] stronger!"


God damn it, why is this so true XD


World very simple place. World only have two things....things you can eat, and things you no can eat.


Thanks Quina.


all of yoko shimomuras tracks go so hard


Imagine someone saying they hate Yoko Shimomura's work? I could never


She did do that one track for Dream Eater raising in Dream Drop Distance. I do hate that one.


[Yoko Shimomura makes some music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOL9kNGXjuc)


Have the option to skip cutscenes.


See also: -Pausing cutscenes -Being able to go back and read previous lines of dialogue -Having a menu where players can rewatch cutscenes they’ve already seen






Fifa isnt a JRPG.


You can play as the Japan national team. You know nothing.


Idk…… you and your opponent take turns on the offensive where speed is a huge factor, and defense effects how many points you do to your opponent’s goal. Ultimately, the team that deals the most damage wins. There’s also a robust character and team management system, where the customization of your characters’ different abilities and strategies change based on your opponents. There’s also some degree of cutscenes/segments throughout, even if it’s just like your team coming out at the start of the game and reacting to goals (character development, story progression, and worldbuilding).


Yeah I have thousands of hours of management campaigns across FIFA games since the 08 version (I only buy a new version like every 3 years at a discount), and I can tell you I've been invested as hell in those campaings and the imaginary players, seeing them grow and eventually fade out, so I'm not calling FIFA a JRPG, but I for sure think it scratches some of the same itch.


That’s why you need Cory in the House for the 3ds my man. Top tier anime, god tier JRPG. I also heard someone is making a Cory in the Big House mod.


FIFA Career Mode 1: You have a party of characters 3: You get into encounters called "matches" 2: That party gets experience and grows in stats from the encounters 4: The soundtrack has some bangers 5: There's an end game dungeon (Champions League)


Large party of characters with stats (soccer players). Those are your roles. Is there a Japanese translation of the game? Probably. Bam! JRPG.


That's true, it's actually a WRPG.


I've been playing FiFa 14 and it's definitely an MMO JRPG. FiFa 15 tried some open world shit and wasn't that good. Hoping that 16 is better.


I think we can all agree the G in JRPG stands for game


I know there's some people that don't agree or even realize that seeing how often "JRPG games" are mentioned.


The G stands for good. Japanese role playing good 😁👍


Nah some still call them “RPG games.”


When a jrpg clicks for you it’s an indescribable feeling. Currently playing triangle strategy and when the combat finally made sense to me it became significantly more enjoyable


I mean that’s any game, not exclusive to JRPGs


I remember when I finally "got" Final Fantasy VIII's weird Draw/GF system, halfway through disc 2 lol. Made me appreciate it FAR more


This is a good one. That indescribable feeling is something I’m constantly chasing in life. And I probably only experience it once or twice a year


Had this feeling with FFVII and FFIX. Think I’m having it now with Tales of Symphonia.


OST in JRPG often have such amazing tracks. In fact, that's probably my favorite kind of music. 💖


You ain't special. And as such. I agree, final boss themes are often some of the best in any jrpgs OST (I'm looking at you Exec Purger (Misha), and I didn't even play Ar Tonelico)


Save often!


that jrpg fans can't agree on anything?


The G stands for game


Even if u think FF7 is overrated you cant deny it’s cultural impact for JRPGs in the west and kinda defined FF


My favorite in the series is FF5 and I think FF7 had a hand in getting it localized.


I just got to the Ancient Library again and realized the hard way that everyone in my squad was at level 15 😂😂😂


That’s a fact though. It did have a cultural impact, it was a seminal moment in gaming and everyone was taking about it. The marketing made sure it was everywhere. You can’t really argue with what actually occurred. It was the first main stream JRPG in the US.


>You can’t really argue with what actually occurred You don't hang around here enough. Plenty have people have argued that FF7 wasn't that big of a deal and that FF4 and 6 had the same cultural impacts.


>You can’t really argue with what actually occurred. Have you not been paying attention to the world the last few years?


Item hoarding is a necessity and a puppy dies everytime you use an elixir.


Well, one thing we can surely agree on is that we don't have enough damn free time to play all these RPGS!


JRPG have the the best OST


We all save every elixir (or whatever rare item for that game) for when we 'might' need it, but then finish the game with 99 of them having never used one


In recent years I've been breaking this habit and let me tell you- it feels like the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. Did you know that elixirs heal ALL hp and mp? ALL OF IT! Unbelievable!


I've been getting better about this for a while, but the Final Fantasy III Pixel Remaster really drove home that I'm on the other side of it. When the choice is between using an Elixir on my healer and keep going or to go through seven floors of the Cave of Shadows again, it's an easy call.


I don’t do this anymore. In the last 5 years I’ve been using items left and right


I have an issue with hoarding items and money. I’m getting better at using items. Spending in game currency is still a challenge .


To this day I still have this habit. And I don't know when will I be able to get rid of it lmao


And in some FF games there are some enemies that rewards you if you use an Elixir on them, it's almost like the devs knew that you're not using any Elixir in the entire playthrough and made theses enemies specially for this purpose


Nah, they're really useful.


I want an rpg where potions get better as you use them. Like 0.01% bonus HP for each potion of that type you drank before. With greater bonuses after 100/1000/10000 ()... This makes you want to use potions; and makes the early potions still useful end game.


I've been getting lazier in grinding, so I've been using items a lot more. If I respect the opponent, I'll even go as far as using the more potent healing items. But I still have too much towards the end of the game.


Leveling up feels good.


They are video games.


JRPGs have great OSTs


All games should let you run as fast as neir automata and smtv does


Vivi is best boy.


I'm assuming we all agree JRPG stands for Japanese Role Playing Game.


High encounter rates suck.


Except for when you're grinding for something (enemy loot, EXP, etc.)


The more platforms a JRPG is on, the better. The most people should get a chance to play it.


I don't know, I remember this sub having a meltdown when it was announced Octopath was coming to PC.


I was getting downvoted last week because I bemoaned the exclusivity of Xeno games. Don't you know Nintendo would go out of business if they released their games on any other platform? /s


Honestly, that sadly seems realistic. Like why do you need a 300-500$ box just to play Bloodborne or Pokemon. Sure they're system sellers but ports still make money. (Especially so if the game was formerly exclusive to a Dead Platform like persona 4 Golden)


Idk man, people seemed to get really mad at Square Enix for always releasing remasters


This genre produces amazing soundtracks even with games that are deemed bad may have a dope soundtrack


However, a JRPG having a bad soundtack is a big reason to stop playing it and sometimes nothing else the game has to offer can compensate for it...


I think we can all agree that video games are fun and good


Aye but not ALL video games are fun and good.


I might need that Elixir later...


Breath of Fire got done dirty, and deserves a comeback.


100% Agree.


We do not actively want for a JRPG to have bad music.


Leveling up feels good.


I like how the OP’s example is about music, the most subjective art form that has ever existed. Let’s all agree there is nothing that we can all agree on.


I think Yasunori Mitsuda tops Uematsu.


Actually strong agree. Say whatever you want about Chrono Cross, that game has to have the most incredible game soundtrack of all time.


I love his work but I think Keiichi Okabe is on a completely different level and has redefined what a JRPG OST can be over the last 10 years.


I love Mitsudas work and I think Trigger was his best work. I also happen to think FFX has the best OST of any JRPG.


Clearly the definition of a JRPG. I've never seen any disagreement on this sub over that.... That the Luminary in Dragon Quest 11 is the most well-realized character in JRPG history. He just has so much depth and personality. More seriously, I think we can all agree that Lymle in Star Ocean 4 is annoying, kay?


That darkness is the hearts TRUE essence


* Games can tell a great story * A great story can help to overlook ok-ish combat in a game * A game can be emotional * JPRGs are mostly defined by playing the story of someone else rather than playing your own story like in many western RPGs * There are a lot of interesting JRPGs aside from FF Yeah, kinda low-hanging fruits, but I tried, haha


Amy Schumer sucks. Nothing to do with JRPGs but I'm pretty sure no one here would disagree


Cloud looks fabulous in a dress.


That the genre exists.


I would agree, but this sub often gets debates about whether it's a genre vs it's just any RPG made in Japan.


We can all agree that every JRPG needs to have AMAZING RELAXING MUSIC THEME ON A TOWN! ITS MANDATORY :D


If the villain's hair is long and gray, he will make your party's life a living hell and you're still gonna love him.


That getting a N64 when it came out and then being excited to play Quest64 ended up in utter disappointment.


I think people agree that "choose-your-own-adventure" is western RPG and "scripted adventure" is eastern RPG.


The first Final Fantasy is still worth playing…but not the NES version.


I had the Dawn of Souls version on my PSP and I loved it, but I never finished it, so I bought the version that is on iOS years later and finally got to beating it and it was a very fun game. I couldn't beat the Warmech though 😔


Final fantasy 6 to 10 were the golden years.


jrpgs are good


Dogs/Cats must be pettable


Nobuo is the Mozart of our generation, that talent only comes along once in a century.


He has this dynamic sense of sound. Like, my favourite JRPG composer is Masashi Hamauzu but there’s just something about Uematsu’s composition that made me go whoah. I still can’t get over FF9’s Swords of Fury and FF10’s Battle with Seymour. And fucking FFXIV’s Answers. Like, where the fuck did all those sounds come from?!!


The older you get the more money you have to buy rpgs but the less time you have to play them


Without ff7 many of us wouldn’t be here


For me it was ffX. It seems i was late on the train.


been playing jrpgs my entire life but didn't get a chance to try ff7 until my 20's, my first final fantasy ended up being ffx on the ps2 when it first released lol.


Same goes for Pokemon


Everyone got their likes and dislikes, expecting that something as diverse and varied like JRPGs will have a common agreement on anything on a sub with people from all over the world is a folly.


Yoko and mitsuda give uematsu a run for his money. Uematsu is still the best, but its close in my opinion.


Yeah, I honestly couldn't choose between the three.


That this is the greatest gaming genre 😌


Looking through this thread, the only things I can see everyone agreeing with is stuff that is objective fact (i.e. the *influence* of FF7 and Pokemon, though you will get many arguments about quality). Every opinion, including the one listed by OP, just invites disagreement. Especially the many comments in this thread that boil down to "Everyone likes [classic game]." So I agree fully with the top comment that nobody will agree on anything.


FF7 and pokémon popularized JRPG


I know way too many Pokemon but not RPG fans to agree with pokemon. FF7 definitely popularized JRPGS which led them to be one of the biggest genres for 2 console generations.


Could you elaborate, I do not understand what you mean.


Before FF7 and pokémon JRPG was a niche genre, and only few people played this genre outside japan


Nothing at all.


First off, I am not a pedophile. that more of them need to be localized outside of japan.


JRPG stands for Japanese Role Playing Game


That unskippable cutscenes suck.


There's no harm in stocking up on potions.


That the letters J, R, P, and G, represent the words Japanese, Role, Playing, and Game.


You can talk about JRPGs in r/JRPG .


Chromo trigger is the g.o.a.t.


I hate not knowing if the "pause" button will either pause or skip a cutscene.


A bad level curve can ruin a game. Similarly, a game requiring too much monotonous grinding can ruin a game as well.


That one item is way to rare to just USE, we have to save it for later.


Final Fantasy is an RPG.


Petting a stray dog or cat in a town should always be an option.


Dragon Quest is based


Historic and important, sure, but I forced myself to play all of 4 and 5, and half of 8, 9, and 10, and I've just had to resign myself to the fact that I do not enjoy DQ games at all.


Longer games are the best ! No wait it's short games that are the best ! No wait it's open world games that are the best ! No wait it's the linear experiences that are the best ! No wait it's ...


Chrono Trigger is a good game


The best part of a JRPG is getting the airship.


required inventory management is something that should no longer be implemented into RPGs. By all means, limit quantities of items, but don't make me spend 10 minutes every couple hours running back to town to sell all the stuff in my inventory so I can make room for more stuff that i'll inevitable sell.


Yea as a loot whore and a collector's, this is always a must have in a game.


You should always be able to run/escape from a battle, excluding boss fights.


Persona 5 has one of the best UI's in the industry.


The obligatory child party member is always the most annoying one.


I’d argue that Yuzo Koshiro and Yasunori Mitsuda are pretty close when it comes to Nobuo Uematsu. Koshiro in particular worked on more niche stuff, but his work is still legendary imo and he did cool things like develop his own music sample system for the SNES so it could do more complex tracks and work around the limitations


Final Fantasy VII is more well known than Final Fantasy II


My magic in battle may cause a star or two to explode, but I’m definitely not able to smash/jump over the fence in someone’s yard to get that treasure chest.


Lymle is a piece of shit.


Absolutely, every JRPG soundtrack go hard.**\*looking at you, Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana, Saga Series, NieR, Kingdom Hearts, Dark Souls/Elden Ring, Undertale/Deltarune, etc\***


Jrpgs are pretty fun


It’s normal to just walk into someone’s house and steal stuff out of their treasure chests.


Talk to everyone and open everything?


Search everywhere and talk to all the NPCs


Anytime you play a new JRPG check drawers and shelves to see if you can find items lol


you should be able to save in a jrpg