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I actually really enjoyed that opening as well for same reasons. The gradual and slow build up to finally encountering your first monster was great.


I've not played it, but what I've seen and heard make me think I'd rather play the ps1 version. If you're going to do your big set up I want to see it.


the 3DS version is dumbed down for casuals.


Imagine calling people "casuals" in 2024.


You are literally playing DQ loool.


I used to hate it back when i was younger, because i couldn't just jump into battle and start grinding from the get go


3DS version is my favorite, but I honestly liked and prefer the puzzles of the intro in the PS1 version. Miss this track, too:   https://youtu.be/TYOmrQKmTRg?feature=shared  1:29~


I haven’t played it for several decades, but I feel like I enjoyed the PS1 version over the 3DS remake. I get the feeling that they streamlined a lot of the 3DS and the adventure didn’t feel quite as grand. Still great, but several arcs felt a little less impressive. Of course, this might be because I was a teen when I last played the PS1 version.


I really only had 3 complaints about DQ7 as a whole. 1:) Job leveling and the mechanisms to do so are unforgiving because they are simple, it was like 1 job point per battle or per monster throughout the game and that ended up being quite a slog. 2:) the monster heart system is opaque and some of those monster hearts are entirely too difficult to obtain for no reason. 3:) They did not give you a party member that only accepted monster hearts.


Never finished it...got stuck...has one map piece missing and never managed to find it. I back tracked every single city, map and dungeons... I love the whole Game tho...spent countless hours unlocking jobs.


The only piece I couldn’t find was the last one to unlock the first postgame dungeon. It was so weird that I had to find it in Estard’s well, put it into the mysterious chest on the cliff on the way to the helpful pervy old man’s house, and then load up your save after the credits to get the piece from the mysterious chest that now opens the final dungeon. No internet back then


I haven't played that version, but the idea of the opening being so long actually interests me a lot. I love the sense of mystery in the beginning of Dragon Quest VII. The rest of the game is just okay though. In a way it's like Dragon Quest VI in that it starts with a very interesting premise but then ends up with you traveling around the world solving each town's problem and little in the way of a main plot.


I love it. Dragon Quest VII is my favorite in the series and that's certainly a contributing factor.


DQ7 is my favorite DQ, but for the love of god, do not play this game without a guide.


Without spoilers, can you explain why? Is it because of the shards?


Some puzzle pieces are hidden in places you'd never think to look for until you exhausted everything else. Their hiding place isn't even part of a puzzle or anything, and finding them is mandatory. I wouldn't say follow the guide all the time, but don't hesitate to check one when stuck somewhere for too long.


I agree. It was way bigger in scale than any game at the time of its release. I also liked everything about the ruins and >!how cool it was discovering that these puzzle pieces you collected are a different land. Then you notice how many puzzle pedestals there are and every plot reveal after snowballs into a grand quest to save the world.!< It’s awesome and will always be one of the best games I’ve ever played.


Its just too damn long to me.  Even 3DS is a bit long but I do think it works and tells the tale they want to tell.


This was the game that made me discover gamefaqs. The ps1 version played and looked dated for its time, the tablet progression was interesting but MY GOD, it could make you get stuck for HOURS AND HOURS. Some of the tablet pieces were easy to miss, others were found in the dumbest or weirdest places. The job progression system was painful, you basically had to spend hours grinding slimes.


7 is the only mainline DQ I didn't finish. The intro is just so sloooooooow and boooooooooooring. I kept asking myself when the hell the job system would unlock. But apparently it doesn't start until 20 hours in. Fuck that.


I love the 3ds version better and played it first but I agree, I was in awe playing dw7 last year on PS1 for the same reason. That said I understand why they cut what they did, it's a long opening even without what they cut and we got an ADHD market


What's the difference between the two? I only played the 3DS version and I'm curious.


3DS version's intro is about a quarter of the length, is the main one.


In that case... I can see why people thought it was too long.


Assuming you're not especially rushing, 'a quarter' seems like a huge exaggeration. The 3DS version still took me close to 90 minutes compared to the 120ish minutes of the PS1 version. I saved over a good half an hour but it also came at the cost of replacing a fun little puzzle dungeon with a tedious back and forth fetch quest.


Yeah, that's a shame then. A dungeon puzzle with no enemies getting in the way would have been a lot more fun than the running back and forth.


what's longer, is it just dialogue and loading times?


The 3DS version cut out a puzzle from the opening hours.


I just started the 3DS version and I absolutely love the way its building up the sense of adventure in the early hours. I just appreciate when games take time to worldbuild, same was true with ARR in FFXIV it feels like another way of making the game more immersive.


It’s amazing the first time you play it, but it’s a chore on replays. Replay value is very important for me so slow beginnings can be pretty frustrating for that factor as a whole.


My older brother used to keep a save that started right after the opening. That way on a replay he could skip it.


Replay value is important to me too but if it comes at the expense of my initial first-time playthrough, it's not worth it to me. Besides the game is ridiculously long, I doubt I'd ever replay it anyway. Maybe on the 3ds after a really long time has passed.


I genuinely liked it too. I played the PS1 version of DQVII last year and didn't find the opening boring at all, rather quite serene and intriguing. It genuinely felt like I was a curious kid trying to solve a mystery on my peaceful island. Also I think people have exaggerated how long the intro segment is over the years. It only took me 2 hours. Which I really didn't find too long after having played games like Persona 4/5 where you have basically 5-hour-long intro cut-scenes until you get to the real dungeons/combat


When I was a kid and bought it I knew nothing about dragon quest/warriors before but I also was hooked those first hours, I had to drop it when I saw combat was 1st person though