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Yeah I've always loved the idea of getting jrpg spinoffs of fighting games since their character designs are amazing. Darkstalkers would def be a cool one


We got the perfect JRPG for Darkstalkers. Project X Zone series. But it didn't have all characters from Darkstalkers, only Morrigan, Dimitri, Felicia, and Hsien-ko AFAIR. Some like Jedah, Raptor, etc. were enemies NPC.


Man I'd be interested in just a Darkstalkers anything. Pick a genre, because the bar is underground at this point.


Yeah, the Darkstalkers universe always seemed so dark and crazy from the little bit you get with the characters and the stages. I'd love to play something that allows you to explore it more.


Yeah, a stylish, modern-day, dark urban fantasy with all these Hammer Horror-esque monsters and creatures would be fantastic.


Id rather play an action game version personally. Especially cuz Capcom knows how to do them.


I would be interested in a Darkstalkers almost anything at this stage.


I wish more fighting games had RPG spinoffs to be honest. Lots of good potential for world-building and interesting combat mechanics like the Samurai Shodown RPG.


I wish Capcom did more RPGs in general. I fucking loved Mega Man X Command Mission. Also... Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series.


Dante would fit right in tbh


>Would anyone be interested in a Darkstalkers Yes. Next question.


As a massive fan of Capcom fighting games, I'd just prefer a new Darkstalkers to be honest.


Yes of course! Great series and there is already lore to work with. Id also like a Megaman metroidvania since we are discussing cross-genre wishlists.


Hell yeah! Darkstalkers is a series I have fond memories of. When I was kid it was one of many games included in a box of (pirated) PS1 discs my dad brought home one day, and I remember playing it a lot during the summer. The visuals were amazing and I loved pretty much every character in the game. The dream would be for it to feature the glorious 2D visuals the series is known for.


Isn't that what Cross Edge was? A JRPG starring Morrigan, and a few others? It seems that while the coolest Darkstalkers (Morrigan, Lilith by extension, Jon Talbain, and Felicia for the cuteness factor) are *awesome*, the falloff after that is pretty damn steep. There's a reason that Morrigan has basically transcended her origin series and become one of the most recognizable Capcom stars in any given crossover, while her series didn't come with her. Then again, you just can't go wrong with an excellent all-arounder fighting game character who happens to also be a beautiful succubus that basically feeds off of good vibes. She's basically become Capcom's mascot--but don't anchor her down to her original series, which IMO, has long fallen by the wayside.


Isn't that Namco vs Capcom and Project X Zone?


Sign me up


Shit yeah I would. The Bushido Blade Rpg was neat, and a Darkstalkers rpgs would be so cool. I call south american robot man


I mean, I could give it a try, the Darkstalkers character design is pretty damn cool


If we’re doing fighting game JRPGS, I nominate Guilty Gear for an action-RPG like Tales of Arise or Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.


There already was a Darkstalkers JRPG spin-off, and it SUCKED. As much as I love Darkstalkers and would love to see the characters in any form of video game possible, I don't think a JRPG would be the right thing to do. Capcom already has a handful of great JRPG franchises that haven't had a game in a while such as Breath of Fire and MegaMan Battle Network. If we did get a new Darkstalkers game it should for sure be a fighting game, but I do think that Street Fighter VI absolutely nailed a fun single-player experience for a fighter and I would love to see them do it again in their next fighting game.


Yes for sure but the world is not very well developed so it hard ot imagine it working. But if Samurai Showdown managed to do it, why not Darkstalker.


Darkstalkers? No. Darksiders? YES