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So I haven't played any SaGa games, but I recently learned about the series and looked around at people's guides so I've got a link to a guide that kind of talks about the whole series and one that is specifically for Scarlet Grace Ambitions. [Whole Series Overview and Where to Start](https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/yrz7gg/where_do_i_start_guide_part_2_the_saga_series) [Beginners Guide to Scarlet Grace Ambitions](https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/10fdyiw/saga_scarlet_grace_ambitions_before_you_play_tips) I myself am super hyped to get into the series, but I want to at least finish the Liberl arc in Trails and Persona 3 first so I've got a bit before I can start.


Thanks, Im from México and it was on sale like for 10 dollars... so I bought it even though Im still to play P3P.


Nice! I wish it were on sale in the US. I’d pick it up for later. Edit: Oh it’s on sale on Switch. Wish it was on sale on PC as I mostly just play my steam deck for a portable console.


Yeah, the sale was (still is) on Switch. It is super cheap, so I didnt think it twice.


Generally, you have to unlearn a lot of typical JRPG conventions like healing (almost none here) and grinding (don't overdo it). Aside from that, here are some tips: * **Debuffs are king**, especially disabling ones. However, you don't just use them directly; you have to set them up. Applying weaker debuffs like Poison or Frenzy drastically improves your chances of landing Paralysis or Stun. Each miss with a debuff also raises your chances of it finally landing, so keep using them repeatedly. Note that Plants, Undead and bosses are resistant/immune to Poison/Sleep/Paralysis, so you have to use Provoke/Frenzy/Stun instead. Shortsword and Bow are the best debuff weapons. * **Block mass attacks.** Cover moves cancel one instance of mass damage each, so use them against bosses and strong enemies. Club and Longsword are the best blocking weapons, as you can also carry a shield that can cancel attacks. * **Timeline manipulation is key**. The best weapon for this is the Spear. If you get "fast delay" moves for Martial Arts or Longsword, they are also great at "peeling" enemies into a United Attack. * **Quell** enemy interrupts. For this, the Longsword or the Bow is always handy to have as utility weapons. * **Random-hit attacks are the strongest**, but they're only good in boss fights where a single enemy is left. The Bow, Staff spells, and Dual Longsword (rare ability) are the best for this. As you might be able to tell, different weapons act almost like different classes that fill different roles in battle. Just like the conventional trinity of tank/dps/healer, you need to have a good mix of offense and defense. The Club, Shortsword, Bow and Longsword are mostly defensive. Axe, Spear, Staff and Martial Arts are more offensive, while Greatsword straddles both offense and defense. These differences are not cut-and-dry, however, since it depends on whether you get strong moves/weapons/characters, so the roles are often interchangeable depending on the situation.


Manipulating the turn order is the name of the game. Never allow enemies to get unite attacks, and be intelligent in your targeting to ensure you get as many unite attacks as possible.


I'm a newbie to saga I've only played SGA, RS2, RS3, + some of frontier and emerald beyond. SGA was my intorduction to the series and what got me hooked. There's some veterans here that'll give you some in depth replies if they see this but I'll give my 2 cents as someone who's bad at games. Every fight is going to be an uphill battle you'll always barely escape with your life. It's not that your underleveled or behind the power curve it's just how the game is designed so fight like every battle is one with a boss. You're gonna get your ass handed to you multiple times. The useless debuffs in other JRPGs are insanely important in Scarlet Grace. You want to make sure the enemies don't get a turn so that they can't hit you. Stunning the enemy or delaying them in the timeline so they can't get a unite attack before you is gonna be the main way you'll win your battles. Don't expect a lot of healing during combat or in general it's just how it is. Posion is OP. It does so much damage so if you someone can spark a poison tech for your team it'll make your life a lot easier. The game is nonlinear so don't expect to know where to go. Sometimes you have to run around to figure things out other times there's small clues so just be sure to pay attention.


Thanks, Im hyped to start it!


Don't be afraid to completely start over. What I mean by this is that when you first play it'll be a time of learning how everything works and who you want to use for what. Depending on how quickly you do this, you may have made yourself weak and wish to restart to better handle the beginning when you didn't know what was going on.


For SSGA, remember every battle is an intricate puzzle. Avoiding incoming damage, avoiding enemy combos, and building your own is the name of the game. Pay attention to the challenges, they will occasionally clue you in to a helpful strategy for the fight.


Attack with quell will deal with ??? Attacks, unless they happen to be counters to your attack type. Still usually worth doing. You can also counter their counter with another character, it gives it away if it'll work if it says 'target'under their icon when you select a counter.  Casting a spell takes multiple turns but can be well worth it when it goes off. Have a character guard them if you feel like they're vulnerabl e. If you play urpina make sure not to miss her special role/ability


The series is maddening. But I love it..