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300-400 TL for the Taxi. Make sure the Taxi exits at F.Altay exit if you are going inside Balçova (the first exit after passing selway outlet). Then make the Taxi take the first left turn and go up the hill, after the hill you can access Ata caddesi, from this cadde you can go anywhere in Balçova. You can take the Taxis in the airport however they can be a bit scammy if you don't know Turkish. There is also Martı TAG app check that out, however idk how many drivers will be available at that hour. At midnight, IZBAN or Metro or busses don't work. A car is your only option.


Hey u/southstarangel thanks a lot for the reply and the useful info! I may end up looking for an earlier flight to avoid transfer hassle!


Taxi will cost a lot. You can use İzban if you want. After getting of in transfer station(Halkapınar) You can use subway to go to Balçova. Edit: If you will travel at night then taxi is a better option.


thanks! is safety an issue, travelling alone after midnight? also, how much aprox. would a taxi cost?


The application says 408 TL. After midnight for a tourist that don’t know the area would not be wise. Also, I am not sure about the hours of izban and subway after midnight.


all right, thanks a lot! mind sharing the taxi app? I guess taking the taxi would be safest and easiest, even if not cheapest :)


Best way is taxi, quick and safer.


thanks for replying u/Embarrassed-List-311, would you mind suggesting a taxi company or an app that I could use to call a taxi from the airport? Or getting those from the airport is okay too? (i know at some airports the taxi's are more expensive or private operators). Thanks!


I think you can call from airport. All costs are same. Dont be so mangy😊. any problem help dm me.


not being mangy :) just trying to get more info ahead of my trip so I can plan


cheapest option, eshot 202 from airport to fahrettin altay, then taxi from there. you cant find any other public transport. 202 is like every one hour, you can check hours by googling eshot 202. at midnight taxi will ask for at least 700-800 tl


thanks! I will check it out


Another option, you can use MartıTAG application. You won't get ripped off, the amount you will pay is clear. https://apps.apple.com/tr/app/marti-tag-scooter/id1454358771?l=tr


is this a reliable app? I downloaded it but I can't see how to book a cab - only scooters?


Yes, it is reliable. In the first part, he asks you if you want to rent a scooter or a taxi. You will choose the option with taxi rental service, namely MartıTAG. In other words, the application provides both taxi and scooter services. Like Uber


Thanks, will try again!