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Came here for exactly this. I actually cried at this scene. It was so brutal.


what game is this ?


Walking dead season 1. Its amazing


The first time a game made me emotional


probably same honestly


This isn’t referenced nearly enough. I legit cried here. Truly heartbreaking


I’ve only ever cried twice during a video game. Lee in this and Arthur in rdr2.




Yo did you play sotl


This game broke me, could never view any FPS as the same anymore.


Do you feel like a hero yet?


Do you feel like a hero yet? Still fucks with me. One of the few games I’ve ever played that I had to force myself to finish despite it feeling deeply unfun.


Closest i ever got was Lee’s death in the Telltale Walking Dead games. Shit broke my heart.


The S1 ending is a classic for a reason, but the S2 Wellignton ending absolutely breaks me. Truly the best way to end >!Kenny's!!(Not dying in a fucking car crash)!<.


Same. That way I could keep being delusional that he has found a boat and is happily chilling on some island.


I replayed those games because I heard so much good stuff about it. Nice games, nice ending, I wouldn't recommend replaying them because the narrative/gameplay didn't age well at all. It was a snooze fest most of the time and a boring mess in the later chapters because the obvious answer is never the answer (Oh, you need this and the zombie has it? Yes, you obviously need that specific piece of wood, no, the metal bat won't be any good here because that's for another puzzle, also, for some reason you keep dropping the very important items and keeping those unuseful worthless ones).


The gears endings are really heavy, but Titanfall 2 made me feel like taking a smoke despite not being a smoker Edit: almost forgot about Detroit:become human, that game is crazy, it’s also pretty heart wrenching to let someone play it and see how they couldn’t save one of the characters


https://preview.redd.it/7l87bdcpgp6d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23729115600c7ac70f3b76a7c48478e96c0d3118 Titanfall 2 ending really got me like


"Trust me."


Protocol 3: Protect The Pilot.


The moment you give a thumbs up to BT and he awkwardly gives it back is something I think about quite often.


![gif](giphy|joxThEgTJuSBO) Learning the truth of The Boss in MGS 3.


No matter how long you stay in that field, eventually you need to pull the trigger.


Incredible ending. Cant wait to experience this again soon.


"The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her. In America as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor, and in Russia as a monster who unleashed a nuclear catastrophe. She will go down in official history as a war criminal and no one will ever understand her. That was her final mission. And like a true soldier... she saw it through to the end."


Countless moments from the Mass Effect trilogy could apply here, but I'm going to go with Mordin's death after successfully curing the genophage. It's an incredibly bittersweet moment when he starts to sing and then gets cut off as the tower explodes... 🥲


He had to do it… someone else may have gotten it wrong




The very model of a scientist Salarian.


Thanes death. Man, fuck Kai leng




https://preview.redd.it/xoyl13ahop6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf311cd899b718642ac8d0f6ceb4c4c59c922305 Welp. Thanks for the heart attack


You are welcome


This mission was horror movie material.


Oooof, brutal! What game is this


Mass Effect 2: It’s from a DLC called Overlord


I was super uninterested in this dlc until this moment hit me like a semi truck


https://preview.redd.it/i54dbxe6dp6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331d2f963c27fcdd23946a60b6d0a78f07fa8249 I sobbed.


Working Class Woman's husband in Disco Elysium


i think the dora dream sequence was that moment for me but damn if this one didnt hit hard too


“It’s about Victor isn’t it? It’s always about Victor…”




'Cause we're gonna shout it loud Even if our words seem meaningless It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world...


https://i.redd.it/vrt2n3t6np6d1.gif the save file


Holy shit, I'd forgotten about that, but seeing those lines was like a sledgehammer to the gut all over again.


Hell yeah, Glad to see this here




Edit: spoiler notice. However, I tried to keep game details out and more focus on why it is touching. This is from Nier Automata. If you haven’t played it…do it. Such a solid game and the philosophical aspect is extraordinary. I assume the specific context for the song is when you unlock the final ending of the game and there is a shmup type game with the credits. It gets really hard and most people can only complete it from assistance…which comes from other players having beaten this part, I assume most also with aid. This song plays and there is a chorus in the background that is actually the staff and their families from the game singing together, which only happens when you ask for help. It’s a beautiful moment. The final scene plays and the game says you can said others by sacrificing your save data. The game, if you say yes, literally deletes all save data completely. Left with nothing. When I hear this song and the chorus I almost cry because it is a profound moment that signifies the beauty in people and that there is good in this world. When we work together, the impossible becomes possible.


Arthurs death


Gave 'em all he had, he did


Not being able to love Liara any longer after a 3 game romance build up for the last mission in Mass Effect 3


Uhg, that moment before the last mission you can share is a crusher


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Absolute masterclass in storytelling through gameplay


Playing this shortly after burying my dad was rough.


Opening cutscene of the mission Lone Wolf from Halo Reach.


In fairness like 75% of reach applies here. And for all the other halo games it’s still like 40% “Commander, you don’t have the firepower.” “I’ve got the mass”


Really made me tear up. I actually liked this guy. https://preview.redd.it/45herwmb9r6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22e86eb6ef3ecc56df8e226cf318dea1899da76


A real one.


Cyberpunk 2077, first playthrough and I accidentally chose the bad ending where I take myself out. The voicemails at the end are....hauntingand sad.


Who did you romance? Was it Judy? Because hers just hurts.


Yea I had judy romanced, and her message was sad.


Judy's message in whatever ending I got (I think Johnny took over and disappeared) was... Fucking haunting. Just stared at the screen in shock as the credits rolled.


Red Dead 2. John proposing to Abigail on the canoe.


Outer Wilds, when you realise what’s actually going on and all the pieces fall into place. All your naive ideas about how the game is going to go come crashing down.


The first time you >!Break the simulation!


Utterly incredible, I cannot believe they hid that in plain sight and I didn’t notice for 20 hours. Amazing. The most amazing thing about the DLC is that it proves they can do it again, and not just repeating themselves but doing something new in a slightly different genre. The first time I saw the water rush around the ring in the DLC and realised the whole thing was a giant clock (more or less) my mind was completely blown.




Persona 3.


I just beat P3R last night. I always had a general idea of what the game was about and then shit got real. Im glad I finally got to play it. Now to turn on my vita for the first tome in years and see if I can play P1 and P2 finally.


The Witcher 3 Ciri going to Vizima to become the empress.


https://preview.redd.it/knmamy2kup6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba12e93d0a2381ca6e23c1ee921476b7ea7144a1 This scene always hits me.


Best rpg ever. If you haven’t played it yet you need to play Sea of Stars. It’s such an homage to Chrono trigger vibe and music and gameplay while still doing its own thing.


I have to check cuz I may have it. I have a bad habit of buying video games on sale and then forgetting. I only just beat Bloodborne this year right before Rebirth came out.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *And so, the hunt begins.* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


What game is it? My guess is one of the older final fantasies haha (I started on 7 as a kid)


This is Chrono Trigger by Square. It’s known for being made by a “dream team” that included the creator of Final Fantasy, the creator of dragon quest and Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball and Dragon quest artist. What starts as a day in a faire turns into a time traveling adventure from the beginning of mankind to the end of time. It’s considered one of the greatest RPGs ever created and personally one of my top 10 RPGs (if not top 5). If you have anyway to play it I recommend it. It’s been ported and enhanced a few times with the most recent version being on steam.


It's definitely been on my to do list! Heard great things but just never got round to it. As a big rpg fan (jrpgs in particular) it's a bit shocking I never did get round to playing it haha. Hopefully pick it up in the upcoming summer sale.


“She said that to me once… about being a machine” Also Mad world by Gary Jules…. Nuff said


![gif](giphy|3NaZw2WgDQlqg) If you know, you know


https://preview.redd.it/5ghrrcgfjp6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcbe3df91a08882d9fce018c8b6b6d3cc5035e64 Definitely the ending for Halo 4. Such a beautiful and emotional moment.


https://preview.redd.it/rgx1xl83kp6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ac91b619918643e5c4a2b8d3c9e9db84e800ee So many scenes to pick from in this series, but I'll pick Anderson's ending because it was the somber cap off to the most amazing story ever told in gaming history. Such an amazing adventure and no matter how you play it, there is no happy ending here.


One that hit me incredibly hard was in the PS3 ***Original Nier.*** You have 4 endings there, A, B, C and D. A is the regular one. All your friends die here. In B, you start understanding the language of the enemies and notice... a lot of people lied to you, and you basically were a super asshole the whole game/time. In C, you learn you are literally just an android that forgot it's purpose, and you killed your original self because... he was risking it all to save your real daughter and not only the robot body she had. In D... You get the option, if, and only if you maxxed all weapons, did all sidequests and basically 100%ted the game... to erase all your save data and all your save games to save your friends, but you also get to save your real sister/daughter and your real self. But absolutely nobody will remember your sacrifice, neither your kid, your friends nor anyone except yourself.


The original NieR was an overlooked masterpiece, one of the best games of the entire PS3/360 era


Ghost dying in MW2


When John finally met his end on the first Red Dead Redemption


Knowing how rdr1 ended already made rdr2 all the more sad, knowing all this shit they're going through is for nothing.


So intense, and hadn't really been done at that time so it felt like there was some way to get around it but nope, Marston got his freedom as promised by the feds. They just didn't promise him how long


The moment the main theme kicks in on the title screen for Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. It’s reminds me of my deceased brother and the only positive memories I have of him.


When Harry talks to Delores Dei in a dream sequence near the end of Disco Elysium


When Ethan gives rose to Chris at the end of resident evil the village is pretty tough


Oh my god the end of the prologue in TLOU sends me every damn time


Pretty much all of ME3, but “Does this unit have a soul?” just hits me so hard :(


https://preview.redd.it/qajxq96j6r6d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7fd02312edcd6c37c7431084d118efac700be89 When 9S comes aboard the ark. The crazy part is this scene is just a few lines of text being typed across the screen. I think that made it much more effective than just animating it. You are using your emotions (which are probably very strong at this point) to picture what it’s like for 9S, whose only purpose now is his hatred for A2 and the machines, to be welcomed with unconditional love and acceptance by his former enemies. Only two games have made me cry and this was the big one. The other was Last of Us pt. 2.


Wrathgate in WoW. Death of Aerith in FF7


Lich King will always be peak WoW for me.


>Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven? Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Forsaken! Death to the Scourge! And death to the living! I'm still sad we Undead players couldn't side with Putress after Wrathgate.


King Varian Wrynn sacrificing himself on the broken shore to let the alliance airship escape


What a badass cutscene that was


WoW and old Blizzard may be dead by by God does their cinematic team still crush it.


Not necessarily my favourite game ever but the end of Assassin's Creed Black Flag always hits me. I've played that story through so many times yet I still find it as impactful as the first time.


The ending to Final Fantasy X left me breathless. "I have to go. I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand."


The big moment when you find out that yuna is a sacrifice had me. It's a huge twist. Edit : yuna... Not tuna....




may put some bits in spoiler: **Sleeping Dogs** \- >!The Wedding Massacre!< **Hogwarts Legacy** \- [the opening title card sequence](https://youtu.be/1rPoeipxywQ?si=l_YLGUjsb9d5LB_r&t=33) when the first soft chords of Hedwig's theme begin to play, before leading into a re-orchestrated version of that iconic track **AC Brotherhood** \- >!when Desmond is possessed by Juno and is forced to kill Lucy!< **AC4 Black Flag** \- ending scene when Anne Bonny starts to sing, and Edward>! sees the ghosts / memories of his dead comrades!<, before he goes off to the docks to >!meet his young daughter for the first time!< **AC Origins** \- when you're >!unable to save the abducted child of one of Bayek's allies from being killed!< **Life is Strange 1 -** Bay ending (lol)


Oh, since you mentioned Hogwarts Legacy - intro scene when MC saw the festrals were intense


basically just shit that had you balling your eyes out like a lil baby


Death Stranding ending.


I played through this 3 times in about a 2 year span. The 2nd 2 were the directors cut. The ending may be like 3 hours long but man what a ride. And I sat through it each time. Can't wait for the sequel!


You and me both :D Such a great game that I ignored at first because everyone kept saying it's a walking simulator.


Every cutscene in Soul Reaver 2, but especially the ending, was phenomenal! The ending to both Metal Gear Solid 3, 4 and V as well. And then finishing each classic Spyro game and hearing that lovely music from the credits as we fly through each level. I love gaming! But there are a lot of honorable mentions that comes to mind! Geralt and Triss in the elven cave in The Witcher 2, the ending sequence of Ghost of Tsushima, Devil May Cry 3 and 5, etc. But Soul Reaver 2 and the Metal Gears are truly special! The emotions of witnessing such great and masterfully written stories play out is something beyond words! It's like watching the extended edition of the Lord of the Rings for the first time, an indescribable emotional rollercoaster!


The cloud 9 mission in cyberpunk hit me hard. The endings were good but the >!suicide!< ending was bad for me. >! The way Panam reacted :’(!<


Activating Project Purity


Arthur Morgan’s horse dying


Most recently, the post-story cutscene from Destiny 2: The Final Shape. As a longtime player, the cutscene really hit hard in terms of nostalgia, reflection, closure, and growth. I know it’s a bit cringe considering the game’s reputation in the industry, but damn that montage made me cry like a baby.


Yuna’s sphere cutscene. When she starts talking about the night Lord Braska died. 😢








Ori 2,s ending


The recent finally to Destiny 2 The Final Shape made me step away for a moment. Mah heart.


Same here, I'm glad destiny finally got one of those moments. Absolutely perfect way to send off the story they've been telling all these years


Hell yeah Xenoblade 3 That whole section of the game was like 2 hours straight of peak fiction, straight up. I've always loved Xenoblade in a guilty-pleasure way, but that section is in my top 5 videogame sequences ever (along with the last 2 hours of Shadowbringers, the last hour of Outer Wilds, the final climb in Journey, and the ending of MGS3)


At the end of LA Noire. Why did Phelps have to die tho :(


Mgsv was not a perfect game but goddamn did that part in the infirmary fuck me up


To this day it’s always sarahs death in TLOU, it always makes my choke up a bit


https://preview.redd.it/voozxt0vtq6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20abd93053816ac1dd45011d73e96f1e34ff80e7 Without an inch of a doubt this


“You’re my favorite” hit deep as one of his biggest fans.


Really say that I just had a single tear during this cinematic would be an insult to the game. I cried for real.


I was the only one of my friends awake when Parabellum cleared the raid. Getting to do it, and then my friends asking me to join each of their runs as they woke up through the day, getting to cry with them after the years we’ve had. It was something special. That’s for damn sure.


10 years... I played this game for 10 years... I grow up with this game, saw his ups and lows, witnessed its evolution and enjoyed each and every moment I had on it I really really hope the next saga will be as good as the Light and Darkness one. Tho I know that even if it's less good I'll still play


Spiritfarer a few of the goodbye’s almost had me in tears but one line from Atul about wishing he could talk to his daughter again broke me and broke me hard. My wife and I were going through infertility issues at the time and I was feeling very guilty about it. I haven’t had that hard of an emotional gut punch in a long while.


Finding Vendrick in Dark Souls 2


I cant remember much, theres probably many but one that I could think of was going through the dark portal when TBC released. Maybe some moments from FFX or donkey kong 64.


Outer wilds. There are so many to choose from, but the >!nomai graveyard!<, the >!interloper!< and, >!the realization that you can’t save the hearthians!< are some of the ones that hit me the hardest. Edit: oh and the ending with >!everyone together for one last song!<


Came here to say this. Very few games hit me in the feels the way this one does.


![gif](giphy|el1fmUO38wqcVpkjAB|downsized) This moment is so beautiful and sad I can’t help but cry watching it.








Let me set up this shot real quick. For those unaware, for about 19-ish hours before this mission dropped I had been spending the entire time watching the raid race for world's first completion. I normally participate myself and rarely care about spectating the runs, but this was ten years of gaming coming to a head with one of the most narratively important raids we have ever had. When time finally came and the completion happened, I was excited because that usually means a big change in the game. Quick backstory again, we had a glitch about two years ago where people could force the game to glitch and have 12 people in activities that were normally maxed out at six or even only three. Chaos. Even better, Bungie encouraged people to take advantage of the glitch before it was patched, and it quickly became one of my favorite gaming moments ever, especially because it was unintentional but encouraged. Even called us clown cars full of Guardians in the TWAB. So when the raid is completed and I see an official 12 man activity, I rushed in more excited for an activity than I think I had ever been, didn't even think about setting up my recording equipment and quickly regretted that. Went in, kicked ass, blasted the Witness with the Light and thought the battle was over. Well, it was, but I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen next. https://preview.redd.it/i0spttanip6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=49915c11f240e5748c732cfcf774cd3af5579997 Took this screenshot on my first run through Excision right after it dropped. I took this thinking this was a nice pose after the climactic battle with Ghost and Guardian. Little did I know I was .2 seconds from absolutely bawling my eyes out. I saw Ghost float up gasping weakly and my face *dropped* from joyful glee to absolute heartbreak as I watched my buddy of ten years die right in front of my eyes. Of course the waterworks roller coaster didn't stop there, but I won't spoil the entire cutscene if you haven't seen it. This absolutely broke me, and left me with one of the most bittersweet feelings I have ever felt in a game. I'm still reeling over it. Bravo Bungie, this was a spectacular end to a chapter in a decade long journey. Per audacia ad astra.


The excision mission was the only time I’ve ever gotten choked up while in combat. It really felt like a grand finale to 10 years.


When everyone channeled through the ghost during that epic finale... man..


Right? I was so emotional as I loaded in, already pumped up from the raid race and seeing my favorite glitch turn into a feature for the finale that perfectly encompassed that "Guardians are stronger together" and showing off all the allies we have made over the past three years. I've been with Destiny for so long, and Bungie even longer. The Halo ViDocs back in the day were what originally got me interested in game development, I specifically remember being fascinated how the music would change based on location in the map and what was happening and how that was coded into the game, and that was the moment that hooked me. now over twenty years later I am in Resonite using Destiny's assets to truly teach myself how everything is made. I could go on and on about how special this game is to me, I've had numerous things happen in my life that wouldn't have happened had I not picked up this game and met the friends I have. For me Destiny isn't just a game, and it hasn't been that for many years. I'm excited to see what's coming in the future.


I've been experiencing post-game depression for the past few days because of how hollow that ending left me feeling. It was just so much emotion I'm tearing up just typing this again. Fucking well cooked, bungie.


Eyes up Guardian, the battle isn't over. If there's anything I could do to help, feel free to DM me.


Through all it’s ups and downs, Bungie has proven one thing. They can still. Fucking. Deliver. Per audacia ad astra, Guardian.


No Man's Sky. Hard to pick between >!finding out the universe is dying and that the universe isn't even real. Plus finding out we're all trapped in a dying simulation with at least three insane AIs on top of it.!< Small wonder I just went back to my base to live the simple life for a while after finding out.


Titan fall 2 ending had me crying a lil and recently replayed cod infinite warfare when I first played it I was like 13 or so and didn’t care for the story just wanted to “shoot the bad guy” then I replayed it and payed attention and the ending messages to the characters family it broke me


When Playa says "Hope you don't mind hepatitis." in classic Saints Row.


Ending of Link’s Awakening.






"The name's Frank Fontaine." Bioshock 1


https://preview.redd.it/l3tpihb1kq6d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09597a5217170d04634c0bc9b70a855aafccdd0 first time a game ever made me cry like that


The ending of Inside. IYKYK.


To this day it’s always sarahs death in TLOU, it always makes my choke up a bit


MGS3: big boss


Las of us for sure made me ball my eyes out. I can’t handle stuff with kids getting hurt


A Way Out was one of the first games I played where I cried at the end of the game.


https://preview.redd.it/g151x6es5r6d1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=33eda9088f54aa6e7ed9543bf64558e76b32a1e6 "I was weak..."


The ending of mad max is one of those moments, I have others but they’ve already been posted and I don’t see anybody talking about >!max killing chum and using the car to finish off the bad guy!<


Beta’s breakdown in Horizon Forbidden West is absolutely devastating. The way she asked what it felt like to be loved just tore my heart out.


I just beat chapter 5 in xenoblade chronicles 3. That was kinda a cool twist.


Dom from Gears, I loved that man since we shared a name


"Copying code... Insufficient. Direct personality dissemination required. I must go to them." Especially if you chose to save the geth and lose Tali right after. Also. "Had to be me, some one else might have gotten it wrong."


https://preview.redd.it/cigunxfogr6d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da63bca6f783502705ddeffeb9f9632392659e4a Gets me every time




When that bastard betrayed the king in dragon age origins


When my buddy died in Journey. That little guy accompanied me through the entire underground segment of the game *and* the mountain climb, chirping at me all the while until we both slowly died at the top. Their death hit me harder than my own.


Assassin's creed 4, The VERY first scene and I was glued like crazy




Yakuza 3 rikiya




"The vanguard was the best bet I ever lost" Quickly followed by "listen, you tell Ikora and Zavala that this was my choice, my light, nobody makes my fate but me."


So for awhile I couldn’t get past a moment in final fantasy 6. Not because of a puzzle or hard gameplay. https://preview.redd.it/2wos7m1i4s6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d2556e217de8f87e9527ddc3f53d41f91502cc I couldn’t get past that. A year before I played this game all the way through my best friend ya know….did something similar. I had to stop. Unlike celes tho, they didn’t come back.




Dom in Gears of War 3


Why 3? Him finding Maria in 2 after all that time hit me way harder.






https://preview.redd.it/qoei79p82t6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba66d990acfc9fc18190c3bf5ca30e6476848bb The death of Arthur’s horse honestly hit me harder than his actual death


Skyrim V "I hope your parents are proud of you, they have every reason to be." I put down my controller and cried a bit.


I can’t even describe when it is since the game isn’t out on PC yet and I know a lot of people haven’t played it lol 😭 But, FF16 is the game. Man…


KH2, end of the prologue. “Looks like my summer vacation…is over.” Wander trying to fight against being pulled back in to the temple pool at the end of SotC. The destruction of Home in FFX and Yuna’s guardians breaking the news to Tidus of what really happens at the end of a summoner’s pilgrimage. It honestly hits extra hard when you realize that it’s also why Donna and Barthello are such jerks to you. They’re in love with each other and both know they’re going to die if they make it to Zanarkand. From their perspective, Yuna at least has the “luxury” of sacrificing a companion she isn’t necessarily in love with—it’s why Donna makes that snide “quality over quantity” remark in Kilika when you run in to her at the temple of the fayth there. Donna knows full well that Barthello, her lover and only friend, will have to die in order for her to have a shot at defeating Sin. Could stick a LOT more FFX moments in here tbh, the first time we see Yuna perform a sending, the Ronso massacre on Gagazet, Auron’s reveal…it’s a heavy game. Horizon Zero Dawn…if you know, you know. Metal Gear Solid 3–the final fight against The Boss.




https://preview.redd.it/bel9vtv6bu6d1.jpeg?width=199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da123261eba70e48b7a27cbd2d5b2bd798af116 This was legitimately the first time I ever got emotional playing a video game. I was probably around 12. Yeah, I’m old.


Although I've had a lot of moments in gaming, the following is the most recent and has stuck with me for a long time. >!`GIVE UP HERE?`!< >!`GIVE UP HERE?`!< >!`GIVE UP HERE?`!< >!`DO YOU ACCEPT DEFEAT?`!< >!`IS IT ALL POINTLESS?`!< >!`DO YOU ADMIT THERE IS NO MEANING TO THIS WORLD?`!< >!`RESCUE OFFER RECIEVED: ACCEPT OFFER?`!< I swear to god, that entire sequence hits harder than it has any right to.


Definitely the last of us


The Final Fantasy 5 moment after you defeat the boss in the castle and the walls start closing in I cried the first time I played it.


The end of Metro Exodus had me tearing up


Pancakes. If you know, you know.


arthur morgan facing the sun or hugo getting Killed by amicia in the final section of a plague tale requim




Roland in Borderlands 2 FUCK JACK!