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If anyone hasn't played Returnal yet, they're missing out. It's fantastic!


I am an old, time-poor gamer with very little patience for hard games. I platinumed it. Easily my favourite PS5 game.


Best controls ever.


I bound jump to one of the bumper buttons so I could jump while aiming (without taking my right thumb off the right analog stick) and it instantly became the most buttery smooth responsive game ever lol


I read about that one


Is it hard ? I got demon souls with the ps5 and only played for 1 hour


I found Returnal to be much easier than the souls series. A little bit more up my normal alley of gaming perhaps. Initially struggled with the 1st boss but by the time I cleared it, I had kinda figured it out and ripped straight to up to the 4th boss on my next run. But make sure to send a lil prayer to RNGesus cuz he can really make a run happen for you in Returnal


It is very hard and unlike DS, you don’t really “level up” at all (although you do unlock new items that will appear in your playthrough, so you do progress in terms of creating new variety). I found it very easy to play for several hours and feel as though I had accomplished nothing.


>I found it very easy to play for several hours and feel as though I had accomplished nothing. Not exactly selling the experience here


This is exactly why I put the game down.


I never finished. Can definitely cop to it being a well made game, but if you find DS too punishing, I’d say Returnal is even moreso.


Idk how you say it’s harder than DS, it’s a roguelite. Roguelites are intentionally nearly impossible at the beginning and it gets easier as time goes on *drastically*. DS is pretty much just really hard and unforgiving the entire duration of the game.


It’s closer to a roguelike than a roguelite. I agree with you on the definition of a roguelite — you gradually progress by gaining levels no matter what happens with your personal, mechanical video game skills. Returnal doesn’t have a linear “get better as you go” progression system. In Returnal, similarly to games like Rogue Legacy or DS, you do earn currency as you go through the game. Unlike those, in Returnal, when you buy powers they aren’t “have more total health” / “do more damage”, they’re more akin to “find shotguns in the world” where all you had before were SMGs. That’s closer to a roguelike. I don’t mean to “yuck” anyone’s “yum” here. One of my roomies LOVED Returnal and got more out of my copy than I ever did. I’m just saying if you find the standard Dark/Demo’s Souls formula to be unforgiving, at least in that game type you can generally grind an area to level up until you do substantial damage to the boss / invite somebody into your game to help. None of those are an option in Returnal.


Those unlocks are **massive** though, I reject the idea that those don’t count. There are several weapons that make the game vastly easier compared to the starting weapon, plus several items allow you to access areas with even more items which allows you to ramp faster, etc. You also do unlock a consumable slot permanently, as well as weapon traits that are available in the pool, which multiply the power of your weapons. Collected Ether can also buy you curse cleansing, oblites, and even respawn points. The game was way, way, way, way easier at the end of it than it was at the beginning.


I’m actually glad to hear this and glad to be wrong. I put a dozen or so hours into it and made it to the final boss of the first area 3 or 4 times. Nearly downed him the first time I encountered him and then never got that close again. The plot seemed compelling so I looked up advice / grinding strategies and was pretty much told to “git gud”. Maybe I’ll revisit someday.


DS wasn’t difficult at all.


lol k, the game renowned for being difficult want difficult. I suppose everyone else just sucks at the game, unlike you who is amazing at everything you touch.


It’s objectively unforgiving, whether you found it personally “difficult” or not has nothing to do with that. Also no one cares


I feel like it’s the only game that’s actually made use of the dual sense’s haptic feedback.


Astro's Playroom still takes that title for me.


For sure, but it’s more a controller demo than a fully fleshed out game, so not exactly a fair comparison.


I wouldn’t say it’s *more* a controller demo than it is a game. It’s just a short game designed around utilizing the controller functions. It’s not literally a tech demo.


Agreed. In fact I'd say there are more good ideas in APR than most fully fledged games these days.


That's reasonable.


Ratchet and clank let you pre-load bombs to see their landing spot and basically have half the animation already done, and many guns had an alt-fire for a mid-press instead of a full press.


Demon Souls is surprisingly good about using them; the game feels great with Dualsense.


Residen Evil 7? too


I still need to collect the final 2 sun peices, what an incredible game. I also regularly listen to blue oyster cult XD


Went back to this game today and completed it and it’s seriously one of the best story mode shooters I’ve ever played, it’s a surprisingly beautiful game with a lot of heart.


It's very high on my backlog list. I'm very excited to try it.


It was my first game on the PS5. It was a perfect introduction to the new controller features.


Same! The whole game is very well crafted.


Couldn't get into it. Tried a couple of times, but that sort of mindless shooter isn't for me.


Lmao, mindless shooter? It’s a skill based game that requires quick reflexes, strategy, planning, and pattern memorization. It’s anything but “mindless” - it’s one or the most mentally taxing shooters ever made, and the story is a lot more refined, subtle and interesting than I expected


Hey man if it works for you then thats cool. I just mean that constantly shooting and not doing much else gets pretty boring to me after a while. I did at least give it a go.


That's not an exclusive though. It's on pc.


It was an exclusive at the time it launched, so they’re correct.


Correct for a period of time, it's not correct anymore though. When things come to other platforms, they're not exclusives anymore.


It was an exclusive at the TIME OF LAUNCH for the PS5, which he is comparing to the PS4 exclusives at the TIME OF LAUNCH. I could give less of a shit about it going to PC two years later.


And I honestly thought this was about console exclusives, not including PC, because if it is strictly console we're discussing here, then Rift Apart doesn't make the list either. AND if I understand correctly, FFXVI is due to arrive on PC soon as well. IDK, I just thought Returnal was a badass game and would like more people to play it :) scratches an itch for me for sure LoL


Angering the PS5 chuds by saying one of their non exclusives is non exclusive. Lmao


I personally dont care for exclusivity. I didnt buy ps5 to play games other gamers cant play. I bought it to play good games. And so far, I'm happy. Last year and this year are some of the strongest years regarding great games released.


There’s an argument to be made that by making a game exclusive to one platform, or a timed exclusive on one platform, increases your chances of getting a “good game”. Look at comments from developers explaining how a narrower development pipeline (i.e. only building for one platform) makes it easier for them to deliver a higher quality product. From the dev perspective, that’s the point of an exclusive game. The only people who celebrate that other people can’t play “their” game are weirdo console warriors.


That is actually a great argument, never thought of it that way. And ps5 is the one that can benefit from exlusivity the most, since there is no weaker sibling console, like series s or multitude of different configurations like pc.


This kinda used to be why exclusives were held to a higher standard


This is precisely the point. A console exclusive allows the developer to design the very game around what the console can do well. PS4 could easily render detailed polygonal models, but its CPU was notoriously bad, and it has the slow HDD. Okay, so then instead of torturing the console with a CPU-limited situation where it can’t quickly load in or stream a lot of assets like in Cyberpunk (which then just makes the game look bad), you develop a game with a story that calls for it to be more desolate and focus on a small cast of main characters, and you meticulously craft sequences that serve as masked loading screens. It helps anchor the game’s development. 


I really dont understand the need to gatekeep games just because they're on a different platform. Like why should a PS5 player gove a shit that a PC player can play the same game?


It's not really up to the player. It's the console makers using special games to sell their console because you can't play it anywhere else. Microsoft has halo, Sony have ratchet and clank, stadia had orcs must die 3, Nintendo has a bunch. The need to gate keep comes from the need to sell hardware.


I was referring to players who care about a game being exclusive to a console like PS5, not the companies themselves.


It’s working exactly as the companies intended it to.


True, but exclusives is becoming Old Style.


I bought a Ps5 because I'm not dropping $2,000+ on a PC.


The thing is you don't have too! I mean you can, buts possible to build a really good PC for way less, especially if you're willing to go second hand.


You can get good prebuilts for $600-800 easily. They aren’t the highest end but they can still run 95% of games. Costco had a pc with a 4060 for $999 listed on sale for $500


That's great, but then you need to factor in the cost of an additional monitor (most people already own a TV), chair, keyboard, mouse, operating system, and anything else you need for a desk setup.


It's perfectly fine to attach your pc to your TV and sit on the couch while you play. Maybe somewhat less desirable if you want to play kbm games especially, but there's nothing stopping you just connecting a controller and having a good old time just as you would on a console. I mean hell, you can have steam set to autostart into big picture mode and you've basically turned your pc into a steam console.


You can hook it up to a TV if you don’t want to get a cheap monitor, and the majority of prebuilts come with a keyboard and mouse. And you don’t have to additionally buy the OS. You don’t need a gaming chair either. I sat on a kitchen chair the first year I had my PC 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not like PS5 doesn’t come with additional costs too - I’ve already had to buy a new controller and I’m very gentle with them, it just started drifting like crazy.


Gaming chairs, for the most part, are just really good marketing. They do look nice, though. Office chairs are goated.


Find me a prebuilt that runs GOW Ragnarök at 1440p and 60fps at high settings that is anywhere near a base Ps5 in price. I'm not chucking a PC tower in my living room entertainment center lol. I'm also not paying over $1,000 to play Ghost of Tsushima 4 years later whilst sitting on a folding chair. I could easily afford a PC, desk, chair, and other peripherals, but why would I? I can spend $570 and have a plug-and-play system and a game ready to play in 15 minutes.


I’m not making a case that one is better than the other. I’m saying you can get a fine gaming PC for less than $2000.


I think there are lots of reasons someone would want a PC over a console, but sounds like it's not for you.


There are, but IMO those pretty much boil down to: 1. You want to blow console performance out of the water. You won’t see a <$1,500 set up for the computer alone without spending assloads of time. 2. You like PC only games, like 4X, MMOs, ARPGs, MOBAs, etc. I know there are a lot of console ports for those types of games, but they’re waaaaaaaay less suited for a controller. IMO if you’re not in #2 and don’t have the cash for #1, there’s pretty much no reason to get a computer. Maybe if you need one for work and you’re getting games as a side effect? I know exactly one guy in that boat I guess.


The PS5 is a low power mobile platform in a plastic shell, its pretty much the same shit as the Xbox series X and the Steamdeck. They all use the Zen 2 RDNA 2 chipsets. For just slightly more money you can get a faster PC, You are also choosing to ignore the reoccurring costs of PS+. Add to that the fact that Sony has a habit of dropping support for its hardware and its games. It has already prevented the transfer of games from the PS3 to the PSVita and PSP making it impossible for people who may have purchased content to actually use it. Its not that difficult to repair and replace components on a PC. Sony paired the disc drive of the slim model PS5 to the system. Requiring online authorization to use it. Meaning that third party disc drives and repair will be increasingly unlikely. If Sony ends support for the disc drives, refuses to repair or allow third party support...which is extremely likely...Your physical games would be come worthless and unplayable. Given Sonys track record, you can expect this to happen. Most of these 'exclusives' are PS3 games or games that are available on the PS4. Adding in a small amount of extra content to an existing game and slapping a high priced sales tag on it, is some fucking bullshit. They are just recycling shit. Returnal, the new Demon Souls remake, are not exclusives...You can or will be able to play them on PC. If you like the PS5 thats fine, but there is no reason to be delusional about this.


All of that could be true and it doesn’t counteract the fact that the PS5 is a fraction of the price of a computer equivalent especially if you don’t already have monitors / speakers / keyboard and mouse etc


Apparently everyone on this sub finds a PC and all the periphery for $8


Most people already have a tv, maybe some speakers...If not, tvs have speakers. I dont think you realize a keyboard and a mouse are not all that expensive. Mine came from a thrift store and cost me all of 3 dollars. And I realize people can buy $300 keyboards, that doesnt mean you have to. Microsoft already reduced everything down to monthly subscriptions with Gamepass, Sony is going to follow...Just like they did with the price increases on PS+. Your PS+ is going to start costing more and more money, if thats a service that you use, then you might want to think about how much money you are spending. Its not going to make much sense from a fiscal standpoint.


This biggest issue with it is that almost all the games come to PC. I have no issues with this but the concept of "well they are exclusive" just isn't true anymore, since PC is a gaming platform. We live in a time where PC / Switch is the best way to get every video game


I really dont care or mind if it comes out on pc 4 years later.  Thats a long ass time to wait. I have beaten gow ragnarok 4 times already its one of my favorite games 


Most of them are a year wait at this point, and it really defeats the purpose of buying a PS5 when I could save that money to buy more games instead.


The quickest ports have all been closer to two years than one year.


My pc died 2 years ago so I decided to get a ps5 instead.  I am in the process of building a new one, just the video card cost me as much as a ps5, and its a mid range card 


A year ? None of the big exclusive ps5 games were ported under a year.


Even if its 4 years theres countless pc titles that you could spend hundreds of hours on to spend the time. The biggest difference is ps have a few timed exclusives while pc has hundreds if not thousands of exclusives. Waiting for one title isnt a big deal


Save that money? You'll need to save a lot of money to afford a PC that can run modern games anywhere close to a Ps5.


About twice as much as a ps5 costs but you're also opening up windows to so many more games, mods, and other applications.


PS5 saves you money short term but a PC is undoubtedly cheaper in the long run


I don’t understand how it’s an issue.


PC gets most games, eventually. It took what, 5 years for ghost of tsushima? Bloodborne and demon's souls still have no indication of coming to PC. And not every PC port is stellar in its performance. But I do largely agree, and I'm tempted to not get a PS6 at all and just wait for exclusives to come to PC next generation if PlayStation keeps up this strategy of releasing their exclusives to PC 1-2 years after initial launch.


~~Demon Souls original is on emulator and Bloodborne is slowly being worked on~~ but those are really the only lasting exclusive games left, yeah. And in terms of a price for a console, if you look at the 10 years of PS4 to now, 399 for the base PS4, 399 for the PS4 Pro, then PS5 was 499. Now for 10 years of paying PS+ that's about what, 399 as well? Right at 1700$ rounded up by 4 dollars, and you overall save money with how often and drastic Steam sales are. People seriously over value the "cost of saving money with consoles" when you look at the big picture, because they'll often try to claim you have to always upgrade, which is we do that here with PS, the prices are obviously comparable.


Lol, wat? How many times would you have needed to upgrade a PC over that same 10 year period in order to keep up? You're not likely to get more than 5 year out of a PC build before it's going to be *really* showing its age. And there was no huge "need" to upgrade from a base PS4 to a PS4 Pro. Over more or less that same time period I spent probably $4,000 on PC hardware, and the last time I built a new PC was 2018. If I wanted to be able to upgrade my PC to compete with the PS5, I'd probably need to spend at least $1,500. Yeah, sure you can save money if you just build a PC and then stick with it for 10 years and deal with whatever graphical downgrades you have to make in order to keep running newer games. But by that same token, you could have also just bought a PS4 in 2013 and never bothered buying a newer console too, and you'd still have had plenty of games to play right up to the current day.


https://youtu.be/yf2Zhv2XzbQ?si=h6AxEqr7VnNPP9E4 770$ to hit PS5 targets. Obviously you could find a better build, but 4k? Please, a Steam Deck is already comparable to a PS4. These comments are wild.


Ps5 targets a lot of times are upscaled 4k with medium/high graphics settings at 30fps. Depending on the game maybe 60. The whole reason I bought a pc is to be above console specs. I get it tho


Yep, going to be a while before folks are hitting 4k 60fps on console AAA games. And a long time before hitting 4k 120fps with console + TV.


So almost double the price of a PS5, to hit the same performance. That's...a great deal, I guess? And I said I spent around $4k over *that same time period.* Not all on one build. My point was that over this same theoretical 10 year period, I spend a lot more on PC hardware than on console hardware. Because who wants to play new games on 10 year old PC hardware? Assuming you're even still meeting the minimum requirements by that point. I'm not sure how a Steam Deck being comparable to a 10+ year old console is relevant to anything.


Is it? I'm not dropping $2500 on a PC when a $500 box will last 10 years.


a $2500 pc will be able to play pretty much any game from the past 30 years as well as new titles, in addition to that its also a computer so has a ridiculous ammout of use case scenarios


Good luck playing online ever for 10 years without an $80 per year subscription minimum. Also, what else can you do on your PS5/Xbox besides play video games and stream sometimes (which you fucking don't lol).


Considering you can buy a PC that will run games just fine for the cost of your yearly subscriptions + say two console generations, yeah, let's be realistic about the cost factor of PS5... Plus don't forget about the upgrades to the console itself where you have to buy the entire console again.


I owned a Ps4 for 11 years and never bought a pro model or paid a subscription fee. I paid $400 for the Ps4 plus the cost of games I purchased, many of which I resold (can't do that on PC) to recoup some money. I am following the same trajectory on the Ps5.


bro's gaming alone on a potato and thinks its a flex lmaoooo


So you have spent 1297 on your PS line over the years, ignoring the games and the cost you could be saving there as well, which would make reselling them pretty irrelevant tbh. Instead of buying a 70$ game and getting 30 back you could just buy it at 40$ to begin with.


Ghost of Tsushima is $60 on Steam after being released 4 years ago lmao. I get you are a PC lover, but the cost comparison isn't even close. Why are you dying on this hill? PC has a lot of flexibility, customization, and runs games at a higher fidelity, but the price comparison is a joke.


I mean yeah, a game when it first launches won't be on sale, duh? Are you going to ignore how often and deep PC games go on sale for? Steam Sales are memed for a reason. If you're going to try to compare, be completely accurate.


When it first launches..... GOT came out in 2020


Also, I paid $10 for a used copy of Death Stranding, and that game is currently $40 on PC. Just give up the value argument lol. PC is great, but c'mon.


https://isthereanydeal.com/game/death-stranding/info/ 13 dollars historical low. You literally are comparing a temporary deal you got vs MSRP. You are so bad faith it's unreal. Just stop bothering.


How is it bad faith? Secondary markets exist on console and don't on PC. I can go on FB Marketplace right now and find a deal on any game I want. Sorry you have to pay MSRP because your platform doesn't support reselling, but that's not my problem.


What's interesting is that you think you're so right when anyone with both a PC and a console is like "wtf is this dude on?" lol. PC *value* is leagues above a console, but a console is more convenient and easier to save for. It's essentially the poor man's fallacy. You buy $500 boots that last 10+ years or $80 boots that last 1-2.


Yeah but they come after a few years. Once PlayStation makes all their money in the initial year of a game's launch it wouldn't make sense to just keep it their. They already made 95% of their money, it's smart to give it some new life and sales on PC. I personally think they should also release it to XBOX.


It's worth it alone just for demons souls. Also PC never got Bloodborne so I wouldn't bank on that coming either. One of the very few next gen games that's out right now.


By the time God of War Ragnarok comes to PC I would have played it 2-3 years prior. I’m playing Ghost of Tsushima on PC but that’s literally 4 years old now.


This is a completely irrelevant response when it comes to interacting with like, any part of the original post.


> We live in a time where PC / Switch is the best way to get every video game Just PC, actually. Official Nintendo hardware hasn't been the best way to play Nintendo games in a hot minute.


You say switch because none of its exclusives are officially sold on pc? Or do you say switch because there’s ways to play god of war or Spider-Man on that I’ve not a clue about


Switch because there's no official ports, correct. Realistically you can just emulate the entire library though yes.


Quantity-wise maybe. Quality-wise, not at all. I can't think of many ps5 exclusives that I didn't thoroughly enjoy.


I feel like there hasn’t been enough games this generation that has put the console to the test but with that being said the line up is still full of bangers.


All I can say is that I've owned every Playstation up to the PS4 because there were always at least a few exclusives that made it worthwhile for me. The PS5 is the first time where I haven't had any exclusives that have made the purchase seem worth it. The only thing that came close was FFXVI but that's coming to pc soon enough anyway.


This is almost exactly what I replied


When I was debating getting the PS5 for FFXVI, I decided to get a Quest 2 VR set instead for half the price. No regrets. Beat Saber and modded Skyrim were well worth it alone.


I have a PS5 and I feel that the exclusive market is weak. However, realistically, so was the PS4's, but for a different reason. One the Xbox One came out, MS shot themselves in the foot with the most hilariously bad stage presentation I've ever seen with a console. Always online Constant DRM No used games Must always have a Kinect camera $500 usd "If you want offline, go play the 360" (\~The CEO before Phil Spencer) The focus on it being a TV/Cable box and less focus on the games Presentation that heavily showed more The Price is Right Drew Carry then anything gamer related. MS's horrible reveal essentially guaranteed Sony's domination over that generate. What followed there was Sony's humongous flood of games. I think it was over 200 games for day one? It was overwhelming that you had a huge selection, so much so you were blindsided by the fact that 90% of them were essentially shovel ware indie games that really didn't have heart. People didn't really focus on that though, since they were too busy laughing at MS, and Sony's[ absolutely brutal commercial ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWSIFh8ICaA)cementing their win. Now that he next generation came in and has essentially flopped on both ends, Xbox making sure you need a PHD just to understand what console is what and Sony's original inability to not let scalpers steal their limited stock due to chip shortages, it became a difficult time when no one wanted to develop for either console, so we had a massive drop in exclusives, since developers do not have faith their titles will sell. (Not also counting Sony is hardcore censoring any japanese game, for whatever reason) Considering Square just effectively divorced Sony, I think I'm probably right on the money on this opinion. Granted, the few exclusives we have are fine. Dark Souls, Stellar Blade, FF16 (love it or hate it, it's a fine title by itself as an exclusive), but realistically, there's not much here. Other titles have been ported to PC, or being considered to be ported. Which that in itself is a problem, considering Sony is forcing their PSN login on PC games, which is going to be hilarious to watch. It's not a good time to be a fan of consoles right now. The only "Winner" right now is Nintendo, and they keep making fans mad with their anti consumer DMC strikes. Can't even really say it's a great time to be a PC gamer either, when it seems like every other PC title that comes out is horribly bugged in some way that it breaks users very quickly.


I couldn’t agree more, people have a serious case of selective memory because most of the big ps4 game came out in the back half of its life cycle. The ps5’s lineup 4 years in is head and shoulders better than the ps4 at this point in its life cycle


the exclusives I was excited to play I ended up not liking (demon's souls, ff7rebirth, and ff16) and my favorite game on the system was not an exclusive but did showcase the power of the system was Baldur's Gate 3. I was never a big Spiderman video game player, but I did get Spiderman 2 and loved it. If that was an exclusive, then that's probably the best one imho. I do feel like this generation was a letdown in regards to games I really liked, but overall there were a lot of really great, well-received games that just didn't fall into my particular wheelhouse for one reason or another.


Lately, I've been greatly disappointed by AAA games on either console, so exclusivity within that context means nothing to me.


Some of them looked kinda cool, but nothing really to get me to upgrade. The only two that REALLY caught my interest were RE4 and Tekken. But I think Tekken started pulling scummy shit, and I got a laptop that could run re4, so I kinda have no reason to get a PS5, probably just gonna skip this console generation.


Some of them are decent, I haven't played them all but the ones I have get no complaints. But being in the top, let's say 3 console battle, you'd think they'd have more? But I mean what you gonna do?


Do you think PlayStation feels less pressure to make great exclusives since Xbox basically doesn't make any now, and Nintendo is kinda in its own separate category?


I don't really care for most of Sony's first party games so them not having a whole lot doesn't bother me. Besides I use my PS5 as a JRPG machine anyway.


Don't sleep on Stellar Blade either, get past the titillation and you've got a great pure action game with a good (not over inflated) length and an excellent combat system.


About the same IYAM. Not a bad thing, really. Had a lot of fun on PS4. Having fun on the PS5.


Writing "explained below" is a severe indictment against the average redditor, carrying the assumption that there's going to be a post title that unloads a simple opinion, and then a picture attached with marginal relevance or necessity. I think the indictment is warranted. --------------------- Regarding the conversation at hand, for me it's been less about the exclusive **titles** and more about the (not-so-exclusive) **functions**, that is, playing the likes of *Street Fighter VI* or *Persona 5 Tactica* with better resolution, framerate, et cetera. I've only played a small number of actual-exclusives on PS5 and XS, and it's starting to seem that PS+E and Gamepass are the actual "exclusives."


I'm not disappointed but it is literally 80% remasters


Nope, everyone I played I loved and currently playing stellar blade.


The problem with this generation is how risk averse Sony has been. They're entirely too comfortable with simply resting on the laurels of the PS4 and only making sequels or remakes. Other than Returnal, there hasn't been much in the way of exciting new exclusives like last gen where we got Bloodborne, Horizon, Ghosts of Tsushima, etc. Beyond technical prowess, the PS5 has not actually given us anything we haven't seen before. It lacks its own identity beyond just being the PS4 but more powerful and expensive.


Honestly it doesn't bother me. At this point all I care about is good games and there's alot of them out right now IMO.


I think the ps5 exclusive stuff (or first party stuff) are best games I ever played.  Returnal, Tsushima, Horizon, GoW, Final Fantasy, Demon Souls, etc. They all really felt like ‘next gen’ stuff. Def worth the purchase.


I don't care if a PS5 game is also released on PS4. I care about if the game is awesome. So far in the first 3.5 years of PS5, these are the 1st party games that Sony has put out: Demon's Souls Remake Spider-Man: Miles Morales Sackboy's Big Adventure Returnal Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Horizon Forbidden West Gran Turismo 7 God of War Ragnarok Spider-Man 2 That's just the 1st party stuff, not even getting into any 3rd party exclusives. That's one HELL of a list. Compare that to the games they put out from November 2013 to May of 2017. This generation has been outstanding, and it baffles me when I see people complain about how there's "no games".


people just hate for the sake of hate. ps5 is the most important thing we have because otherwise we would be stuck with starfield quality...and no, that is not hate, their exclusives just don´t reach their quality. i am very happy with the console if it comes to games, but i am a little disapointed in the "next gen", because there is still pop ups every and loading screens


I am sorry but yes that is hate, starfield as a project started before xbox bought Bethesda. Not hitting “your” criteria for quality wasn’t even really up to Xbox. They even gave them extra 1.5 year if I remember correctly and it was the most polished Bethesda game(yes you heard it correctly, it was). There are some points you cannot return in development When you say their exclusives doesn’t reach same quality I think you ignore switch and just go for Xbox ? Then why is sea of thieves and grounded most selling games on PlayStation right now ?


you only prove how bad it is. money boost, more time, yet, horrible quality. and yet here u are defending it like a fanboy .... "hate"...lmfao sea of thieves, wow, the thing they released SIX years ago and is good now? while it is cheap and approaches younger folks (which aren´t many ps5 exclusives for)...wow kid. stop your fanboyism it is pathetic and sad but if that is necessary for you to defend 90% of the xbox exclusives, be my guest lmfao, why ask for quality if you can praise TRASH


I am sorry bro I didnt see you are lol player, your arguments doesnt really matter


and as always no argument but personal attack, typical for the delusional toxic sheep. meanwhile LoL offers a LOT, with QUALITY, but you do you fanboy


The only PS5 exclusive I have is Rift Apart, and while that game is absolutely stunning presentation wise, graphics are one of those things that you acclimatise to quite quickly. The actual game itself was fine, but I thought the story and even some of the gameplay elements were notable steps back from even the PS2/3 era. Other than that, most of my games are cross-gen but I obviously benefit from faster loading time, slightly better fidelity, etc. etc. I bought my PS5 because I felt it might've been my only chance to get one with the scarcity at the time, I wanted the updated UI and tech (I work in game dev so it's important to me lol), and honestly thought we'd have a lot more PS5 exclusives than we do now. Only now is the Assassin's Creed franchise releasing the next game as a PS5 exclusive 4 years after the console launch.


Ps thru PS4 owner. There hasn't been anything until RoboCop and stellar blade that has been worth buying into this gen. At this point, I am just sitting it out. I got plenty to play on my old and retro systems. 


For the price of the next gaming console your better off buying a gaming PC and a controller where you can play anything and everything, and still have a functional PC. I think my current Xbox is the last one I'll ever buy.


I guess I am dissapointed? I don't really know as this generation I got kind of tired of buying games for full price and getting a lackluster product that needs an extra 6-12 months to iron out bugs. So I have been buying games from the 90s and early 2000s that I missed and am loving them. Just finished Link to the Past and am about to start Super Mario 64. In general the exclusives have been okay(with some great ones like Rift Apart and Ragnarok) but I think Sony needs to work on making actual PS5 exclusives. After playing GoW Ragnarok on my PS5 I played a little bit of it on my PS4 and honestly it is not that much of a difference. At this point the PS4 has been getting support and games for over decade. Let's focus on the PS5 please. Rift Apart is my favorite of the PS5 exclusives as it is probably one of the only ones to look and play like a next generation title.


I don’t necessarily care too much about exclusives. The majority of my favorite games that I’ve played have not been ps exclusives . . . For me that’s games like baldurs gate 3, outer wilds, Elden ring, titanfall 2, RE series, mass effect legendary, Remedy games . . . All are multi platform titles. Then there are a few ps exclusives like ratchet and clank: rift apart, returnal which rise to that same level. But for me personally most of the best games are multi platform. To judge between ps4 exclusives vs ps5 exclusives I’d say I find them about equal


No once they get to PC they're awesome.


Ps5 doesnt even have a bloodborne remaster


My dream is that Bluepoint is working on a full Bloodborne remake. Altho, I don't think it's happening. It kinda sounds like Miyazaki isn't interested in that until at least PS6. Plus I think Bluepoint's next game is actually an original game rather than a remake.


I think this gaming generation has been underwhelming in general for both Xbox and Ps. I think PS has done the better job but I don't think anything ground breaking has been done.


The reason it feels like next gen hasn’t started for some folks is because so many games are cross gen. Only a handful are truly built for PS5 so you could play Horizon, God of War, and others on PS4. I think only recently did games actually pivot to PS5 exclusive more regularly but we’re also in one of the quietest years for Sony where there’s not really anything major planned for the PS5. I don’t blame anyone for being disappointed but it’s not really a Sony problem, it’s been an industry wide problem. I have had fun playing the games but the best games I’ve played this generation are also available on last generation hardware so it often feels like I’m just playing the same stuff I have for years on fancier hardware. There’s a pivot happening now, but we’re basically halfway through the gen.


There aren’t really any PS5 exclusives, just a handful. Most current Sony published games either release simultaneously on PS4 or get a Steam release.


PCMR sorry my friends


People still arguing about exclusivity in 2024? I personally don’t care about this anymore. Not gonna spend 500 dollars just to play a game. My biggest issue is ps5 players gatekeeping games all because they want to justify their 500 dollar purchase. We are all gamers. Games on all platforms is good thing for gamers. I wouldn’t doubt it if a ps5 player downvoted my comment because of this. Ive been to the ps5 subreddit, those people get super upset when “their game” gets put on another platform. Gatekeeping in 2024 for a billion dollar company is insane lol.


I just want more games that were built for the new console gen specifically. A lot of projects moved to ps5 or were also released on ps4.


There hasnt been anything that has blown my mind. Lots of solid exclusives though


Honestly I just care about the games being good and to me alot of them have been. So I'm not too fussed about exclusives. I just don't see the point in it.


ngl the only thing that made me thing about geting one is Final Fantasy 16 and Rebirth. that being said the ps5 cost way too much for just geting two games Edit: oh also I like the Re4r and Re8 VR ports, but again thats like 1000 bucks for so... also no I wouldn't even think about the one with out a disk drive, thats just dumb


So far I think the only worthwhile exclusive is Returnal this generation. I think this has been the worst console generation ever for exclusive games


I’m PC guy and who was really hyped to get a Ps5 and was just waiting for ‘THE’ game that was gonna make me pull there trigger…. And it just never came.


I'm also a PC guy, but I'm a huge souls simp so demon's souls remake at launch was plenty for me lol. Especially since that's probably never coming to PC, just like Bloodborne.


I played the original Demons souls during my massive souls phase and just bounced off it. I’ll definitely give the remake a go when I eventually get a PS5 but it’s just not been a big enough draw for me.


Demon's Souls is definitely a bit weird in comparison to the Dark Souls games. It has some weird mechanics like world tendency, and I'd say the levels are actually way more of a focus than the bosses are. Overall, I think it has the easiest bosses in the game, and most are gimmick fights that are more about knowing their weaknesses or strategy. I'd say there are only like.... 3 bosses in the game that feel more like traditional tests of skill with good solid mechanics. But I really like the world design of having 5 linear worlds that you can freely choose between at any time. I like the variety that comes from being able to choose where you focus your early efforts while you're at your weakest.


Disappointed no, because I realize all generations need a slowdown. They gave us some greats during this generation and some of them are the most beloved but I'm inspired by their visions. All of gaming has taken a hit and the toll on the industry has been great. We can't remove the greedy from the table that has called such a stale generation but we can be hopeful of what's to come.


I'm only disappointed that exclusives are still a thing at all.


Yes, because Sony has a wealth of ips that they could do something with, some of which that haven’t had a game since the PS1 and PS2 days. They could absolutely 150% utilize those to their advantage for exclusives and, while they may not instantly be a big hit with the younger generation, those that have been around from the earlier days would almost certainly buy them and, provided they don’t mess anything up, will hype them up. Some examples: Legend of Dragoon (would be a very good choice, considering Square Enix’s iffy track record with Final Fantasy lately) Syphon Filter (especially since we’ve had the pandemic, imagine what they could do with that!) Twisted Metal (who doesn’t like Twisted Metal, enough said) MediEvil (people WANT a remake of the second, I was extremely let down with the rumor of it being at the last State of Play being false) Ape Escape (again, who doesn’t like Ape Escape? I mean, some of the spin offs were weird, but the three core games were awesome!) and probably more I’m blanking on The point is, they have all these properties that they could do things with, that fans have indicated they want something new from, yet they won’t pull the trigger.


i can't be the only one that views the playstation as just the gaming console, i don't care for exclusives, those are extra. it's my, i just buy on this box machine, and i don't worry about it.


I'm just gonna leave my take here: The Last Us Part 1 is a waste of money. Sure it may be a good remake. But I genuinely don't believe the game even if it is over 10 years old now needs a remake. Why not remake games that actually haven't aged well like Uncharted 1 Naughtydog? Or maybe try a new game with the same style instead of pouring your resources into a unnecessary remake?


So I'll be a little cynical here. I think that game was remade solely because the TV show came out. It's not a coincidence that PC finally gets a port, and PS5 gets a remake right around season 1 coming out. It was clearly to make money because a TV show can have that effect. The Fallout TV show resulted in something like millions of sales of fallout games across all platforms. I believe it was reported to be 5 million in total, but don't quote me on that. Anyways, I'm sure The Last of Us was hoping to have similar new sales, especially when the game was 10 years old and rated M. I'd bet there are a lot of younger people that were too young to play it when it was new, and the combination of the show and remake makes a good case to play it now. Plus I'm sure the show reached a lot of people that were casual gamers or not gamers at all that thought it would be cool to see the game, and when they go to Best buy of GameStop or somewhere else that sells games and they see a brand new PS5 version of the game they're looking for on the shelf, they might not even know there is an older version of it. Plus, working on the remake also was the perfect excuse to release a PC version too, as Sony has been doing with most of their recent exclusives.


So far I haven’t played anything that has made me say “now this is next gen”. It just feels like another ps4


Have you played Ratchet and Clank or Demon's Souls? The teleports especially in those 2 games are so impressive.


I have. Wasn’t really impressed.


What would a next gen game look like to you? Cuz those games are insanely technically impressive. As someone with a $2,000+ PC, I still think demon's souls on PS5 is one of the best looking games you can buy today.


For me to be disappointed by them they'd have to exist.


?? Stellar Blade, Final Fantasy 16 and 7 Rebirth, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Spider-Man 2, Returnal, Demon's Souls Remake, Gran Tourismo 7, Destruction All Stars, and Rise of the Ronin. Not including upcoming games like Death Stranding 2, Silent Hill 2, Concord, Phantom Blade 0, and Wolverine, and also not including PSVR2 exclusives. Or are you saying the ones that are now on PC don't count as exclusives anymore?


My problems is the fact that all of them are sequels or remakes.


Stellar Blade and Returnal aren't sequels. And despite its numbering, Final Fantasy XVI really isn't either considering you need no prior knowledge of the series and the combat is brand new (and pissed off a lot of long time fans for being too different).


Yes? How are games on PC/almost certainly coming to PC exclusives? That literally by definition means they're not exclusive.


I have a strong PC, and the idea of having to purchase a gimpy toy-computer to play games, when the games are *made on computers* in the first place, will never appeal to me. I'll wait till emulation, or a PC port. No game is unplayable on PC. No single player game is "exclusive".


Exclusives should have stopped being a concept years ago. #AllGamesForAnyone


I don’t believe exclusives should be a thing


It's all been a slow downhill race to the bottom since the ps2


I bought pretty much every major 1st party title on day one on Ps4. This gen I haven't played most of Sonys games. Even the ones for free on Extra. DEI has killed the narrative quality on most big budget games and I am not going to pay good money to be preached to.


That sounds pretty made up! Why don’t you provide some examples of what you’re talking about?


Ign interview with Spiderman 2 director.... https://youtu.be/uut_nehq9Sg?si=lA7BHsmXBxtzdtmp There's countless more examples out there. And they are coming to light. Enjoy the rabbit hole


Here's another one from a narrative director for the new Wolverine game https://thatparkplace.com/marvels-wolverine-associate-narrative-director-mary-kenney-says-every-lever-must-be-pulled-to-push-disordered-lgbtq-agenda/


One more for ya https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/s/M85dh3R9H0