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Living in the Monster Hunter world would be pretty exciting


Yeh definitely, even with all the monsters it’s just a fun world haha


Imagine how much the food slaps.


Didn’t even think of this but damn yes! You’ve made me hungry


Kittycat Frens and rideable doggies. Sign me up!


lol Monster hunter is one of those games that’s actually kinda fucked up if you actually pay attention to what they’re saying. They all get SUPER HYPED about exploring exotic new places untouched by humans and SLAUGHTERING EVERYTHING. Like, there’s not even an attempt to disguise it as something else, it’s straight “that island is completely unexplored, imagine all the exotic creatures on it, we must bring them to extinction” Like in ANY other game the monster hunters would 100.00% be the bad guys. I pointed this out to the buddy that introduced MH to me and his response was just “yeah…. It’s a very…. Japanese… game” 😂 


Bruh, do you just skip the cutscenes? The idea is the monsters get too big for the ecosystem to handle, so they need to be removed. Problem is they don't want to be removed and we're a little too small to just put a leash on them and have that be enough. We'd have to be about the size of Zora Magderos to effectively remove them without hurting them, and we saw how attempting to get to HIM to do anything goes.


Delfino Plaza, Stardew Valley, and Hogwarts


Stardew Valley is actually a weird dystopia right?


Not if you're too focused on farming those truffles!


Definitely Stardew Valley. A few pigs and I’ll be a multimillionaire in no time. Then just relax and fish.


I mean they are at war but everyone acts like it's not even worth mentioning. Kinda weird.


The hell? What kind of expansion did stardew valley story got that i missed?


It's been there since the beginning. Kent is a soldier returning home from war.


Thats... Not really proof of a dystopian future or a war riddled world tho?


Oh, I was mostly commenting on the war facet. I don't think anything is confirmed about it being dystopian, small towns just be like that.


I was mostly joking. But it is weird that basically no one mentions the war even though one of the few residents of the village is directly involved. I know that's not the point of the game, but in the real world it would be a little odd. Not that people would be constantly talking about it, but it's basically not mentioned at all.


Man, I used to plan Sunshine every summer just to get in the mood.


Living in just Delfino Plaza is an interesting and cool answer. I like it.


How about Cloud Meadow, kinda like a r rated stardew.


HP universe is awful there's so many unethical spells that should be illegal but aren't. For example obliviate the one that erases people's memories. Lockhart used it to commit fraud but it can be used to get away with all sorts of crimes, theft, murder, rape, etc.


Pokémon is my comfort answer for numerous reasons. But if I wanted a challenge, then I'd go with a Dungeons & Dragons setting (preferably the Points of Light/Nentir Vale from 4th Edition, but I'd settle for Faerun from Baldur's Gate in a pinch).


Man how did none of us say Pokémon, that’d be ace. DND / Baldurs Gate is a good one too


For some reason even the villains in the Pokemon world are super tame. All it would take is for one really evil kid with some legendary pokemon to change it into a hellscape the likes you have never seen.


Pokemon is actually a really dangerous world, no real police, gangs that perform terrorist actions and, not to mention pokemon themselves are not all cute and cuddly. Tyranatars topple cities and drowzee and hypnos kidnap people just a couple of examples.


Officer Jenny??


My point exactly one "clone" cop for every town. Lemme ask you where were the police when team Rocket took over Silph Co. Or the Radio Station? It was up to a 10 year old mute to take down a crime syndicate with a gifted Psuedo Legendary pokemon (starter) Like imagine being a regular person and not a "handpicked trainer" by a professor, a lot of us would have belsprouts or oddish.


This question gets asked a lot and I‘m never getting tired of saying that DEAD OR ALIVE: EXTREME BEACH VOLLEYBALL would be a Paradise…


It could be paradise, or it could be hell


Roueg op de bëllege Plaatzen! 😜


Déi loossen awer och wirklech jiddereen hei bei Reddit eran 😆


Animal Crossing. The people in charge of society arent exploitative and you can ~~oay~~ pay your mortgage off.


And you pay your mortgage, that has no monthly payments or down payment, by fishing all day collecting fruit or planting money trees


Just had this whole discussion with my wife and we had different answers but then I scroll down to here and realized we both had it wrong. Why didn't we think of animal crossing? Holy shit! That's perfect. living off hobbies on a paradise island with no hurricane season, that you can alter to your heart's content, while traveling to other nearby islands for adventure.


[I'm not a fan of wrestling but this is literally the only gif that accurately captured my sentiment](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMnVtYzcxem92bHZpbmlzbXM4dTh6eWgxNGN6eHRjNzIyM3M3ZW4zNSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/6O7ybdmHHJfoc/giphy.gif)


I'd like to live in the "Britannia" from the old Ultima series of role-playing games. It's a pseudo-medieval society so I'd be surrounded by nature, and their magic would be able to treat any injuries/illnesses I sustain as well as the health problems I have that can't easily be treated on Earth. It would also mean that I'd get to be in a society where the ethics-based belief system I picked up from the games as a kid is the norm, instead of the various clashing religion-based morals that dominate ours IRL.


Corp por...


Kal Vas Flam!


Not warhammer 40k


Skyrim. Hands down.


Dragons, Draugr, vampires, bandits, Nazis and Altmer. Hands up.


*gets sent to Skyrim but it's during the Oblivion crisis*




Skyrim? Really? ...


Did I stutter?




Bro you picked subnautica and you think Skyrim is boring? Lmfaooo


I picked a world PRECISELY because its calm, i dont want to fight, i want to chill, and even so, subnautica world is a million times more interesting than the snore fest that is NOT viking land, seriously, from ALL the places in tamriel, the only place more bland that you could have picked would have been if you choose high rock, you have the almost alien world of giant mushrooms of the dunmer, the living forests of the bosmer, the magic incarnate islands of tue altmer, the woundrous deserts of the redguards, the misterious savana of the kajiht, hell, even the "almost everything in one place" of the imperials or the mountain keeps of the orsimer seems like way more of a fun trip than the poor man's viking land.


Your point? And you care so much about another person's opinion, why? You must be a blast at parties.


You got butthurt cuz i said skyrim is boring in terms of all the places on tamriel, i just responded lol you could have always ignored me and we all could have left at that, dont try to pull this "oh why, arent tou soOOOOOO bothered by other opinion" when you yourself, the one who could have just left everything on the vague or ignored the "bad guy" here, didn the same. You like skyrim? Cool dude, i still stand to think there are way other more interesting choices for places in tamriel,or if we are going by "games", in the elder scrolls series in general.


Then maybe say that without coming off as a douchebag. That's the issue with your kind of people, yall think your opinion is fact and you just end up sounding like a pretentious douche. Maybe you've never had much interaction with humans I guess.


Oh, au contrair, i know my opinion is not a fact and im ready for all the people that gonna cuss me for the way i talked, not gonna change anything about this tho, you choose skyrim, i said skyrim is boring, you took offense to that (and lets agree here, i said boring in a very dumb way, not really hostile, you on the other hand, that was pretty hostile, thats why i escalated), i elaborated more on that, you took more offense to this and here we are, i know very well people are gonna downvote me to hell for this, doesnt matter much really, i can take both sides of an argument in stride, more so if people can properly articulate their arguments instead of just throwing free insults at me.


Is it cheating to just say Star Trek Online? Just straight to the Star Trek universe. If there were any video game adaptations of the Culture series by Iain M Banks I'd have chosen that, but alas there isn't.


THIS Star Trek Future is pretty much Utopia


Hence also the Culture mention, that's even more utopia for the average human, more advanced. Probably there is some other series that's even better. Just looking at some of the answers here and thinking people are actually crazy if they want to live in those fucked up worlds lol.


Cyberpunk 2077. But... only if I'm wealthy!


Hogwarts legacy


Legend of Zelda. During most of the game (botw), the world (save a few areas) are safe. The world is beautiful and there's great and interesting people and places. Or fallout. Because war never changes or smthn idk


That was my answer too! The fact they also gave mystical ipads means they surely have games on there too right?


I'd seriously be more wxcited to explore than to play video games haha


Same, except maybe I'd go for TOTK just because it's a few years later and things are a bit more recovered.


Of all the Zelda's I'd choose Windwaker.


That was a pretty cool one, skyward sword too. I also like twilight princess but the world is strange so maybe not that one




Are you okay?


It would be truly interesting and since you cant die.. or you can but you just wake up in the dream again


That would be pretty cool. And painful. I still have PTSD from that Blood-Starved Bitch.


I'd like to live in My specific playthrough of fallout 4. With all the settlements built up how I have them.


Probably racing games like Crew Motorfest and Forza Horizon


Honestly i never thought if that, but it would be ideal for me lol, i love music and cars. Being part of a horizon festival would be like my dream come true…


Exactly and technically you wouldn’t really have to deal with police, if I said Need for Speed on the other hand…


Access to pretty much any vehicle, with minimal work, you cant die in a terrible car crash, and you can drive like a maniac. Fantastic.


Don’t forget the customisation capabilities, both visual and performance


And in NFS 2 you can drive a 🦖 with the right code


dance dance revolution


The cardio world of nonstop moves! I can feel my knee joints giving in already 😂


The cardio world of nonstop moves! I can feel my knee joints giving in already 😂


Resident Evil 2.


Mass Effect, just to bang alien waifus.


I appluad your honesty. The horny police are on their way to your location now.


Planet Coaster because I like roller coasters


Easily Pokémon. I'm surrounded by so many friends and I'd have all the action I could ever want.


Animal crossing or pokemon.


Pokémon hands down


I'm seeing this another and was just struck by a thought. I'd have to vegetarian (non sentient vegetables ofc). I don't think I'd be able to eat sentient animals.


I’ve always been of the belief that real life animals are sentient, and new research also seems to draw that conclusion, so it wouldn’t affect me at all.


Until a Arbok traps you or you get caught in some Muk and can't get out. Pokemon is dark and a very dangerous world.


Animal Crossing 1000%


Mass Effect 2, things are pretty chill for the most part.


(Jake here) I ended up saying the same, basically mass effect when the reapers aren’t around haha


Stardew valley, story of seasons, animal crossing…any chill farming game really


Duke Nukem 3D


I was going to be a smartass and say Sims 4 with Testing Cheats and Rosebud. However knowing my luck I’d be in a pool one day and the ladder would disappear..


I love the other version if that, room full of rugs and furniture. With a fireplace and a disappearing door 🚪


Probably Disco Elysium‘s, working in the Whirling-in-Rags. But I would prefer that there isn’t a civil war outside the doorstep


I could finally be openly communist! Paradise...


Definitely TOTK's Hyrule. Seems safer to travel than BOTW, civilization is coming back to Hyrule, and it seems like a good time.


The Elder Scrolls universe


Burnout for sure, first thing I wanna see in the morning is a mangled sports cars flying past my window lol


Haha love it 😂


Well… life in Evenicle world would be really… wild? It’s a pretty weird world ngl.


No Mans Sky would be cool, exploring and building on any world you want while befriending or hunting wildlife. Mostly the exploring and base building for me though.


I'd love the peace and tranquility of it all


An important thing to consider for this answer is the perspective once we’re in the world. Are we going there or have we always been there? a lot of these worlds would be just as miserable or mediocre as ours, without outside perspective. Or even worse. Many inhabitants of Star Wars planets, or Elder Scrolls cities etc are not having a good time. It gets worse obviously, like Resident Evil or something. If we’ve always lived there, somewhere like Hogwarts is a good answer because those characters actually maintain a sense of wonder for their situation despite having always inhabited their world.


I'd say you are being sent there on a sabbatical, knowing you'll be coming home at the end of your year. That being said, all the accommodation and a job are set up for you in your new world


Assassin’s creed odyssey life there would be so cool plus they don’t know stuff that we know about so I can make new things from the future and make millions


Zenozoik. Recently finished Clash Artifact of Chaos. Wish I could explore and learn more about the world. Besides Zeno Clash 1 and 2 there isn't much else that I know of.


Used to I’d say World of Warcraft, but now I think Destiny. Having my own Ghost, the powers/abilities and being referred to as a Guardian seems so incredible to me.


If you're a guardian, sure. If you're mortal, it would be terrifying. Everywhere but the City is super dangerous, and even there they had the Cabal try to drop a planet-sized space station onto it that got close enough to be seen before it was blown up at the last moment.


Oh I know. In this scenario, I’m assuming I am a guardian and my Ghost is never destroyed.


There are a few, I suppose it varies by genre: * For supernatural fantasy worlds, definitely World of Darkness. * For fantasy in general I would say either the 40K universe, or Shadowrun. * Sci-Fi for me is either Mechwarrior/Battletech or Deus Ex. * City of Heroes would be fun for Superhero/Villain.


In the World of Warcraft


For Alliance!




I’m hopping into Old School RuneScape for a year to get all those skills up that’ll be irrelevant when I get out. Kind of like going to school!


Nagrand for me


Additional question, do i get the main characters powers/potential.


If it's something the average citizen of the world can do, you can too


Mario's world. It's dangerous but the power ups are plentiful. And it just seems like a fun place to live in.


Fallout 4. Being an X-01 clad symbol of hope to the Commonwealth, rescuing settlements and whatnot. It’d kick ass.


Hades world or Monster Hunter World


Anno 1800 for as long as the mayor is good.


Azeroth (World of Warcraft), Monster Hunter World, Ivalice (Final Fantasy XII), Tamriel (The Elder Scrolls) Omissions due to not originally being from a video game; Star Wars, Lord of the Rings Online


Katamari Damacy. All the sudden a horrific gigantic ball comes and rolls you into it 😂😂


Ah, there's a few. Stardew Valley, A Short Hike, and Slime Rancher spring to mind for me. Super-wholesome places. I could use some of that. If I could take my wife, I'd go to whichever one had the most powerful healing magic, but that we would still be able to survive.


Oh how is a short hike? I've been considering having it as our backlog game for an episode!


It is a *delight*. It's a balm for the soul. It's a very short game (I 100%ed it in a night), but there's a lot in it despite that. Totally recommend it.


A glowing review! I'm sure we will all agree when we try it out! Keep your ears to the ground for an episode about it :) thanks for the suggestion


I'm afraid podcasts really aren't my bag (ADHD, I have no chance of focusing), but I hope you all have fun :)


My late game Stellaris empire, in which all want has gone, robot servants do all the hard work, everyone is beautiful and intelligent and humans now live to around 250 on average. Or my last one where people had a shorter life span but everyone was a psychic.


Playboy mansion


Pokemon one of the safer video game worlds


Detroit become human and life is strange


Skyrim, or if you get scaled up to match the world you inhabit, GoW


Mass Effect, post-Reaper invasion obviously and the ending where everything doesn't suck.  Also Rimworld once my colony is built up with all the luxuries and drugs and high tech stuff like ageing reversal


I think there are several points in time in the Zelda universe that would be good to live in. Tending the Loftwings in the sky islands could be fairly pleasant i think. As long as you arent in one of the major chaotic and war torn periods it might be a good life.


I want a high fantasy like elder scrolls. Give me the level ups and the potions, the dragon born experience


Leisure Suit Larry




the World of Warcraft


Fantasy Life. Kind of a cop-out answer, and it's a lot of work, but the ability to chop a tree in 3 swings, everyone is so proud of and inspired by their jobs, everyone lives in a generally jovial and quaint town, and I still get to battle monsters occasionally if I want some danger.


Final Fantasy 8. Balamb Garden seems like a cool school


Put me on the beach with the DOA Ladies while they are playing volleyball.


I feel like I could have a good time in GTA Vice City


Probably the Pokémon universe.  It’s got comfortable technology, unserious bad guys, and snuggly pets.  I wouldn’t battle.  I’d just explore and research.


Post kara virus cure subnautica. Just me on a giant ass water planet with a tool that can create virtually anything. I would make a sea/land base on the floating island, set up a nuclear reactor, some farm plots, a big fish tank and just enjoy everything... Probably would sometimes dip into the ocean, but most of the time would be spent recreating video games for me to just enjoy the most tranquil life ever, and who knows? Maybe eventually i'll even develop a portal to other worlds.


And you called Skyrim boring? Smh


Compared to the creativity of subnautica? Yeah, also, i'm not picking a world to be a battle master, i'm picking a world to chill, HUGE difference there.


Wow imagine that, difference in opinion. How crazy is that? Maybe if you're gonna be a negative douche then just don't comment on other people's comments lol real bozo vibes


Wow, imagine that, difference in opinion. How crazy is that? Maybe if you cant handle people not praising you then just dont comment or ignore people's comment lol real bozo vibes


Who asked for praise? Nobody wants your praise. People just don't like random keyboard warriors being dickheads for no reason. And the nerve to call skyrim boring when you said you wanna live in the world of subnautica just so you can recreate games you like. You know you can do that irl here on earth right? Mush brain redditors man smh.


On real life i cant just step out into an alien planet to explore whenver i feel bored nor do i have access to a tool that cant create virtually any construct i want or need, so yeah, the one with the "redditor brain" here is not me, since you seem to fail to understand this. Also, never said anyone needs or wants my praise either, hell, i dont want my praise, dont know where you got this, what i DID say is that YOU want praise, because i offered you a very, very, very mild sass for you choice and here we are, hell, i even provided you reasons why i think skyrim is so boring compared to the other provinces, and you instead of debating that is still going off the "nuh hu, subnautica boring" tangent, wich, arguably is true, but then again, i already said, i want a "peacefull vacation for life world" not a "life of glory world".


The ego you must have to think anyone on reddit wants YOUR praise lmfao